Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 318 The most precious five elements of soil, inherited by Huangsha Taoist! 【5k】

Chapter 318 The most precious five elements soil, inherited by Huangsha Taoist! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing had a complicated expression when he saw this.

"The accident that happened to the demon's external incarnation... must be closely related to the alien race!"

"It seems that even if three thousand world monks are summoned to defend... the Little Qingyun Realm will not be able to escape the ending of destruction."

"However, it still hasn't been destroyed until the 250th year. This can be considered a record breaking!"

Su Xing guessed that if Qingyunzi didn't intervene.

He led the Tianyuan Army to evacuate to the Star Realm, which can be simulated at least three hundred years later!

By then, the three-hundred-year simulation will be enough for Su Xing to bring out more cultivation and insights each time...

"But Qingyunzi, will you really not interfere?"

Su Xing sighed secretly, losing the protection of the Demon General, I'm afraid Qingyunzi is not far away from coming to his door.

Feeling a little unwilling, he looked at the simulation panel with his eyes awake.

[In the 255th year, you led a large number of monks to retreat to the Star Realm. 】

[In the 260th year, you received news that the entire Xiao Qingyun Realm has fallen... The alien race has further encroached on the Three Thousand Worlds! 】

[In the 261st year, one day, a warning came from your crazy talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil. 】

[One day later, Qingyunzi came to the door. 】

[Qingyunzi searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Looking at the cold text in front of him, Su Xing sighed and murmured:

"What a devastating defeat!"

"After retreating from the Little Qingyun Realm... only ten years later, did the entire territory fall?"

"Qingyunzi... is always the sharp knife on my head!"

After a pause, Su Xing regained his confidence.

"However, there is still enough time and everything can come in time!"

"When the day comes in the real world... I will never make the same mistake again!"

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Eighty million drops of top-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 80 energy source.

[Third Level of Celestial Realm Cultivation]: Third level of Celestial Realm Cultivation, with a lifespan of 10 years, and powerful magic power like a heavenly being... The price is energy sources!

[Prototype of the Avenue of Water]: Priced at 3 energy source.

In this simulation, Awakening has been immersed in the simulation for two hundred years, and many insights-type rewards have been withdrawn in advance.

The purpose is to bring out high-grade spiritual fluid resources and spiritual root talents!

So Su Xing no longer hesitated and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the spiritual root talent...and 80 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid!"

[Ding, it has been detected that you have the same type of talent, and it is being replaced automatically...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root. You spent 10 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 176 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out 80 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. You spent 96 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 6318 points...]

Two notification sounds fell, and a mysterious energy fell into Su Xing's body.

The quality of the awakened spiritual roots improved instantly, and the speed of sensing the five elements of spiritual energy and the great road further increased!

In addition, there was also a storage ring in Su Xing's hand.

The consciousness was submerged into the storage ring, which contained a square of spiritual liquid, a total of 80 million drops!

"Tsk, tsk, I spent 800,000 points of energy source in this moment... It really hurts me!"

Su Xing bared his teeth for a while.

"But fortunately, these 80 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid... plus my current accumulation, the total amount of spiritual liquid reaches nearly 100 million drops!"

"If we cooperate with the spiritual liquid obtained in the simulation...to practice in the Celestial Immortal Realm or even the True Immortal Realm, we no longer need to worry about the spiritual liquid!"

Su Xing feels that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. The sooner he can obtain the spiritual liquid, the better it will be for Su Xing to improve his future cultivation!

"Then next, it's time to work hard to improve your cultivation and break through to the true fairyland as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured.


After withdrawing the rewards from this simulation, Su Xing disguised himself and calmed down before going to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

Another 20,000 energy sources were obtained, and he woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing stopped refining puppets this week. Instead, he started refining elixirs, talismans, and even weapons!

"According to the current progress...if it goes well, maybe I will be able to reach the true fairyland in two or three months!"

"At that time... Luotian Realm will be inherited by me, and it is necessary for me to go to Little Qingyun Realm!"

"I don't know how long I will stay in Xiao Qingyun Realm, but it will take at least three to five months!"

"Therefore, enough goods must be prepared for the puppet organization to trade!"

Now, with the exception of Daxia, the puppet organizations in the remaining six countries and twelve regions combined will bring nearly three hundred thousand energy sources to Su Xing every month!

When you wake up and are short of energy, you can naturally pick up goods and exchange them for energy.

