Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 330: Arriving above 9 days, the Space Avenue is slightly successful!

Chapter 330 Arriving above the Nine Heavens, the Space Avenue is slightly successful!

Su Xing did some calculations and murmured:

"A cup of Enlightenment Tea, brewed three times, will last for a total of eighteen years... which is equivalent to a thousand years of enlightenment..."

"If I have another drink, I should be able to completely push the Space Avenue into a slightly successful state!"

Wake up and look forward to it.

The cultivators in the True Immortal Realm have painstakingly studied the great path for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but they can achieve it in just a few decades after awakening!

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea. After being inspired, he continued to comprehend the avenue of space...

Above the ninth heaven, there is so much mist that even the monks don't know what exists in the distance.

And among the heavy fog, it is as transparent and entangled as a swimming dragon...

Awakening, the five hearts are facing the sky, standing in the void, and the understanding of the avenue of space is constantly improving.

In the blink of an eye, another nine years have passed...

It’s time for the 104th year of simulation!

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed past.

“Nine years have passed… The Avenue of Space has taken a further step forward, and we are only one step away from achieving a small degree of success!”

"Right now, there is still a cup and a half of Enlightenment Tea left, which is enough for the next use!"

Su Xing was not in a hurry to take the Enlightenment Tea. Before starting the Enlightenment, Su Xing still had one important thing to do.

That is the start of the storm!

"With my current strength... I'm afraid there will be almost no impact in the thirty years before the storm!"

"This period of time cannot be wasted... If you turn on the wind disaster in advance, you can experience the wind disaster for a longer period of time, which will definitely bring more benefits!"

Su Xing's heart moved, so he simply practiced on the spot above the nine heavens.

Taking out a large amount of spiritual liquid and spiritual stones, the spiritual energy in Su Xing's body continued to expand... Then at a certain moment, Su Xing felt that the time was right, so he turned on the wind disaster blessing!


A few months later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, felt the breeze blowing gently beside him, and murmured:

"Has the wind disaster status been reset?"

"I just don't know if it will still be as profitable as before."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, but couldn't find an answer, so he simply stopped worrying, so he simply drank the enlightenment tea and began to further understand the avenue of space.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed...

On the 113th day of the immersive simulation, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, looking at the Jiutian world with a strange look in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Xing felt that the ethereal space avenue beside him was shining like silver light and as brilliant as a galaxy.

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, and the power of space rushed out like a tide.

In an instant, Su Xing felt that this avenue of space was covering all areas within a hundred miles!

As long as you wake up and change your mind, you can easily appear in any area within a hundred miles...

This is far from the limit of the way to awaken the space!

Su Xing is more sensitive to space. It seems that all space within a hundred miles is under your control!

In fact, awakening can easily cause part of the space to collapse and compress infinitely, eventually erupting into a terrifying space explosion!

With this power, even heavenly immortals and true immortals will be blown to death by the void.

And if you wake up and wish to travel long distances, you can reach thousands of miles away with one step!

In just one breath, you can travel tens of thousands of miles when you wake up!

This kind of escape speed is beyond the reach of ordinary immortals, not to mention the true immortal monks!

Su Xing carefully comprehended the new way of space, and seemed to have some enlightenment in his heart.

"The way of space... I am the first to reach a moderate level of success!"

"After reaching a moderate level of success... my understanding of the way of space has become much more profound!"

"The way of space... turns out to be able to be used in magical powers to further enhance the power of magical powers!"

Su Xing recalled the new insights, thoughtfully in her heart.

His previous Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique was to add the Five Elements to it. It was so powerful that it would not be a problem to kill a true immortal!

And the same is true for the way of space!

Nowadays, even if Su Xing learns an ordinary speed-escape magical power, and cooperates with the Space Avenue, his speed will be qualitatively improved!

"To be precise...only with the help of magical powers can the full power of the great avenue be unleashed!"

"At least... in my current state, this is the case!"

