Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 326 Preparations to leave Blue Star, Red Moon’s blockade of Blue Star! 【Million words】

Chapter 326 Preparations to leave Blue Star, Red Moon’s blockade of Blue Star! 【Million words】

The information about Dingfeng Pearl appeared in Su Xing's mind.

The Fixed Wind Bead is a special half-step acquired treasure, which is a charged spiritual treasure.

It needs to be stored in a place where the Dao of Wind is abundant and constantly absorbs the surrounding Dao Yun to store energy.

And when the charge is completed, the Wind-fixing Pearl can exert its full effect and play the role of protecting the monks!

Even in the midst of a terrible storm, it can protect the monk's soul from dying and prevent the monk from dying due to failure in overcoming the disaster.

"Many monks at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, before they can survive the storm...even if they lose everything, they still have to get a Wind-fixing Bead!"

"This also makes the price of the Dingfeng Pearl remain high... Although it is only half a step of acquired spiritual treasures, its price is even more expensive than some acquired treasures!"

Su Xing blinked, but a mere wind-fixing bead was nothing to Su Xing.

"The really difficult thing is to unify the five elements and avenues as soon as possible before the true fairyland! And then we can survive the storm in one fell swoop!"

Awakening has been involved in the Tao of the Five Elements a long time ago.

The secret technique of the Five Elements Master left behind, the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique, is an extremely good Five Elements method.

Even with Su Xing's current level of cultivation, he could still get some inspiration from this secret technique.

Su Xing came back to his senses from his future plans, and immediately became a little sad again.

Looking at the tens of thousands of energy sources on the simulation panel, Su Xing sighed:

"Poor! After all, you are still poor!"

Su Xing estimated that the energy source required to bring out the true fairyland cultivation would start at at least 300,000 yuan!

This is still a conservative estimate!

The current source of energy that can be awakened is still far away from 300,000...

"Based on my current income, I can bring in more than 50,000 to nearly 60,000 points of energy source within Daxia Kingdom at most every week."

"Including the energy sources brought by the other six countries and the twelve regions... there are about more than 90,000 energy sources per week."

"In general, if I don't take other measures, the energy source brought by the entire Blue Star every week... is only a mere 150,000 points."

One hundred and fifty thousand points of energy source, this is obviously not a small number!

But for the awakening of the real fairyland, it is still too far away...

Su Xing estimated that after reaching the true fairyland, even if he only breaks through two levels of cultivation in each simulation, he would need 600,000 energy sources to build up the foundation!

This does not include the immersive simulation of awakening, redemption of talents... and points for redemption of various treasures and magical powers.

"Blue Star, with its current level of strength, can't even defeat a mere thousand worlds... Ordinary small worlds, even if they gather the resources and manpower of the entire world, they probably won't be able to accumulate one million energy sources in a year."

"But now Blue Star's upper limit is far less than that... naturally because it was once part of Luo Tianjie, the former Great Thousand World... so it has so many resources!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think:

"However, 150,000 energy sources a week is still not enough!"

"With my current strength... I need to trade with the officials of the entire six countries as soon as possible, which will definitely bring more resources!"

"However, distant water cannot quench the near thirst... Now we are thinking about how to prepare the energy to advance to the true fairyland!"

Su Xing thought hard and finally sighed:

"The current plan is to urge Lu Yuanwu... to see if we can get more exotic metal ores from him!"

Su Xing still has a lot of trump cards in his hand, and I'm afraid Daxia's military will be interested in them.

As long as Su Xing spends some of it, he can easily get a large amount of exotic metals and other resources.

Thinking like this, Su Xing began to disguise himself and gather his breath, preparing to trade with Lu Yuanwu.


A moment later, Su Xing appeared at the agreed place. Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time.

"Senior! This is this week's exotic metal ore!"

Lu Yuanwu handed over a storage ring with a respectful attitude, paused, and then sincerely requested:

"Senior, in half a month... I and the other ten Martial Emperors will prepare to be promoted to the legendary level..."

"When the time comes...can you please protect us?"

Lu Yuanwu's tone was a little humble.

After hearing this, Su Xing waved his hand and said:

"There is no need to be so polite between you and me... Helping you to be promoted to legend is part of the deal, isn't it?"