But with such a huge energy source, the goods required for monthly transactions are also huge!

Life-extending pills, fifth-level and above talismans, spiritual treasures... all kinds of precious pills have become the most popular materials!

Wake up and prepare, prepare these items in advance.

So, in the next week, Su Xing decided to take the lead in refining the longevity pill!

First, we took out hundreds of common ginseng, polygonum multiflorum and other medicinal materials...

Afterwards, he woke up and stimulated the Immortal Power of the Wood System. In just one night, the medicinal properties of these items were all matured to over a thousand years old!

After waking up, he spent another six days refining three thousand life-extending pills, all of which were of the highest quality. One pill also extended life for five years!

"Three thousand life-extending pills... will definitely be enough for the next period of time!"

Su Xing sealed the longevity pill and stored it, preparing to go to the Three Thousand Worlds before handing it over to the puppet organization.

Seeing that there was still half a day left before the time agreed with Jin Congxue, Su Xing took out the spiritual pen and materials and began to carve an eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array on his body!

A few hours later... the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array was successfully deployed.

Su Xing felt that the speed at which he absorbed spiritual energy was 20 to 30% faster than before...

"Yes, my five-element mutated super-spiritual root now has a cultivation speed that is no different from that of an ordinary monk in the Celestial Realm!"

"If it is combined with the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array, even if it is not as good as the ethereal spirit root, it is almost the same..."

"But if you include the increase in physical properties such as the Fire Divine Body, then my cultivation speed will be slightly better than that of the Ethereal Spiritual Root!"

Su Xing made a simple judgment on his qualifications.

For the vast majority of monks in the Celestial Realm, they have super spiritual root qualifications.

The ethereal root monk is already considered a genius in the Celestial Immortal Realm, and has a chance to reach the True Immortal Realm, and even the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

And with the awakened spiritual roots, special physical talent, and eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array, the speed of cultivation is also at the level of a genius in the Celestial Realm!

"With the blessing of various talents, my cultivation speed is about three times that of the ordinary heavenly realm!"

"Coupled with the innate talent of terminal pulse... my cultivation speed is at least five times that of the ordinary heavenly realm!"

"Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue is blessed with seven times the cultivation speed...that's thirty-five times!"

"Coupled with the continuous flow of spiritual liquid, the cultivation speed is dozens of times that of ordinary monks in the Celestial Realm!"

After a pause, Su Xing said excitedly:

"And after seventy-seven years... the late bloomer talent is triggered, and my cultivation speed will be more than a hundred times that of ordinary monks in the Celestial Realm!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little excited.

One year of practice is equivalent to a hundred years for a monk in the same realm!

For ordinary monks in the early stages of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the first-level realm breakthrough ranges from three thousand to five thousand years!

The time it takes to wake up is only thirty to fifty years (calculated as a late bloomer)...

"Practice to the True Immortal Realm as soon as possible. Of course, we cannot ignore the progress of enlightenment!"

Su Xing glanced at the time, then went to the villa area and met Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a pink dress that day, a rare girl's outfit, which made Su Xing's eyes brighten.

"Here, wake up to the goods for this week...please take care of them!"

Jin Congxue said lazily, revealing not only one piece of clothing but also a piece of white skin on her chest.

Su Xing skillfully took the storage ring and exchanged it for the source of energy.

After handing in this week's goods, Su Xing began to massage Jin Congxue.

The Immortal Power of the Wood Element relieved Jin Congxue's physical fatigue, and the affectionate kiss at the end made Jin Congxue's cheeks blush again.

Now the relationship between the two only has to break through the last window...


After bidding farewell to Jin Congxue, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave, ready to start a new week of simulation.

"In this simulation, my cultivation needs to be further improved...at the same time, I need to find ways to understand more of the five elements!"

The goal of awakening is clear, and all subsequent simulations must pave the way for promotion to the true fairyland.

After the simulation time cooled down, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 118th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 102 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing thought about it and found that he still had several golden talents that he had not chosen yet.

For example, the water spirit divine body, the Yimu divine body, the loess divine body...

These divine bodies are extremely good talents.

So Su Xing did not choose to draw a new talent, but first chose to draw the Yimu Divine Body.

Su Xing has reached the rudimentary state of the avenue of wood, and it is urgent to reach the state of first glimpse of it as soon as possible.

