Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 342: Malice from Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Xing’s escape strategy

Chapter 342: Malice from Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Xing’s escape strategy

"Looking at it this way, the luck talent is really scary..."

"Perhaps, it is not just the effect of the good luck talent alone, but also the blessing of the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil!"

Su Xing thought so.

The ancestor at the peak of Xuanxian is chasing Xing Xing, so naturally he is fierce!

But the greater the risk, the greater the reward!

Su Xing's ability to turn danger into good fortune, coupled with the blessing of his luck talent, allowed him to gain unexpected benefits from being hunted this time!

"The strange beast of the void has the power to control space, and can even directly steal items from monks' storage instruments... to devour them and thereby strengthen themselves."

"But the Void Beast obviously doesn't like jade slips and the like, so it gives me an advantage!"

Su Xing is in a very good mood. With this route, after he reaches the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he may be able to try to cross the endless sea and go to the Tianji Realm.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 1 days!"



When the immersive simulation ended, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, nodded and said:

"Tsk, tsk, this endless sea area is really dangerous... The void turbulence inside it is as unfathomable as the ocean..."

"Even with this navigation route map, there are still certain risks. It is better to wait until Xuanxian is there before going!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"In the remaining time, I wonder if I can repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle?"

Su Xing had a plan in mind and looked at the simulation panel again.

[You have obtained a safer hidden route in the endless sea from the storage artifact of the Xuanxian Ancestor. 】

[Later, you return to a small world, studying the formation and repairing the stars, sun and moon shuttle. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed...]

[In the 470th year, one day you felt something in your heart, and your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune sent a warning. 】

[Sure enough, one day later, Qingyunzi came to the door. 】

[He felt that you were carrying the Luo Tian inheritance and the Luo Tian Mirror. Even the Great Luo Jinxian could not resist this temptation. 】

[What's more, Qingyunzi was swallowed by the evil corpse, and he will definitely take the Luotian inheritance from you...]

[Qingyunzi searches for your soul...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, this simulation... has been carried out to the 470th year, which can be regarded as breaking the previous simulation record!"

"And as my cultivation level increases day by day... If I can leave the Qingyuan Domain and go to a safer large domain, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to simulate it for a thousand years!"

Su Xing summarized the results of this simulation.

Immersive simulation allows the awakened swordsmanship to be only one step away from the third realm!

And the refining of Wen Dao Pill has also reached the level of Xiaocheng!

After that, Su Xing is at least 70% sure that he can refine Wen Dao Pill of normal quality.

A normal-quality Hearing Pill, coupled with great wisdom and talent, and a late bloomer, is equivalent to a hundred years of enlightenment!

Nine Enlightenment Tea Leaves will bring you awakening, which will bring you nearly a thousand years of enlightenment!

"However, it would be great if we could refine a perfect quality Wen Dao Dan..."

"A top-quality hearing pill is equivalent to at least two hundred years of enlightenment, right?"

Su Xingxin is fascinated.

But he is not a greedy person. He takes one step at a time and gets there steadily.

"With the improvement of cultivation level, the importance of immersive simulation has become more and more important!"

"Except for not being able to bring out achievements in cultivation, or physical objects...perceptions, almost everything can be brought out!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"In addition, in this simulation, some resources suitable for conversion into energy have been initially determined..."

"Then let's see if these resources are worth trading?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulated reward.

[Lucky]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The third level of Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The body refining method inherited from the ancient witch clan. It has been cultivated to the late third level. It has physical strength comparable to the late stage of the Celestial Realm. It can display the laws of heaven and earth, the divine power of Tiangang, and the myriad phenomena and thunder. lead. The price is 30 energy source.

[Triple Cultivation in True Immortal Realm]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Stars, Sun and Moon Shuttle]: A treasure acquired in space. It can be as small as an inch as a shuttle in your hand, or as large as a thousand feet, and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It can sail in the void and easily travel through hundreds of void nodes. Only in this way can the Golden Fairy Realm give full play to its potential. In full effect, it sails at full speed, comparable to the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the void. However, over the years, its formations have been damaged to some extent and need to be repaired. The price is 26 energy sources.

[One Thousand High-Grade Star Stones]: A rare ore produced in the star world, possessing the power of stars. It is the cultivation treasure of the ancient star shaman alien race. It sells for 100 million energy sources.

[Array Dao Enlightenment (Fifty Years)]: After receiving it, the Array Dao Enlightenment will be slightly improved. The price is 5 energy sources.

[1 Iron Essences]: Strong iron essences produced in the world of spiritual practice are common materials for making magic weapons. They sell for 1000 points of energy source.

