Chapter 338: Golden talent and good luck, the red moon wakes up!

Is it really just a coincidence that the simulator is bound to Su Xing?

The deeper he understood the law of cause and effect, the less he believed in coincidences!

Su Xing now feels that in the Three Thousand Worlds, the development of each event... seems to be determined!

But the question is, if it wasn't a coincidence, was it a powerful monk who gave the simulator to Su Xing?

But the simulator is an existence beyond the level of the Chaos Treasure!

It is an existence more powerful than Luo Tianjing!

"Not to mention anything else, this Luo Tianjing makes countless great Luo Jinxian... and even the saints covet it!"

"The Advent Sect, Qingyun Realm...and even the major forces in the entire Three Thousand Worlds are secretly looking for this mirror!"

"This proves the preciousness of the Luo Tianjing... If a powerful monk gets it, would he be willing to give the Luo Tianjing to others? What's more, it is... a simulator that is more precious than the Luo Tianjing!"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

Judging from the current seems that the only option is coincidence!

"Could it be that I am really the child of luck?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought.


Because of the power of the simulator, waking up avoids the consequences of fainting.

From entering the Luo Tian dungeon to successfully bringing out the Luo Tian mirror, it only took more than an hour, faster than Su Xing expected!

"So, now that Luo Tianjing has been obtained...there are only a few things left to do!"

Su Xing murmured that the first thing he had to do was to clear the Endless Abyss dungeon again!

From the 20th floor to the 90th floor of the abyss, it can bring more than 100,000 energy sources to awakening...

For Su Xing, who will need to stay in the void in the future without any energy replenishment, one hundred thousand energy sources is already a huge number...

So this is not something to waste!

So, Xing Xing spent the next three days sweeping the abyss and earned 100,000 energy sources!

Time is coming soon to March 2026, 3, a new era!

There is still one day left before the date agreed between Su Xing and Luo Shuying!

But before meeting Luo Shuying, Su Xing still had one thing to do.

After Su Xing swept the abyss, he did not leave the United States directly, but secretly met with the puppet organization lurking in the American Chamber of Commerce!

The United States is the country that cares most about recovery among the other six countries.

After all, before Su Xing took action, the overall strength of American professionals was not much weaker than that of Daxia, and they could bring a lot of resources to Su Xing.

Therefore, Su Xing planted more than twenty puppets in the United States and even sent puppet cultivator Xiaomei to supervise them.

Although puppet cultivator Xiaomei is currently only a Nascent Soul cultivator, she has huge potential as a puppet cultivator, which is far beyond what other puppets can match.

Even one day in the future... it is not impossible for Xiaomei, a puppet master, to be promoted to the Immortal Realm!


An hour later, Su Xing was waiting quietly in a villa somewhere in the American suburbs.

After a while, several figures appeared in the villa.

After seeing Xing Xing, these figures knelt down and said respectfully:


Su Xing opened his eyes slightly, snorted softly, and asked:

"Please hand over all the supplies you have collected during this period!"

"Yes, Master!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Puppet Repair Xiaomei quickly stepped forward and handed over several storage rings.

Wake up and exchange all the resources in the storage ring into simulated energy.

In nearly a month, this batch of resources brought nearly 200,000 energy sources to Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. Before heading to the Three Thousand Worlds, it would be best to accumulate more...

Su Xing glanced at Puppet Xiu Xiaomei, and then said:

"Next, I have a secret mission to send you... just follow me to a place!"

After that, Su Xing waved his hand and took the puppet Xiu Xiaomei into the spiritual field cave. After giving a few instructions to the other puppets, he left the United States.

That's right, Su Xing's plan is to let the puppet Xiu Xiaomei stay in Xiao Qingyun World and do something for Su Xing!

There is naturally a reason why I chose Puppet Repair Xiaomei!

As her cultivation level got higher and higher, she began to develop consciousness, and like a normal monk, she had the ability to think for herself.

