Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 337: The simulator shows off its power? What level of treasure is this!

Chapter 337: The simulator shows off its power? What level of treasure is this!

[In the past fifty years, the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers in your hands has skyrocketed again. In the Lingtian Cave, the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers has reached more than 300,000! 】

[Such a number of Soul-Gathering Flowers are spread all over the Lingtian Cave. If the area of ​​the Lingtian Cave had not been upgraded a hundred times, it would have been difficult to plant so many Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

"Three hundred thousand spirit-gathering flowers... converted into energy source, it's only a mere 30,000 points!"

"But the value that the Soul-Gathering Flower can bring... is far more than that!"

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes. He was already trying to quickly obtain energy after traveling to the Three Thousand Worlds!

Su Xing's idea is to use the Soul-Gathering Flower as a breakthrough point to make a huge fortune in a short time and obtain enough energy sources!

"Although a Spirit Gathering Flower is only worth 0.1 point of energy source in the simulator, in Three Thousand Worlds, it can be sold for at least low-grade spirit stones!"

"And one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones, even if the simulator recycles them in the stupidest way, can at least exchange for 10 points of energy source!"

"This time...it's a hundred times the price difference!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly. He naturally knew that it would be a stupid way to exchange the Spirit Gathering Flower for spirit stones and then exchange them for energy...

The reason why Julinghua is expensive is because of its scarcity...

From Su Xing's point of view, the best way is for Su Xing to use the Soul-Gathering Flower to directly exchange for some other resources, and the energy contained in these resources is very abundant.

In this way, we can ensure that the awakening can obtain the source of energy as soon as possible.

"But before that, we must first get a sufficient number of Soul-Gathering Flowers...the more, the better!"

Su Xing thought so, then looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 310th year, your physical training has finally taken a step forward this year! 】

[The Great Witch’s Body Training Technique has successfully entered the middle stage of the third level! At this moment, you are actually fighting against the laws of heaven and earth, with a height of nearly three thousand feet, like a mountain demon...]

[The enlargement of your body also allows you to increase your physical strength by more than several times after using the Dharma of Heaven and Earth. 】

[The Great Witch's Body Training Technique has successfully entered the third level of success, which is something you have already expected. 】

[With enough star stones, it is not difficult to break through the third level. 】

[Next, you should practice hard as always and plant more Spirit-Gathering Flowers...]

[In the blink of an eye, another forty years have passed. 】

[In the 350th year, during the past forty years, you once again had nearly 40,000 more Soul-Gathering Flowers. The total number of Soul-Gathering Flowers you have has reached 350,000! 】

[And you also know that you are getting closer and closer to the four hundred years deadline...]

[This time, you are no longer planning to stay in Qingyun Sect, but are preparing to go to the distant endless sea. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"In the last fifty years... you can indeed make some attempts!"

"Although four hundred years of simulation is enough for the time being... but once your cultivation level reaches a high level, your time will be stretched thin!"

Su Xing sighed, Qingyunzi has always been an unstable factor.

In the past, before Su Xing could obtain Luo Tian's inheritance, he was already targeted by the evil corpse of Qing Yunzi.

Now that Su Xing has truly inherited Luo Tianjing, once Qingyunzi is swallowed by the evil corpse, he will be more likely to cause trouble for Su Xing.

"Luo Tianzong has become the inner demon deep in Qingyunzi's heart, right? Maybe back then... there were other stories between Qingyunzi and the patriarch of Luo Tianzong?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. He always felt that the connection between Qingyunzi and Luo Tianzong was more than just a wishful thinking...

"Then, in the remaining time, let's continue exploring... and by the way, let's look for the Luo Tian Sect's treasures scattered in various worlds..."

In Su Xing's mind, there are hundreds of scattered inheritances of Luo Tian Sect, and the secret wealth contained in them is terrifying. If nothing else, even if he only collects half of it, it will be enough for Su Xing to practice for a long time.

Even Su Xing can choose to exchange part of these inheritances into energy sources!

"There are also Soul-Gathering Flowers, let's continue collecting them!"

Su Xing had a plan in mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[Chapter 351, you are officially preparing to leave Qingyun Sect before Qingyunzi completely loses control. 】

[You drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat all the way north. In just over ten years, you passed through more than two hundred void nodes and experienced more than thirty small worlds. 】

[After the True Fairyland, the erosion of your mana by the void has been significantly reduced. You can stay in the void for a longer time, even traveling for a long time...]