After Su Xing said this, Lu Yuanwu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although their strength is sufficient, if they are not guaranteed to wake up, these Martial Emperors really dare not break through to the legend...

Su Xing exchanged the foreign metals in the storage ring and added another 20,000 energy sources.

However, this energy source is already somewhat insufficient!

So Su Xing said straightforwardly to Lu Yuanwu:

"After I help you break through to the legendary level, there are some important things to deal with...The transaction may be temporarily stopped by then."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu quickly said:

"Senior, where are you going? How long will it take?"

Lu Yuanwu said it bluntly, but after he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, so he added:

"Is it convenient for you to tell me?"

Su Xing's expression softened slightly, he thought for a while and said:

"I can't tell you what I'm going to do...but the time can be as short as three months or as long as half a year!"

"Transactions are suspended during this period...so I would like to ask you, can I complete the transaction with you in advance?"

After Su Xing finished speaking, he took out a storage ring containing two thousand bottles of Yuanwu Dan.

A bottle of Yuanwu Dan contains ten Yuanwu Dan, which is 20,000 Yuanwu Dan, which is needed for transactions in the next two months.

In addition, Su Xing took out a storage ring, which contained a large number of fifth-level talismans!

Fifty sixth-level golden light talismans, fifty sixth-level golden sword talismans, and fifty sixth-level escape speed talismans.

The sixth-level talisman, when applied to Martial Emperor-level professionals, can allow them to explode into legendary-level strength in a short period of time!

Su Xing said to Lu Yuanwu:

"These two storage rings contain 20,000 yuanwudan... and a strange prop called a talisman."

"I wonder if you can get items of sufficient value to trade?"

After Su Xing finished speaking, he explained the uses of the three talismans.

After Lu Yuanwu heard this, a light flashed in his eyes and he said excitedly:

"Senior... I heard that a mysterious organization has emerged across Blue Star recently... and is doing business with major private chambers of commerce. I wonder if it has something to do with you?"

Lu Yuanwu's tone was already trembling, and it was difficult to conceal his excitement.

These days, the Daxia military has also received some information, that is, this mysterious organization has produced a lot of talismans and high-end equipment, and the effects are so good that the Daxia military is shocked!

Later, they learned that some of the elixirs were similar to those produced by the "mysterious senior".

Now, it’s finally confirmed!

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this and said without hiding it:

"Yes, I am also a member of that organization... You don't need to ask about the specific things. You just need to know that we and the human race will always stand in the same camp..."

Su Xing's tone was meaningful, and Lu Yuanwu nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Then Lu Yuanwu looked longingly at the two storage rings in Su Xing's hands.

How could he not know the importance of the props in these two storage rings?

Just the Yuanwu Pill will enable Daxia to give birth to thousands of professionals who are comparable to the Heavenly Kings in the next few years.

The talisman can be used directly and has immediate effects, directly easing the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass.

So Lu Yuanwu asked:

"Senior... I wonder what the price of these talismans of yours is?"

Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"How about selling a sixth-level talisman to you for 100 tons of fourth-level exotic metal?"

"These three hundred talismans contain a total of 3 tons of fourth-level exotic metals!"

One ton of fourth-level exotic metals is worth about 20 points of energy source... 3 tons of fourth-order exotic metals is worth energy sources!

Su Xing felt that the price was quite fair.

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu did not hesitate and said decisively:

"Okay! Just calculate it according to senior's price!"

"However... 30,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals is not a small amount... Senior, can you wait for a while? I will give it to you in half a month at the latest!"

After Su Xing heard this, he thought for a while and realized that it was not impossible.

So he nodded and said:

"Okay. In half a month, there will be a total of 50,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals. Can you prepare it?"

The 2 tons of fourth-level exotic metals that Su Xing mentioned include the price of 40 Yuanwu Dan. The selling price is tons of fourth-level exotic metals, worth energy sources.

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.


After bidding farewell to Lu Yuanwu, Su Xing looked at the source of energy on the simulation panel and felt confused.

There are more than 60,000 energy sources in total. Even if Jin Congxue's energy supply for a week is included, the amount is less than 120,000.

Not to mention bringing out true fairyland cultivation, it is still unknown whether other benefits can be brought out.

"It seems...we have to think of other ways..."

Su Xing thought about it and murmured:

"Go to the Endless Abyss... You should be able to quickly obtain the Abyss Stone there, which is worth a lot of money..."