Su Xing touched his chin. He was already thinking about how he would learn another magical ability to escape speed.

Although sword control is very useful, and it fits well with awakening.

But if there is no sword in hand, then the escape speed will be lost too much...

Su Xing wants to learn a magical journey that can cross thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in one step, similar to "The End of the World" and "Step by Step"!

"When I return to Qingyun Sect, I will look for any magical powers that I can practice in this area!"

"There is still a cup of enlightenment tea in my hand, which is enough to comprehend!"

Su Xing has understood the avenue of space, so there is no need to continue to stay above Jiutian.

After all, the power of the wind disaster will become stronger and stronger in the future. Su Xing must ensure that he is in sufficient condition to cope with the wind disaster.

"But... before leaving Jiutian, maybe we can go to the second heaven to see it?"

When I wake up and think deeply, among the nine heavens, the ninth heaven is the highest and the first heaven is the lowest.

The area where Su Xing is currently located is in the first layer of heaven.

The first level of heaven is relatively safe. Even immortals can reach it, but they can't stay there for a long time.

Moreover, it is rumored that the higher you go to the Nine Heavens, the more likely you are to obtain the most precious magical power... and even the inheritance of the ancient secret realm.

Although Su Xing was not interested in these things, he still wanted to see what was going on in the Nine Heavens.

"Nine Heavens, the higher you go, the greater the chance of encountering the fragments of the avenue... You can go and have a look!"

Su Xing's heart moved slightly, and then he took a step forward. With the blessing of the power of space, Su Xing's figure appeared thousands of miles away.

In this way, in just a moment after waking up, he jumped hundreds of steps, and his whole body rose straight into the sky, flying towards the second level of the Nine Heavens.

I don’t know how long it took, but after Su Xing crossed an invisible barrier, I clearly felt the changes in the surrounding space...

"Is this the second heaven?"

Su Xing took a look around and found that there was not much change everywhere. Looking around, there was still a thick fog, making it difficult for his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

The only difference is that Su Xing can sense that there are more space avenues around him... There is something lurking in the mist in the distance, which makes Su Xing's eyebrows tingle.

This is an early warning from the talent of pursuing good luck and avoiding evil, which proves that in the fog, there are existences that make even Su Xing find it difficult!

"The second level of the Nine Heavens... is also difficult for monks in the True Immortal Realm to explore!"

"However, with my current strength, it seems that I am in the second level and I don't feel too much pressure?"

Su Xing could sense that this world was constantly eating away at his body, soul, and even mana...

But after more than 200 years of typhoon disaster, the strength of the awakened mana has already approached the realm of the Mysterious Immortal!

Staying here for ten years is not a problem!

"The second level of the Nine Heavens...it's nothing more than that!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Next, he wanted to go to the third heaven to take a look.

Thinking this, Su Xing then used the power of space to run towards the third heaven.

One step is a thousand miles away...

After the Dao of Space has entered the realm of slight success, the power of space will be much higher in terms of quality, quantity, and degree of recovery!

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Xing used the power of space to realize that this low-consumption use would not be a problem for an hour or two...

One or two hours is enough to wake up and travel a million miles!

But after that, you have to rest for a while...

Su Xing just kept rushing towards the location of the third heaven, and he didn't know how long it would take.

Su Xing crossed the familiar barrier and reached the third heaven.

Just as he arrived at the third heaven, a bright light flashed across the distance like a shooting star. Su Xingfu Ling was so moved that he stretched out his hand to catch the bright light.

A plump and round stone appeared in Su Xing's hand. It was the Space Origin Stone!

Moreover, the quality of this space source stone is much higher than what Su Xing has encountered before!

"In the ninth heaven...it turns out that a treasure really appears!"

Su Xing had a look of surprise on his face and was very satisfied with his luck.

However, after Su Xing grabbed the Space Source Stone, a figure in the distance chased after the Space Source Stone.