[In the past ten years, you have searched for four Luotian Sect's relics left in various small thousand worlds, and successfully found two of them. 】

[You have successfully harvested tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, tens of millions of spiritual stones...as well as many magical skills and magical weapons...]

[The Endless Sea is far away from the Qingyun Realm, so you go all the way north and continue towards the Endless Sea...]

[In the blink of an eye, another forty years have passed. 】

[In the fourth hundred years, although you have traveled all the way, you have not neglected the improvement of your cultivation. 】

[By swallowing spiritual liquid every day, this year, your cultivation level has been upgraded to the third level of True Fairy Realm...]

[In the same year, the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers in your Lingtian Cave reached nearly 400,000. 】

[But the only thing that shocks you is that the Endless Sea is really too far away... You set out from Qingyun Realm and traveled for more than fifty years, and you are far from even reaching the Endless Sea. 】

[But fortunately, being further away from Qingyun Sect gives you a greater sense of security. With such a long distance, do you think it would be difficult to find even Daluo Jinxian? 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"It is rumored that the endless sea separates the Qingyuan Territory and the Tianji Territory...its vastness is boundless!"

"And the Qingyun Realm is located in the center of the Qingyuan Territory...it's far away from the Endless Sea! Rumor has it that ordinary cultivators in the True Immortal Realm can travel across the entire Qingyuan Territory by running around day and night for a thousand years!"

Su Xing found that he still underestimated the distance of the journey in the Three Thousand Worlds and the vastness of the Qingyuan Territory.

"I'm afraid it's because the different realms are so far apart... that it's too late for the monks to support each other, so they are divided by the alien races, right?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

He believed that when aliens invaded, other worlds did not provide timely support, and he may also have the idea of ​​​​"the sky is high and the emperor is far away".

But everyone knows that the target of the alien race is never a certain world, but the entire three thousand worlds, the entire world of cultivation!

"Qingyun Realm is located in the very center of Qingyuan Territory, so it should be half the diameter of Qingyuan Territory from the Endless Sea..."

Su Xing deduced a little bit.

Ordinary monks in the True Immortal Realm can travel more than five million miles a day...

Although Su Xing's escape speed is several times that of the monks in the True Immortal Realm, it will probably take about two hundred years to reach the edge of the endless sea from the Qingyun Realm, even with the help of void nodes!

"It seems... if you want to reach the edge of the endless sea and explore the other three thousand worlds... you can't do it with your current cultivation level, right?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, then relaxed.

If you can't do it now, forget it. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

The top priority is to connect Blue Star and Three Thousand Worlds...

"I wonder how long it will take for Qingyunzi to find me? Before that... we should plant more spirit-gathering flowers!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After knowing the distance of the endless sea, you will travel to various small worlds as always to understand the customs and customs of the world of immortality. 】

[At the same time, slowly approach towards the endless sea...]

[In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed. 】

[With the help of Luo Tianjing and your insistence on planting Soul-Gathering Flowers every day, the total number of Soul-Gathering Flowers you have has reached an astonishing 450,000...]

[In the 420th year, one day, an early warning came from your talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil. 】

[With your current strength, there are not many people in the Three Thousand Worlds who can threaten you, and this time you are not on the Advent Sect’s assassination list. 】

[Therefore, you know that Qingyunzi discovered your trace...]

[As expected, Qingyunzi found you a few days later. 】

【you are dead……】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and murmured:

"Did this simulation... last for four hundred and twenty years? It's not bad..."

Four hundred and twenty years of simulation is enough time to wake up and do many things.

The only pity is that Qingyunzi will still come to trouble him...

"After that, it's time to look among Luo Tianzong to see if there is a solution to Qingyunzi's problem!"

"If not... we have no choice but to turn to that person for help!"

Su Xing frowned slightly. He really didn't want to meet that person unless necessary...

"But for now, let's choose the reward for this simulation first!"

Su Xing's eyes were filled with excitement, and he couldn't wait to look at the reward list.

[Soon Man]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The Third Level of Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The body refining method inherited from the ancient witch clan. It has been cultivated to the middle of the third level. It has physical strength comparable to the middle stage of the Celestial Realm. It can display the laws of heaven and earth and the divine power of the Heavenly Gang. Lei Yin. The price is 30 energy source.

[Triple Cultivation in True Immortal Realm]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[45 Spirit-Gathering Flowers]: Priced at 4 energy sources.

"The Spirit-Gathering Flower is something that must be brought out...and kept for future trading needs in the Little Qingyun Realm!"

