Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 329 Jin Congxue’s grievance, the way of space goes one step further!

Chapter 329 Jin Congxue’s grievance, the way of space goes a step further!

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and in the next period of time, he still had to step up his efforts to obtain the source of energy in reality.

"Before going to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you must save at least two million points of energy source... or even three million points of energy source will barely be enough!"

Su Xing thought so.

Then he took a look at the time, and Su Xing prepared to start a new week of transactions with Lu Yuanwu.

This week, I still got 20,000 energy sources.

But Lu Yuanwu also told Su Xing that in seven days, they would officially prepare to be promoted to legend.

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. According to the agreement, General Lu Yuan will bring 50,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals in seven days in exchange for enough elixirs and talismans...

By then, Su Xing will have one million energy sources in his account. This is his preparation in advance for promotion to the true fairyland.

But this energy source is still not enough, because the number of times he travels in the void cannot be wasted.

And the void voyage takes nearly a month... which means that you need to save the cost of at least four simulations to wake up!

This makes Awakening, who was originally short of energy, even more short of energy...

"So, during this period, we must save as much energy as possible!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and now he was racking his brains to get as much energy source as possible.

In half a month to a month at most, he will go to Xiao Qingyun Realm...

We must raise enough energy before this!

"If it's really a last resort... we can only use that method..."

Su Xing took a deep breath, he still had a huge treasure house that he had not yet opened...

This treasure house is the treasure house of Advent Sect!

The specific location, the dungeon and even how many treasures, exotic metals, equipment and props are in it... Su Xing knows everything!

It is no exaggeration to say...the accumulation of the entire Advent Sect over thousands of years is at least worth half of the Great Xia national treasury!

"The Advent Sect's treasure house...if it were completely mined, it might be worth the energy I need to break through to the True Immortal Realm!"

"And to rob this treasure house, you only need to kill Long Laogou... and recruit other members of the Advent Cult! It's not difficult!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with excitement, he paused immediately, shook his head and said:

"However, if we really get rid of the Advent Cult... then Blue Star will not be far away from the advent of Blood III... leaving only three short years!"

"So, we must be sure that within three years... the threat of Red Moon will be completely eliminated... in order to clean up the Advent Cult!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows. Blue Star is a node that Advent Sect attaches great importance to. If Long Laogou does not respond after three years, or Blood Three notices something abnormal, it is very likely that he will take action!

"So... this treasure house cannot be used unless absolutely necessary!"

"When I advance to the True Immortal Realm... After I return from the Little Qingyun Realm, if my strength improves further, I may try to rob the Advent Sect..."

Su Xing thought so.

"There is still one week left...this week, let's go to the abyss to refresh the source of energy!"

Su Xing did not hesitate, and Yujian flew in the direction of the abyss of the United States.


In the blink of an eye, a week passed, and the time came to January 2026, 1, in the new era.

Awakening spent a week sweeping through the refreshed 20th to 90th floors of the Endless Abyss of the United States, capturing a total of about 100,000 energy source points.

Although one hundred thousand energy sources are not enough to make Su Xing rich, it is enough to solve an urgent need.

After leaving the endless abyss, he woke up and went to the villa area to prepare for a transaction with Jin Congxue.

Inside the villa.

Perhaps because he was about to leave Blue Star, Su Xing paid special attention to Jin Congxue and patiently gave him guidance:

"The initial practice of a monk is mainly about laying a good foundation... Well, your progress is very good."

"It has only been one month of cultivation and we have reached the late stage of foundation building..."

"But remember, haste makes waste in everything. Compared with the speed of practice, it is more important to lay a solid foundation!"

"Here, there are two techniques, namely the Wanmu Jue and the Wanyan Jue... both are heaven-level techniques, which I originally practiced. They are just right for you!"

"In addition to practicing, you also need to learn some skills of cultivating immortals...Among them, the way of alchemy is the best. If you have the root of wood and fire, then learn the way of alchemy!"

With that said, Su Xing took out a storage ring, which contained some herbs and pill recipes needed for alchemy, and even the alchemy teachings recorded by Su Xing himself, as well as several alchemy furnaces.

"Also, in this storage ring, there are several bottles of elixirs used in the Golden Elixir Stage and Nascent Soul Stage... which can help you practice!"

"But pills are just foreign objects after all. In each realm, you can only take one bottle for practice, otherwise it will be harmful to the body..."

"Oh, by the way, except for the Infant Forging Pill. After all, this pill is what you need when you advance to the Nascent Soul Stage..."

"There is also the method of cultivating the Nine-Turn Golden Pill in the Golden Pill stage. I also leave it to you... Remember, you can't break through to the Nascent Soul realm without cultivating the Nine-turn Golden Pill!"