Before waking up, I cleared the Abyss for six days and obtained more than 10,000 points of energy source.

Now that Awakening is stronger, if he goes to the abyss, it will not be difficult to obtain tens of thousands of energy sources in a short time.

Thinking this, Su Xing set off immediately and flew to the United States with his sword.

An hour later, Su Xing arrived in the endless abyss.

The awakening did not stop along the way, and he came directly to the twentieth floor of the abyss!

Here, there are already many king-level abyss aliens.

Killing these aliens will drop the Abyss Stone, whose value ranges from one energy source to several points.

"Then let's start from the twentieth floor..."

Su Xing smacked his lips, and his consciousness instantly covered the entire twentieth layer of the abyss.

In an instant, every move of every creature on the twentieth floor of the abyss was under Su Xing's gaze.

"Interesting... In addition to the red-eyed aliens from the abyss, are there actually a few American professionals here?"

Su Xing directly ignored these king-level rookies and began to release spells.

I saw Su Xing making secrets with his hands, and flames the size of fists appeared.

A common low-level spell among immortal cultivators, the fire-burning technique... Even some immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage can perform it, and its power can be imagined...

However, Su Xing's current cultivation level is terrifying. Even the simplest spells, with the blessing of Su Xing's fairy power, have astonishing power!

What's more, Su Xing's understanding of the avenue of fire has reached the stage of first glimpse, and the power of his fire spells cannot be underestimated.

In an instant, hundreds of fire-burning techniques were released, and in just one breath, all the red-eyed aliens on the twentieth floor of the abyss were killed!

Hundreds of abyss stones fell, and the awakening figure was like an arrow, quickly picking up all the abyss stones.

This process took about a quarter of an hour.

After picking up all the abyss stones, Su Xing smacked his lips and said with a wry smile:

"It only takes a few seconds to kill these monsters... but it will take a quarter of an hour to pick up the profits afterwards!"

"It seems...that we need to learn the art of controlling objects as soon as possible...maybe we can retrieve these abyss stones quickly?"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered.

Then with a thought in his heart, he replaced all the abyss stones with energy sources.

[Ding, a small amount of energy source material has been detected, worth 373 energy source points... Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said decisively.

After being transformed into the source of energy, Su Xing did not hesitate and decisively headed to the twenty-first floor of the abyss.

Next, Su Xing spent less than four hours scanning the twentieth to thirtieth floors of the abyss.

The accumulated energy source harvested is close to 5,000 points!


At the entrance to the thirty-first floor of the abyss, Su Xing looked at the cave and murmured:

"The next step is to enter the 31st level of the abyss... After the 31st level, the number of martial emperor-level abyssal aliens will increase... but the overall number of aliens will decrease. I wonder how much energy can be obtained?"

The awakening figure flashed and appeared on the 31st level of the abyss.

It is still a red place, with a red sky and a red earth.

The awakening consciousness once again enveloped the entire 31st level of the abyss.

Hundreds of red-eyed aliens are wandering in this abyss, among which the weakest are those at the Heavenly King level, and there are even many Martial Emperor-level aliens among them.

"Then, let's start a new wave of harvest!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and immediately released his magical power of burning fire.

In an instant, countless flames swept across the 31st level of the abyss.

All the red-eyed aliens on the 31st level of the abyss were burned to death, leaving behind stones of the abyss.

[Ding, energy-containing material has been detected, worth 873 points of energy source. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing did not hesitate and immediately chose to absorb.

"On the 31st level of the abyss, the alien race has more energy sources!"

"Then...just keep brushing down!"

Next, Su Xing spent six hours sweeping the 31st to 40th floors of the abyss.

Harvesting the source of energy is about 10,000 points.


One day later, the 50th layer of the abyss was awakened and the sweep was successfully completed.

Harvest fifteen thousand points of energy source!

Another day has passed... The sixtieth level of the abyss provides 20,000 points of energy source!


It took a total of four days to wake up, starting from the twentieth floor of the abyss and sweeping to the eightieth floor of the abyss!

From the lowest grandmaster-level alien race to the emperor-level alien race, they all died in the hands of Su Xing!

In four days, Awakening harvested nearly 100,000 points of energy source!

At the entrance to the 81st level of the abyss, Su Xing stopped and did not rush in.