"Then the only options left are the results of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art and the third level cultivation of the True Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and found that the energy source he currently had on hand was not enough. Six hundred thousand energy sources were almost half of Su Xing's net worth, and he did not dare to spend it all at once.

Moreover, in the true fairyland, the improvement of one or two levels of cultivation has not greatly improved the awakening strength.

On the contrary, body training and cultivation will have to be improved sooner or later when you wake up...

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the third level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique...and 45 Spirit Gathering Flowers!"

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the third level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. You spent 30 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 94 points...]


The beep fell, and a mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the awakened physical body began to increase dramatically!

Originally, Su Xing's body-training skills were only at the entry-level level of the third level of the Great Witch's Body-training Art...

Although after experiencing the baptism of the wind disaster, the awakened body was already comparable to that of a late-stage monk in the Celestial Realm.

But the current progress of the Great Witch's body training technique cannot be underestimated!

Only the third level of the Great Witch's body training technique...the awakened body is already comparable to the peak cultivator of the Celestial Realm!

Su Xing closed his eyes tightly and carefully realized the changes in his body.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"The cultivation of the physical body...it's time to catch up and come back as soon as possible! Otherwise, the physical weakness...is also a fatal flaw among high-level monks!"

Su Xing expected to cultivate the Great Witch Body Training Art to the fourth level as soon as possible before arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm!

By then, the physical body of the True Immortal Realm, coupled with the Qi refining cultivation of the True Immortal Realm... Su Xing's actual combat ability will be further improved!

"But...a total of more than 450,000 spirit-gathering flowers were brought out?"

There was no extra storage ring in Su Xing's hand.

But when Su Xing looked around, his eyes suddenly widened.

In the Lingtian Cave with a radius of thousands of feet, small white flowers are planted all over the mountains and plains, continuously breathing out spiritual energy.

Su Xing can even feel that the heavenly level of this Lingtian Cave is rapidly transforming!

In fact, in less than a month, Lingtian Cave Heaven here will be completely promoted to the top level!

"Tsk tsk, not only did you bring out the Soul-Gathering Flower, but you even planted it thoughtfully?"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. These Soul Gathering Flowers will be the guarantee for Su Xing to earn his first pot of gold after going to Xiao Qingyun Realm!


"Then... we will prepare to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm..."

"But before that, there are still a few things to do!"

Su Xing glanced at the time. It was February 2rd. There were still five days left before the 3th of each month as agreed between Su Xing and Luo Shuying.

In the past few days, Su Xing has more important things to do!

First of all, the most important thing is that in order to avoid long nights and many dreams, Su Xing must first go to Luotian Dungeon and identify the owner of Luotian Mirror...

Thinking this, the awakening figure flashed and disappeared in the Lingtian Cave.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing took a few steps, covering a distance of hundreds of miles, and arrived at the entrance to the copy of the Luotian Conference.

At this time, there are still professionals queuing up at the entrance to the dungeon, as well as official staff responsible for guarding the dungeon.

After regaining consciousness and taking a breath, he went directly to the location closest to the entrance. "Brother... you need to make a reservation in advance to enter this dungeon! And because of the special nature of the dungeon... one person can only enter once a year!"

Before the dungeon administrator finished speaking, Su Xing flicked his sleeves, cast a spell, and successfully entered the Luotian Sect dungeon.

"Tsk tsk, are you kidding me, we still have to wait a year? Sometimes... the rules have to be broken appropriately!"

"From now on, the copy of Luo Tian should completely disappear on the Blue Star!"

Su Xing secretly thought to himself, and immediately his figure changed and appeared in Luo Tian's copy...

Su Xing had already experienced the familiar scene before him hundreds of times.

But in the real world, this is the first time for me to wake up.

"Perhaps... this should be my last mission, right?"

Su Xing felt a little emotional in his heart. He had already discovered the copy of Luo Tian when he was still a low-level monk and started traveling around.

Only now that Su Xing has become a true fairyland monk can we truly unlock the secret!

Just when he was awake and thinking, a familiar voice came to his ears.

"Xiaochuan, go to the back mountain and invite your junior brother Shennong to come over..."

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and headed to the back mountain skillfully. He walked again, a task he had experienced hundreds of times.

After bringing Shennong Arita to the main hall, Su Xing did not choose to go to the Luotian Conference venue immediately to end the copy here.

Instead, he went to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion first.

Here, there is a promise owed by Su Xing. If it is not fulfilled, there may be no chance again.


