Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 332 Entering the ninth heaven again, aiming for the true fairyland!

Chapter 332 Entering the ninth heaven again, aiming for the true fairyland!

Returning to the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing could no longer hold back the joy in his heart and raised the corners of his mouth.

"These old people in Daxia are really rich!"

Su Xing looked at the remaining simulated energy sources on his panel——

A total of 158 points!

In addition to the 50,000 tons of fourth-order exotic metals that Lu Yuanwu promised to provide, and the millions of energy sources...

Just those ten powerful Martial Emperors each contributed more than 50,000 energy sources to Su Xing!

"Tsk, tsk, it seems like... Blue Star is really rich!"

"If we are in the Little Qingyun Realm, not to mention ordinary monks...even a monk in the Human Immortal Realm, with all his wealth combined, can he have 50,000 energy sources?"

Su Xing estimates that it is much different.

However, due to the special environment of Blue Star, there are many items containing a large amount of energy source on Blue Star...

Most of these items are controlled by inherited aristocratic families and top experts...such as these veteran martial emperors!

"Tsk, tsk, close to 1.6 million energy sources... a lot of blood has been restored! I finally have the simulation expenses on the way to Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief, but the more energy sources, the better. Su Xing planned to make another big profit before leaving Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Next, Su Xing went to the villa again and met Jin Congxue.

This week, Jin Congxue provided Su Xing with more than 40,000 points of simulated energy, allowing Su Xing's energy source to exceed 1.6 million...


Time came to January 2026, 1, and Su Xing stayed in Lingtian Cave, preparing for a new round of simulation.

"This simulation has only one goal!"

"Achieve a true fairyland!"

Su Xing took a deep breath. After two rounds of wind disasters, Su Xing's potential was maximized!

A full 10% increase in potential will give Su Xing the capital to be promoted to Da Luo in the future...

But Su Xing wants to try again to see if he can increase it to 110% of the limit!

"No matter whether this simulation is successful or not... we will break through the true fairyland in one fell swoop!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

"Start simulation!"

[The 123rd simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 163 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Shennong is alive... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%! 】

[Shennong is alive]: With golden talent, you are like the ancient Shennong, with an amazing affinity for all plants, and can easily grow elixirs and spiritual plants...

"Damn it! It finally appeared!"

Su Xing blinked, unable to conceal his excitement.

Before waking up, he had a purple talent, a descendant of Shennong!

The descendants of Shennong were of great help to Su Xing. The survival rate of difficult-to-grow spiritual plants like the Spirit-Gathering Flower in Su Xing's hands was extremely high!

And the thousands of spirit-gathering flowers planted have become the first pot of gold for his development after he wakes up and goes to the three thousand worlds...

"This talent of Shennong in this world is obviously the upper level of the talent of Shennong's descendants! Its effect... should not be underestimated!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, this talent came at the right time.

After waking up, go to the Little Qingyun Realm. If you want to trade and obtain energy... you will definitely need a lot of treasures.

Su Xing's original plan was to trade part of the Soul Gathering Flower... and then use the treasures in the Wanmu Sect's ruins and part of the Luotian Sect's inheritance in exchange for supplies.

Now that Shennong is alive and talented, it is obviously easier to operate.

"Then, let's officially start the simulation!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[You went to Luotian Sect and obtained part of the inheritance. 】

[Subsequently, you left a lot of treasures, talismans, puppets, etc. to ensure that Blue Star could persist long enough. 】

[Before leaving Blue Star, you went to see Luo Shuying. After explaining everything, you were officially ready to leave...]

[You came to the void node you found in advance, activated the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, and blocked your own secret...]

[The Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat turned into an afterimage and quickly disappeared above the blue star...]

[Soon, Liuyun Golden Light Boat sailed out of the void area where Blue Star was. 】

[You sailed smoothly and arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm in less than a month...]

[The first thing to do when arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm is to return the same way! 】

[You want to try and see if you can successfully return to Blue Star with your current space perception...]

[Another month has passed, and you have come to the void area where Blue Star is... This place is surrounded by waves of void fog and turbulence... Invisible restrictions block the monks from spying on Blue Star. 】

[But your way of space has reached the third level of the avenue and has achieved a small degree of success! 】

[This kind of understanding of the great road gives you a keen enough insight...you keep searching around here. 】

[Since you are very sure of the specific location of Blue Star, you only need to explore the space restrictions to find it successfully. 】

[Finally, you spent a month and finally found a void restriction... You successfully opened a gap in this restriction and were able to return to Blue Star! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"After all, after leaving Blue Star... we can still return smoothly!"

