Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 327: Five lines of Yin and Yang lead to the coming of wind disaster!

Chapter 327 The five elements of yin and yang cause wind disasters to come!

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Before preparing to break into a storm, wind-fixing beads are a must.

Although the Wind-Fixing Beads are expensive, Su Xingcai can channel the spirit, so you should be able to get a lot of Wind-Fixing Beads.

"The effect of a Wind-fixing Bead will continue to deteriorate with continued use. After ten years of use, the effect will be halved...and it will completely lose its effect after thirty years."

"If you want to survive the storm perfectly, you must prepare at least five wind-fixing beads!"

Su Xing murmured, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Ordinarily, a peak cultivator in the Heavenly Immortal Realm would have to go bankrupt to afford a Wind-fixing Bead.

But when I wake up, I have to buy five pieces in one breath...

"Fortunately, with the inheritance of Luo Tianzong and the legacy of Taoist Huangsha, I should be able to afford these five Wind-fixing Beads..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The Money Chamber of Commerce closest to you is naturally in Cangwu Realm. 】

[You first went to the Huangsha Realm and spent several months taking away the Huangsha Taoist inheritance...]

[Then you spent another two years traveling through the turbulence of the void and successfully arrived at the Cangwu Realm Money Chamber of Commerce! 】

[At this time, your reputation has begun to spread around the Xiao Qingyun world... There is no doubt that the person in charge of the Money Chamber of Commerce knows your name! 】

[He politely invites you into the VIP room and asks about the purpose of your visit. 】

[You said you came here to buy the Fixed Wind Bead! 】

[After hearing what you said, the branch president of the Money Chamber of Commerce had a strange look in his eyes. He naturally knew that the Wind-fixing Bead you were seeking must be to break through to the true fairyland! 】

[And with your strength in the top fifty on the Prodigy List, it is almost inevitable to break into the True Immortal Realm...]

[So, the president of the Money Chamber of Commerce tells you that one month later, the Fixed Wind Bead will be auctioned at the Money Chamber of Commerce’s auction. 】

[At that time, I am afraid that there will be several veteran Celestial Realm experts coming to buy. 】

[You frowned slightly after hearing this and said that you needed to buy it in advance, but the branch president of the Money Merchant Association apologized and said that it was business and you had to attend the auction. 】

[In desperation, you can only wait in Cangwu Realm for a month. 】

[A month later, you auctioned a Wind-fixing Bead for 68 million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[This is also the only one at the auction. You paid a premium of nearly 20 million high-grade spiritual stones to barely get it. 】

[Two over 30,000 year old cultivators at the peak of the Celestial Immortal Realm left the venue brazenly and missed the auction. 】

[Although you bought the first Fengfeng Bead, you are not satisfied. It is still far from your requirements. 】

[You ask the branch president of the Money Chamber of Commerce if there is any other place where the Fengfeng Pearl can be auctioned. 】

[He told you that in the Tianyuan world, the number of Wind-fixing beads is more abundant, and one or two Wind-fixing beads will be auctioned every ten years...]

[In desperation, you can only go to Tianyuan Realm and prepare to auction the Fixed Wind Bead. 】

[Riding the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, seven years later, you successfully arrived in the Tianyuan World...]

[You learned that the next Money Chamber of Commerce auction will be held in three years. 】

[You waited for three years, and then purchased two more Wind-fixing Beads for 110 million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[At this moment, you have three Fengfeng Beads in your hand, but you still don’t plan to break through. Instead, you are waiting for the next auction to start in ten years. 】

[In the 19th year, one day, a Fengyulou killer from the middle stage of True Fairyland appeared and wanted to assassinate you. 】

[You fought fiercely with it for several days, and finally killed it successfully! 】

[In this way, your ranking on the list of geniuses has taken a further step, and you have entered the top ten of the list of geniuses! 】

[Many monks in the Tianyuan world know that Su Ye is not only outstanding in strength, ranking in the top ten of the Tianjiao list, but also has terrifying financial resources... his worth is comparable to that of a true fairyland monk! 】