Going to the Little Qingyun Realm, what Xing Xing needs is to build a bridge connecting Blue Star and Three Thousand Worlds!

Su Xing needs to use this bridge to complement the advantages of Blue Star and Three Thousand Worlds and earn more energy...

On the one hand, it improves Su Xing's own strength, and on the other hand, it also improves Blue Star's overall strength!

And Su Xing is destined not to stay in the Xiao Qingyun world for a long time.

After Su Xing leaves, she needs someone trustworthy to help her continue her work in the Xiao Qingyun world.

And there are not many candidates for this person.

There is no doubt that Jin Congxue can be trusted, but the Great Xia Tarot Chamber of Commerce still needs someone to be in charge, so Jin Congxue cannot leave.

As for Luo Shuying, she has to stay in the Advent Cult for the time being, otherwise she will be exposed...

Therefore, the best candidate is Puppet Repair Xiaomei!

First of all, as a puppet cultivator who was imprinted with the soul mark by Su Xing, Xiaomei is completely trustworthy.

Secondly, although puppet cultivators are rare, they do not attract too much attention in the Three Thousand Worlds and are suitable for doing some things.

"The only problem is that Xiaomei's cultivation level is still too low..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and with his current strength, he was able to gain enlightenment and forcibly improve his cultivation for puppet cultivators...

Although it will damage her potential to a certain extent, there is no other way!

"The matter in the United States has been resolved, then it is time to go to the other five countries and twelve regions to collect resources..."

Su Xing used space magic to turn into a golden light, which could span thousands of miles in one step.

In just half a day, Su Xing traveled to the other five countries and twelve regions!

After collecting the energy sources earned by all the puppet organizations, Awakening once again gained more than 600,000 energy sources!

At this point, the awakened energy source has reached more than 1.6 million points again!


On February 2026, 2, in the new era, Su Xing returned to Daxia. He looked at the source of energy on the simulation panel and nodded:

"These energy sources should be enough for the time being, right?"

"Then... the next step is to explain Luo Shuying's affairs!"

Su Xing's heart moved, he took a few steps and appeared at the place agreed with Luo Shuying.

At this moment, under a certain tree in the mountain, a beautiful figure was bored and counting petals.

With each count, a petal falls.

"Senior will come...Senior will not come...Senior will come!"

Looking at the results displayed on the petals in her hand, Luo Shuying had a look of surprise on her face.

Waking up in the dark, silently looked at Luo Shuying's expression.

Whenever the result is "Senior will come", Luo Shuying will be happy.

And when the result is "Senior will not come", Luo Shuying will choose... to do it again!

"During my absence...does she wait like this every day?"

Su Xing sighed, feeling a little guilty.

Although Su Xing and Luo Shuying agreed to meet on the eighth of every month, Su Xing rarely had time to come, and only came two or three times.

And Luo Shuying would come here on the 7th of every month and wait all day until the afternoon of the 9th before returning to the Advent Sect!

Whenever Su Xing fails to attend an appointment on time, although Luo Shuying feels a little disappointed, she always comforts herself by saying: "Senior is very busy and dealing with big things! When he has time, he will definitely come!"

On the only days when Su Xing went to appointments on time, although Luo Shuying looked cold on the outside, she was already excited in her heart.

"Oh, I really owe her this time..."

Su Xing sighed and immediately appeared in front of Luo Shuying.

Seeing the sudden awakening, Luo Shuying's eyes flashed with surprise and he said quickly:

"Senior! You are here!"

"This is...the information I collected about the Advent Cult during this period!"

" you have any important tasks to give when you show up this time?"

Luo Shuying seemed very happy. Even though she had been waiting in vain for the past few months, she had no complaints in her heart.

After Su Xing heard Luo Shuying's words, he nodded slowly, took the information summarized by Luo Shuying, looked at it carefully, nodded slightly and said:

"You've been doing a great job during this time!"

