Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 343: The third level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique is completed, repairing the

Chapter 343: The third level of the Great Witch's body-forging technique is completed, repairing the stars, sun and moon shuttle!

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes narrowed when he saw this.

According to his observations, there are indeed some people on Blue Star who have the qualifications to cultivate immortality!

But the problem is that Blue Star has had no spiritual energy for tens of thousands of years, which makes the probability of a mortal being born with spiritual roots extremely small.

Even if there is, the probability is one in a million, and the high probability of being born is a false spiritual root, not even as good as the five elements miscellaneous spiritual roots...

"So, after arriving in the Little Qingyun Realm, because of the nourishment of spiritual energy... the descendants of the Daxia human race have the qualifications to practice?"

"Or is it because of the blockade of the red moon in the Blue Star that the Blue Star human race has lost its qualifications for cultivating immortals?"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and there were only these two points that he could explain at the moment.

But no matter what, it is undoubtedly a good thing that the Blue Star human race can practice.

At least the human race will have some ability to protect themselves in the future.

"However, the most important thing right now is my own growth. As long as I have a clear conscience towards the Blue Star human race..."

Su Xing does not plan to put too much energy on protecting the Blue Star human race. For now, he still has to focus on growing his own strength!

"Then... continue to fight on the front lines and practice swordsmanship!"

[You spent several years gradually figuring out the changes in the Blue Star human race...]

[You found that after these human races came to Xiao Qingyun Realm, many of them began to give birth to spiritual roots one after another. 】

[Even a true spiritual root monk was born among them! 】

[It's like...the power that should have belonged to them was sealed, but now the seal has been completely released! 】

[What surprises you even more is that not only new-born babies will have spiritual roots, but even the first residents from Blue Star have begun to have spiritual roots one after another! 】

[Among them, most are ordinary people without professions... There are also a small number of professionals who can absorb spiritual energy and embark on the path of cultivating immortals. 】

[So, you passed on some basic cultivation methods to them, and opened a school for cultivating immortals in Daxia to help these ordinary people grow in strength and protect themselves in the three thousand worlds. 】

[So, fifteen years have passed...]

[In the fortieth year, after settling the affairs of the Daxia human race, you will focus more on your own practice. 】

[You practice Zhengyi Qi Jue every day to ensure the growth of body training and provide mana to Luo Tianjing on a regular basis. 】

[At the same time, you can also bring out a lot of elixir resources from Luotian Mirror to supply your own practice...]

[In this way, another ten years have passed. 】

[In the fiftieth year, you joined the front line of Tianmo City incognito. In just ten years, you became the frontline general of Tianmo City. 】

[You established the Tianyuan Army and began to recruit monks from all walks of life in the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[Because of the existence of Luo Tianjing, you can obtain a large number of spirit-gathering flowers and countless magical powers, which are fatally attractive to casual cultivators! 】

[Therefore, more and more monks are joining the Tianyuan Army. 】

[In the seventy-fifth year, you killed enemies on the front line, honed your sword skills, and practiced the Great Witch Body Training Art, and your strength increased. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this.

"That's right! If we talk about what casual cultivators desire most in the Three Thousand Worlds..."

"That must not be spiritual liquid or spiritual stone, but the skills! The profound skills and magical powers, these are real treasures!"

Su Xing clearly remembers the days when he was working hard for a low-level Changchun Kung at the beginning of his practice.

Until later I got the skills of several sects in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon...

Then after inheriting the Luo Tianzong's skills... Su Xing completely got rid of the days of worrying about the skills.

But not every monk is as lucky as Su Xing.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, those ordinary skills may be easy to obtain, but the advanced skills are the inheritance of all major sects and will never be easily revealed to others.

But now that he wakes up... he is sitting on the inheritance of the entire Luotian Sect!

In Luo Tianjing's Sutra Pavilion, countless skills and magical powers belong to Su Xing!

It is no exaggeration to say that on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion in the Luo Tian Sect, if you take out any magical power, it is enough to cause a bloody storm in the Little Qingyun Realm or even the Qingyuan Realm!

Those heaven-level skills and supreme secret techniques...not to mention ordinary monks, even immortals, celestial beings, and true immortals all flock to them!

"The Baidi Building is the largest casual cultivator organization in the Three Thousand Worlds. The reason why it can keep up with the top sects... is besides the strength of its owner, Bai Emperor!"

"The complete reward and punishment mechanism inside Baidi Tower can provide these ordinary cultivators with enough skills and magical powers to acquire!"

Su Xing thought so in his heart.

The biggest attraction of those large sects to casual cultivators is their abundant inheritance.