Su Xing handed over all the details of his cultivation experience over the years to Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue was silent after hearing this. She seemed to feel something and asked:

"Wake up...are you going to leave for a while?"

After hearing Jin Congxue's words, Su Xing was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said:

"That's right, in the next three months or as long as half a year, I will go on a long trip..."

"So... the organization has made it clear that you have to take care of the Tarot Club matters by yourself during this period... If you encounter something that you can't handle, don't force yourself to come forward. Your own safety is the most important thing!"

"This storage ring contains the elixirs needed for the Tarot Club in recent months... I will give them to you in advance."

"From now on, there will also be 'seniors' in the organization coming to the weekly foreign metal transactions. You must remember not to slack off on the refining of foreign metals, otherwise you will be disappointed when I come back!"

Su Xing said seriously again and again.

After Jin Congxue heard Su Xing's words, she rolled her eyes and said coquettishly:

"Hey, Brother Su...then what will happen if you get angry?"

With that said, Jin Congxue lifted up her skirt, revealing a pair of slender legs.

Seeing this, Su Xing quickly held his breath and concentrated, then changed his tone and said:

"Ahem, let's be serious this time! I'm going on a long trip...I'll leave the family affairs to you during this period! But if you encounter any danger...remember to leave everything behind, your own safety is the most important thing!"

Although Su Xing left a lot of backup plans for Jin Congxue, there was even a puppet in the Tribulation Stage to secretly protect her...

Not to mention the old dog dragon, even if the monks from the Human Immortal Realm came, they could not do anything to Jin Congxue!

However, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

For Su Qing, Tarot Society is just a tool to earn energy. If it is gone, then creating it would be...

But Jin Congxue is the person Su Xing truly regards as a friend, confidante... and even a candidate for his future Taoist partner, so there is no room for error!

Su Xing explained to Jin Congxue sincerely how to practice. Refining the body, refining the energy, choosing the elixir...and the things to pay attention to in the Tarot Club after leaving...

Su Xing even thought about Jin Congxue's escape route if he was assassinated...

Jin Congxue was still smiling at first, but as she listened, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

His eyes began to turn red, and he suddenly threw himself into Su Xing's arms, choking and saying:

"Wake up...don't you want me anymore?"

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue who suddenly had runny nose and tears in her arms. Her makeup was stained by tears. After being stunned for a moment, she pointed at Jin Congxue's face and said:

"Then...Sister Xue, you are stuck as a fan!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue stared with big innocent eyes and cried harder.

Su Xing suddenly felt bad when he saw this, and quickly comforted him:

"Okay, Sister Xue! I'm teasing you! You are naturally beautiful, why do you need makeup?"

After saying that, Su Xing coughed lightly and said:

"Ahem, let's be serious! It's definitely not that I don't want you...it's just that this mission is very urgent, and the organization sent it to me, so I have to complete it!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't go there in person... It could be as short as three months or as long as half a year, I will definitely come back!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue had a bad premonition for some reason, so he gritted his teeth and said:

"I don't care, I'm also a member of the organization! No matter what this time, you have to take me with you!"

For some reason, Jin Congxue always felt that if he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult to see Su Xing again in the future.

Su Xing thought for a moment after hearing this, then shook his head seriously and said:

"No! You definitely won't be able to go this time... If you go, how will the Tarot Club headquarters be stationed?"

Of course, the most critical reason is that sailing in the void is too dangerous. Even if Jin Congxue has King-level strength and rides on the Liuyun Golden Light Boat... his body will easily collapse and die.

Su Xing planned to take someone with him for this operation, but it wasn't Jin Congxue...

Next, Su Xing spent a long time convincing Jin Congxue, and finally allowed him to stay in the Chamber of Commerce smoothly.

And Su Xing also received a new week's simulated energy from the Tarot Club, about 40,000 points.


After leaving the villa, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave, ready to start a new round of simulation.

"This time, the goal is still to bring out the results of the wind disaster practice!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly. In just over two hundred years of wind disaster, Su Xing's strength had nearly doubled!

Xing Xing, who has tasted the benefits, will naturally not give up easily. He wants to see if he can block the bug on the avenue so that he can receive more wind disaster benefits!

"Besides... maybe the start time of the wind disaster can be brought forward a little earlier?"

"After all, with my current strength, the wind disasters of the past thirty years will hardly have any impact... I can still freely comprehend the great road!"

Su Xing quickly made a plan for this simulation. After the simulation time cooled down, he said decisively:

"Start simulation!"

[The 122rd simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 30 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

After thinking about it for a while, I found that all the valuable golden talents have been brought out, so I muttered silently:

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Thunder Spirit Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%! 】

[Thunder Spirit Body]: One of the rare mutant physiques, which has a natural affinity for thunder spirit energy.

