Chapter 333 Finally entering the true fairyland!

Su Xing's heart stirred, and the five kinds of immortal power of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth merged into one. The colorful light turned into a cyclone, and the terrifying aura in it would make even a true fairyland monk feel frightened!

After the Five Elements Immortal Power was injected into the cyclone, Su Xing incorporated strands of the Five Elements Avenue into it...

After the Five Elements Avenue merged into the cyclone, the color suddenly became more dazzling, making people dare not look directly...

Feeling the trembling of the immortal power cyclone in his hand, Su Xing frowned slightly:

"The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique... seems to have not been fully developed yet... the stability needs to be further improved!"

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, his face changed slightly. The frequency of the cyclone trembling was getting higher and higher, and it was about to lose control...

At this moment, Su Xing reached out and threw the fairy power cyclone thousands of meters away beside the strange beast in the void...

At the same time, Su Xing took a step forward and escaped hundreds of miles away...

After a few breaths, a terrifying five-color light appeared in this space, seeming to swallow up everything around it...

Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded, and waves of immortal power spread hundreds of miles away, causing the ground where Su Xing was to start to tremble!

"Hiss... the power of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique is slightly beyond my imagination!"

"If it is completely stabilized... it will be another trump card that can cross levels and fight against the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, then took another step, crossing hundreds of miles with one step, and returned to the strange beast in the void.

At this moment, this strange beast in the void, which was hundreds of feet tall and looked like a mountain, roared feebly and screamed... Red blood spilled all over the ground, and there was a fishy smell.

Su Xing took a closer look and saw a huge hole dozens of feet deep in the chest of this strange void beast. The injury was shocking.

"Hiss... the power of this move may be able to directly kill the early stage monks of the Mysterious Immortal Realm who are not good at defense, right?"

Su Xing smacked his lips. The Void Beast's physical body was quite powerful, but it was also severely injured by a single blow, let alone an ordinary human immortal?

This strange beast in the void was obviously quite intelligent. After seeing Su Xing, it immediately showed hatred in its eyes and rushed toward Su Xing.

Su Xing held the Mo Bing Sword and fought fiercely with this strange beast in the void.

Just after the fight, Su Xing's expression changed slightly. The pure power of this void beast was actually more than twice that of Su Xing!

"Tsk tsk... It is indeed a strange beast in the Half-step Mysterious Immortal Realm. This kind of power is really impressive!"

Su Xing did not go head-to-head with him, but used his sword skills to fight with this strange beast in the void. It was all a way to hone his sword skills and combat experience.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights!

Even though the void beast was seriously injured, its endurance was still terrifying...

In the end, because his injuries were difficult to recover from, he was revived and consumed to death.

Seeing the strange beasts in the void that collapsed like mountains and caused numerous earthquakes, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief and gained a clearer understanding of his own strength.

"Without using my trump strength should be slightly inferior to that of the early stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm. Can I be considered as having reached the half-step of the Mysterious Immortal Realm?"

"But if... we use those trump cards, the early stage cultivators in the Mysterious Immortal Realm can also fight!"

Su Xing thought for a while and looked at the corpse of this strange beast in the void.

Then, he used a sharp sword to break open the skin of the strange beast in the void, and soon... several fist-sized "inner elixirs" were found inside!

"Tsk tsk... Is this a special kind of ore produced in the void beast's body? This rich spatial Tao Yun!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly. In layman's terms, these stones were the "stones in the body" of the strange beasts of the void!

It is also the treasure that all monks who practice the Space Avenue in the Three Thousand Worlds dream of!

Just this "stone" is worth more than 50 million high-grade spiritual stones...

"Not bad! You won't lose this time!"

"Try using this stone to assist your practice. How fast will it be?"

Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea and then began to practice.

One sip of Enlightenment Tea lasted for two full years...

Two years later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling the growth of the space in his body, and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right... these two years are actually equivalent to three hundred years of enlightenment!"

"Understanding the way of space is one step closer to mastering the fourth realm!"

Su Xing did the math, and if he used the "stones" from the void beasts to assist his practice, he could get about two to three times the bonus!

"That's right... It seems that if you want to practice the Space Avenue in the future, you will need to collect enough of these stones for assistance..."

After two years of awakening, he consumed four stones from the strange beasts of the void, and then left this secret realm.

In the next year, Su Xing successively explored two or three places in the void and fog, but nothing was gained.

"It seems that there are adventures in the Nine Heavens... but it takes a lot of time to explore..."

Su Xing’s main goal for this simulation is still to survive the storm, so he doesn’t plan to continue exploring here.

"Then... let's go back to Qingyun Sect first! It's safer there..."

Su Xing did not hesitate, used the power of space, and rushed towards the direction of Xiao Qingyun Realm.