However, the big sects have relatively more restrictions, while most casual cultivators pursue freedom. Therefore, many casual cultivators are unwilling to join the big sects, but settle for the next best thing and join the relatively relaxed Baidi Tower.

"That's right, after we go to the Little Qingyun Realm... we can easily make a lot of wealth by taking out a few magical powers and selling them!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful, and then his expression straightened and he said:

"But for now, let's continue to improve our swordsmanship step by step..."

"Use immersive simulation for 75 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation... It cost 27375 energy points, and the remaining energy is 139 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

In the simulation timeline, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and appeared on the frontline battlefield of Tianmo City again.

A report from a subordinate general came to my ears.

"General Su, eight thousand miles to the northwest, a powerful alien god appears..."

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said: "In the past ten years, you have collected more information about alien gods and handed it over to me!"

"Ten years later, I will take action to deal with them..."

After Su Xing finished speaking, he returned to the cave and waited quietly.

In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

Simulating the seventy-seventh year, this year, Su Xing turns 100 years old, and the late bloomer talent is triggered.

So Su Xing brewed the enlightenment tea and began to study the way of swordsmanship.

The powerful swordsmanship flashed around Su Xing. With the help of Enlightenment Tea, Su Xing's understanding of the swordsmanship gradually grew.

In the blink of an eye, another nine years have passed...

Simulating the eighty-sixth year, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, escaped from the state of enlightenment, felt his own swordsmanship, nodded and said:

"That's right! We are only one step away from the third level of swordsmanship...then the next step is actual combat!"

Su Xing ordered his men to get the intelligence collected in the past ten years.

Among them, the locations of hundreds of foreign gods are clearly known.

Among them are some alien gods who are comparable to real immortals and celestial beings.

Su Xing memorized all this information, then took a sip of enlightenment tea, held the spiritual sword Mo Bing, and appeared thousands of miles away with one step.

Soon, Su Xing arrived near the first powerful alien god.

Without further ado, the war is about to begin...


Next, Su Xing spent six years and wiped out hundreds of alien gods.

During this period, Su Xing's understanding of the way of swordsmanship continued to grow.

In the eighteenth year of immersive simulation, one day I woke up and felt something in my heart. I just felt that the sword energy I slashed was even more terrifying.

The sword energy swung casually is even enough to kill an alien true god instantly!

Su Xing carefully realized the changes in his body, and after a moment he said happily:

"The sword intention in my chest is endless, and the sword energy is endless... I have finally reached the third level of swordsmanship!"

Swordsmanship has entered the third realm, which is equivalent to entering a new world for Su Qing!

The most obvious change is that the upper limit of the power of the body-protecting sword will be further increased!

Three thousand six hundred body-protecting swords... are far from the upper limit for awakening now!

"Huh... Then next, let's practice the body-protecting sword to the limit!"

After waking up and killing the last few foreign gods, he returned to Tianmo City and understood the body-protecting sword.

In the blink of an eye, nine years passed.

In the twenty-seventh year of the immersive simulation, the awakening practice was completed. Feeling the improvement of the body-protecting sword and magical power, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, the four thousand two hundred body-protecting swords... are at least twice as powerful as before!"

"If the body-protecting sword is released with all its strength, combined with the martial arts talent, it will be enough to kill the early-stage monks of the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be noted that there is a huge difference between killing a Xuanxian Realm monk and severely injuring and defeating him!

Immortals above Xuanxian are all powerful and will not die easily.

Even in the middle stage of Xuanxian versus the early stage of Xuanxian, it is extremely difficult to kill!

"The third level of swordsmanship... is enough for now!"

"Then the next step... is to find a way to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle!"

"But before repairing the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, you still need to improve your formation skills and weapon refining skills..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and it was natural for him to understand the weapon refining and formation methods on his own, but if there was guidance from a famous teacher, it would be twice the result with half the effort!

"If it were me in the past, I would definitely choose to go to Qingyun Sect... choose to use the sect's contribution to ask famous teachers for guidance..."

"But now, I have a better way!"

I saw Su Xing's heart move, and he appeared in the Luotian realm.

In Luotian Realm, Shennong Youtian and hundreds of monks who are good at cultivating spirits are farming for the awakening.

After seeing Su Xing wake up, Shennong Arita stopped what he was doing, saluted Su Xing and said:

"Your Majesty, what are your orders for coming here this time?"

Su Xing went straight to the topic and said:

"I wonder if there are any seniors in our Luo Tian Sect who are good at refining weapons?"

After hearing this, Shennong Arita nodded and said:

"Of course there is...Luo Qi, the second generation disciple of Luo Tianzong, is a Golden Immortal monk several years before Yuanhui..."