"In the next period of time... you don't need to come here again..."

After Luo Shuying heard Su Xing's words, her heart tightened and she quickly asked:

"Senior, why? Is there something I didn't do well enough?"

After hearing this, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said, "No, you did a great job!"

"It's just...if nothing happens, in a few months, I will take action and completely destroy the Advent Sect!"

"And you don't need to appear here for the next period of time... just wait quietly in the Advent Cult and watch their every move!"

"After a few months...I will naturally contact you!"

After saying that, Su Xing reached out and pointed at the center of Luo Shuying's eyebrows, leaving a mark in her soul.

In this way, after waking up, you can sense Luo Shuying's situation and transmit messages to Luo Shuying through this soul mark.

"A few months later...destroy the Adventist Cult?"

Luo Shuying's eyes widened after hearing Su Xing's words, and she didn't know what to do for a moment!

Luo Shuying's biggest goal since his practice is to prevent the invasion of human and spiritual races by alien races and Advent Cults!

And she knew that her strength and abilities were limited, so she could only devote herself to it silently...

But he didn't expect that his grand goal seemed to be within easy reach from Su Xing's words!

Thinking of this, Luo Shuying admired Su Xing even more, and said with a trembling voice:

", have you really decided?"

Su Xing nodded slightly and affirmed:

"The time is almost here. You will know when the time comes!"

Now, Su Xing's strength has a place in the entire Three Thousand Worlds!

With cultivation in the True Immortal Realm, he has combat power comparable to that of the ordinary Mysterious Immortal Realm!

If Blue Star hadn't been too special, it was part of Luotian's battlefield... With his awakening strength, he would have been able to become the king of a certain small world!

But Blue Star is different. Although its Red Moon has not been resurrected, after all, it once had Da Luo cultivation level, and Su Xing does not dare to underestimate it.

"The annihilation of the Blue Star Advent least happened after returning from the Little Qingyun Realm, about four or five months later?"

"By then, my strength may be close to the Golden Immortal Realm?"

"That kind of strength can completely destroy the Advent Sect! Even if the Blood Three comes to visit me in the future... I can still protect myself!"

Su Xing thought so.

Next, Su Xing and Luo Shuying chatted for a while, and then encouraged Luo Shuying a few words.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Xing said goodbye under Luo Shuying's lingering eyes.


After arranging Luo Shuying's affairs, Su Xing went to the villa for the last time to meet Jin Congxue. Jin Congxue seemed to know what Su Xing was going to do next, so she was always a little unhappy.

But in the end, after Jin Congxue's affectionate kiss, the awakening was triggered and went to the space coordinates of Blue Star.


Blue Star, a small island somewhere in the vast ocean. Su Xing woke up here. After observing carefully for a while, he confirmed:

"Yes, this is the weak point of the restriction arranged by Hong Yue... Next, as long as the energy here is blocked, Hong Yue will not be able to sense it!"

Su Xing took a deep breath. There seemed to be countless stars moving behind him, and the mysterious power of fate and cause and effect was blessing this space.

What Awakening has to do is actually not difficult. It just requires the power of cause and effect to forcibly cut off the connection between this node and the Blue Star.

In this way, Hongyue cannot sense the changes in this space...

After cutting off the cause and effect, Su Xing blocked the secret of this island.

The whole process took about an hour to wake up...

An hour later, Su Xing sensed some changes in the void nodes, nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, then you can go to the Three Thousand Worlds next!"

Su Xing stretched out his hands, and the power of space attached to his hands, easily tearing apart the space nodes here.

Then, take out the Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

The one-inch golden light boat suddenly turned into a three-foot-long boat.

Wake up and step into the floating cloud golden light boat, driven by fairy power...

In an instant, the Liuyun Golden Light Boat turned into a golden light and disappeared above the blue star!

Passing through the first void node easily, just a few hours later, Su Xing appeared in the void millions of miles away from Blue Star...


"Is this the void outside the world?"

