Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 319 Golden Immortal’s legacy, a jaw-dropping treasure trove!

Chapter 319 Golden Immortal’s legacy, a jaw-dropping treasure trove!

At this moment, a mysterious teleportation array appeared at Su Xing's feet.

After a few breaths, Su Xing disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing appeared in a splendid palace treasure house.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, Su Xing was stunned.

Because in the palace built with yellow sand, this treasure house is simply a paradise!

No, this is simply a secret realm in the cave!

In the secret realm, there is a mountain hundreds of feet high, all white with snow...

A small stream flows slowly down the mountain.

"Hiss~ This mountain is Lingshi Mountain?"

Su Xing's eyes widened, stunned by the wealth in front of him.

Approaching the mountain, Su Xing pulled down a mountain stone. As expected, it was a top-grade spiritual stone!

Su Xing's consciousness swept across the entire mountain, and after identifying it for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This entire mountain is actually made of spiritual stones!"

"Not only are there high-grade spiritual stones...but there are also low-grade, middle-grade...and even top-grade spiritual stones!"

Su Xing blinked. He estimated that just this mountain of spiritual stones, converted into high-grade spiritual stones, would be worth at least hundreds of millions!

And the stream slowly flowing down from Lingshi Mountain is no ordinary stream!

This is clearly a drop of high-grade spiritual liquid!

"Hiss~ Could there be hundreds of square meters of spiritual liquid in this small stream?"

Su Xing's eyes widened... A square of spiritual liquid is about two million drops...

One hundred square meters, that’s 200 million drops of spiritual liquid!

Su Xing took a closer look, and then felt a little disappointed.

"It's a pity...it's just a low-grade spiritual liquid...if it was a high-grade spiritual liquid, it would be a huge profit!"

And in Lingshi Mountain, next to the trickle of spiritual liquid, there are countless flowers and plants, all of which are rare and rare!

Many of them have even reached the level of immortality!

In the treasure house, in addition to spiritual plants, spiritual stones and spiritual fluids... there are hundreds of various magic weapons, the lowest being spiritual weapon level, and there are even more than ten fairy treasures!

In addition, there are several exercises and magical powers...

Unfortunately, for Su Xing, although these skills and magical powers are good, Su Xing's own cultivation is obviously stronger!

"Only a second-class treasure house... has such terrifying treasures. How many resources should it have if it were a first-class treasure house?"

Su Xing was a little stunned. The items in this second-class treasure house were worth the entire wealth of a Xuanxian monk!

Su Xing was not polite and quickly put all these treasures, including the turf, Lingshi Mountain, spiritual liquid... into the cave he carried with him.


After the immersive simulation ended, I woke up and returned to reality, with a joyful expression on my face that could not be concealed.

"The yellow sand world... is really my blessed land!"

"Not only have I found a secret realm suitable for understanding the Great Way of Earth...if all the resources in it are obtained, I'm afraid I won't have to worry about practicing in the True Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing looked excited. With this treasure house, every time Su Xing simulates, he doesn't need to run around for resources like ordinary monks.

As long as you practice steadily, the peak of the True Immortal Realm is just around the corner!

"Tsk tsk... No wonder those monks are so keen on the secret realm! This feeling of getting rich overnight is so wonderful!"

Su Xing blinked. What he had obtained was a second-class treasure house. How terrifying would it be if he mastered a first-class treasure house?

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After taking out all the items from one of the treasure houses in Huangsha Palace, the teleportation array lights up under your feet... You are teleported to Huangsha City. 】

[You silently wrote down the location and practiced in the yellow sand world for a while. 】

[In the thirtieth year, you left the Huangsha Realm and went to the farther Star Realm. 】

[You left Xiao Zhoutian’s stargazing method in the star world. 】

[In the thirty-second year, you arrived in the Tianyin Realm. 】

[You have taken away the inheritance in the Tianyin world, but the Tao Yun in this world is just ordinary and is not suitable for comprehending the Tao. 】

[So you set out again, heading to the further Yinmu Realm! 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, in the Yin Wood World, the Dao Yuan of the Wood Avenue is extremely rich, more than three times that of the ordinary world! 】

[And different locations...the intensity of the wood's path is also different. 】

[You spent several years searching continuously, and finally determined that the roots of the sacred tree in the Yin Wood Realm are the strongest area of ​​the Wood Avenue! 】

[Practice here, and your sense of the avenue of wood will be far greater than before! 】

[One year of practice and understanding of the great path of wood can be worth five years of hard work in other worlds! 】

[Are you sure, this is the place of practice you are looking for. 】

[But this moment is still not the time for you to officially practice...]