After Su Xing saw the newly drawn talent, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Damn, if I use this new talent... wouldn't my strength be reduced?"

Su Xing thought to himself that he had played Europe many times and had drawn many golden talents in a row, so it didn't matter if he drew Purple Down once.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

"Come on, Wind Disaster!"

[Lingtian Cave Tianzhong...you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You go to trade with Lu Yuanwu, and Lu Yuanwu tells you that they will start to overcome the tribulation and be promoted to legend...]

[You take out some sixth-level talismans for their self-defense. With these talismans... even if they cannot break through the legend, they will not die. ]    [Send these professionals into the dungeon, and you will wait quietly at the entrance of the dungeon to continue refining elixirs and making talismans. 】

[In the blink of an eye, five days passed...]

[You suddenly feel something in your heart and look at the figures coming out of the door...]

[Lu Yuanwu walked out of the dungeon first and successfully broke through to the legendary level! 】

[Behind him were ten strong men, nine of whom were successfully promoted to legend... Only one was slightly older and failed to be promoted but still saved his life...]

[You nodded slightly after seeing this. The situation for this promotion is obviously much better. 】

[But this moment is the real beginning to help stabilize the legendary level...]

[If it is just enough to get through the dungeon, then you don’t need to come in person, you just need to give some high-level props. 】

[The real trouble is the attention brought by the red moon! 】

[You came to these dozen newly promoted legendary powerhouses and used the law of cause and effect. As expected, you could vaguely see the bloody thread of cause and effect on their bodies. 】

[And as their strength increases, the line of cause and effect becomes clearer, and it seems that there is something guiding them on the other end...]

[You immediately understand in your heart that this is the back trick Hongyue has laid on the professionals! 】

[As long as there is this cause and effect, the stronger the professionals are, the greater the cause and effect... they will eventually lose themselves and become slaves of the Red Moon! 】

[You are a little curious in your heart. Could it be that some of those red-eyed aliens come from this? 】

[But fortunately, you have a deep understanding of the law of cause and effect. You have cast several spells in succession, and you spent several hours to help them successfully block Hongyue's perception! 】

[You have not cut off the cause and effect without authorization, which may be sensed by Hongyue... But if it is just to make it difficult for Hongyue to guide them and make the professionals lose their way, it is not difficult for you...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"With my current attainments in the Way of Cause and Effect, can I begin to compete with Hong Yue?"

"Perhaps... I will also complete the transformation from a chess piece to a chess player before I know it?"

A flash of determination flashed in Su Xing's eyes. Naturally, he didn't want to be reduced to a pawn...

"The more than ten legendary powerhouses are almost twice as powerful as the top human race!"

"In this way, even if I don't give any help... Daxia will be able to survive until twenty-eight years later!"

Su Xing thought so.

"Then the matter of Daxia Kingdom has been solved... Next, we have to consider going to Xiao Qingyun Realm..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After helping the Martial Emperor of Daxia to be promoted to legend smoothly, you chose to go to Luotian Sect...]

[You have further learned the way of puppets in Luotian Sect. With continuous learning over the years, you have almost reached the skill of a puppet master...you can personally refine puppets that are comparable to immortals! 】

[Before leaving Blue Star, you confessed a few words to Jin Congxue and also found Luo Shuying privately. 】

[In the end, you chose to drive the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, broke through the blockade of the Red Moon, and successfully left the Blue Star! 】

[The Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, after passing through a void, arrived outside the Blue Star...]

[You made sure along the way that you must have remembered the specific coordinates of Blue Star... so you drove the Liuyun Golden Light Boat towards the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[More than a month later, you arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[After that, you immediately return the same way and return to the void area where Blue Star is...]

[But the weird thing is that the entire void is shrouded in fog, and you can't find the exact area where the Blue Star is at all...]

[The huge blue star, the ruins of the former Luotian Realm... seems to have disappeared out of thin air! 】

[You didn’t give up and searched nearby for another year. Although you vaguely sensed the direction of the Blue Star... you couldn’t locate it accurately! 】

[You know in your heart that maybe your understanding of the avenue of space is still insufficient...]

[So, you decided not to look for Blue Star for the time being, but to go to the Little Qingyun Realm and find a way to continue to understand the avenue of space. 】

[In the third year, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm, sold information to Tianji Pavilion, destroyed the Advent Sect stronghold, and gained a lot of resources for cultivating immortals. 】

[After that, you waited quietly in Xiao Qingyun Realm for several years, and as expected, you were assassinated by a strong man in the early stage of True Fairy Realm! 】

[You did not waste your efforts, and after successfully killing it, you entered the top 50 on the list of geniuses...]