"Although his cultivation level is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, his understanding of the art of refining weapons is far inferior to that of even some Taiyi Golden Immortals who are good at refining weapons..."

"Senior Brother Luo Qi, your understanding of the art of weapon refining should have surpassed that of a great master of weapon refining..."

"He almost died in battles several Yuanhui ago, but there is still a trace of heroic spirit saved by Luo Tianjing..."

After a pause, Shennong Youtian said:

"If your Majesty is willing to pay part of your mana, you should be able to awaken Senior Brother Luo Qi..."

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this. During the simulation, he lost some mana at no cost.

But if you can get the guidance of an immortal who surpasses the great master of weapon refining, you can make a lot of money!

So Su Xing struck while the iron was hot and asked:

"Then, I wonder if there are any seniors here who are good at setting up formations?"

Shennong Youtian nodded and said: "Of course there is..."


Su Xing followed Shennong Youtian to the Luotian Conference venue. Shennong Youtian knew every immortal and monk here. Under the guidance of Shennong Arita, Su Xing successfully resurrected two golden immortals!

Of course...this isn't really a resurrection.

Just using the power of Luo Tianjing to give them free will for a short time.

The price paid for Su Xing is about fifty years of cultivation!

In the past fifty years, the Qi-refining cultivation that I had gained through hard training was completely gone...

This caused Su Xing to fall directly to the middle stage of the first level of the True Immortal Realm and fall directly to the early stage of the First Level of the True Immortal Realm...

"Huh, this simulation won't bring out your Qi refining skills anyway, so let's just fall!"

Su Xing didn't care about these costs, but asked the two people in front of him:

"I wonder what these two seniors are good at?"

A monk who was slightly stronger and had tendons on his body took a step forward and said:

"Your Majesty, I don't dare to be a senior...I am good at refining weapons. I know how to refine eighteen kinds of commonly used weapons. I may also be involved in some hidden weapons..."

"But what I am best at is refining large-scale fairy treasures... I have refined several top-grade acquired treasures, and one top-grade acquired treasure, called the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, ranking 78th on the treasure list …”

"In the next life, I will refine a total of more than 7,800 pieces of immortal treasures...each piece is a fine product!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then his face showed a look of surprise.

Good guy, the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle was made by the old man in front of me!

Su Xing said he was lucky. If he had this old man's help, would he be worried about not being able to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle in the future?

"Not bad!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the slender monk beside him and asked:

"Senior, what you are good at is formations? I wonder what type of formations you are good at?"

The Immortal of Formation Dao hesitated for a while and considered:

"The techniques that I am good at range from breath concentration, concealment... to spirit gathering and killing formations, etc., there are dozens of them in total..."

"But I have painstakingly studied formations for hundreds of thousands of years, and what I am best at is defense and concealment formations..."

"The star, sun and moon shuttle that the old man next to me refined back then, and the formations on the immortal boat were all refined by me..."

After Su Xing listened to the Taoist Immortal's words, he smiled from ear to ear.

"Very good, very good!"

It really takes no effort at all!

Su Xing wants to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, but what he lacks is the way of formation and weapon refining.

Now that these two masters who refined the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle are right in front of them, is Su Xing still worried that he won't be able to repair them well?

So Su Xing hurriedly said:

"In that case, I'll trouble you two... Next, I'll teach you how to refine and repair the star, sun and moon shuttle!"

After hearing this, the two of them were convinced, so they immediately explained to Su Xing.

And Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea, which greatly improved his understanding. Su Xing was able to digest 10% or 20% of the content explained by these two people on the spot, and he felt that his understanding of the formation path and the way of refining weapons increased rapidly.

The content that has not been digested subsequently can be slowly understood after careful consideration after waking up...

Therefore, awakening starts from the key points of weapon refining and the three cores of the formation.

As for the power source of the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, the arrangement and repair of the external protective formation, the two immortals explained clearly to Su Xing.


In the blink of an eye, twenty years passed.

In the past twenty years, Su Xing's understanding of formations and weapon refining have continued to improve.

Time has come to the fiftieth year of immersive simulation. The time for the resurrection of these two immortals has arrived, so their consciousness dissipated again.

And Su Xing also left Luotian Realm and returned to Xiao Qingyun Realm.

"Yes, with the guidance of these two, it really saved a lot of time!"

Su Xing murmured.

"Now, I still have a cup of enlightenment tea left in my hand. A total of 18 years of enlightenment time have not been used... and it cannot be wasted!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and what he needs to improve now is the way of space!

The best place to comprehend the way of space is naturally the Nine Heavens Realm.