[Before that, you have to go to Tianyuan World, firstly to buy the Space Source Stone... Secondly, also to find the final place suitable for comprehending the Golden Avenue! 】

[So, you sailed in the sky in the direction of Tianyuan Realm, and several years passed...]

[In the thirty-seventh year, you successfully arrived in Tianyuan World! 】

[You quickly found the Money Merchant Guild, showed your cultivation in the Celestial Realm, and chose to use the Black Water Flag in exchange for a fist-sized Space Source Stone. 】

[After redeeming the Space Origin Stone, you went to Tianji Pavilion and wanted to buy world information related to the Golden Avenue! 】

[This information belongs to the B-level. After paying millions of high-grade spiritual stones... you successfully obtained it! 】

[The location of the information is the Zhongqian World called the Golden Wheel Realm! 】

[This world is north of Tianyuan Realm, an area thirty void nodes away. 】

[In the information, this world is not only rich in the golden avenue, but also has a special mineral called gold essence stone, which can assist in understanding the golden avenue! 】

[You have planned the route... prepare to sail in the direction of the Golden Wheel World, and explore it first. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Golden Wheel Realm...Adamantine Stone? This is good news!"

"If the information is accurate, then all the training locations of the Five Elements Avenue have been gathered!"

"As long as you take the time to understand the great road... you will surely enter the realm of true immortality!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

"However, the Lingtian Cave Heaven gifted by Qingyunzi this time has not yet been cut off... It is also time to open up a portable space for myself."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Tianyuan world, you found a slightly stable void, and took out the space source stone, preparing to open up a portable space. 】

[In this way, three years passed quickly. 】

[In the fortieth year, you successfully opened up a blessed land with a radius of two hundred feet. After transferring the spiritual plants and spiritual soil into it, you destroyed the spiritual field cave given by Qingyunzi. 】

[From now on, you drive the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and sail towards the direction of the Golden Wheel Realm. 】

[After entering the third level of the Celestial Realm, your magic power became more and more profound. In three years, you passed through several worlds and more than thirty void nodes, and successfully arrived at the Golden Wheel Realm! 】

[As expected, the Golden Wheel World is filled with the chilling feeling of the intersection of Jin and Ge, as if it was a battlefield in ancient times. 】

[You use the dragon-seeking acupoint talent to find the whereabouts of the so-called golden stone. 】

[In the forty-fifth year, you found an adamantine stone vein. Not only is the gold-type avenue rich here, but there are also a lot of adamantine stones, which are enough for your cultivation! 】

[In the next five years, you stayed in the Golden Wheel Realm to explore and marked many worthy practice locations. 】

[On the fiftieth year, you decided to leave the Golden Wheel Realm and return to the Yinmu Realm to practice! 】

[The Yinmu Realm is far away from the Golden Wheel Realm, close to the distance of seventy void nodes. 】

[You spent five years traveling across the void, driving the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, and finally arrived at the Yinmu Realm! 】

[You come to the root area of ​​the sacred tree in the Yinwood Realm. There is a huge city here. 】

[After paying a certain amount of spiritual stones, you purchased a cave and practiced in the cave. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed. 】

[In the sixtieth year, your cultivation has reached the middle stage of the third level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. 】

[Now you need millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid for your annual practice, but fortunately, the spiritual liquid you accumulated before is enough for your practice this time. 】

[In the eightyth year, your cultivation has reached the late third level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. 】

[At the same time, this year your late bloomer talent is triggered, your practice speed doubles, and your annual practice consumption reaches two million drops of spiritual liquid! 】

[Nearly infinite resources, a hundred times the cultivation speed of ordinary monks, will make your cultivation progress by leaps and bounds. 】

[In the 90th year, your cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[You did not hesitate and immediately prepared to break through to the middle stage of the Heavenly Fairy Realm...]

[After being promoted to the Super Spiritual Root, your qualifications are much higher than before. You are very lucky to break through this time and succeed in one fell swoop! 】

[But even so, it took you three full years! 】

[In the ninety-third year, congratulations on becoming a fourth-level monk in the Celestial Realm! 】

[After being promoted to the fourth level of the Celestial Realm, you will consume more spiritual liquid every year in practice... The amount of high-grade spiritual liquid consumed per year will reach nearly three million drops! 】

[In the 105th year, your cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

[In the 120th year, your cultivation has reached the late fourth level of the Celestial Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing smacked his lips when he saw this and murmured:

"This feeling of rapid improvement in cultivation is really refreshing!"

"In just a few decades... it is equivalent to more than five thousand years of hard training for ordinary monks in the Celestial Realm!"