Arriving at the Sutra Collection Pavilion, Su Xing followed suit and began to read through the jade slips and ancient books.

Soon, a vicissitudes of voice came from behind.

"Young man...are you looking for something?"

Su Xing turned around after hearing this, and sure enough, Granny Ghost was standing behind Su Xing.

After hearing this, Su Xing was silent for a moment, then bowed and said:

"This junior was entrusted to look for you!"

The ghost mother-in-law looked puzzled after hearing this, and then woke up and used her magic power to embody what he heard on the jade slips in the ancestral land of the spirit tribe.

When the last sentence, "Bing'er still wants to hear you hum a lullaby," ended, Granny Ghost was filled with tears of joy.

Su Xing saw the ghost mother-in-law so sad and didn't know how to comfort her.

He could imagine that after hundreds of thousands of years, Granny Ghost knew the whereabouts of her beloved disciple, but it was inevitable that the white-haired man would send the black-haired man away.

The beloved disciple he had raised since childhood died, and the once prosperous Luotian Sect collapsed. Even the ghost mother-in-law herself became a "living dead", living forever in the Luotian Mirror.

After a moment of silence, Su Xing said:

"Senior Sister Bing'er, although she failed to complete her mission... she has allowed the Luo clan to multiply to this day. Although she has not been able to cultivate spiritual energy, she has also become a spiritual practitioner, majoring in divine soul... I think she has lived up to your teachings back then!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Granny Gu felt even more sad.

Two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down. After a moment, Granny Ghost said hoarsely:

"Good boy... you fulfilled my wish for so many years..."

"I can't help you with my current appearance... Only my understanding of the way of puppets is quite acceptable..."

After saying that, Granny Gui reached out and pointed at the center of Su Xing's eyebrows, and many memories flooded into Su Xing's mind.

To the point where the awakening consciousness of the Heavenly Realm was a little unbearable for a while...

These memories are Granny Ghost’s lifelong insights into the ways of puppets!

In just one breath, Su Xing felt that his understanding of the way of puppets was rapidly improving.

Without any obstacles, he jumped from being a puppet master to a grand master of the way of puppets!

Like a great monk who has been immersed in the art of puppetry for hundreds of thousands of years...

Obviously, this method of enlightenment is not without cost!

In the meantime, the figure of the ghost mother-in-law gradually became illusory... Finally, she slowly disappeared into the scripture-depositing pavilion...

At this moment, Su Xing finally knew the identity of Granny Ghost!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the golden immortal monks dominated the heaven and even the entire three thousand worlds!

The second generation direct disciple of Luo Tianzong... a powerful and powerful man who is famous throughout the Three Thousand Worlds!

In fact, Granny Gui was able to compete with Taiyi Golden Immortal in a short time with her puppet skills!

In the entire Three Thousand Worlds, Gui Granny is ranked among the top three in terms of attainments in the way of puppets!

"So, is this your last choice?"

Su Xing sighed, and the ghost mother-in-law finally passed on her lifelong insights to Su Xing, causing her originally weak soul to become more and more broken...

Even Su Xing didn't know whether he could resurrect this ghost mother-in-law one day in the future.

"Well, if I count my experiences over the past few years...I have entered this Luotian instance hundreds of times, Granny Ghost and I have made the most friends..."

"And Granny Ghost also helps me the most!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath with a firm look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Luo Tian's inheritance... will eventually appear in this world!"

Su Xing glanced at the empty Sutra Pavilion...then took a step forward and arrived outside the Luotian Conference venue...

As soon as he arrived at the Luotian Conference venue, Su Xing saw Luo Qingniu, who had been waiting for a long time.

Luo Qingniu took a deep look at Su Xing and said:

"You finally showed up... Fortunately, it's not too late!"

"Let me ask you, are you willing to become the successor of our Luotian Sect... and carry out the great cause of restoring our Luotian Sect!?"

Su Xing glanced at Luo Qingniu, nodded slightly and said:

"I am willing!"

"There are many benefits to becoming the leader of Luo Tian Sect..." Luo Qingniu was about to brainwash Su Xing, but when he saw Su Xing agreeing so simply, he almost couldn't stop him!

After being silent for half a minute, Luo Qingniu pointed at the Luo Tianjing above the field and said:

"This mirror is the most precious treasure of our Luo Tian Sect... Luo Tian Mirror!"

"As long as you can get its approval..."

Before Luo Qingniu finished speaking, Su Xing stepped forward and came to the bottom of Luo Tianjing, and then began to inject mana into Luo Tianjing.

