Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 334: The simulator version is updated, Luo Tianjing recognizes his master!

Chapter 334: The simulator version is updated, Luo Tianjing recognizes his master!

Su Xing once received a reminder from Luo Qingniu at the Luo Tian Conference.

Find a True Immortal Realm monk... Go to Luo Tianjing before it disappears completely and inherit the Luo Tian Sect's inheritance!

Now that Su Xing himself has reached the level of cultivation, it is most appropriate for Su Xing himself to obtain these benefits.

"However, before going to Luotian, you should simulate it again... If there is no accident, it will be more appropriate to enter it again!"

Su Xing made some estimates and found that he was not short of this week.

So in the next week, Su Xing continued to make talismans, hoard some supplies, and provide them for trading with his puppets.


In the blink of an eye, a week passed, and the day of February 2026, 2, in the new era soon came.

This week, after Su Xing and Jin Congxue traded, they returned to Lingtian Cave, preparing to start a new round of simulation!

Looking at the simulation duration that was about to end cooling down on the panel, Su Xing murmured:

"This trip to Luo Tian is very important, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Be sure to complete the inheritance of Luo Tianjing before entering the real world..."

"In addition, we also need to prepare a batch of Spirit Gathering Flowers for future transactions to Xiao Qingyun Realm..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and after the simulation time cooled down, he said silently:

"Start simulation!"

[Ding, it is detected that the host has broken through to the realm of true immortals. The simulator version can be further upgraded. This upgrade costs 100,000 points of energy source. Do you want to upgrade? 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this prompt, and then checked the effect of the simulator upgrade.

When he saw a certain item, Su Xing's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth raised:

"Has this function finally been turned on? It must be upgraded! It will be much more convenient to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm next..."

Su Xing said decisively:

"Confirm upgrade!"

[Ding, you spent 126 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 7856 points...]

[The simulator version is being upgraded...]

[Version upgrade successful! 】

A series of prompts sounded in Su Xing's ears, and Su Xing couldn't wait to look at the newly unlocked functions.

[The updated features of the simulator version 6.0 are as follows]:

[1. The chance of drawing a golden talent is increased to a constant probability of %, and there is a % chance of drawing a red talent. 】

[2. Add five talent upper limit columns. 】

[3. Optimization of the talent lottery pool function...]

[4. Added simulation storage function, which can store the number of simulations, with a maximum limit of three times...]

"This time the simulator upgrade has brought great results!"

"Five percent probability...of drawing a red quality talent...Although the probability is not high, there is hope at least!"

Su Xing murmured that for him, the golden talent is enough for now. What he urgently needs is the energy needed to cultivate...

Without the immersive simulation function, I'm afraid he would no longer have enough energy!

"The upper limit of the talent column, the optimization of the prize pool lottery... are just the icing on the cake!"

"...The most important thing is the new function of storing simulation times!"

"With this new feature, I can delay the simulation time by three weeks without wasting simulation times!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

If the simulation times were not used before, they are gone. There have been many times when Su Xing clearly had his eye on a certain reward, but was forced to be short of money.

Now, after waking up and fully accumulating a wave of energy... he can then conduct multiple simulations to achieve an explosive increase in strength!

"At least... when I'm sailing in the void... I don't have to worry about running out of energy!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The new simulation function came at the right time and would save Su Xing a lot of trouble in the future.

"Then, let's officially start the simulation!"

[The 124th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 126 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations to the man who got the golden talent very quickly... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%! 】

[Fast Man]: Golden talent, you are quite talented in speed, you are a man who can do everything very quickly...

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing frowned slightly and had a bad feeling in his heart. This thing wouldn't have any side effects!

"Ahem... the speed method is not difficult after all, but there is no need to spend so much effort and waste the number of rewards..."

Su Xing glanced at the talent and looked at the simulation panel impatiently.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[You did not hesitate and immediately set off to the entrance of Luotian Dungeon...]

[You entered the Luotian Dungeon...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:

“Using immersive simulation…”


The simulated beep fell, and he woke up and appeared in the Luotian world.

Luo Qingniu's voice came to my ears:

"After waiting for several Yuanhui, you finally appear...the destined one!"

Su Xing entered the Luotian dungeon hundreds of times, and for the first time he heard different words in his ears.

Su Xing looked at the old man in the hall. At this moment, his face was full of vicissitudes of life, and he looked at Su Xing with complicated eyes.

Su Xing was silent for a moment and said:

"Why do you say he is...a destined person?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu said:

"A few Yuanhui ago... our Luo Tian Sect was declining day by day... and with no choice but to use the Luo Tian Mirror, we opened up this secret realm so that we old people can live in it!"

"However, before opening the secret realm, we asked the master of Tianji Pavilion for help... He said that Luo Tianzong's fate should not be terminated. After several Yuanhui, a monk will appear to solve our difficulties!"