A year later, Su Xing returned to the Xiao Qingyun world and entered the Xiao Qingyun Sect.

At this time, it is the 127th year of the simulation, and the awakening immersive simulation has ten years left to end.

Returning to Xiao Qingyun Realm, Su Xing began to plan for his next practice.

"In the previous battle with the Void Beast... the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique seems not to be perfect enough and needs further improvement!"

"'s time to practice some magical powers of the space system!"

After Su Xing tidied up, he was ready to bother Senior Sister Zi Ling.

At this moment, Fairy Ziling is carefully planting spirit-gathering flowers in the cave... She seems to be very interested in the way of cultivating spirits. In addition to practicing, she spends most of her time playing with flowers and plants.

After receiving the message from Su Xing, Fairy Ziling invited Su Xing in and asked:

"Junior brother, why are you looking for me this time?"

After hearing this, Su Xing was speechless and straight to the point:

"Senior sister, I recently want to practice a magical power in space escape... It is best to have a higher level. Do you have any recommendations?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Fairy Ziling thought for a while, then took out a jade slip and said:

"Junior brother, this magical power is called Zongdi Golden Light... It is one of the signature escape techniques of our Qingyun Sect! It cannot be practiced by non-direct disciples... It also needs the sect's contribution to redeem it!"

"But since you first came to Qingyun Sect, I will give this magical power to you as a meeting gift! This golden light magical power is enough for you to use it to reach the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this, and he quickly took out Zongdi's golden light magical power to check, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

This magical power is indeed a way to move through space, turning it into golden light to travel through space... After cultivating it to a small level, you can cross a thousand miles in one step!

"This magical power is very good! Junior brother, thank you very much, senior sister!"

Su Xing saluted Fairy Ziling.

Later, Fairy Ziling also asked Su Xing about her experience in raising spirits, and Su Xing told her everything.

This discussion lasted for three months. Three months later, he woke up and returned to the cave, preparing to practice this golden light technique!

"Tsk, tsk... As long as I can cultivate this technique to the level of Xiaocheng, my escape speed will be no less than that of a monk in the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, first took a spiritual enlightenment pill, and then practiced the magical power of golden light.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed...

With the blessing of Qiling Pill, one month of awakening and practice is equivalent to twenty years of hard work!

"Tsk tsk... It is indeed the magical power of Qingyun Sect. This magical power not only includes the way of space, but also takes into account the way of speed!"

"With the blessing of a spiritual enlightenment pill, you haven't even started yet?"

Su Xing did not hesitate, took a sip of enlightenment tea, and then continued to practice...

In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed.

In the 132nd year of simulation, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes with a look of satisfaction.

"With the magical power of golden light, you can successfully enter the realm of success!"

"Using this technique, my traveling speed will be increased by at least 50%!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with this. With this magical power, Su Xing not only greatly improves his escape speed, but also consumes much less space.

"There are still three years left for Enlightenment Tea... Let's try to further perfect the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique..." Su Xing murmured.


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

Using the magical power of memory, his eyes gradually became clearer when he woke up, and he murmured:

"The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique... is almost perfected. At least it won't be in the unstable state it was before!"

"Now, my strength has fully caught up with the Xuanxian realm!"

"Then, the rest of the all about getting through the storm!"

"No matter whether we can increase our potential by 10% this time... we must break through to the realm of true immortals!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 137th year of simulation, you will make up for your shortcomings in speed and magical powers to further improve your strength. 】

[This year is also the 87th year that you have survived the wind disaster... Even with your strength, the wind disaster will inevitably have an impact. 】

[But if you stay in Qingyun Sect and concentrate on surviving the storm, there is no danger. 】

[In the blink of an eye, thirty-three years have passed...]

[In the 170th year, the power of the wind disaster continues to increase, and your strength has dropped to the peak of the true fairyland...]

[You can feel that the wind disaster is constantly honing your qualifications and potential. Although the speed is slow...but the little things add up! 】

[The 220th year, another fifty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is the 170th year for you to survive the storm! 】

[This year, your strength dropped to the late stage of True Fairy Realm. 】

[Even if the wind disaster becomes more and more powerful, you can still resist it without even using the Wind-fixing Bead. 】

[In the 250th year, your strength dropped to the middle stage of True Fairy Realm. 】

[On the 200th day of the storm, you used the first Wind-fixing Bead. 】

[After wearing the Fengfeng Bead with you, you will obviously feel that your condition is much better. 】

[In the next sixty years, you used four Wind-fixing Beads one after another. 】

[In the 310th year, you still have three Fengfeng Beads left in your hand. At this moment, one Fengfeng Bead can only last for ten years. 】

[So you plan to buy a few Wind-fixing Beads to ensure that you can practice enough. 】

[But Fairy Ziling tells you that you can use contribution points to exchange for Wind-fixing Beads within the sect...]