[You choose to leave Xiaoqingyun Realm and go to Huangsha Realm to collect the inheritance left by Huangsha Taoist. 】

[A few years later, you successfully obtained the inheritance. 】

[Next, you drive the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and travel through various small worlds to buy the Wind-fixing Bead. 】

[In this way, twenty-seven years have passed...]

[In the fortieth year, over the past twenty years, you have successfully purchased four Wind-fixing Beads, purchased some genius treasures that are said to be helpful in resisting wind disasters, and have successfully returned to Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[This year, you informed Tianji Pavilion of Qingyunzi’s information, and then you entered Qingyun Sect under the leadership of Fairy Ziling. 】

[At the invitation of Qingyunzi, you climbed to the Three Immortals Peak. After handing the Ruyi visualization diagram to Qingyunzi, you received a cup of enlightenment tea and three enlightenment leaves. 】

[For the next thirty years, you stayed in the Qingyun Sect, made some Taoist friends, and gained a better understanding of the situation in the Qingyun Sect. 】

[You used the sect contribution you earned over the past thirty years to exchange for five Wind-fixing Pearls at once...]

[On the seventieth year, you bid farewell to Fairy Ziling and others. 】

[After doing all this, you chose to leave Qingyun Sect temporarily and went to the sky above Qingyun Realm...the so-called nine days away to practice! 】

[In the seventy-seventh year, after traveling through endless roads and layers of void, you finally arrived at the Nine Heavens Land where the Qingyuan Domain is located...]

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Nine days away was the information he obtained from the Qingyun Sect during his previous simulation.

The so-called Nine Heavens actually refers to the void...

It's just a relatively stable area in the void!

Above the nine heavens, various avenues are revealed in their glory, especially the avenue of space, which is everywhere like the void.

But above the nine heavens, it is also very dangerous...

As the name suggests, Jiuzhongtian is divided into nine levels.

Only by reaching the heavenly realm and having a good physical body can one enter the first heaven.

Above the nine heavens, there is almost no spiritual energy, and staying there for a long time will do great harm to the monks.

But above the Nine Heavens, it is definitely the best place to comprehend the avenue of space!

In fact, there are many secret treasures in the Nine Heavens waiting for the monks to explore...

Many monks have encountered lost treasures in the Nine Heavens, and have skyrocketed or become rich overnight.

But more of them are the corpses of the monks who fell on the Nine Heavens...

"Although Jiutian is dangerous... but with my current strength, I should be able to go!"

When I got the nine-day information before I woke up, I wanted to find out what was going on, but I still held back and saved this time for a complete exploration.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation...duration, 60 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation to spend 21900 energy points...the remaining energy source is 28 points.]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

Soon, Su Xing appeared in a special area.

Here, there is no difference from the void, and there is also no aura at all.

But the difference is that the entire nine days are shrouded in a layer of fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

Even the monk's spiritual consciousness can't play much role here.

There seem to be countless dangers and opportunities hidden in the fog...

"According to legend, Jiutian was the battlefield formed by a great battle when chaos emerged in ancient times..."

"After that battle, countless avenues were damaged, the world was destroyed, and countless secret treasures were lost in the nine heavens..."

Su Xing looked at the fog in front of him. He was not interested in these mythical legends.

Even if there is really a treasure in these Nine Heavens, it was something that happened in ancient times...

After so many Yuanhui have passed, the treasures in it may have been explored long ago. Where will it be the time to wake up?

"I'm here...for the way of space here!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and sensed the avenues of space around him...

This is the first day of the Nine Heavens, and the surrounding space avenues are no different from the void.

"Then, let's start practicing!"

Wake up and take a sip of the Enlightenment Tea to activate the state of great wisdom and begin to comprehend immediately.

In the blink of an eye...nine years have passed!

In the ninth year of immersive simulation, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and realized the changes in his body.

"In nine years... the Avenue of Space has taken a step further! At this rate, this simulation may be able to bring the Avenue of Space to a moderate level of success!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

With the Space Avenue slightly successful, Su Xing can return to the Blue Star from outside the Blue Star with a certain degree of confidence...

After a complete round trip, it was time to leave Blue Star after waking up.

"Then... let's continue to understand the avenue of space!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and took the enlightenment tea again.

Over the next nine years, Su Xing completely exhausted the effects of the first cup of Enlightenment Tea.

Enlightenment tea turns into shriveled tea leaves and can no longer exert its effect.

"Huh... nine years is equivalent to my more than 500 years of enlightenment..."

"The way of space, the distance has reached the realm of a small amount of success, and it has also gone one step further!"

(End of this chapter)

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