What Su Xing is most worried about is that if he leaves Blue Star, he will not be able to come back. This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

But now, the experiments in the simulation have proved that the awakening can indeed return smoothly!

"It's just...the time to go back and forth is still too long!"

Su Xing frowned slightly. In his ideal life, the time it would take to go to Little Qingyun Realm and come back would not exceed four months...

But now, it takes two months just to travel back and forth...

Plus one month to crack the ban, that’s three full months!

But Su Xing must set aside part of his time for transactions in the Xiao Qingyun world...

"After going to Xiao Qingyun Realm, we must further strengthen the way of space! Try to save a month of time to break the space restriction..."

"In addition, after my cultivation level is improved, my speed of traveling back and forth between Blue Star and Little Qingyun Realm will be further shortened..."

Wake up and set a goal. The time required for trading cannot be shortened, so you can only save time where it is unnecessary to waste it.

Su Xing thought for a while and looked at the simulation panel.

[After returning to Blue Star, you have always felt uneasy... It seems that you are being watched by a gaze...]

[You suddenly feel bad in your heart. You have obviously blocked the secret of heaven, could it be that Hongyue still discovered it? 】

[After thinking over and over in your mind, you finally determined that the source of this gaze is indeed the red moon! 】

[Over the years, Hongyue has put up restrictions and has been on guard against being discovered by outside monks... Therefore, even if you block the secret, you will still be discovered the first time you come in...]

[After being discovered by Hong Yue, you knew you couldn’t stay here for long, so you quickly left Blue Star with your family and friends... together! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this frown and murmured:

"How could it be? It's obvious that Tianji has been blocked... but it was still discovered by Hongyue!"

Su Xing suddenly felt bad. If the price of going out was to be discovered by Hong Yue... then Su Xing would rather not go out!

"Is there any way...to completely block the red moon's perception?"

Su Xing thought hard and finally came up with only one way, which was to completely block the part entering and exiting Blue Star!

Cut off Red Moon’s perception of it!

Just like a spider, although it can sense the movement on the spider web... but if a certain part of the spider web is damaged, it may not be able to sense it...

At this point, this spider will have to spend time re-weaving its web...

Thinking of this, Su Xing thoughtfully said:

"Now, Hong Yue is that spider...but it will definitely take him a lot of time to repair this broken restriction!"

"Until its restoration is complete...I won't be noticed, right?"

Su Xing thinks this plan might be worth a try...

"Huh... no matter what, let's break through to the true fairyland as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving Blue Star, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[After settling your relatives and friends, you went to Tianji Pavilion... As always, you sold part of the information in Tianji Pavilion, wiped out the Advent Cult branch, and gained quite a reputation...]

[In the next ten years, you were assassinated by Fengyu Tower assassins one after another... You killed an assassin in the late stage of True Fairy Realm, and became the top ten in the list of geniuses! 】

[In the twelfth year, you went to Tianji Pavilion and informed about Qingyunzi. 】

[Next, you spent ten years collecting four Wind-fixing Beads. 】

[In the twenty-fifth year, you followed several immortals, met Fairy Ziling, and entered the Qingyun Sect...]

[You were invited to the Three Immortals Peak to talk with Qingyunzi. 】

[You use wishful thinking in exchange for a cup of enlightenment tea and three enlightenment leaves...]

[In the next twenty-five years, you traveled in the Qingyuan Domain, collected a lot of inheritance left by the Luo Tian Sect, and purchased three more Wind-fixing Beads. 】

[In the fiftieth year, you are officially preparing to survive the storm! 】

[You came to a safer world, constantly absorbing spiritual liquid, and your mana continued to expand... At a certain moment, you successfully activated the wind disaster! 】

[A wisp of breeze blows in front of you... At the beginning of the wind disaster, there is almost no threat to you...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"On the fiftieth year, the typhoon disaster started! The duration of this typhoon disaster can reach at least three hundred and fifty years! In this way, there is more hope that the potential will reach 110%!"

"As for the weakening of strength after the wind disaster starts...with my current strength, I should be able to easily survive the first hundred years! Let's use this time to drink Enlightenment Tea!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After the wind disaster is activated, it will have minimal impact on you. 】

[You are traveling in the Qingyuan Domain as always... In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed! 】

[In the seventieth year, you are ready to leave for the Nine Heavens! 】

[You want to further strengthen your understanding of the avenue of space above the Nine Heavens...] [However, just when you are about to arrive at the Qingyun Realm...a figure shoots out of the void, heading towards you with extreme speed and terrifying murderous intent. Coming...]