Su Xing took a closer look and saw that he was a great monk in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

This monk from the Xuanxian Realm was short in stature and unattractive in appearance. He looked at Su Xing up and down, and looked at the Space Source Stone in Su Xing's hand with a surprised look.

This Immortal from the Mysterious Immortal Realm obviously saw that Su Xing’s cultivation level had not yet reached the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

So he asked:

"This fellow Taoist is really lucky...I have chased this Space Source Stone for hundreds of thousands of miles without catching up, and it actually fell into the hands of fellow Taoist?"

There was a hint of greed in his eyes, but the Xuanxian Realm immortal did not act rashly. Instead, he cupped his hands and asked Su Xing:

"This is the third level of the Nine Heavens. It cannot be entered unless you are in the Mysterious Immortal Realm... I think your fellow Taoist's cultivation level can only reach the peak of the Celestial Immortal Realm?"

"Hmm... I wonder where your teacher is from?"

After hearing this, Su Xing calmly cupped his hands and responded:

"I studied under Qingyunzi of Qingyun Sect... I am a direct descendant of Qingyun Sect..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Xuanxian monk was stunned for a moment, the greed in his eyes disappeared, he cupped his hands towards Su Xing and said:

"It turns out that you are the direct disciple of Patriarch Qingyun... Your Excellency is indeed extraordinary. No wonder you can break into the third heaven in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

The Xuanxian Realm monk complimented Su Xing a few words, then turned and left.

After Su Xing saw him leaving, a look of disappointment appeared on his face. He looked at the Space Origin Stone in his hand and murmured:


Like this immortal in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he should be a well-known casual cultivator.

Although he will not become an evil cultivator, if he encounters a treasure on the road, he can force a monk with a lower cultivation level to hand it over... or even kill someone to seize the treasure!

After all, monks like these who occasionally commit robberies can already be called righteous cultivators in the world of immortality.

As for evil cultivators, those who truly massacre mortals and do whatever it takes will be hunted down by the righteous path...

Among a group of evil people, these neutral monks seemed like good people.

"Forget it, I originally wanted to test my current strength... But since this monk didn't take the initiative, let's forget it..."

Su Xing shook his head. His principle has always been that I will not offend others unless they offend me. “Now the Space Avenue has entered a slightly successful state... I also explored the third level of the Nine Heavens, and even found a treasure by chance, which is considered a worthwhile trip!”

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked towards the endless sky.

With his current cultivation level, he still has a long way to go before he can enter the fourth heaven.

Obtaining the Space Origin Stone and waking up are an unexpected blessing. It’s time to leave this place!

Thinking this, Su Xing used the power of space and left the Nine Heavens...


Several years passed, and time quickly came to the one hundred and fifteenth year of the simulation.

Su Xing returned to the outside of Qingyun Realm, but was not in a hurry to enter.

Su Xing thought for a while, took out the space source stone obtained in the Nine Heavens, and murmured:

"This single space source stone alone is probably worth hundreds of millions of high-grade spiritual stones...and it's priceless but not marketable!"

"Even the Xuanxian realm monks would be jealous!"

"If you miss this time... I wonder if there will be a chance to get it in the future?"

Su Xing knew that the treasure was hard to find, so he didn't hesitate and prepared to open his own portable cave!

"In the real world, Qingyunzi's crisis has not been resolved after all... Before going to Xiao Qingyun Realm, it would be best to cut off this cause and effect!"

"What's more... the portable cave with a radius of a hundred feet is not enough for me now!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and without hesitation, used the power of space to prepare to open up a new cave.

The Space Source Stone turned into nothingness in Su Xing's hands, and soon formed a small world independent of the void.

Su Xing took out the ethereal stone, void stone and other materials and added them... and continued to temper them with the power of space.


So, one year has passed!

On this day, Su Xing's eyes were filled with excitement, and he was very satisfied looking at the paradise in front of him, which was independent of the void.

I saw that this portable cave had a radius of thousands of feet, and its area was a hundred times that of the previous one!