[You sold some immortal treasures and spiritual stones, exchanged them for contribution points, and purchased five more Wind-fixing Beads. 】

[After you have enough Wind-fixing Beads, you can continue to practice steadily...]

[In the 360th year, you can feel that the bonus of wind disaster has gradually reached its limit...]

[At this time, the total potential blessing of the wind disaster for you is close to 110%! 】

[So, you continue to accumulate knowledge, and another ten years have passed. 】

[In the 370th year, the wind disaster has blessed you by 110% this year! ] [This exceeds the limit of ordinary Daluo Jinxian... The number of monks in the entire three thousand worlds who have accomplished this is no more than one hand! 】

[After the potential breakthrough, you want to continue to test how much bonus the wind disaster has, so you survived the wind disaster for another ten years. 】

[In the 380th year, you are disappointed to find that the blessings of the wind disaster have been minimal... Even if you experience another five hundred years of wind disaster, it will be difficult to increase your potential by 10%...]

[So, you no longer hesitate, prepare to end the wind disaster, and start the final sprint towards the true fairyland! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Finally, 110% of the potential blessing is more than the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian! I must have used this wind disaster to the extreme!"

Su Xing did some calculations and found that the total time he spent surviving the storm exceeded seven hundred years...

Apart from the Wind Spirit Root cultivator, Su Xing is a rare being!

"However, the monk who survived the wind disaster for a thousand years...I'm afraid the actual growth potential is only a little more than 110%, far less than 120%...the income will be lower as the wind disaster progresses, so there is no need to force it!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"Then, after the storm is over, it's just a matter of time before we enter the true fairyland!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 381st year, you announced your retreat to the outside world and stayed in the cave to sit there, capturing the ray of inspiration that broke through the true fairyland...]

[In the past few hundred years, you have had dozens of opportunities to break through to the true fairyland in one fell swoop, but you have always suppressed it in order to ensure the maximum growth of your potential! 】

[And now, when the time is right, you will naturally not hesitate! 】

[After sitting like this for seven years, you feel that the wind around you is rapidly decreasing...]

[From the violent wind to the gentle breeze...]

[When the breeze blows through your Tianling Point, you feel a burst of inspiration...]

[The next moment, the energy in your body starts to rise! 】

[The whole body and immortal power are further sublimated...]

[The whole process went extremely smoothly, even as if I just slept...]

[When you come back to your senses again, you feel like a brand new person... Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the true fairyland! 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

"Finally, I successfully broke through to the true fairyland!"

"The biggest bottleneck in the Celestial Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm is the wind disaster!"

"As long as we survive the storm, the journey will be smooth!"

"True fairyland... everything will fall into place!"

Su Xing once read the classics and found that monks in the Celestial Immortal Realm receive the greatest blessings when they overcome wind disasters, and their overall strength can increase by 50% to more than double!

For example, when he wakes up, his immortal power, aptitude, and physical body have all increased by more than double!

But after officially breaking through to the True Fairy Realm, the growth was actually less. The blessing of the big realm breakthrough was only about 50%.

Because of this, monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm will try their best to survive the storm for a few more years, in order to increase their strength in the future...

"Successfully broke through to the true fairyland... Then the goal of this simulation was successfully achieved!"

"It's not good to stay in Qingyun Sect from now on... Maybe it's time to go out and have a look?"

Su Xing decided not to sit still and wait for death. With his current strength, might he be able to support mid- to long-distance void navigation?

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 383rd year, after making some preparations, you decided to leave the Qingyun Sect and go to the outside world for experience. 】

[At this time, the situation in Three Thousand Worlds is extremely bad. The entire Little Qingyun World and dozens of surrounding Small Thousand Worlds have fallen...]

[There is nothing serious about the Qingyun Realm, so you are going to leave from the other side of the Qingyun Realm and travel to further worlds...]

[Towards the south of Qingyun Realm, there are hundreds of Zhongqian Worlds, which are so far apart that they even reach the Endless Sea...]

[The Endless Sea is the collective name for a void area...]

[The Endless Sea is the worst area of ​​the illusion in the void. There are countless spatial turbulences in it, like ocean currents, and it is full of dangers. 】

[And its scope is so vast... there is not even a small thousand worlds in it, and the monks are completely unable to stay in it. 】

[Like oceans and continents...]

[And the endless sea area isolates the Qingyuan Territory and the center of the three thousand worlds... Tianji Territory! 】

[With your strength, you are still unable to cross the endless sea, but you are also ready to explore the small world in the south...]

[You control the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and use the method of space. The Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat flies towards the south at a terrifying speed...]