"Is this Luo Tianjing...it's really good!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and the five elements of mana were continuously injected into it.

At first, Awakening could also ensure that the mana was actively delivered and injected by himself...

But the further back, the more uncontrollable the awakening becomes, and the infusion of mana cannot even be stopped!

Luo Tianjing continued to absorb the awakening mana, and finally stopped after absorbing a full 80% of it.

"Tsk tsk, if it weren't for my profound knowledge...I'm afraid I would really fall down!"

Su Xing estimated that it would take at least an ordinary Golden Immortal to be able to use this energy to supply Luo Tianjing with relative ease.

If a cultivator in the early stages of the True Immortal Realm is absorbed by a wave of mana, there is a 90% chance that he will fall to the Heavenly Immortal Realm...

That is to say, Su Xing has experienced seven or eight hundred years of typhoons, has a solid foundation, and received the blessing of the spiritual dragon, so he can barely withstand it.

"Tsk tsk... It seems that even if you get this Luo Tianjing, you won't be able to use it easily in the near future!"

Su Xing felt the weakness in his body. Fortunately, if he could only keep the Luotian Mirror from being damaged, he could just inject mana every three months.

With the background of Su Xing, he can completely bear it...

But if you want to use Luo Tianjing, the price you pay will be much higher!

"In the real world, before the Mysterious Immortal Realm... try not to use Luo Tianjing!"

Su Xing thought so in his heart.

The next second, the simple little mirror above his head burst out with unprecedented light, bringing Su Xing into a mysterious space.


"Detecting master authority..."

"The age of the physical body is less than a hundred years old; the age of the spirit is less than 3,000 years old... The cultivation level is the first level of the True Immortal Realm!"


I went through the familiar testing process again.

Su Xing waited quietly until the last voice came:

"The comprehensive evaluation of the first adoption of the master... is excellent!"

"The only supreme authority can be opened to the target!"

When the voice fell, Su Xing's heart tightened, because according to the situation in the simulation, there would be a flash of light next...

After that, you will fall into a coma when you wake up.

Sure enough, the next second, a ray of light shone on Su Xing.

That simple little mirror seems to want to enter the depths of the awakening sea of ​​consciousness...

Just as he was waking up and preparing to fall into coma... a sudden change occurred!

I saw that the mysterious and simple little mirror began to tremble slightly after entering the depths of the awakening sea of ​​consciousness!

This trembling... seems to be fear!

"Huh? What did Luo Tianjing see?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, and after looking inside, there was clearly nothing in his sea of ​​consciousness!

However, Luo Tianjing, which was supposed to stand at the center of the Consciousness Sea, consciously gave way and hid in a more remote part of the Consciousness Sea, as if seeing a certain "uncle".

Su Xing could even feel an "almost flattering" emotion coming from Luo Tianjing!

"Strange...what did Luo Tianjing see? Why didn't I pass out this time!?"

Su Xing's eyes widened. The scene in front of him was completely different from what he had simulated!

"So, what is the difference between this time and the simulation!?"

Su Xing frowned and carefully recalled every step he took. Although they were not exactly the same, most of them were correct...

"Could it be the ghost mother-in-law?"

"That's not right! A treasure like Luo Tianjing must be of extremely high status! Even when she was alive, Granny Ghost was just a monk in the One-Gold Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing carefully recalled the steps of this simulation, but found no mistakes...

"So...the problem is not with the steps of what I did!"

"But, there is a difference between me at this moment and me in the simulation!"

Su Xing murmured,

"But if you say, the biggest difference between me in reality... and me in the simulation, that's it!"


Wake up and feel shocked!

He in the simulation does not have the plug-in of the simulator!

Otherwise, with unlimited matryoshka doll simulation, Awakening would have been invincible!

Therefore, in the simulation, Su Xing's strength growth is steady...

But in the real world, Su Xing's growth in strength is unbelievable and beyond logic!

"So...the only explanation! is that Luo Tianjing discovered my simulator!?"

Su Xing frowned and thought.

He had been more than 90% sure before that the simulator he was carrying was a terrifying treasure!

After all, the ability to travel between reality and virtuality, to control the present and the future... is really terrifying!

But Su Xing has no evidence...

But now, Su Xing finally has direct evidence——

That was Luo Tianjing's reaction to waking up!

"So... the simulator is even a treasure beyond the Chaos Arcana level!?"

Su Xing's eyes widened, and he was even more confused.

"Why would a treasure of this level appear on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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