[Although you are a little unhappy after hearing this, you don’t care. If the True Immortal Realm monk wants to kill you, you don’t have to worry. 】

[As for Xuanxian, they may not rob and kill you and ruin their reputation just because of these few resources. 】

[You have been waiting in the Tianyuan world for another eight years. 】

[In the twenty-seventh year, you participated in the second auction and obtained two more fixed winds. 】

[At this time, you have gathered five Wind-fixing Pearls in your hand. 】

[So you don’t plan to stay longer, but directly drive the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and prepare to return to the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[In the thirty-fifth year, you successfully arrived in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[You went to Tianji Pavilion, found the girl from Tianji Pavilion, and told her about Qingyunzi. 】

[She was shocked after hearing this, but she still chose to believe you. 】

[You return to the Baidi City cave and wait quietly. 】

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. 】

[On the 40th year, you were invited to go to Xiao Qingyun Sect for a brief introduction. 】

[You met Ziling Fairy...]

[Fairy Ziling is very impressed with you and invites you to Qingyun Sect. 】

[Under the Three Immortals Peak, you saw Qingyunzi...]

[You were summoned by Qingyunzi...]

[You gave him a wish-fulfilling visualization picture, and Qingyunzi was delighted. 】

[Qingyunzi gave you a cup of enlightenment tea, and before leaving, you asked for three more tea leaves...]

[You returned to the Three Immortals Peak and told a few people about Qingyunzi’s situation. 】

[After the representatives from Baidi Tower and Tianji Pavilion left, you were invited by Fairy Ziling to choose a cave. 】

[After Fairy Ziling knew that you were preparing to survive the wind disaster, she gave you a Wind-fixing Bead. 】

[You happily accept it, but tell Fairy Ziling that you have to go to the outside world to find an opportunity to survive the storm. 】

[Although Fairy Ziling was a little confused after hearing this, she agreed. Before leaving, you and Fairy Ziling exchanged jade slips for communication. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the words in front of him and nodded slightly.

"Six Wind-Fixing Beads should be enough!"

"Then next, first find a way to understand the unity of the Space Avenue and the Five Elements Avenue...and then try to survive the storm!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and prepared to understand the avenue of space first.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 41st year, after leaving the Qingyun Realm, you immediately drove the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and sailed in the void, looking for a suitable place to make a breakthrough. 】

[A few months later, you find a suitable void area, so you no longer stay in the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, but physically cross the void, sensing the turbulence of space at close range, and the way of space contained around you! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"You cannot trigger the late bloomer blessing before reaching the seventy-seventh year, but 365 points of energy source a year in exchange for the enlightenment of the great road is not a loss..."

Su Xing didn't want to waste time and said silently:

"Use immersive simulation for 100 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 36500 energy points, and have 23 remaining energy points...]

The simulation prompt tone fell, and the awakened consciousness entered the simulation world.

When Su Xing came back to his senses again, he was already in the void. Looking at the raging space storm around him, Su Xing took a deep breath and said:

"Then, let's start to understand from now on!"

Su Xing did not use the Enlightenment Tea. It would be a waste to use it at this time.

"If you rely solely on your own understanding... I don't know how far I can understand it in thirty-six years?"

Su Xing was eager to give it a try, and soon he began to understand the avenue of space in the void.

Countless turbulent flows in the void, containing considerable spatial energy, passed around the awakened divine body.

Awakening Fu Ling's heart is at its best, constantly absorbing the Tao Yun around him, and his understanding of the avenue of space slowly improves...

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed. The awakening has stayed in the void for too long, and the mana has become somewhat unstable.

"It's a pity that those who are at the peak of the Celestial Realm can only stay in the void for a few years at most...I'm afraid it will damage their foundation..."

Su Xing's heart moved, he took out the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and headed towards the nearest Small Thousand Worlds.