[Ding, you successfully drew the golden talent Yimu Divine Body, the simulation begins! 】

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon and benefited a lot. 】

[After being promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, you are already a god-like existence on the Blue Star. Even Hong Yue, who has not yet been resurrected, cannot easily kill you. 】

[But you don’t dare to take it lightly. The biggest threat now comes from the future, from outside Blue Star! 】

[You must break through the realm as much as possible within a limited time, and your next goal is the true fairyland! 】

[You start to refine your Qi and practice day after day. 】

[Under the influence of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue, your practice speed is extremely fast. One year of practice can be equal to the thirty-five years of hard work of an ordinary monk! 】

[But this is supported by enough spiritual liquid. For your annual practice, you will need 700,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid...]

[In this way, ten years have passed. 】

[In the tenth year, your cultivation has successfully reached the peak of the second level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. 】

[You went to the Beast Control Realm and prepared for your breakthrough to the third level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 20th year, your cultivation has further improved and you have been promoted to the third level of the Celestial Realm! 】

[In the same year, you killed Long Laogou, left Blue Star, and went to Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[After going to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you skillfully sold information, wiped out the Advent Cult branch, and earned more than 20 million drops of spiritual fluid. 】

[After doing all this, you are not going to stay in Xiao Qingyun Realm, but are going to find a place suitable for your own practice...]

[And your first stop is the Black Water Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"If you want to inherit Luo Tian's legacy, you must first break through to the True Immortal Realm!"

"And if you want to break through to the true fairyland, in addition to cultivation, you also need to have enough understanding of the Five Elements Avenue!"

"The Five Elements Great Way, if you practice it in a suitable world, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

"For example, practicing the Way of Water... If you are in a world like the Black Water Realm where water aura and the Way of Water are abundant, it will be easier to practice..."

"The Great Road of Earth...maybe it is easier to practice in the yellow sand world?"

"But where should we practice the Great Way of Gold? We still need to explore some more..."

Su Xing plans to do this simulation to find out as much as possible the suitable places for practice on each avenue, so that he can get twice the result with half the effort when practicing in the future!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After arriving in the Black Water Realm, you immediately went to the undersea cave and obtained millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[In the black water world, water aura is abundant, and you can feel that your understanding of the avenue of water has increased. 】

[But even in the black water world, different areas have different perceptions of water. 】

[So, you decided to explore this world while practicing, and find the place where the avenue of water is most abundant...]

[You went to the bottom of the sea, which is thousands of feet deep, and you continue to explore in the sea. 】

[In this way, five years have passed. 】

[In the twenty-fifth year, you finally discovered that under the largest ocean in the Black Water Realm, there is a sea eye in the seabed tens of thousands of feet deep! 】

[The area around that sea eye is filled with extremely rich water aura and the great path of water! 】

[If Shui Linggen cultivator meditates here, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort! 】

[But in such a deep seabed, there are also many terrifying underwater monsters! 】

[Those monsters are as big as mountains, have ferocious temperaments, and possess the strength from the human fairyland to the earthly fairyland! 】

[But fortunately, these monsters do not pose much of a threat to you. 】

[After careful consideration, you decide this is the cave location where you will practice the Great Way of Water in the future. 】

[In the twenty-sixth year, you left the Black Water Realm and prepared to find the next stop, the cave. 】

[Without any hesitation, you went to the yellow sand world! ]    【In the yellow sand world, the sky is filled with yellow sand... The avenue of earth and the avenue of fire are extremely abundant, which is especially suitable for the cultivation of earth spirit root monks! 】

[You start looking for the place in the yellow sand world where the earth element is most abundant. 】

[Your first choice target is naturally the largest desert in the yellow sand world! 】

[The desert there spreads for millions of miles. Its climate is so harsh and there are so many monsters and beasts that even the immortals in the human fairyland dare not set foot in it easily. 】

[You have been searching for several years, but found that in the center of the desert, although the earth element is abundant, it has not yet met your needs. 】

[Although you feel unwilling to do so, you still decide to leave the yellow sand world and continue to explore other worlds. 】

[However, when you finally went to Huangsha City to purchase some special metal materials or ores, you were surprised to find that Huangsha City is located in an oasis, but the spiritual energy and earth's great path are extremely abundant! 】

[You release your spiritual consciousness and constantly sense the source of this aggregate...]