"However... we still need enough resources to support it... At this speed of cultivation, one simulation consumes hundreds of millions of spiritual fluids, which is enough for an ordinary immortal to practice all the way from the early stage to the late stage of the immortal realm!"

But high effort, high return!

Su Xing is okay with this. Every time the simulation is reset, his resources will also be reset.

Therefore, in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about insufficient resources.

"However... my previous understanding of the Avenue of Wood has reached the prototype level of the avenue... This simulation should go a step further!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while. Fifty years of immersive simulation might be enough for him to advance to the realm of first glimpse?

Su Xing chose the talent of Yimu Divine Body this time, and his understanding of the avenue of wood is several times that of ordinary monks.

Coupled with the acquired Taoist body, the understanding of the Great Way of Wood is about ten times greater.

The blessing of a late bloomer’s talent is twenty times that!

In addition, the Tao Yun of the Yin Wood Realm Wood System is extremely strong and blessed by the treasured hibiscus branches!

At least thirty or forty times the speed of perception!

"A spiritual enlightenment pill... plus fifty years of immersive simulation, that's sixty years!"

"It's equivalent to two thousand years for an ordinary monk to understand the Great Dao! It should be enough!"

When Su Xing thought about this, he no longer hesitated and said silently:

"Use immersive simulation...for fifty years!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation, which lasted for fifty years, spent 18250 energy source points, and had 100 remaining energy points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and Su Xing appeared in a strange environment.

Looking around, the weeds on the roadside are tens of feet high, as if entering a dream kingdom of plants.

Taking a gentle breath, the rich wood spiritual energy made Su Xing seem several years younger.

The greenery is filled with wisps of the origin of the wood-based avenue!

"Sure enough, this is definitely a good place to understand the avenue of wood!"

Su Xing's face was filled with joy, and without any hesitation, he directly began to comprehend the avenue of wood.

The years of practice are as calm as flowing water.

But Su Xing still underestimated the difficulty of comprehending the great road!

Until the forty-ninth year of immersive simulation, Su Xing had not yet entered the prototype state of the Avenue of Wood...

"It seems that this Spirit-enlightening Pill cannot be saved..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, then took the Qiling Pill to activate the blessing of great wisdom.

Then, an astonishing realization came to Su Xing.

In just one month, Su Xing's understanding of the Great Way of Wood has finally reached the stage of first glimpse!


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

Because this simulation has been in the process of understanding and practice, I didn't feel much time passing when I woke up.

"Yes, after fifty years of immersive simulation, I broke through the avenue of wood and gained a glimpse of it. I also saved over 100,000 points of energy source and made a lot of money!"

Su Xing's face was filled with joy. This time he successfully achieved a breakthrough in Dao Insight, which showed that Su Xing's idea was correct!

As long as the awakening preparation is sufficient, it is enough to use immersive simulation to quickly break through the realm of perception, thereby saving resources and time.

"Currently, the Avenue of Swords, the Avenue of Space, the Avenue of Thunder, the Avenue of Wood... I have entered the first glimpse of these four avenues. Not only has my combat power greatly increased, but I am also not far from the Five Elements Avenue corresponding to the spiritual root... …”

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. According to his next plan, he will break through his cultivation as much as possible and reach a higher realm!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 170th year, your understanding of the avenue of wood has reached the level of first glimpse! 】

[From now on, you will continue to practice hard, and there will still be a lot of spiritual liquid resources obtained from the secret realm of the Yellow Sand Palace. 】

[Your cultivation level is improving as fast as ever. 】

[In the 190th year, your cultivation reached the peak of the fourth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[You begin to prepare to break through to the fifth level of the Immortal Realm...]

[In the 195th year, you made a successful breakthrough! Congratulations on becoming a fifth-level monk in the Celestial Realm! 】

[After reaching the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal Realm, the time it takes to cultivate becomes even longer. For ordinary Celestial Immortal Realm monks, it may take five to six thousand years to break through the first level. 】

[But for you, it is just a few decades. 】

[In the 215th year, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the fifth level of the Celestial Realm. 】

[At the same time, you are also a little uneasy in your heart. You know that Qingyunzi must be looking for you. 】

[So you prepare to take refuge in a farther world... Unfortunately, the Liuyun Golden Light Boat has been used many times, and its performance is far inferior to its original performance. 】

[It took you five years to reach the Golden Wheel Realm with difficulty. 】

[You are practicing in the Golden Wheel Realm, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the 230th year, one day your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil gave you a crazy warning. 】

[The next day, Qingyunzi found you...]

[Qingyunzi searches your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed.