[Ten Thousand Fire Coppers]: An ore containing fire aura, which can be used to create magic weapons. It is of good quality and sells for 2000 points of energy source.

[3000 pieces of spiritual iron]: Iron ore containing spirituality is one of the materials for making top-grade magic weapons. It sells for points of energy source.

[Ten thousand tons of ethereal black iron]: A high-grade metal produced in the black iron world, which can be used to refine fairy treasures. It is extremely strong. A palm-sized piece weighs a hundred tons and sells for 100 million energy sources.


The types of rewards for this simulation can be said to be very generous.

It lists more than a hundred kinds of special metals and other resources that Su Xing has traded from the Three Thousand Worlds.

But not every resource has a high energy value.

Su Xing listed four kinds of substances that are extremely cost-effective and worth a lot of energy sources.

Among them, iron essence is just a more common ore in the world of immortality. It is made of solid material, but the energy value it contains exceeds Su Xing's imagination!

The price of an iron essence in the world of immortality is about 10 low-grade spiritual stones.

Ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones can buy a thousand iron essences!

The price of one low-grade spirit stone when awakened is 1000 points of energy, and ten thousand low-grade spirit stones are worth million points of energy! (Note, this is energy)

Ten million energy, worth 10 points of energy source, sounds like a lot.

But that's the price Wake brings out of the simulation.

If Awakening wants to convert spirit stones into energy sources, ten thousand spirit stones are only worth one energy source...

As for the 10 low-grade spirit stones, if Su Xing buys iron essence, he can buy . If recycled to the simulator, they will be worth about points of energy source.

This time, the difference is 10 times!

Therefore, it was naturally impossible for Su Xing to foolishly exchange spiritual stones for the source of energy, as that would be a loss of blood.

"Similarly, the price of fire copper and spiritual iron in the world of immortality... is between 20 low-grade spiritual stones and 30 low-grade spiritual stones respectively. If you buy in large quantities, you can even get a discount!"

"Therefore, these three items are definitely excellent trading objects!"

Su Xing was slightly happy, this way his plan could be implemented smoothly!

With the Soul-Gathering Flower as the initial capital, go to the Little Qingyun Realm and buy these three resources that contain abundant energy!

After a pause, he regained consciousness and looked at the last reward.

"Only this ethereal black iron seems to be very similar to the alien metal on Blue Star? Could it be the same thing..."

Su Xing recalled it in his mind, and it seemed that a few Yuanhui ago, Luotian Realm was also produced by ethereal black iron.

Blue Star and the surrounding copies were part of the former Luo Tian Realm. If the ethereal black iron was a high-quality alien metal, it would make sense.

"The ethereal black iron is perhaps a fifth-level or higher exotic metal, right?"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

"Finally, I should be able to collect a lot of energy during this trip to Xiao Qingyun Realm! If everything goes well... maybe I can gather the energy source for promotion to the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing was very satisfied with this.

"But right now, we still have to choose the reward for this simulation!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate.

The talent of good fortune is really too unbelievable!

This is so heaven-defying that it can even affect high-level monks!

Awakening must be brought out...

In addition, body training is also one of Su Xing's goals this time.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the golden talent, good luck, and the third level of great witch body training skills!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[Ding, it has been detected that you have the same type of low-level talent, Good Luck, and the talent is being automatically replaced...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out your talent and luck. After spending 10 points of energy source, the remaining energy source points are 172 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the third level of Great Witch Body Forging Technique... It cost 30 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 142 points...]

Several beeps sounded in succession, and two beams of energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing didn't feel much change due to his luck talent.

After all, luck is really an illusory existence.

However, with the improvement of physical training, Su Xing felt a huge change.

The foundation of body training in Su Xing was very solid. Coupled with the baptism of the wind disaster, the Great Witch's body training technique has now successfully entered the third level of perfection!

In fact, Su Xing has a feeling that with his pure physical strength, he can smash a monk in the middle stage of True Immortal Realm!

"Tsk tsk... Sure enough, this feeling of rapid growth in strength is wonderful!"

Su Xing blinked, feeling a little unfinished.

But after taking a look at the remaining energy source, Su Xing felt a little headache again.

"Alas, it will take at least half a month to reach Xiao Qingyun Realm... Before there is no energy replenishment, these energy sources must be used less!"

Su Xing was also a little helpless, but there was no one there. Looking into the void, could there be someone coming to send him energy?

Just when Su Xing was sighing, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards a certain direction of Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

"Huh? There seems to be a powerful aura there!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. He could feel that in front of his route, there was an aura comparable to that of a true fairyland monk!

But the source of this breath is obviously not a human monk...

"This breath seems to be a strange beast in the void? And it is... a strange beast in the void from the true fairyland!"