[Finally, you discover that this earth Tao Yun comes from the underground of the yellow sand world! 】

[So, you used the magical power of "Earth Movement" and escaped to the bottom of the oasis, wanting to find out! 】

[In the end, you are surprised to find that under the yellow sand world, tens of thousands of feet deep, there is an extremely huge palace. This is an existence you have never discovered! 】

[This palace is full of traces of the ancient world of cultivation. I don’t know how many years it has existed. It has been washed away by the years, but it still stands! 】

[You used your spiritual sense to explore the inside of this palace, but you were blocked by a layer of restrictions...]

[After carefully calculating the hexagrams, the hexagrams you get are: Opportunities and dangers coexist. Although there are certain crises, you can also get huge benefits! 】

[After confirming that the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil has not sent a life and death warning, you decided to go to the palace here...]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Could it be that underneath Huangsha City... is a secret realm from ancient times?"

"The Huangsha Realm has a long history...it cannot be ruled out that there were great monks in ancient times!"

"Maybe you can find a lot of good things in this secret realm...!"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with a little anticipation.

[Passing through the restrictions outside the palace, you successfully entered it. 】

[I saw three big characters engraved on the palace plaque, Huangsha Palace! 】

[On both sides of the Huangsha Palace, there are two golden humanoid sculptures several feet high. 】

[These two sculptures are both wearing heavy armor and holding spears, guarding the Yellow Sand Hall like guards! 】

[You linger outside the hall for a moment, and then step inside...]

[At this moment, a sudden change occurred! 】

[I saw yellow sand filling the Yellow Sand Palace, and a sandstorm started in an instant! 】

[At the same time, two terrifying figures appear behind you, their eyes glowing horribly. 】

[In an instant, two sculptures holding weapons are slashing towards you...]

[Fortunately, your consciousness was always activated, you jumped up and escaped the attack of the two sculpture guards! 】

[At this moment, a voice came from the main hall: The first assessment of Huangsha Palace has officially begun! Assessment goal: Kill two yellow sand guards! 】

[With a thought in your heart, you summoned three thousand body-protecting swords to protect your whole body, and then fought with two yellow sand guards. 】

[The war is about to break out. You are one against two, and the battle will soon last for hundreds of rounds! 】

[You are shocked, these two yellow sand guards actually have the strength of the middle stage of the Celestial Realm! 】

[And this is because too much time has passed and the puppets' combat power has declined... If they were in their heyday, these two puppets might have reached the peak strength of the Celestial Realm! 】

[Facing two mid-level Celestial Realm puppets, you can fight with ease. The only troublesome thing is that the material of these two puppets is so strong that even you can't destroy them. 】

[Fortunately, you have enough knowledge about puppets. You quickly found the life gates of the two puppets during the battle and destroyed their puppet cores...]

[In this way, the two puppets were defeated by you! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this expression of interest and muttered silently:

"Use an immersive simulation... for thirty days!"


Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in a palace full of traces of time.

The murals, lamps, and decorations on the walls of this palace are all made of yellow sand!

But its level of luxury is no less than that of a mortal palace!

"The ancient secret realm under Huangsha City... you can explore it!"

Su Xing blinked, and at the same time, a mechanical prompt sounded in his ears.

"Congratulations on successfully passing the first level of assessment and killing the yellow sand guard..."

"The reward for the first level assessment is Five Elements Earth!"

As the tone in the main hall fell, a high platform appeared in the main hall.

Su Xing took a closer look and saw a simple box on the high platform.

After a little hesitation, Su Xing wrapped the protective sword around his body, then used his Yuan Power to open the box.

I saw that this box was filled with strange soil, and the soil shone like gold.

In addition to the soil, there is also a jade slip with a note in the box.

"This...is the Five Elements Earth?"

Su Xing's breathing quickened for a moment as memories came out of his mind.

"Five Elements of Soil... ranks ninth on the list of acquired treasures! It is a rare treasure in the world! Its origin... is rumored to be related to the innate treasure of soil!"

Su Xing took out the jade slip and read the message inside.

A vicissitudes of sound passed into Su Xing's ears.

"I am a Taoist from Huangsha! He has been in the Qingyuan Domain for 186,000 years and is quite famous... It is a pity that he was plotted by a villain and his life is short... He left a legacy!"

"If the younger generation can pass the three tests I set, then they can inherit my legacy!"

"Congratulations on successfully passing the first test!"

"In this box, there is a square of Five Elements soil, which I got by chance."

"It can refine weapons, make elixirs, and cultivate spirits... It can also give puppets spiritual intelligence! It is an acquired treasure... You can use it easily!"