"It's a pity that I still couldn't escape Qingyunzi's pursuit..."

"It's worse, it's still worse!"

"When I reach the True Immortal Realm... and inherit all the Luo Tian Sect's inheritance, my current situation will definitely change!"

Su Xing thought that in the next period of time, he still had to strengthen his understanding of the avenue of cause and effect.

"Xiao Zhoutian's Star Observation Technique...After gathering it all, I neglected to practice it. I still need to use this method to leave Blue Star..."

After waking up and thinking for a moment, he looked at the reward of this simulation!

[Yimu Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[1 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: The price is energy sources.

[100 million high-quality spiritual stones]: Priced at million energy sources.

[Fifth Level of Celestial Realm Cultivation]: Fifth level of Celestial Realm Cultivation, with a life span of 30 years, and powerful mana like a heavenly being... The price is energy sources!

[Perception of Space Avenue]: After redemption, your understanding of Space Avenue will be greatly improved. The price is 12 energy sources.

[Portable Cave]: 2 feet in radius, developed by Su Xing with the help of space source stones, priced at energy sources.

[Yellow Sand Sculpture]: The ultimate treasure of Tao Yun, which contains the understanding of the Tao of Earth, priced at 70 energy source.

[Five Elements Soil]: One cubic meter, magical soil capable of cultivating spirits, refining weapons, and refining elixirs. It ranks ninth on the acquired treasure list and sells for 10 energy sources.

In this simulation, Su Xing got a lot of good things.

"The Five Elements Earth...the ninth existence on the list of treasures the day after tomorrow is actually worth only one hundred thousand energy sources?"

Su Xing thought for a moment and guessed it was because the quantity was too small.

However, in addition to the five elements of soil, various spiritual liquids, spiritual stones... and even yellow sand sculptures are all excellent treasures.

"But there's no rush to take these things out right away..."

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the Celestial Immortal Realm cultivation... and the gifted Yimu Divine Body!"

[Ding, congratulations on successfully bringing out the talented Yimu Divine Body... Spending 10 points of energy, the remaining energy source is 100 points! 】

[Ding, congratulations on successfully bringing out the fifth level of Celestial Immortal Realm... It cost 70 energy points, and the remaining energy points are 2981 points! 】

The simulated beep fell, and two waves of energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Yimu Divine Body has become Su Xing's twenty-fourth talent. Currently, Su Xing only has one free talent slot left.

With the blessing of Yimu Divine Body, Awakening's efficiency in sensing wood spiritual energy has been improved, and his qualifications have also been slightly blessed.

What has changed even more is naturally the feedback from the fifth level of awakening heavenly realm!

The second level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... the third level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... the fourth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Su Xing's cultivation has spanned from the early stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm to the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm!

In the end, he became a mid-level fifth-level monk in the Celestial Realm!

Su Xing sat cross-legged and held his mind tightly. After his cultivation reached the fifth level of the Celestial Realm, he felt that the cultivation and magic power in his body had more than doubled again!

"Now I...even without the help of martial arts talent, I am enough to kill the peak cultivator of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"The top ten people on the list of geniuses... I should have a place!"

"I just don't know... can I kill the True Immortal Realm cultivator with the help of my talent in martial arts?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, he was not sure about this yet.

There is a gap between the Celestial Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm. The monks in the True Immortal Realm have a deeper understanding of the Dao than those who wake up.

But the awakened magical power and body-protecting sword are still enough to threaten the early monks of the True Immortal Realm!

"Now, at least I have the confidence to fight against the cultivators from the True Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing thought so.

After choosing the rewards for this simulation, Su Xing glanced at the time, then calmed down in disguise and made a deal with Lu Yuanwu.

Twenty thousand energy sources a week can be considered a considerable profit.

After the transaction was completed, Awakening returned to Lingtian Cave, and then began to refine the talismans for the new week.

With the strength he has now awakened, he is enough to refine talismans up to the eleventh level, and can even severely injure and kill monks in the Immortal Realm!

It's just that refining this kind of talisman takes too much time and energy, and you may not be able to refine one even after waking up for a week.

Therefore, Su Xing chose to refine some low-level talismans.

Mainly the fifth to eighth level talismans, among which the fifth, sixth and seventh level talismans can be sold when awakened.

As for the eighth-level talisman, Su Xing chose to leave it to the puppets for self-defense.

Soon, a week passed.

I spent the whole week and night refining the talismans after waking up, and made a total of more than 180 fifth-level talismans.

There are seventy-three sixth-level talismans, twenty-eight seventh-level talismans, and six eighth-level talismans.