"After the 81st floor... I'm afraid it will be the home of the Saint-level red-eyed alien race!"

"In this abyss...the aliens get stronger as you go down? I don't know...what level of aliens will appear at the highest level?"

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to stop here and not go further.

"When I return from the Little Qingyun Realm... and my strength is further improved, this may be a good place to gain energy!"

After that, Su Xing left the abyss...

On the sixth day, Su Xing went to the Six Nations and Twelve Regions and contacted the puppet organization. In a week, he only harvested less than 50,000 points of energy source.


Time soon came to January 2026, 1, in the new era, and Su Xing went to meet Jin Congxue.

This week, Jin Congxue's cultivation has increased again, almost to the middle of the foundation building period!

Such a speed of cultivation would make even Su Xing feel ashamed!

After the transaction with Jin Congxue was completed, Su Xing once again had more than 30,000 energy sources in his hands.

In the Lingtian Cave, I woke up and prepared to start a new round of simulation.

Su Xing looked at the simulated energy on the panel——

A total of 29 points of energy source!

"It's a pity...it's still a little short of the 300,000 energy source, and immersive simulation also requires energy. Before breaking through to the true fairyland, maybe we can accumulate some more knowledge..."

Su Xing thought this and began to formulate the goals of this simulation.

"First, survive the wind disaster and try your best to reach the True Immortal Realm! As for whether you have enough energy, it depends on the situation!"

"Second, the Five Elements Avenue needs to be further understood! The integration of the Five Elements Avenue needs to be put on the agenda!"

"Third, regarding the Avenue of Space... reach a moderate level of success as soon as possible!"

"Finally, it's time to try to break through the space and go to the Little Qingyun Realm on your own..."

After Su Xing set his goal, he looked at the simulation panel.

"Start simulation!"

[The 122rd simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 29 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate:


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent horoscope... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%! 】

"I'll go and make a fortune again?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. His chances of getting rich recently are really high!

The golden talent has been revealed several times in a row...

"Could it be that something is really going to change?"

Su Xingyan smiled and looked at the introduction of this talent.

[Astrology]: With golden talent, your understanding of the astrology will be greatly improved. You can speculate on the cause and effect of destiny by observing the stars in the sky... Your talent for divination will be greatly improved!

"Huh? This talent..." Su Xing raised his eyebrows. He had drawn a similar talent before, with purple quality, similar to the astrology talent.

"These two talents have something in common... they both enhance the understanding of the avenue of cause and effect!"

"More importantly, it goes well with Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method!"

Su Xing was a little excited.

He had previously practiced Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method, and it took him decades to get started with the help of Enlightenment Tea.

If you have this astrological talent, your understanding of the path of cause and effect will be greatly improved!

"Yes, this talent comes at the right time!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[A week later, you and Lu Yuanwu successfully traded and harvested 50,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals...]

[You helped Lu Yuanwu and others break through to the legendary level... Within a week, eleven powerful Martial Emperors entered the legendary copy one after another. 】

[Among them, seven people successfully broke through to the legendary level, and the other four people stayed in the dungeon forever...]

[Lu Yuanwu was lucky and was successfully promoted to the legendary level! 】

[You used your methods to observe the cause and effect on these people, temporarily blocking their connection with the red moon, and helping them stay on the blue star! 】

[Another half month has passed, and you are going to the Luotian dungeon to deepen your understanding of the true fairyland...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Did the eleven Martial Emperors... successfully advance to the seventh position?"

The promotion rate exceeds 60%, which is already considered an excellent probability.

But Su Xing is not satisfied with this...

"Every Martial Emperor is worthy of the high-level combat power of Daxia and the human race. It is best not to lose it..."

"Perhaps, you can give them a little mention later and wish them a smooth breakthrough?"

Su Xing thought this, and then said silently:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts...one day!"


The simulation prompt sounded, and he woke up and entered the Luotian copy.

"Disciple, go to the back mountain and invite your junior brother Shennong to come over..."

Su Xing completed the task process skillfully, and then went to see the Luotian Conference.

Looking at the palm-sized treasure suspended in the air, Luo Tianjing!

It’s so greedy to wake up!

"It's quick...it's quick!"

"After I break into the true fairyland... I can successfully obtain this mirror!"

Su Xingan endured the excitement in his heart and was not in a hurry.