Messages poured into Su Xing's mind. Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"It's actually...the inheritance left by a Taoist!"

Su Xing was quite shocked. Not everyone can have the title of Taoist!

Because "Taoist" means that you have at least reached the state of integration in a certain avenue!

The understanding of the Dao, from the embryonic form of the Dao to the first glimpse of the door...and then to a slight success, a comprehensive understanding...to the true state of the Dao!

Among them, the prototype of the great avenue is often the realm of human immortals and earthly immortals.

The first glimpse of the door is the realm of heavenly immortals and some real immortals!

A little success corresponds to the realm of true immortal and mysterious immortal!

As for mastery... at least he is a powerful monk who is at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm and is only one step away from entering the Golden Immortal Realm!

"So, this Yellow Sand Palace is a golden immortal... or at least the inheritance left by a peak mysterious immortal!?"

There was a slight surprise in Su Xing's eyes. If Su Xing really got the entire inheritance of a Taoist, his foundation would be greatly enhanced!

Su Xing first carefully collected the Five Elements Soil.

This Five Elements Earth is a big treasure!

Just as Taoist Huangsha said, this soil can be used to refine elixirs, refine weapons, and cultivate spirits. It can be said to be all-powerful!

When refining elixirs, the five elements soil contains vitality, which can heal injuries and increase the understanding of the five elements. It has many benefits.

As for refining weapons...

Su Xing looked at the two yellow sand guards who were defeated by him.

"The refining materials for these two yellow sand guards... seem to contain part of the Five Elements Earth?"

"The Five Elements of Earth can even make a puppet's level rise by a big level!"

Su Xing thought for a while and put the two puppets into the storage space.

"As for cultivating spirits, the Five Elements soil can be said to be the most precious soil besides rest soil!"

The innate treasure of the soil is said to be pregnant with strong vitality and can bring the dead back to life!

No matter how spiritual a plant is, how precious it is... as long as it is planted into the soil, it will survive, grow, and mature quickly!

As for the Five Elements Soil... although it is not as exaggerated as the effect of the Breathing Soil, it can still be regarded as a weakened version of the Breathing Soil...

With this Five Elements soil, Su Xing can plant more spiritual plants in it, thereby accelerating the growth rate of spiritual plants and improving their survival probability!

Combined with the talent of awakening "Descendants of Shennong", the effect is absolutely excellent!

"Five Elements of Soil, I have found a treasure!"

Su Xing was in a good mood, but before he could be happy, a mechanical beep came from the hall again.

"Congratulations on passing the first assessment, the second assessment is about to begin..."

"The assessment content is to defeat two yellow sand scorpions at the peak of the Celestial Realm!"

As the mechanical beep fell, mechanisms seemed to appear in the hall.

Su Xing's mind was trembling. He saw the dust rolling in front of him, and a huge yellow sand scorpion rushed out from the ground. Its body was like a hill, with two giant pincers carrying strong winds. A scarlet color flashed in its eyes, and it moved fiercely towards Su Xing. Coming in a fierce attack.

The huge scorpion feet shook the hall with every step they took.

Su Xing dodged and avoided the first wave of Yellow Sand Scorpion's attack, but he felt a little wary in his heart.

"Huh? What's going on... aren't there two yellow sand scorpions? Why is there only one?"

"Could it be that the other one is hiding in the dark?"

"No...it's obviously said to be a yellow sand scorpion at the peak of the Celestial Realm...why does the aura of the one in front of me only have the late-stage Celestial Realm?"

In just a short moment, several thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind, but before he could think about it carefully, the yellow sand scorpion in front of him attacked again.

"Forget it, let's deal with the yellow sand scorpion in front of us first!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and fought with the Yellow Sand Scorpion, while also paying attention to another Yellow Sand Scorpion that might be lurking around.

I saw Su Xing unfold the prototype of the spiritual realm, his body was like electricity, he moved and teleported several times, and dodged nimbly. At the same time, the sword in his hand was like a rainbow, and he started a fierce battle with the Yellow Sand Scorpion.

The shadows of swords and scorpions intertwined, and every collision was like a thunderous explosion, making the entire Yellow Sand Palace tremble.

The battle lasted for hundreds of rounds, with Su Xing's figure appearing and disappearing in the sandstorm. The sword in Su Xing's hand danced faster and faster, revealing his first glimpse of the realm of swordsmanship. Every sword strike seemed to reveal the weakness of the Yellow Sand Scorpion.