"And now, we have finally waited for you!"

After hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing was shocked in his heart.

A few Yuan Hui ago, that Tianji Pavilion Pavilion Master had reached this moment! ?

"No... I've obviously been here many times... The master of the Tianji Pavilion is definitely not powerful enough to travel through time and space at will!"

"At most, you just have a vague perception, right?"

When he came here before waking up, Luo Qingniu once said that he needed to reach the True Immortal Realm before he could be qualified to help them and inherit Luo Tian's inheritance.

So, Su Xing asked calmly:

"Oh? Then how do you know...that the so-called fateful person is here?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu stepped forward, looked at Su Xing carefully, and nodded:

"You can't be wrong! You possess part of the inheritance of our Luo Tian Sect!"

"You have learned the Luo Tian Transformation Technique... the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, and even the Zhengyi Qi Subduing Technique!"

"This means...you must have received part of our Luotian Sect's heritage, right?"

"Or, are you simply a descendant of my Luo Tian Sect?"

Speaking of this, Luo Qingniu said with a look of reminiscence in his eyes:

"For several Yuanhui years, monks have occasionally entered this place...but none of them meet the conditions, and even their cultivation level is not as good as that of a true immortal!"

"Now, the power of Luo Tianjing is gradually dissipating... We can't hold on for long!"

After Su Xing heard Luo Qingniu's words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

From what Luo Qingniu said, he misunderstood that Su Xing had acquired Luo Tian's inheritance from the outside world.

But in fact, these inheritances are exactly what these people taught Su Xing... This at least proves that the secret of the simulator has not been exposed yet!

Su Xing remained calm and asked:

"Yes, I did obtain part of Luo Tian's inheritance...and learned about this place..."

"But I want to know, how can I help you?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu explained:

"Actually, what you see in front of you...all the descendants of the Luotian Sect, including me, are half dead..."

"The reason why he is said to be half dead is because of the existence of the most precious treasure, Luo Tianjing!"

"We have lived in this secret realm for several Yuanhui years, and we should have died long ago... But Luo Tianjing allowed us to stay on that day forever!"

"But now the energy of Luo Tianjing is gradually dissipating... If it has enough energy, Luo Tianjing can gradually restore itself, and we can exist longer..."

After a pause, Luo Qingniu continued:

"We are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death... It's just that the Luo Tian Sect has not avenged its great revenge. We must at least wait until the day when the Luo Tian Sect regains its glory... before we can rest in peace under the Nine Fountains!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. He had already known this before. The question he was concerned about was, how should he solve this problem and inherit Luo Tianjing at the same time?

Before Su Xing could ask, Luo Qingniu explained:

"Luo Tianjing is the treasure of chaos... The energy it contains is terrifying, but in these several Yuanhui, its energy has gradually dissipated..."

"Everything in the world belongs to chaos, so it can be transformed into Luotian Mirror's energy to replenish it..."

"But after research by the ancestors of our Luo Tian Sect, we found that the best way to replenish the energy of Luo Tian Jing is to use spiritual power or immortal power to replenish it!"

"When our Luo Tian Sect was at its peak... every hundred years, there would be seventy-two golden immortals who would inject immortal power into the Luo Tian Mirror and replenish its energy!"

"But now, Luo Tianzong is no longer what it used to be!"

After a pause, Luo Qingniu continued:

"Injecting energy into Luo Tianjing... costs a lot! Only those in the True Immortal Realm can afford the amount of immortal power required!"

"And the continuous infusion of immortal power may cause the cultivation level of the monks in the True Immortal Realm to drop..."

Su Xing frowned slightly when he heard this.

After injecting immortal power, will the level of cultivation decline? This is not good news!

After all, for Su Qing, the state of cultivation is the foundation of strength!

Seemingly seeing the hesitation in Su Xing's heart, Luo Qingniu said quickly:

"You have a solid foundation...it must have been at least three hundred years since you survived the storm, right?"

"With the cultivation level of the True Immortal Realm... a continuous injection of immortal power for three days can maintain the operation of the Luo Tianjing for at least three months! The cultivation level may drop afterward... but it will be restored soon!"

"If you meet someone you trust, you can also join the Luo Tian Sect...inject fairy power into the Luo Tian Mirror to keep it running!"

"Moreover, Luo Tianjing is a treasure of chaos, extremely mysterious... Although after injecting immortal power, the realm of cultivation will temporarily decline, it is also good for the monk's practice!"

"Not only can it condense the magic power in the body... but even the foundation will be more solid in the future!"

Su Xing was slightly relieved when he heard this.

In the True Immortal Realm, it takes a small level of cultivation to maintain Luo Tianjing for three months.

For Su Xing who owns a simulator, this is nothing. At most, his cultivation is a little slower... And when Su Xing reaches a higher level in the future, he can directly maintain the operation of the Luotian Mirror without even falling down.