Next, Su Xing found Luo Qingniu and asked him about the precautions for breaking through from the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm to the True Immortal Realm.

"Master... I would like to ask, is there anything you need to pay attention to when you break through from the Celestial Immortal Realm to the True Immortal Realm?"

In Luo Tianzong's main hall, Luo Qingniu sighed slightly in his heart after hearing Su Xing's words:

"Unknowingly, your cultivation has approached the realm of true immortality!"

"Then...it's time to tell you the difference between the real fairyland and the celestial fairyland..."

Luo Qingniu asked: "Disciple, what do you think is the biggest difference between the real fairyland and the celestial fairyland?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing Luo Qingniu's words.

What is the difference between heavenly paradise and real paradise?

I really don’t know! I've killed several people at the peak of the True Immortal Realm... and I don't think it's any different from the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

But after all, this was Luo Qingniu's test, so Su Xing still expressed his thoughts:

"Master, I think...the biggest difference between the Celestial Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm is the depth of mana and the understanding of the great avenue!"

"Even a cultivator at the early stage of the True Immortal Realm has more than twice the powerful magic power than a cultivator at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"And many of the True Immortal Realm monks have reached a moderate level of understanding of the Great Dao!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu nodded slightly and explained:

"Xiaochuan...what you said is partly correct!"

"The biggest and most essential difference between the Celestial Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm, apart from the understanding of mana and the Dao, is longevity!"

After Su Xing heard this, he was stunned for a moment... Shouyuan?

This awakening is naturally known, but doesn't the lifespan of an immortal increase greatly at every level?

Seeing that Su Xing was a little confused, Luo Qingniu explained:

"A monk in the Immortal Realm will live for thousands of years!"

"A monk in the earthly immortal realm has a life span of 20,000 years... A monk in the heavenly realm has a lifespan of 40,000 years. If you take life-extending medicine, it can reach 50,000 years!"

"But the realm of true immortals... is even more terrifying. The longevity is one hundred thousand years. If the foundation is not damaged, taking the secret medicine... you can live for even one yuan!"

After a pause, Luo Qingniu said loudly:

"Living long is the greatest support for a monk in the True Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing was thoughtful when he heard this.

If a monk has practiced long enough and mastered more magical powers and avenues, he will definitely be much stronger!

As expected, Luo Qingniu's words confirmed Su Xing's guess:

"The monks who can cultivate to the true fairyland...the worst qualifications are those with super spiritual roots!"

"There are many people with supernatural spiritual roots and even supernatural physiques!"

"Therefore, after the True Fairyland...qualification is often not the decisive factor, because everyone's qualifications are not too bad!"

After a pause, Luo Qingniu continued:

"After this level, what can really widen the gap is the understanding of the great road, the mastery of various magical powers and techniques. Are there any drawbacks? And the mastery of the spiritual realm..."

"In the True Immortal Realm, you can live as long as one Yuan Hui. Most True Immortal Realm monks, if there are no accidents, can successfully reach the peak of the True Immortal Realm."

"But whether you have adventure and your luck have become the key..."

"True fairyland monks usually spend thousands of years making up for their shortcomings. Their bodies are weak, so they buy treasures and polish their bodies!"

"If you don't have enough understanding of the Dao, you will find ways to get the Tao Yun treasures and improve the Dao..."

"Those whose magic power is not strong enough will buy heavenly materials and earthly treasures to baptize their magic power..."

"These all make the gap between the true fairy realms very huge! Because this realm is all about foundation!"

After hearing what Luo Qingniu said, it was hard for Su Xing to disagree.

He himself is like this, spending a lot of time and energy on making up for his shortcomings, so that he can ensure an absolute advantage in the same realm, and even fight across realms.

This will allow him to avoid many detours after breaking through to the True Immortal Realm.

Su Xing did some calculations in his mind.

Ordinary monks in the Immortal Realm probably spend 90% of their time on cultivation, leaving very little time to hone their skills... Otherwise, they will inevitably feel sad when their lifespan is about to end.

Only those with sufficient qualifications can spend time honing their magical powers and understanding of the Tao without falling behind in their cultivation.

In the same way, the same is true for monks in the realm of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals.

The increasing difficulty of cultivation has caused them to spend most of their time improving their Qi refining cultivation. Those who have the strength to suppress them in this realm are the absolute geniuses.