Su Xing temporarily stored these talismans. When he leaves Blue Star, the business of the puppet organization on the earth cannot be stopped.

"At this rate, after refining for another three weeks... more than a thousand talismans will be accumulated, which should be enough for three to five months of trading!"

Su Xing murmured.

Later, Su Xing went to the villa area and met with Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a purple coat today, and the Queen of Changes came on stage again.

The two chatted while eating and finished the business.

Su Xing looked into Jin Congxue's eyes and asked:

"Sister Xue...have you ever thought that we professionals might be pawns of some powerful existence?"

After Jin Congxue heard Su Xing's words, a look of confusion appeared on her face.

Su Xing sighed in his heart when he heard this, knowing that it was still too early to tell Jin Congxue this.

So I changed my mind and said:

"Senior sister, do you still remember the powerful power I told you? It can make you a powerful immortal cultivator! There is no need to gain experience to upgrade..."

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course I remember what you said!"

Su Xing then asked: "Sister Xue, to gain this kind of power... maybe the price is that one day in the future, you will lose your status as a professional!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

Hong Yue is so powerful and has backup options for professionals, so naturally Su Xi cannot remain at his mercy.

At the very least, the people Su Xing cares about must cut off the causal relationship with Hong Yue and no longer be threatened by Hong Yue!

Although Su Xing still doesn't know the specific method, as the Three Thousand Worlds is so big, there is always a solution.

Therefore, Su Xing's current idea is to give Jin Congxue a chance!

Let Jin Congxue become an immortal cultivator first, and then gradually get rid of his dependence on professionals.

And now that Su Xing has an unused talent of wood, fire, and sky spiritual roots, he can give it to Jin Congxue!

The reason why Su Xing chose Jin Congxue was not only because the two had a close relationship, but also because in this position, Jin Congxue would encounter more dangers in the future!

"Have you lost the power of a professional..."

Jin Congxue seemed to have thought of something and asked: "Is it just like you? If I become that immortal cultivator... we will be truly our own, right?"

Before Jin Congxue could reply from Su Xing, he smiled like a flower and said:

"I do! As long as I can be closer to you..."

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue's extremely serious expression and was extremely moved.

"Sister Xue..."

Su Xing naturally knew what Jin Congxue's answer meant, and how determined he was!

The life span of a heavenly king-level professional is five hundred years! He is the real big shot on Blue Star!

But just because of Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue was willing to give up all this, just to bet on an unknown future...

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Sister Xue, you will not regret your choice today..."


After returning from the villa, he woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

There is no doubt that Su Xing gave the Tianling Root to Jin Congxue!

And an eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array was carved on Jin Congxue's abdomen Dantian!

In addition, Su Xing also gave Jin Congxue 100,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones... several defensive magic weapons and treasures, magical powers...

Su Xing even personally introduced Qi into Jin Congxue's body, helping him enter the realm of Qi training in a matter of seconds!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jin Congxue's starting point for practice is much higher than Su Xing's original starting point!

Qualifications beyond the Super Spiritual Root... Countless resource supplies, and guidance from the "mighty monk" Su Xing!

Even the top sect saints in Three Thousand Worlds may not receive this treatment!

"Tsk, tsk, it's so irritating to compare people to each other!"

"But then again...of course my woman will be in pain!"

Su Xing couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

Soon, the simulation time cooled down and he woke up to prepare for a new round of simulation.

"In this simulation, the level of cultivation must not fall, but more importantly, the treasures in the Yellow Sand Palace! A first-class treasure house!"

Su Xing's heart felt hot.

In the new era, August 2025, 12, Su Xing started a new round of simulation.

"Start simulation!"

[The 119th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 75 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing did not choose to draw the golden talent.

After all, go to the Yellow Sand Palace to obtain the first-class treasure house. Su Xing needs to improve his spiritual root qualifications for the earth element!

Therefore, Su Xing chose to spend a few points of energy source to extract the loess divine body talent!

[Ding, congratulations on getting the gifted loess body, the simulation begins! 】

[Lingtian Cave Tianzhong...you realize that you are simulating! 】

[Ten days later, you went to the Luotian dungeon and made a lot of profits! 】

[With your previous experience, you do not plan to stay on Blue Star for a long time, but to go to Three Thousand Worlds as soon as possible! 】

[So you spent a week wiping out the entire Advent Sect, killing Long Laogou, and obtained many resources. 】

[You left behind a lot of puppets, and an eleventh-level talisman is enough for Blue Star to deal with the second wave of invasion by alien gods...]

[After searching the Blood Demon Realm, you took your relatives and friends to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

(End of this chapter)

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