"The price paid...seems to be acceptable?"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief, but remained calm, waiting for Luo Qingniu to reveal his price.

If the effect of Luo Tianjing is just to enrich the magic power and increase the foundation, but it has to pay the price of falling into the realm, then it is far from meeting the expectations of Su Xing...

Seeing that Su Xing didn't speak, Luo Qingniu looked unhappy, so he continued:

"The power of Luo Tianjing... is naturally far more than that!"

"I promise that as long as you are willing to become the next leader of our Luotian Sect... this treasure will be yours!"

"Luotian Mirror has the ability to change reality... As long as you inject a certain amount of immortal power, you can bring out the resources needed for practice from Luotian territory!"

"And our Luo Tian Sect has inherited dozens of Yuanhui...almost all the resources for cultivation can be used by you!"

"And after Luo Tianjing recognizes its owner, you can enter Luo Tianjing at any time. The secret treasures inherited by our Luo Tianzong for countless years...all belong to you!"

"Even...all the monks in our Luotian Sect can help you...the elixirs we grow and the weapons we make in Luotian can be brought into reality if you are willing and pay a certain amount of mana!"

After hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing was finally moved!

Unlimited access to the Luotian Mirror... Doesn't this mean that Su Xing will have a huge treasure house!

Moreover, everything in Luo Tianjing can be brought out by Su Xing...

This function is so maneuverable!

Not to mention anything else... just the Soul Gathering Flower in Luotian made Su Xing extremely greedy!

"Injecting fairy power can bring out some resources... This does not conflict with the simulator!"

"If I have Luo Tianjing, my growth rate will undoubtedly be greatly accelerated!"

Su Xing kept thinking in his heart and was already very excited.

At this time, Luo Qingniu continued to bid:

"Besides that, the relics that our Luo Tian Sect left behind in the Three Thousand Worlds... are as numerous as a cow's hair. As long as you agree to become the master of our Luo Tian Sect, all of these Luo Tian Sect's relics will belong to you!"

After hearing this, Su Xing could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart.

The relics that Su Xing found before were only a very small part...

But if we can get all the treasures of Luo Tianzong...not to mention the resources needed to be promoted to Xuanxian and Jinxian, but also to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian, I'm afraid it will be enough!

So Su Xing nodded and said:

"Okay...then what should I do?"

When Luo Qingniu heard this, he flicked his sleeves, and Su Xing and him came to the Luotian Conference venue.

Then, Luo Qingniu pointed at the palm-sized Luo Tianjing suspended in the sky and said:

"This is the body of Luo Tianjing...and the location we are in now is the self-contained space inside Luo Tianjing, Luo Tianjing!"

"There are many mysteries of Luo Tianjing...you can explore it slowly in the future!"

"But now, you only need to inject a certain amount of mana to enter the core space of Daoluo Tianjing... As long as you pass the assessment of Luo Tianjing, you can obtain certain permissions!"

Speaking of this, Luo Qingniu comforted:

"Although Luo Tianjing is a treasure of chaos, the assessment of its weapon spirit is not difficult... If you can practice to the realm of true immortals, your qualifications are not too bad. You will definitely be able to obtain the lowest level of authority!"

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this and said:

"Okay, then I'll go take the test now!"

Su Xing didn't know if there were any pitfalls waiting for him, but in the simulation, dying wouldn't be a waste of a simulation opportunity... and the price was completely bearable!

So, Su Xing took a step forward and came under the simple little mirror suspended in the air.

Immediately, Su Xing stretched out his right hand and injected wisps of immortal power into it...

At first, Su Xing didn't take it seriously. This injection of immortal power was just like the magical power in actual combat. It was only a temporary consumption and would be replenished soon...

But the suction force became stronger and stronger, and Su Xing's expression began to change.

One percent...three percent...five percent...eighty percent!

This Luo Tianjing continued to absorb the immortal power from Su Xing's body. After absorbing 90% of the immortal power, it finally stopped as if it had just eaten.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light flashed on Luo Tianjing and fell on Su Xing. Immediately, Su Xing disappeared from the place and appeared in a strange space...

Seeing this, Luo Qingniu from a distance murmured:

"Are you the one we have been waiting for? I hope you are... we can't wait much longer!"

Obviously, what Luo Qingniu told Su Xing was not all the truth, and he also hid part of it...


On the other side, the awakening figure flashed and appeared in a strange space.

The space here seems to be chaos and nothingness.

No flowers, no trees, not even earth and water...

Su Xing just floated in the air quietly, looking at the white flowers around him, feeling very confused in his heart.

"Is this the inner space of Luo Tianjing? Why is there nothing?"

Just when Su Xing was confused, a mechanical voice came from this space.