After cultivating for half a year, he regained his mana and returned to the void, beginning to understand the avenue of space.

By repeating this cycle, Su Xing's understanding of the avenue of space gradually improved.


In the blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed.

The seventy-seventh year of the simulation has arrived, and Awakening has officially triggered the late blooming talent.

On this day, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes in the void and realized his progress in the way of space over the years.

After a long time, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed:

"After more than thirty years of understanding...the progress is still very slow!"

Su Xing estimated that if he relied purely on his own understanding, it would take him at least five thousand years to fully understand the way of space and improve it to a moderate level of success!

"Five thousand years... the way of space has gone from the first glimpse to a small degree of success. This speed is already considered a genius!"

Su Xing murmured.

He possesses the acquired Taoist body, and his speed in comprehending the Tao is several times that of ordinary monks.

A slightly accomplished state, usually a true fairyland monk, would take thousands of years to achieve!

What's more, the Space Avenue is one of the most profound avenues, and its difficulty is several times that of ordinary avenues.

It is terrifying to be able to make such progress in awakening!

"But... this speed is still too slow!"

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:

"Then... let's start using Enlightenment Tea!"

Su Xing took out the steaming Enlightenment Tea, felt the magical power contained in it, took a sip, and suddenly felt refreshed.

"The effect of Enlightenment Tea...has begun to take effect!"

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and then he couldn't wait to continue to comprehend the avenue of space!

Sure enough, with the late bloomer and the double blessing of Enlightenment Tea, the speed of awakening has increased by more than twenty times!

In just three years, Su Xing's understanding of the way of space has progressed beyond the previous thirty-six years!

After digesting the first sip of Enlightenment Tea, he woke up and took a Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, repairing it in a small thousand world for half a year to prevent the void from causing damage to the foundation.

Half a year later, Su Xing returned to the void and understood the way of space.


Seven years later, Su Xing drank his first cup of enlightenment tea.

Su Xing stood in the void, feeling his understanding of the avenue of void, and murmured:

"Twice the Enlightenment Tea, nine years of enlightenment, which is close to my two hundred years of enlightenment under normal conditions..."

“But there’s still quite a long way to go before we reach the point where we can achieve some success!”

Without hesitation, Su Xing took out the wrinkled Wudao tea leaves and started brewing them for the second time.

So, another ten years have passed.

Three brews of the first cup of Enlightenment Tea have been used up.

With the blessing of Enlightenment Tea, Su Xing gained the enlightenment that lasted three hundred years! On the first hundred years of simulation, Su Xing woke up from his enlightenment, felt the growth of space power in his body, and frowned slightly.

"The speed... is still too slow..."

"Sure enough, we still need to rely on the blessing of Dazhi's talent to maximize the benefits!"

Su Xing murmured:

"The state of great wisdom has only been accumulated for about fifteen years this time! Don't waste it!"

"With the blessing of great wisdom, my comprehension speed can be tripled!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, activated the talent of Great Wisdom and Ruoyu, and combined with the Enlightenment Tea, began to further understand the way of space!

In the blink of an eye... another twenty years have passed!

These twenty years include the two years of recovery.

The time for true realization is only about eighteen years.

In the past eighteen years, the three brewings of the second cup of Enlightenment Tea have been used up...

So, here comes the 120th year of simulation.

In the turbulent flow of void somewhere, the violent void is like a sharp blade, which can easily take away the life of an immortal.

But in the center of the turbulence, Su Xing stood motionless, with his five hearts facing the sky, his body suspended in the void, and his understanding of the great path around him continued to grow.

At this moment, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, showing a satisfied look.

"That's right! After eighteen years of enlightenment, it turns out that only by cooperating with the state of great wisdom can the benefits be maximized!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

A conservative estimate is that his eighteen years of hard training are equivalent to the thousands of years it takes an ordinary immortal to gain enlightenment!

"Currently, my understanding of the avenue of space is not weak... If I practice it on my own without relying on external objects, it will take about three thousand more time."