Finally, the awakening inspired thousands of body-protecting swords, which penetrated the gap in the yellow sand scorpion's shell and reached its life gate.

With a shrill scream, the powerful yellow sand scorpion finally fell, its flesh and blood instantly turning into a pile of sand, leaving only its body.

After killing the first yellow sand scorpion, Su Xing remained vigilant in his heart, and his consciousness repeatedly watched the movements in the hall.

But after repeated observations, it was determined that there were no hidden yellow sand scorpions.

At the same time, a voice came from the hall.

"Congratulations on passing the second level test...the reward is a treasure, a yellow sand sculpture!"

As the mechanical beep in the hall fell, another high platform rose, and a palm-sized, exquisite sculpture appeared in the high platform.

With his previous experience, Su Xing controlled his Yuanli and took the yellow sand sculpture into his hands, then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"The yellow sand sculpture... contains a rich Taoist essence of the earth! This is exactly the Taoist treasure I need!"

The corner of Su Xing's mouth raised. He really couldn't find anything after running through iron shoes. It took no effort at all!

With this yellow sand sculpture, if you wake up and practice in this yellow sand hall, your understanding of the great path of earth will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!

"However, it's really strange...why only one of the two yellow sand scorpions at the peak of the Celestial Realm is left in the assessment, and his cultivation level is not at the peak of the Celestial Realm?"

Su Xing was confused. It should be noted that creatures and puppets are different.

The puppet may have lost its strength due to age and disrepair.

But the older a creature is, the stronger it becomes!

This Huangsha Palace may have existed for a Yuanhui long time... Huangsha Scorpion has lived for so long, why has its strength declined?

"Wait...a Huiyuanjiu?"

"Could it be that...the original Yellow Sand Scorpion has died, and the one in front of me is a descendant of the Yellow Sand Scorpion, so it is not that strong?"

Su Xing nodded slightly. This explanation was undoubtedly the most reasonable at this moment!

"So now...there is only one last test left, I don't know why?"

Just as he was regaining consciousness, another mechanical sound came from the hall.

"The third level of assessment in Huangsha Palace, qualification assessment... please put your hands on the stone platform!"

As the tone fell, another stone platform half a person's height rose in the center of the hall.

I saw that this ancient stone platform was engraved with mysterious runes, which seemed to be able to test the monk's qualifications.

Su Xing stood in front of the stone platform, feeling a little ptsd in his heart. He had been tortured a lot by the Advent Cult's qualification test before.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing still placed his palm on the rune.

I saw a golden needle rising from the stone platform, piercing Su Xing's skin easily and removing a drop of blood.

Immediately afterwards, the runes on the stone platform immediately emitted a dazzling light, and the stone platform began to shake gently. A mysterious power burst out, and the golden light condensed into words.

"Qi refining: third level of Celestial Immortal Realm; body refining, early stage of Celestial Immortal Realm; age less than 10,000 years old, cultivation evaluation, top armor!"

"Five elements mutated super spiritual roots, possessing earth super spiritual roots, qualification evaluation, B-top!"

"It has been detected that the target has a special physique... Intensifying the detection..."

"It has been detected that the target possesses a divine body of fire... a divine body of Yimu... a divine body of Houtian..."

"Comprehensive qualification evaluation, excellent!"

"The inheritance matching degree is being tested...the overall matching degree is B-top!"

"You can open the second level treasure house... Only after you reach the True Immortal Realm can you inherit all the inheritance!"

A series of prompts sounded in Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, and then a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"You can actually...can even detect my many divine bodies?"

"But the age of his cultivation seems to be at least 10,000 years old?"

"Why is it that the super rating... the matching level is only B-level?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but quickly recovered.

"Taoist Huangsha, when looking for someone to inherit...it's not just about qualifications, but also about how well they match the inheritance!"

"Although I have many divine bodies, I don't have an earth-type divine body... Naturally, it doesn't match the inheritance of Huangsha Taoist..."

"It's a pity. Do you have to wait until the True Immortal Realm before you can inherit the entire legacy of Taoist Huangsha?"

At this moment, Su Xing suddenly thought of something and murmured:

"That's not right! I still have an unextracted talent...Loess Divine Body!"

"If..." Su Xing's eyes lit up. If his idea were to be simulated next time, it might be enough to inherit the entire legacy of Taoist Huangsha!

(End of this chapter)

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