"It has been detected that a living being has entered the Luotian Realm...start the Luotian Realm master recognition assessment!"

As he finished speaking, a ray of light fell on Su Xing's forehead.

Then a voice came.

"Detecting master authority..."

"The age of the physical body is less than a hundred years old; the age of the spirit is less than 3,000 years old... The cultivation level is the first level of the True Immortal Realm!"

"Spiritual roots... mutated super spiritual roots!"

"Comprehensive practice efficiency...superior!"

"Qi refining cultivation qualifications have reached the highest standard for master recognition!"


"Cultivation of the physical body, early stage of the Celestial Realm!"

"Having a special physique...the bloodline of the ancient witch clan, the bloodline of the ancient sky-swallowing beast..."

"The qualifications for body training have reached the level of the First Class, and meet the first-class master recognition standards!"


"Special physical fitness test in progress..."

"It has been detected that the target possesses the Five Elements Holy Body, the Innate Sword Body, the Acquired Dao Body, and the Innate Juvenile Veins..."

"The comprehensive physical evaluation reaches the level of A-level, which meets the first-class master recognition standards!"


"The realm of Dao cultivation is being tested..."

"The third realm of the Five Elements Avenue, the second realm of the Sword Way, the third realm of the Space Avenue...the second realm of the Avenue of Destiny, the second realm of the Avenue of Cause and Effect...the third realm of the Avenue of Thunder...reach the realm of the origin and perfection of the avenue as quickly as possible!"

"The comprehensive avenue evaluation... is excellent! It meets the highest standards for master recognition!"


"Cultivation of Immortality and Hundred Arts is being tested..."

"The realm of the great master of weapon refining, the peak of the master realm of alchemy, the master realm of talismans, the master realm of the way of puppets...the master realm of the way of divination...the way of cultivating spirits...the supreme realm!"

"Comprehensive evaluation of the various arts of cultivating immortals... Top 1! Meets the first-class master recognition standard!"

Luo Tianjing's voice kept coming to Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing's eyes widened and he murmured:

"Damn it, you are worthy of being a Chaos Arcana! This is definitely the most detailed qualification test I have ever seen! I almost even saw all of my underwear!"

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, and then murmured:

"The way of cultivating spirits...has actually reached the supreme level?"

Su Xing has basically never practiced the way of cultivating spirits. He relies entirely on the blessing of his talent!

"Tsk tsk... Maybe it's because of the influence of Grandmaster Shennong... The Shennong family is naturally the best in the world in the way of cultivating spirits!"

Su Xing estimated that his skills in cultivating immortals were far from being rated as high-level.

But because of the way of nurturing spirits, the evaluation of Su Xing may be directly improved by several levels!

"The qualification test for master recognition of Luo Tianjing... forget about the qualifications for refining Qi, body and soul, and the qualifications for spiritual roots... can you actually reach the level of enlightenment of the Great Dao and the hundred arts of cultivating immortals?"

Su Xing smacked his lips, it was indeed a treasure of chaos, it was indeed impressive!

"Looking at what Luo Qingniu said before, combined with the current situation, it seems that there are different levels for Luo Tianjing to recognize its master?"

"Perhaps... different levels can correspond to different permissions?"

"And my Qi refining qualifications and Dao perception have reached super level... Others also meet the first-class master recognition standards, so they shouldn't be bad, right?"

"As for the age of the soul...maybe it refers to memory? Does every time I perform immersive simulations count as an increase in the age of the soul?"

Su Xing raised the corner of his mouth. Finally, the solid foundation he had laid in the past and his deepening understanding of the great path were not in vain!

"I don't know...what are the corresponding benefits of different permission levels?"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

However, just when Su Xing thought that the detection of Luo Tianjing was over, several voices came one after another to his ears.

"Target luck detection..."

"It has been detected that the target possesses Hongmeng Luck... Luck Level 2!"

"Meets the second-class luck standard... Meets the first-class master recognition standard..."

In the inner space of Luo Tianjing, Su Xing became uneasy when he heard this.

"Damn it, this girl can actually detect luck?"

"Moreover, I have all kinds of luck and talents, but I only have second-class luck?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

He now has two luck-related talents, Lucky Stars and Seeking Good Luck and Avoiding Misfortune!

These two talents are superimposed, and the awakening luck is probably the best in this small world!

Among billions of people, maybe just one or two...

But does this meet the second-class luck standard?

"According to this algorithm... the first-class luck standard will probably be the lucky child of the Small Thousand Worlds or even one of the Middle Thousand Worlds!"

"And super luck...is the standard of luck in a certain vast world, or even three thousand worlds?"

Su Xing was thoughtful.

At this moment, the surrounding white space continued to vibrate, and sounds sounded one after another.

"The comprehensive evaluation of the first adoption of the master... is excellent!"

"The only supreme authority can be opened to the target!"

(End of this chapter)

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