Su Xing's eyes widened and he said that he was so lucky!

Strange beasts in the void are also very rare in the void! His whole body is covered with treasures, and the skin, bones, etc. on his body are all precious materials for making space magic weapons.

Not to mention, the "stone" in the abdomen of the strange beast of the void is a treasure for practicing the way of space!

It is not an exaggeration to say that a strange beast in the void can be called a golden mountain!

The total value of his body is even more than 100 million high-grade spiritual stones!

There are many true immortals and mysterious immortals who have been searching hard in the void and the nine heavens, but they may not be able to find one for hundreds of years.

What's more... this is a void beast that is comparable to a true fairyland!

"My dear, I really found a treasure this time!"

Su Xing muttered, without hesitation, his figure appeared in the void and rushed towards the location of the strange beast in the void.

This strange beast in the void is only at the early stage of True Immortal Realm.

Even in the void, the cultivation level that explodes is only at the early stage of the True Immortal Realm.

It only took a day for him to wake up and successfully kill this strange beast in the void, and then threw it into the storage ring...

After doing all this, Su Xing returned to the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and rushed towards the direction of Xiao Qingyun Realm.

"Tsk tsk, I'm suddenly looking forward to this space voyage!" Su Xing pursed his lips.


But luck talent does not always bring amazing benefits.

In the next few days, Su Xing did not encounter the strange beasts of the void again.

But Su Xing found that his voyage was extremely smooth, and he didn't even encounter any void turbulence.

Even if we encounter it occasionally, it will only be a slight bump and will not affect the progress of heading to Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Time flies to February 2026, 2, a new era.

On this day, a new round of simulation opportunities will be refreshed.

In the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, Su Xing ate the sweet spiritual fruits grown in the spiritual field boredly. After taking a look at the route ahead, he made sure there was no danger and started a new round of simulation.

"Start simulation!"

[The 126th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 142 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent and blood sacrificial weapon... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%! 】

[Sacrificing Weapons with Blood]: Golden talent, your blood has special abilities. When you use your own blood to sacrifice weapons and immortal treasures, the quality of the immortal treasures can be improved to a certain extent.

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, this talent seems to be something!

"Walking human body for sacrifice? Can it improve the quality of the magic weapon..."

"It's just that I wonder if there will be any side effects?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

It should be noted that the essence and blood of monks are very precious. If too much is lost at once, it will definitely damage the foundation.

"Forget it...let's see what this talent can do!"

Su Xing thought about his goal for this simulation.

First of all, you need to refine your body to successfully reach the third level of perfection in the Great Witch Body Training Technique. This is the most basic thing!

Secondly, the third level of swordsmanship needs to be mastered smoothly...and the way of space also needs to be further improved!

"Well, that's right! Repairing the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle... also requires a certain amount of knowledge about formations and weapon refining, and these two also need to be improved!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You continue sailing in the direction of Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[There were no accidents during this period. Ten days later, you successfully arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

[After arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm, you first sold information to Tianji Pavilion, and made it clear in the information that Hong Yue was not completely dead yet, and was planning a resurrection strategy. 】

[And the resurrection has reached a critical moment... If you want to kill it successfully, you must send two Taiyi Golden Immortals to quickly kill Hongyue with lightning speed! 】

[After hearing your information, the girl from Tianji Pavilion looked solemn and quickly sent someone to find out the authenticity of the information. 】

[For the next period of time, you will stay in Xiaoqingyun Realm to eliminate the Adventist Sect branch and earn a batch of practice resources. 】

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion confirmed the authenticity of the intelligence and tried its best to invite two Taiyi Golden Immortals to take action together. You will lead the way to Blue Star to destroy Red Moon! 】

[A month later, you successfully brought them back to Blue Star and went straight to the endless abyss, hoping to destroy Red Moon as soon as possible...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Two Taiyi Golden Immortals take action... the problem shouldn't be big, right?"

This time, he learned from the previous lesson and must kill Hong Yue quickly to minimize the loss!