[You subconsciously release the body-protecting sword to firmly block this attack...]

[If you take a closer look, this is actually a flying sword the size of a palm, coming from thousands of miles away and going straight for your vitals! 】

[Your consciousness spreads out like a tide, quickly catching your target! 】

[Fengyulou, the No. 1 killer named Yu! 】

[With one missed hit, the Rain Character No. 1 killer suddenly showed a horrified expression... His blow was even enough to seriously injure and kill a monk in the early stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

[But you blocked it! 】

[Endless terror appeared in his heart... Without any hesitation, the No. 1 Rain Killer quickly fled...]

[You frowned slightly when you saw this. After experiencing the baptism of two wind disasters, your strength has also entered the Mysterious Immortal Realm...especially your physical body and magic power have been qualitatively improved! 】

[At this time, it is Yu Zi’s No. 1 killer who takes the lead... You are not planning to let him go! 】

[So, a chase begins...]

[This Rain Character No. 1 Killer is extremely shocked at this moment... He originally thought that you were just a Celestial Immortal Realm monk... But judging from the methods you just showed, you are at least the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm! 】

[The intelligence is wrong, so this killer naturally doesn't dare to fight...but you are chasing after him! 】

[This battle started in the void... This Rain Character No. 1 killer is a master of swordsmanship and space. Because of this, he has such terrifying strength! 】

[And his swordsmanship... has even reached the level of a small town... he is a true swordsman! 】

[But its way of space is only the first glimpse, and it is far inferior to yours... Therefore, fighting in the void, you have an absolute advantage! 】

[What's more, your background is much higher than this killer at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm! 】

[This battle lasted for three full months... In the end, this true fairyland killer ran out of mana and was killed in the void by you! 】

[After you killed it, you captured a lot of treasures...]

[You estimate that the true combat power of this killer is about half a step into the Xuanxian realm, which is slightly weaker than yours by half a point. 】

[Fortunately, it hasn't been long since the storm started, and your strength hasn't declined yet... Otherwise, if this killer had come a hundred years later, you would have had no choice but to run away! 】

[After killing the No. 1 Rain Character Killer, you continue to run towards the Nine Heavens...]

[You are going to practice the avenue of space in the Nine Heavens and try to explore it. 】

[In the seventy-fifth year, you explored the first level of the Nine Heavens for two years and found nothing, and decided to go to a higher level to have a look...]

[In the seventy-seventh year, you came to the third level of the Nine Heavens. The space avenue here is very impressive... You decided to practice here for a period of time. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Yuzi's number one killer...that's all!"

Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little proud, remembering that before the simulation several times, he was mercilessly killed by this killer like a dog.

But now, Su Xing's strength has completely surpassed him!

"Having the simulator in hand...what does a gentleman's revenge mean? It's never too late next time!"

Su Xing sighed.

"Also, in the previous simulation, I obtained the treasures from the Nine Heavens... Maybe I can get some benefits this time too!"

"In short, this Nine Heavens is worth exploring!"

Su Xing touched his chin, but due to his strength, it was best for him to stay under the third heaven and explore at this time. Su Xing was not qualified to go to the fourth heaven.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation...60 years in duration!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation... spent 21900 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 161 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in the third heaven...

Su Xing carefully perceived everything around him, and noticed the remarkable spatial Tao Yun here, so he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Don't rush to explore now, let's understand the avenue of space first!"

With this thought in mind, Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea, unlocked the blessing of great wisdom, and began to comprehend.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed...

Su Xing woke up from his meditation, feeling the growth of his understanding of the way of space, and frowned slightly:

"Nine years of enlightenment...is equivalent to more than five hundred years of hard work, but the progress is not obvious?"

Su Xing became more and more aware of the difficulty of progress in the Dao realm...

The fourth realm of the great avenue is called integration!

When you reach this state, you have truly achieved it and made perfect use of a certain avenue.

How many monks have painstakingly studied a certain avenue for a hundred thousand years, but they may not be able to step into this realm!

Therefore, the realm where the great avenues are integrated and connected can only be achieved by a very small number of Xuanxian and Golden Immortal realms!

A monk in the Mysterious Immortal Realm can live for three to five Yuan Hui years, while a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm can live for more than a million years!

Only this kind of monks... can have a lot of time to devote themselves to comprehending a certain path and achieve the state of integration!

Su Xing made some deductions and said with some disbelief:

"With my understanding and qualifications... if I want to understand the way of space to the fourth realm, I will need at least 30,000 years of hard training!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and practiced hard for 30,000 years...