Inside the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, Su Xing admired the endless void through the window.

The void is very similar to the universe that awakened the previous life... except here, it is more cruel and dangerous!

"Sailing in the void... is boring and boring!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window, driving the floating cloud golden light boat, carefully passing through the turbulent flow of space...

In this way, two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Time came to February 2026, 2, in the new era. Su Xing sensed the road safety in the void, and after confirming that there was no danger, he turned on the autonomous driving mode of Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

"Tsk tsk...a new round of simulation can begin again!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 125th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 176 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent and good luck... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%! 】

[Lucky]: With golden talent, you have luck that is beyond ordinary people. You are the only child of luck in a billion. Even if thousands of soldiers and horses are chasing you, meteorites will fall from the sky to resolve the crisis for you. (Feel the power of the great magician!)

In the floating cloud golden light boat, Su Xing looked at the newly drawn talent and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit, shit! Lucky talent!"

"This seems to be an upgraded version of the previous lucky star talent!"

Su Xing's little heart was pounding, a golden quality luck talent, how terrifying would this be?

"Bring it out, this talent must be brought out!"

After experiencing the benefits of luck talents, Su Xing said decisively.

"But... we still need to do some planning for the next simulation!"

Su Xing thought for a while.

"The body-refining talent needs to be further improved! It is not difficult to break through to the third level of the Great Witch's Body-Refining Technique this time!"

"In addition...the understanding of cause and effect and the way of space in the immersive simulation needs to be strengthened...By the way, there is also the refining of the Wen Dao Pill!"

After a pause, Su Xing finally said:

"And... the most important thing is to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm and obtain new resources!"

Wake up and prepare, find resources suitable for exchanging into simulated energy in advance, and purchase them in large quantities to obtain more energy sources!

"Break down the resources suitable for conversion into energy...low-level equipment, abyss stones, exotic metals!"

"These items undoubtedly have one characteristic, the cost is low, and they can be obtained in large quantities!"

"It can also be produced in batches and is extremely easy to purchase!"

If Su Xing wants to obtain resources suitable for exchanging energy, he must meet these two points at the same time!

"In the simulation, I don't know the true energy value of an item, so I can only choose more resources to compare!"

"Select resources in advance so that you can save time and get the energy source faster when you go to Xiao Qingyun Realm in the future!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel again.

[In the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You are very lucky. You did not encounter void turbulence along the way. You drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and successfully arrived at the Little Qingyun Realm in just twenty days! 】

[After arriving in Xiaoqingyun Realm, the first thing you do is sell information about the red-eyed alien race and the red moon! 】

[After learning that Hong Yue was not dead, the girl from Tianji Pavilion was very surprised! 】

[He asked you if you know the current location of Hong Yue...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Shall we directly tell Tianji Pavilion... Hongyue's location?"

Su Xing thought about it carefully. Although he was able to inform Hong Yue of relevant information before, he didn't know the way to return to Blue Star.

But now, Su Xing has been able to return to Blue Star alone, which means that Su Xing can definitely find Hong Yue!

If... Su Xing informs the big forces and asks a Taiyi Golden Immortal to take action, can Hong Yue be killed?

"Although Hongyue was once the powerful Daluo Golden Immortal... but after all, he fell. I'm afraid that his current strength is at the Golden Immortal realm at most, right?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up!

"That's right! Wouldn't it be great if we could directly kill Hong Yue and solve the crisis of the entire Blue Star?"

Su Xing thought about it carefully. Although it was risky, it was worth a try in the simulation!

"The risk is, of course, that if we fail... all the professionals on Blue Star will probably die, right?"

"But if it succeeds, it will undoubtedly save a lot of detours. It's worth a try!"