"But if you rely on Enlightenment Tea, three cups of Enlightenment Tea is enough!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and felt that this immersive simulation would be difficult to directly achieve a small amount of success.

"There is also a cup of Enlightenment Tea, so let's use it to understand the Five Elements!"

"However, after understanding the Five Elements... there is no need to stay in the void. At this time, returning to Qingyun Sect may be the safest choice?"

Su Xing thought so.

From the previous simulations, he already knew that there had been no mistakes on Qingyunzi's side for at least two hundred years.

On the contrary, Su Xing was killed by Advent Sect because the tree attracted the wind.

So this time, I chose to go to Qingyun Sect to practice!

No matter how big your heart is, you still don’t dare to enter it!

So, it took more than a year for Su Xing to take the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and return to the Qingyun Sect!

As Su Xing's understanding of the way of space deepens, the speed of driving the floating cloud golden light boat in the void becomes faster and faster.

Coordinates that used to take two years of sailing to reach now only take about a year and a half.


In the 121st year, after returning to Qingyun Sect, Su Xing began to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue.

In a cave mansion, Su Xing sat cross-legged and looked at several Tao Yun treasures placed in his hands.

Innate hibiscus branches, black water flags, yellow sand sculptures, golden stones...

These items, taken out individually, attracted monks from the outside world to flock to them, but now Su Xing has obtained them all.

"The five elements of the great road... both create and inhibit each other!"

"But if you want to exert its maximum power and truly understand the Five Elements, you must maximize the mutual generation of the Five Elements!"

"Once you understand it, the power of your magic and magical powers will be greatly enhanced!"

Su Xing had a little expectation in his eyes.

The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique, as the most brutal Five Elements Technique, its power is related to the monk's magic power and Dao induction level!

Therefore, Su Xing must continuously improve his understanding of the great road in order to maximize the power of this magical power!

"If one can truly understand the Five Elements Avenue... the power of this magical power will definitely increase explosively! It will even surpass the body-protecting sword!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and began to understand the Five Elements.

I saw a movement in Su Xing's heart, and several kinds of treasures floating around Su Xing's body.

Su Xing constantly comprehends the Tao Yuan in it, and finds the method of mutual growth and interdependence.

In this process, the Five Elements Co-generation Method practiced before awakening played a great role!

Take a sip of enlightenment tea and wake up to formal enlightenment...

So, three years have passed!

One day, after three years of awakening, I woke up from my meditation, and the terrifying aura in my body began to quickly subside.

"The Way of the Five Elements...is that so?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he saw a wisp of flame appearing in Su Xing's palm. This flame was not like ordinary fire in the world, but seemed to be able to burn everything.

Awakening is not simply about releasing fire spells. There is a touch of green in the flames!

Just a wisp of the avenue of wood can increase the power of the flame magical power several times!

The method of wood and fire coexistence was learned by Su Xing when he first practiced the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique.

But this time, in the realization of the Five Elements Avenue, the harvest of awakening is more than that.

Su Xing waved his hand again, and soft drops of water fell down and sprinkled on the surrounding trees.

The next second, those trees began to grow crazily. In just a few breaths, they had grown from saplings to towering trees!

"The Avenue of Water... Runs the Wood Silently!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and then tried the Earth Avenue and the Gold Avenue one after another!

Among them, the Golden Way is the most miraculous. Not only can it make the physical body as hard as gold, it can even be applied to magic weapons, greatly increasing the power of the magic weapons.

"The Five Elements... seems to be more than simple?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

"The way of water is divided into Yin water and Yang water... Yang governs life, and Yin governs death?"

"Similarly, Yin Wood, Yang Wood...Yin Fire, Yang Fire, all seem to have something to think about?"

"The Tao of the Five Elements seems to be inseparable from the Tao of Yin and Yang?"

In just three years, Su Xing has integrated and summarized the five avenues, and only the last step is needed to merge them into one and create the real Five Elements Avenue!