This means that even if every immersive simulation is performed after waking up, it will take ten times for all the Enlightenment Tea to be used to understand the way of space!

Thinking of this... Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

"Forget it...the way of space is barely enough now, so let's put it aside for the time being! Wait until the true fairyland...before making plans!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and then began to try to understand the Five Elements!

With a wave of his hand, several Five Elements treasures appeared around Su Xing's body, and traces of Tao Yun spread out.

After drinking a sip of the Enlightenment Tea, your awakening and understanding will be greatly improved, and then you will begin to comprehend the Five Elements.

In this way, another eighteen years passed in the blink of an eye...

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little surprised at his understanding of the Five Elements.

"In just eighteen years... I have already made more than half of my understanding of the third realm of the Five Elements?"

Su Xing estimated that in another eighteen years, he would be able to completely cultivate the Five Elements to the third level with some success!

"Hiss... the Five Elements Holy Body is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

"My understanding of the Five Elements is at least three times that of the Space!"

"It seems that the path of the Five Elements has a greater chance of breaking into the fourth realm first!"

Su Xing felt vaguely excited...

If the Five Elements Principle really successfully breaks into the fourth realm... then when he was in the True Immortal Realm, he would probably have the ability to compete with those in the middle or even late stages of the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

"The way of the Five Elements has great killing power...it's so unpredictable!"

Su Xing sighed, and immediately understood the Five Elements...

In the blink of an eye, another eighteen years have passed.


The time has come to the 122nd year of simulation, and at the same time, it is also the nd year of waking up and experiencing the wind disaster.

After experiencing two consecutive typhoons, Su Xing's potential and strength have been greatly improved... But even so, the typhoon in the 72nd year still affected Su Xing's strength.

Although his combat power is still stable in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, it has also declined to a certain extent.

On this day, Su Xing woke up from his meditation, with a look of satisfaction on his face. With just a wave of his hand, five colors of light flashed in Su Xing's hand...

If you distinguish carefully, you can even find that each kind of light is divided into one bright and one dark, which seems to vaguely match the way of yin and yang...

"Huh~ Thirty-six years of hard work, the Five Elements Great Way, officially entered the realm of moderate success!"

Su Xing once again lamented the power of Daowu Daocha...

The third realm of the Great Dao that ordinary monks take thousands of years to comprehend was successfully achieved in Su Xing in just a few decades!

"The Way of the Five Elements has entered the third realm... Not only can all kinds of magical powers be used like a fish in water..."

"What's more important is that all five kinds of immortal power can be integrated into the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique...all of which will have a qualitative change in power!"

Su Xing estimated that with his current magic power, if he could comprehend the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique... combined with the Five Elements Dao, it would even be enough to threaten a half-step Xuanxian Realm monk!

"There is still half a cup of Enlightenment Tea...don't rush to use it in nine years!"

Su Xing was going to explore the third heaven first. The extremely pure space source stone he had obtained earlier made Su Xing interested.

"Then, let's start from this direction..."

Su Xing looked at a void and mist a hundred miles away... and tried to explore it with his spiritual consciousness.

But as soon as his consciousness touched this layer of fog, it was immediately blocked from the outside. No matter how hard he tried to wake up, he could not penetrate into it...

"This Nine Heavens is really mysterious...the fog of the void is even more terrifying than the void!"

Su Xing whispered, then took a step forward and appeared outside the fog of void.

Then, Su Xing tried to step into it, feeling a faint tingling sensation between his eyebrows.

"Huh? There's danger...but not much?"

Su Xing thought for a while and finally entered this void and fog...

Stepping into the fog of the void, there were not even five fingers visible at first, but just a moment later, he woke up and seemed to appear in a new world.

In this world, in addition to waking up, there is also a mountain-like creature taking a nap.

The appearance of this creature is ferocious and terrifying. There is not a trace of hair on its body, but it is as smooth as a wall... But the body that is a hundred feet high is still filled with a sense of oppression.

"This seems... to be a strange beast in the void?"

"The strength is about...half-step to the Mysterious Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, this strange beast from the void came at just the right time!

The strength of the void beasts in the void will increase significantly. With its half-step strength in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, it should be able to exert its combat effectiveness comparable to the early stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm...

"However, the flesh and blood of the void beast seems to be a good treasure for understanding the way of space..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth, and a colorful cyclone appeared in his hand.

"Just in time, I can try my progress in the Five Elements..."

(End of this chapter)

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