Su Xing had made up his mind and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After careful consideration, you decided to inform Tianji Pavilion of the location of the red moon! 】

[Tianji Pavilion knew the importance of this matter, so it immediately ordered people to investigate, and at the same time prepared to invite powerful people from the Golden Fairy Realm to prevent the resurrection of Red Moon! 】

[But it will undoubtedly take some time to invite the strong. 】

[So next, you will stay safely in the Little Qingyun Realm, looking for materials suitable for exchanging energy...]

[You went to the major shops in Baidi City, looking for some low-priced metal ores. 】

[According to your experience, ores often contain more energy sources...]

[The criterion for your selection is that this kind of ore is cheap and can be purchased in large quantities! 】

[In the next year, you traveled to the major chambers of commerce in Baidi City, purchasing hundreds of exotic metal ores unique to the world of immortality, and figured out the price and output of each ore...]

[In the second year, after your repeated comparisons, more than ten kinds of ores were finally left for reference. 】

[Among them, low-grade ores such as iron essence, fire copper, and spiritual iron are relatively cheap. You can often purchase several low-grade spiritual stones for just one, and the output is extremely impressive! 】

[You silently write down the prices and output of these metal ores for future reference. 】

[In this way, another five years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the seventh year, you have collected hundreds of ores that are suitable for large-scale procurement and are cheap. You record them one by one. 】

[Due to limited time, the ore you choose only exists in the Little Qingyun Realm... As for the ore resources in further worlds, you are temporarily unable to obtain them. 】

[Like this, another few months have passed. 】

[One day, Tianji Pavilion contacted you! 】

[Tianji Pavilion tells you that he has discovered that there is indeed a hidden world in the void! 】

[And Tianji Pavilion even invited a Taiyi Golden Immortal and three Golden Immortal monks to go to Blue Star, and they will definitely remove the obstacles on Blue Star! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly when he saw them.

"Yes, the ores in Xiaoqingyun Realm are indeed a good direction. After the simulation is over, let's see how valuable these items are!"

Although Su Xing has not reached Xiao Qingyun Realm, he has a way to know the value of these items!

Because after the simulation ends, all the items obtained by awakening will be in the reward options.

Just divide the energy of these items by ten to get the price of awakening in exchange for energy!

"Hundreds of kinds of ores... there is always something suitable for exchange!"

Su Xing is not worried about this, he is worried about the future direction of Blue Star!

"Has Taiyi Golden Immortal taken action... It seems that Tianji Pavilion attaches more importance to Hong Yue than I imagined!"

"I wonder if the next crisis in Hongyue can be completely eradicated?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[Three Golden Immortals and one Taiyi Golden Immortal take action, preparing to go to Blue Star. 】

[And you choose to lead the way for them. On the one hand, you can quickly find Hongyue, and at the same time, you can also know the outcome of this matter as soon as possible. 】

[After more than half a month of sailing in the void, you have successfully arrived at the area near Blue Star...]

[That Taiyi Golden Immortal obviously also has good attainments in the way of space. 】

[After carefully inspecting this place in the void for a moment, he looked surprised: It turned out that a restriction was placed, no wonder no one found it! 】

[After that, I saw him tearing apart the restrictions with his bare hands and entering the Blue Star...]

[You were shocked when you saw it. Such a big movement would definitely attract Hongyue’s attention! 】

[The other three golden immortals also entered the blue star, and you followed closely, fearing that an accident would happen. 】

[Above the Blue Star, these four immortals showed strange looks. Based on their cultivation, it is not difficult to find that this world was once a world of immortal cultivation, but now it has declined...]

[That Taiyi Golden Immortal asked you where the red moon is. 】

[You hesitated a little after hearing this. With their arrogant solution, there might be an accident...]

[However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred! 】

[In your induction, an extremely ancient consciousness full of murderous aura swept across the entire Blue Star! 】

[Like a liger waking up from a deep sleep, it’s frightening...]

[Immediately afterwards, the originally cloudless blue sky began to gradually turn red, and a pair of scarlet eyes appeared above the blue star! 】

[Red Moon... wakes up! 】

(End of this chapter)

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