"True immortals... and heavenly immortals are like a chasm in the sky!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, feeling a little yearning in his heart.

Although he has killed several cultivators in the True Immortal Realm, he has not yet reached the level of a True Immortal, so it is inevitable that he will long for them.

Just when he was awake and deep in thought, Luo Qingniu came to the point.

"As for the wind disaster, it is also the most dangerous and difficult among the three disasters of the immortals...the disaster that brings the greatest benefits!"

"The wind passing through the hall passes through the Dantian and baptizes the soul...it also enhances the monk's qualifications and understanding of the great road!"

"Xiaochuan, I can only tell you... the longer you experience the wind disaster, the greater the benefits will be to the future! So be sure to pay attention!"

"For ordinary immortals, it is considered excellent to be able to withstand wind disasters for several decades...but for the top geniuses, it is not difficult to experience them for a hundred years!"

After a pause, Luo Qingniu continued:

"Our Luotian Sect Patriarch has experienced five hundred and six years during the wind disaster... He can also be ranked among the top ten in the entire Three Thousand Worlds!"

"If you want to advance to the realm of Da Luo... you will need to experience the wind disaster for at least three hundred years and upwards..."

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this.

Three hundred years of hurricane disaster?

But...he didn't even have a single simulation for three hundred years!

What should we do?

Su Xing frowned slightly and thought in his mind.

And Luo Qingniu continued:

"Of course, the wind disaster is dangerous. It is best to prepare enough wind-fixing beads to ensure that the soul is not damaged... and can easily survive the early wind disaster..."

After Su Xing heard Luo Qingniu's words, he had a better understanding of the wind disaster.

Farewell to Luo Qingniu, he woke up and went to the Sutra Pavilion, where he continued to learn the art of puppetry from Granny Ghost.

At the same time, Su Xing also learned a magical power called "Summoning"!

This technique can attract dead objects within a certain range, which is a magical method.

With this magical power, there is no need to pick up the Abyss Stone by yourself after waking up.


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

"Before the true fairyland, I also understood the last wind disaster..."

"Then let's try to survive the storm!"

Su Xing had an immature idea. If he could only extract the wind disaster and not exchange it for the cultivation level of the True Immortal Realm...

Then wouldn't he be able to continuously stack up and obtain terrifying gains from wind disasters?

"This is just a preliminary idea... Whether it can be realized remains to be seen in practice!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[You have gained a lot after coming out of the Luotian dungeon. 】

[Next, you are going to find the passage to Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

[There are many void nodes throughout the Blue Star, leading to different worlds. 】

[But all the void nodes are covered by a powerful force, like a spider web... making it impossible for people on Blue Star to leave easily. 】

[You have found a weak point that you discovered before, and you are convinced that with your strength and understanding of the avenue of space, you can pass...]

[But what you want is not to simply leave Blue Star, but to leave Blue Star without being discovered...]

[At the same time, we must find a way to return to Blue Star smoothly! 】

[It’s easy to go out, but hard to come back...]

[But you have to give it a try. 】

[So, you continue to arrange formations in this void node, shield your perception, and at the same time use the way of destiny to shield your own secrets. 】

[Fortunately, your path of cause and effect and destiny has reached the realm of first glimpse, which can greatly block the Red Moon's induction of your Qi. 】

[You are confident that even if you break through the void node, you will not be discovered...]

[You have been preparing for a full week. 】

[A week later, you control the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and turn into a golden light, passing through the void and flying towards the direction of the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[Little Qingyun Realm is only a few void nodes away from Blue Star. As soon as you arrive in the void, you start to explore the location of Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[After more than two years of sailing in the void... you have finally found the correct path to the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Staying in the void for two years? This..."

Su Xing obviously couldn't accept that he had wasted two years in vain.

After all, in the void, it is difficult to practice awakening, and it is even more difficult to obtain the source of energy...

"Wait... I was wrong..."

"It should be that the position of the blue star is uncertain, and it is shielded by the red moon..."

"If everything goes well, with my cultivation in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, I might be able to reach the Little Qingyun Realm in two months..."

"And if you break through to the true fairyland, it might even take just a month!"

But at the same time, Su Xing was also a little worried.

"It's easy to go out... but it's hard to come back!"