[In just one year, you have passed through more than twenty void nodes and successfully arrived at a place called Nanyan Realm. 】

[The Southern Yan Realm is a small thousand world. It is quite famous among the dozens of nearby small thousand worlds, just because there is a bird in the world that looks like a swallow. 】

[This bird tastes very good and is a rare delicacy for immortals, but it is extremely fast and difficult to catch, so it is expensive...]

[In the next ten years or so, you have traveled through more than ten Small Thousand Worlds, and your knowledge of the Three Thousand Worlds has increased a lot. 】

[At the same time, during this period, you also received some bad news...]

[Near the Qingyun Realm, it seems that three more Small Thousand Worlds have been lost... The situation in the entire Qingyuan Realm is getting worse! 】

[You sighed secretly in your heart. If this progress is followed, I am afraid that within a few thousand years, most of the entire Qingyuan Territory will fall...]

[Time flies to the 410th year of simulation! 】

[One day, an early warning came from your talent to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune...]

[A few days later, Qingyunzi found you...]

[At this time, he has completely fallen into madness and been swallowed by the evil corpse...]

[Facing the attack of a Daluo Jinxian, you have no power to resist...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, there is still no way to avoid being chased by Qingyunzi..."

Su Xing sighed deeply, Qingyunzi couldn't kill the evil corpse, so he would keep "peeping" at Luo Tian's secret treasure!

This is Qingyunzi's most essential obsession...

As the direct descendant with the closest relationship with Luo Tianzong, Su Xing will naturally be hunted by Qingyunzi.

Su Xing sighed and said:

"Forget it, after you fully accept Luo Tian's inheritance... maybe there will be a solution to Qingyunzi's problem!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but look excited.

The entire Luotian Sect's inheritance...and the mysterious Luotian Mirror! Everyone seems to be waving towards awakening!

As long as Su Xing's cultivation level breaks through to the true fairyland!

Xing Xing's eyes eagerly looked at the simulation reward list.

[Shennong is alive]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Wind-fixing Bead]: A treasure that resists wind disasters and can also withstand all winds in the world. It sells for 10 energy sources.

[Real Immortal Level 30 Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! Priced at energy source!

In this simulation, all Su Xing's thoughts were spent on overcoming the storm and breaking through the true fairyland... so there were not many rewards to choose from.

"Does one level of true fairyland cultivation require 300,000 energy?"

Su Xing sighed secretly, the energy required was similar to what he had guessed.

"Then, there's nothing to hesitate about. Let's officially prepare to break through to the true fairyland!"

After waking up, he set off immediately and went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, and then entered the Fire Control Sect ruins.

Some time ago, Su Xing took the time to arrange many formations in this ruins to hide the aura and shield the secrets of heaven.

In addition, awakening the path of cause and effect and destiny has entered the realm of first glimpse, so the secret shielding is even more convenient.

"Breaking into the true fairyland will definitely cause a lot of noise... It's better to put in a few more layers of protection!"

Su Xing murmured.

Although he is about to enter the realm of true immortality, he does not intend to be discovered by Hongyue until he has sufficient strength.

"Perhaps, after the Golden Fairyland... I can face the red moon directly and no longer need to hide it!"

Su Xing spent several days arranging several protective methods.

When everything was ready, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the talent of Shen Nong in this world... and the level 1 cultivation of the True Immortal Realm!"

[Ding, it has been detected that you have the same type of low-level talent Shennong Descendants...the talent is being replaced! 】

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the talent Shennong in the world. After spending 10 points of energy source, the remaining energy source points are 161 million, 256 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the first level of True Fairy Realm... You spent 30 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 131 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing first felt that he had a special affinity for the spiritual plants around him, and seemed to be able to easily capture their thoughts. All spiritual plants and elixirs could be easily planted in Su Xing's hands.

This is the effect brought about by the golden talent of Shennong!

"Tsk tsk... I haven't tried the effect of Shennong's living talent in this simulation. I must give it a try when I have the opportunity!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and prepared to welcome the transformation of cultivation!

The next second, Su Xing's aura began to grow rapidly...

When he broke through from the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm to the True Immortal Realm... the shackles on Su Xing's body were slowly untied...

The magic power in the awakening body is like a rushing river, flowing continuously!

Both the quality and the richness of the mana are far better than before...

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, constantly adjusting his breathing to adapt to the surge of cultivation in his body.

Half a day later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth and said:

"True fairyland cultivation has finally been achieved!"

The joy in Su Xing's heart could not be concealed.

From a heavenly immortal to a true immortal, surviving the three complete immortal disasters is definitely a great transformation in cultivation!

But what's more important to Su Xing is... After reaching the True Immortal Realm, Su Xing will truly have the ability to inherit the Luotian Sect's heritage!

"Before leaving Blue Star... I have to go to the Luotian Conference first!"

(End of this chapter)

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