At such a terrifying speed, in addition to the bonus of the Enlightenment Tea, what is more important... is naturally the Five Elements Holy Body gained from awakening!

The Five Elements Holy Body gives Su Xing an amazing talent for the Five Elements Avenue, even far surpassing the previous Sword Avenue!

"It seems...I am not far away from completing the complete Five Elements Avenue!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, drank the second sip of enlightenment tea, and continued to meditate...

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

Su Xing once again broke away from the state of understanding, with a look of joy on his face.

"The fire of yin and yang...that's what it is!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and two wisps of flame appeared in front of him.

A blazing heat that seems to be able to melt everything in the world.

The other one was bitingly cold, like falling into an ice cave...

"The fire of yin and yang, the yin and yang fire of the immortal, is a manifestation of the avenue of fire!"

"Only after comprehending the Five Elements... can we understand it?"

Su Xing nodded slightly. At this moment, his understanding of the Five Elements Avenue had completely entered the embryonic stage!

"Then it's time to further improve the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique!"

Su Xing's heart moved, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five great avenues appeared in Su Xing's palm at the same time.

It was then compressed and condensed into a vortex of immortal power at an extremely fast speed, and the power contained in it was astonishing!

Finally, the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique was condensed and formed. Su Xing looked at the vortex in the palm of his hand with a look of shock on his face.

"The five elements coexist...transform yin and yang. Is the final power so terrifying?"

"If enough immortal power is injected into this Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique, not to mention the peak of the True Immortal Realm... even the half-step Mysterious Immortal Realm will be hit hard!"

Su Xing's expression was moved. This Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique is different from the past. It is not only the five avenues of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, but is further subdivided into ten avenues such as Yin Fire, Yang Fire...etc.!

There are yin and yang, the damage caused to the target increases several times, and it can be easily restrained!

"Tsk tsk... No wonder, the monks who have understood the Five Elements Avenue are all top combat powers in the same realm!"

"This Five Elements Way is really too restrained for monks with a single spiritual root!"

Su Xing couldn't put it down with his new understanding of the Five Elements Avenue.

"There are still more than ten years of immersive simulation...it's time to deepen our understanding of the Five Elements Avenue!"

Wake up and be full of energy, and then understand the Five Elements.

In the blink of an eye, twelve years passed.

The immersive simulation ends... and you wake up and return to reality.


In the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he used the memory technique skillfully and rediscovered his current memory.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Xing sighed:

“This immersive simulation… I gained a lot!”

"Although it is a century-old immersive simulation, I spent most of my time in enlightenment... I didn't experience much, so I feel like time flies by quite quickly!"

After awakening to enlightenment once, several years pass by like a fleeting moment.

"Then, I have further understood the Five Elements... Next, it's time to officially overcome the wind disaster!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 140th year, you have successfully cultivated the Five Elements Avenue to the state of its prototype, and you are not even far from the state of first glimpse of the path...! 】

[You begin to put all your energy into surviving the storm! 】

[Before you can survive the storm, you need to expand your cultivation to the limit that your current body can withstand...]

[So, you take out tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, continuously devour and digest it, and let the river of immortal power in your body continue to surge. 】

[In this way, several years have passed...]

[In the 145th year, after five years of continuously absorbing spiritual liquid, the immortal power in your body has become like an inflated balloon and cannot continue to grow. 】

[You know, this is the best opportunity to cause a storm! 】

[So you no longer hesitate, follow the method Luo Qingniu taught you to induce wind disaster... induce wind disaster! 】

[You sit cross-legged and wait for several months, but there is no movement. 】

[You can’t help but wonder, did you fail to cause the storm? 】

[Gradually, you can feel that there seems to be a breeze blowing around...]

[This wind is like a thousand blows, constantly eroding you. Although it is weak, it makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. 】

[You subconsciously want to find a shelter from the wind, but then you realize... Where does the wind come from in the cave? 】

[You instantly understand that the storm disaster has arrived...]

(End of this chapter)

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