Such a cave is enough to awaken and plant endless spiritual rice and spiritual fields... and even enough spiritual gathering flowers!

"My dear... I'm afraid this cave abode with a radius of thousands of feet will be enough for me to use for a long time. It won't even be a problem to hold hundreds of thousands of people in one breath!"

Su Xing blinked, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

If one day in the future, we really lose to Red Moon, if the awakened portable space is large enough, can we put all the creatures on the Blue Star into the portable cave and take them all out?

In this way, it can be regarded as saving Blue Star in disguise, right?

"The area of ​​the cave has expanded a hundred times...its volume and capacity have expanded more than a thousand times compared to before!"

"Although the cave is big enough to plant more items... but the spiritual energy will surely decline further..."

Su Xing touched his chin. The area expanded a hundred times, but the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers remained unchanged. This portable cave might fall all the way down to the level of a high-grade blessed land.

"However, as long as we finally enter the Spiritual Plant and the Spirit-Gathering Flower as soon as possible... plus there is such a fool as the Spiritual Vein Dragon, the cave will be able to rise to the cave-heaven level soon!"

Su Xing thought so.

After that, Su Xing put the rocks, trees, spiritual plants, spiritual soil, and even all the living creatures in the original Lingtian Cave into this new portable cave.

Even so, this new cave is still empty, and it looks like the mountains, rocks, vegetation and trees are exposed and bare.

"When I have time later... I'll decorate this cave!"

Su Xing blinked. He was already thinking about what reward he should bring back from this simulation.

Wouldn't he like a cave with a hundred times the area and a thousand times the capacity?

"Tsk tsk... The cave that I created by myself has no hidden dangers!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, and then demolished the cave given by Qingyunzi...

After doing all this, Su Xing flew towards the Qingyun Sect.


A year later, within the Qingyun Sect, I woke up deep in my own cave, feeling very satisfied.

Looking at the completely new cave in front of him, Su Xing moved to change the scenery and slowly admired it.

In the center of the entire Lingtian Blessed Land, there is still the thatched house.

Su Xing, based on the idea that this is a humble room, only for my virtue, did not decorate it too much.

Next to the thatched house, there are two other slightly more luxurious stone houses, both of which were built by Su Xing using earth-type immortal power.

One of the rooms has been transformed into a functional room for refining alchemy, making talismans, and refining weapons.

It didn't take much time for Su Xing to decorate this room, but the various formations around the house took up a lot of Su Xing's energy!

An advanced composite spirit-gathering array, a spirit-guiding array... there are even several fire-inducing, elaborate arrays, and heat-insulating arrays that can isolate the temperature inside and outside the house.

"With these formations, there is no need to worry about accidents caused by alchemy..."

When refining elixirs before waking up, occasionally a furnace explosion may occur due to failed attempts at new elixirs.

Moreover, alchemy in the open air will inevitably leave some traces, which is not beautiful.

Now with this multifunctional alchemy room, there is no need to worry.

Not far from the multi-purpose room, there is a private house specially built by Su Xing, just in case Su Xing needs to bring people in to give them living space.

In addition, there are also special places for placing alchemy and soul-nurturing puppets.

So much so that in just one year, Su Xing opened up a thousand acres of fertile farmland, all of which was planted with spiritual rice.

There are also several medicinal gardens where various elixirs and elixirs with different medicinal properties are grown.

Even the Five Elements soil obtained before waking up was put to good use, and many elixirs were planted in it.

The five elements of soil can provide a suitable planting environment for any elixir...

Not far from the Lingtian, there is a Spirit-Gathering Flower Base specially planted by Su Xing!

Thousands of spirit-gathering flowers in the base, coupled with the water-dividing array, continuously flowed out spiritual liquid, and eventually flowed into the ditch opened by Su Xing, forming a thin stream.

Of course, the spirit liquid produced by the Soul Gathering Flower is not that much. A lot of it is taken out by the awakening himself and poured in.