"If I leave Blue Star... all my accumulation in the past few years will be wiped out, and at the same time I will lose my largest source of energy..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

The strength of the Blue Star professionals is low, but the energy source produced by the world every year is not comparable to that of the Little Qingyun World, but it is probably not far behind the ordinary Small Thousand Worlds.

Su Xing also wants to make a huge fortune in energy by taking advantage of the different resources between Little Qingyun Realm and Blue Star!

"We have to find a way to come back!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[At the beginning of the third year, you successfully arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[After arriving in Xiaoqingyun Realm, you sold a lot of information to Tianji Pavilion and made a huge profit of five million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid! 】

[After making a big fortune, you stayed in Xiao Qingyun Realm. As Su Ye, together with the casual cultivators, you looted a large number of Advent Sect branches and gained a lot. 】

[After that, your reputation began to spread in the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

[Next, you did not choose to stay in Little Qingyun World, but found a way to return to Blue Star...]

[However, as you might expect, it is easy to come out but difficult to come back...]

[You follow the path in your memory, take the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, and arrive in the void! 】

[You spent more than a month to find the general area where Blue Star is located. 】

[But the entire area is like a deep layer of fog. It is surrounded by void turbulence and void fog. It is completely invisible from the outside! 】

[You were greatly surprised, because you had not seen this when you came out of Blue Star. 】

[Could it be that something happened to Blue Star in just a few years? 】

[You don’t know this, but you are sure that Blue Star is here...but you can’t find the direction to enter Blue Star. 】

[You didn’t give up. You kept searching in this area, going through the void nodes over and over again, but you still found nothing. 】

[In the blink of an eye, several years passed. 】

[In the seventh year, you have a premonition that it may be dangerous to stay here... Your current understanding of the avenue of space is not enough to allow you to travel through the void and find the accurate coordinates of the Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"Red Moon, the blockade of Blue Star... is not only internal, but also external?"

"Because... He is afraid of being known by the Three Thousand Worlds. He did not die, and even resurrected with the help of killing!"

"Is he afraid of being discovered by those powerful monks and killing them?"

Su Xing nodded slightly, I'm afraid that's the truth.

Compared to the internal blockade, Red Moon's external blockade is even more terrifying!

With Su Xing's cultivation and understanding of the great avenue of space, he clearly knew that there was a Blue Star here, but he still couldn't find it...

This shows how difficult it is to find the Blue Star!

"I'm afraid, if you don't search carefully, even the Golden Immortal will have difficulty finding the Red Moon and Blue Star!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and he understood why Hongyue could always be confident.

It is almost impossible for Golden Immortal monks to exist around the Little Qingyun Realm...

Therefore, if there are no accidents, this red moon will definitely be resurrected.

"However, as long as I intervene, it will not be that easy for Hong Yue to be resurrected!"

Su Xing clenched his fists. Since he couldn't find his way back to Blue Star, let's further improve his understanding of the avenue of space!

Perhaps after achieving a small degree of success in the way of space, there will be changes...

"So, next, before leaving Blue Star, we must focus on the understanding of the Space Avenue!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly, it might be difficult to understand the way of space.

But for Su Qing who has the Enlightenment Tea...it's just a matter of time!

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You temporarily gave up the option of returning to Blue Star, and spent more than a month returning to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[As soon as you returned to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you encountered the first round of assassinations from Fengyu Tower! 】

[A peak assassin from the Celestial Realm assassinated you, but you counterattacked...]

[Your reputation has become even louder. All the monks in the Little Qingyun Realm know that a monk at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm has emerged from this world. 】

[But you don’t care about these false reputations and start collecting Feng Feng Beads instead! 】

[You go to Tianji Pavilion and inquire about it. The price of a Fixed Wind Bead is often more than 50 million high-grade spiritual stones! And there is often a price but no market...]

[When resources were tight, it was even sold to more than 80 million! 】

[Furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce in Xiaoqingyun Realm does not sell Dingfeng Beads. 】

[Tianji Pavilion tells you that if you want to buy Dingfeng Beads, the Money Chamber of Commerce is the perfect place! 】

[After you found out, you drove the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and went to the Money Chamber of Commerce, hoping to buy the Fixed Wind Bead...]

(10,000-word chapter, just make up for yesterday’s post~)

(End of this chapter)

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