"We must kill Hong Yue as soon as possible and save Blue Star... This can also resolve the crisis in Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After sending the two Taiyi Golden Immortals into the endless abyss, you immediately returned to Daxia and revealed your identity to the Daxia military. 】

[With the cooperation of the Human Race Emperor and Lu Yuanwu, you successfully gained trust and decided on Daxia’s relocation plan! 】

[You start building high-rise buildings in the cave to accommodate more humans. 】

[With the help of many human professionals and your magical powers, it took only one year to build a large city that can accommodate tens of millions of people. 】

[Next, you start going back and forth between Blue Star and Little Qingyun Realm in batches, and successfully send these humans to Xiao Qingyun Realm for refuge. 】

[You spent a large sum of spiritual stones to purchase a territory around Baidi City that is enough to build a country. 】

[In this way, three years later, you have successfully sent most of the civilians and professionals in Daxia to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[The tenth year of simulation, this year, the battle between Hongyue and the two Taiyi Golden Immortals continues! 】

[The Endless Abyss has been completely shattered... The terrifying battle fluctuations have endangered Blue Star. 】

[After you successfully transferred the last batch of Daxia humans, you returned to Blue Star and wanted to see the outcome of this battle. 】

[In the fifteenth year, after ten years of fighting...the two Taiyi Golden Immortals successfully killed Hong Yue! 】

[However, Hongyue's counterattack before her death also caused serious damage to one of the Taiyi Golden Immortals. It also affected most of the Blue Star, causing a tsunami as high as ten thousand feet, and the number of Blue Star humans dropped by 90%. ...]

[But fortunately, because of your existence, most of the humans in Daxia and a small number of humans in other countries were successfully saved. 】

[After confirming that Hongyue is completely dead, you returned to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the twentieth year, one day, a Taiyi Golden Immortal found you! 】

[This Taiyi Golden Immortal is one of those who participated in the battle on Blue Star...]

[He obviously knew something on Blue Star, and he asked you about Luo Tian’s inheritance as soon as he spoke! 】

[After hearing this, your heart was shocked, and you felt that the Qi of this Taiyi Golden Immortal was firmly locked with you, and you had almost no power to resist! 】

[Facing this Taiyi Golden Immortal, you can only take out Qingyunzi’s personal token to express your identity as the second generation direct disciple of Luo Tianzong! 】

[Tell him that you went to Blue Star on the order of Qingyunzi to investigate the Luo Tian inheritance...]

[But Luo Tian’s inheritance has been lost. You were lucky enough to find part of it, and you have already given it to the master (Qingyunzi). 】

[After hearing your words, this Taiyi Golden Immortal’s face suddenly turned ugly. 】

[Although he is a powerful overlord-level monk with a separate faction in the Three Thousand Worlds, he is not yet able to ignore the Qingyun Sect. 】

[After weighing the pros and cons, this Taiyi Golden Immortal still left...]

[You were lucky to save your life, but you also knew that this was just a lie after all, and I was afraid it could only be deceived for a short time, so you decided to contact the Qingyun Sect as soon as possible and seek asylum...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Oh, money and silk are so attractive!"

"Luo Tian's inheritance...even the righteous Taiyi Golden Immortal will have the intention to kill people and seize treasures!"

"Fortunately, I was able to use the Qingyun Sect to suppress this Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and it was a fact after all that he was carrying Luo Tianjing.

But fortunately, the divine treasure has been hidden for a long time, and Taiyi Golden Immortal may still not be able to see what it has to offer.

"But we still need to contact Qingyun Sect to ensure our own safety!"

"Besides... In this simulation, the goal of killing Hongyue was accomplished with the help of others!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. It took the two Taiyi Golden Immortals ten years to kill the Red Moon Evil God.

And the price paid... is naturally painful!

"But fortunately... the future crisis of Little Qingyun Realm has been solved! And Blue Star's loss is bearable..."

"If you want to kill Hong Yue as quickly as possible without paying the price... I'm afraid it won't be easy!"

"Unless we know where Hong Yue's life gate is...and have the strongest strength among Taiyi Golden Immortals, we can kill him as soon as possible..."

Wake up thoughtfully.

Even if there is a huge gap in strength between the Taiyi Golden Immortals, it often takes years or even decades to determine the outcome...

For these powerful monks who have a life span of tens of millions and live as long as the heavens... fighting for decades is just like fighting for a few minutes between ordinary people.

"Then next, go to Qingyun Sect and get the Enlightenment Tea!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After being targeted by this Taiyi Golden Immortal, you feel very uneasy. 】

[So you contacted Tianji Pavilion and found Fairy Ziling...]

[Under the leadership of Fairy Ziling, you came to the Three Immortals Peak, met Qingyunzi, and successfully reached a deal with him. 】

[After doing all this, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm and prepared to settle the humans who had migrated from Blue Star. 】

[These humans from Blue Star are not as strong as ordinary people in the Little Qingyun Realm... Even professionals are not as strong as low-level monks. 】

[Without your protection, it would be difficult for them to survive here...]

[Therefore, you plan to find a way to help them gain enough power to protect themselves. 】

[So, three years have passed...]

[In the twenty-fifth year, one day you accidentally learned that among the humans from Blue Star, some babies with spiritual root cultivation qualifications were born! 】

[This will shock you...]

(End of this chapter)

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