It's just a low-grade spiritual fluid, but Awakening can still produce dozens of cubes... just for the sake of strength!

At the end of the spiritual liquid stream, there is a pond specially built by Su Xing for the spiritual dragon. The area is more than ten times the previous size, which is enough for the spiritual dragon to live comfortably in it.

In short, the entire Lingtian Blessed Land, after more than a year of transformation by Su Xing, has become extremely impressive and looks like a paradise.

"Bringing out the Lingtian Blessed Land...I wonder what the scene will be like. Could it be like what I imagined?"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart. He felt that there might be a bug that could be manipulated...

"We won't know the details until the simulation is over!"

"But right now, the important thing is to survive the storm and gain further understanding!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and realized that he still had the last cup of enlightenment tea left. He planned to use this cup of enlightenment tea to completely upgrade the Five Elements Avenue to a new level and enter the realm of first glimpse!

With a plan in mind, Su Xing did not hesitate, drank the Enlightenment Tea, and began to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth, plus the two categories of yin and yang...the five elements of yin and yang, are constantly floating and flickering around Su Xing's body.

Su Xing's talent for understanding the Five Elements Avenue can be said to be astonishingly high!

The Five Elements Sacred Body, coupled with the Houtian Dao Body, the awakening understanding of the Five Elements Dao, I am afraid that there are only a handful of them in the entire Three Thousand Worlds!

A cup of Enlightenment Tea and eighteen years of immersive enlightenment have made Su Xing's progress towards the Five Elements Avenue a rapid progress...


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

Sixty years of immersive simulation passed by in a blink of an eye, and I was a little confused when I woke up. Then I used my magical power of memory to quickly retrieve the memory of the real node.

"The Avenue of Space has been slightly completed...the Avenue of Five Elements has also entered the realm of first glimpses!"

"The harvest from this simulation is really impressive!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, feeling quite satisfied.

"However, the wind disaster has been going on for more than 20 years in the blink of an eye...During this simulation, it seems that the wind disaster's bonus to me is not that great anymore?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. Thirty years of previous simulations had allowed Su Xing to increase his potential by nearly 20%.

But this time, in about thirty years, it has only increased by one percent at most...

"However, the further the wind disaster goes, the smaller the benefits will be. In addition, the power of the early wind disaster is insufficient, maybe there is a reason?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and looked at the simulation panel, ready to find out.

[In the 137th year, your understanding of the Five Elements Avenue has also reached the stage of first glimpse! 】

[At the same time, this is the twenty-seventh year since you started the storm! 】

[In the past twenty-seven years, the power of wind disasters has continued to increase, and it has gradually affected you. 】

[But after experiencing a wind disaster, your strength has been turned upside down. A wind disaster of this magnitude will have minimal impact on your strength. 】

[You still practice every day and discuss the situation of the three thousand worlds with your senior sisters and brothers...]

[At the same time, you also tried your best to persuade the brothers and sisters to help the Little Qingyun Realm resist the aliens! 】

[Senior Sister Ziling tells you that this matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by their second-generation disciples. We will wait until Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion...]

[You didn’t say much after hearing this, but just resisted the wind disaster day after day. 】

[In the blink of an eye, twenty-three years have passed...]

[One hundred and sixty years, this is your fiftieth year since the storm started! 】

[This year, the wind disaster has begun to gradually weaken you, and at the same time, you have also begun to gain the benefits of the wind disaster...]

[Approximately every ten years of experiencing a hurricane can increase your potential by one percent. Although it is a small amount, it is still objective when accumulated! 】

[In this way, another twenty years have passed. 】

[In the 180th year, the impact of the wind disaster on you continued to intensify. This year, your actual combat power dropped from the Mysterious Immortal Realm to the peak of the True Immortal Realm. 】

[You need to spend more than an hour every day to resist the wind disaster. Seventy years of wind disaster will still be easy for you...]

(End of this chapter)

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