So it took several years for Su Xing to reach the ninth heaven and successfully ascend to the third heaven.


Three years later.

In the third heaven, somewhere in a secret realm, Su Xing killed a void beast at the peak of the True Immortal Realm in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction:

"The talent of good luck is really amazing!"

"In just one year since I came to the Nine Heavens, I encountered three strange beasts in the void!"

"Kill a few more, and the treasures for understanding the way of space will be complete!"

Su Xing took a step forward, left this secret realm, and went to the next secret realm to explore.


After the immersive simulation ends, you wake up and return to the real world, slowly open your eyes, and use your memory power.

"Yes, if you cooperate with the void beast's stone cultivation, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

"At this rate, with about three or five immersive simulations, we can successfully enter the fourth realm of space!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"There is also the refining of the Wen Dao Pill. This time, we have made a total of seven furnaces of the Wen Dao Pill, and seven furnaces of the Wen Dao Pill... and six of them are of normal quality!"

"I took these seven hearing pills to understand the way of space, and my progress was even faster!"

Su Xing was very satisfied.

If the way of space goes a step further and brings out the star, sun and moon shuttle, and wakes up in the future and goes to the Blue Star and Little Qingyun realms, it may be possible to shorten most of the time!

Even... it only takes a week to wake up and return to Blue Star!

"The time for this immersive simulation has run out... Then the next step is to continue improving your body training!"

"In addition, it is also crucial to find a way to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he looked at the simulation panel again.

[In the 150th year, after decades of enlightenment, you have made considerable progress in the way of space. 】

[Next, you plan to go to the Aoki Realm, find the damaged Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, and purchase some materials to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle along the way. 】

[The Qingmu Realm is extremely far away from the Qingyun Realm. Even you will need more than a hundred years to reach it. 】

[And during this period, you will naturally not relax in your practice. 】

[In the 151st year, after some preparations, you drive the star, sun and moon shuttle and officially go to the Aoki Realm...]

[In the 180th year, while sailing in the void, your body training has improved slightly...]

[In the second hundred years, while sailing in the void, your cultivation level successfully broke through to the second level of the true fairyland! 】

[The 230th year, sailing in the void...]

[In the 280th year, your body-refining cultivation has taken a further step, and you are getting closer and closer to the third level of the Great Witch's body-refining art...]

[In the third hundred years, after more than 150 years of sailing in the void, you traveled through hundreds of small worlds and successfully arrived in the Aoki Realm! 】

[You followed the location in your memory and found the stars, sun and moon shuttle...]

[Next, you will repair the stars, sun and moon shuttle while practicing. 】

[However, it is quite difficult to repair the acquired treasure. Even with the guidance of the two golden immortals, it still takes a long time. 】

[In the 350th year, your body training has successfully entered the third level of perfection! You begin to look for a way to break through the fourth level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique...]

In the real world, Su Xing was overjoyed when he saw this face.

"After more than three hundred years of hard training...the third level of the great witch's body training technique has finally been completed!"

The third level of the Great Witch's body-forging technique, masters the power of the sky, the earth, and the stars... He can reach a height of ten thousand feet, and has the ability to destroy stars and destroy the world!

"But the cultivation of the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique... will only become more difficult!"

Su Xing recalled the memories in his mind.

At the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, his physical body is comparable to that of a true fairyland monk. He can regenerate his limbs after severed limbs. As long as the heart, head and other vital parts are not damaged, he can expend a certain amount of energy and blood essence to quickly grow the limbs!

It should be noted that the bodies of immortals are extremely delicate!

Once something is damaged, it is extremely difficult to repair...

Many immortals had their bodies cut off by their opponents during a fight, and could not repair them even after paying a huge price and searching for heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

In the end, it can only leave indelible wounds and affect the foundation...

But if the Great Witch's body-building skills are practiced to the fourth level, he will be able to completely ignore this risk!

"Tsk tsk... The fourth level of the great witch's body forging technique is just rebirth of a severed limb..."

"But I heard that if you cultivate to the later levels, you can even be reborn with blood! If your soul is immortal, you will never die!"

Su Xingxin is fascinated.

"And the cultivation of the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art also requires elixirs to assist in the cultivation... The name of this elixir is called Tianhua!"

"According to legend, the flowers were irrigated by the tears that the ancient goddess Wa shed when she was patching up the sky...it can make up for congenital defects and repair the body!"

Su Xing recalled the memories in his mind.

This patch of smallpox is naturally a first-class elixir, and it is already extinct.

If you want to obtain it in the secret realm, or even entrust Tianji Pavilion to purchase it, it will be extremely difficult...

However, in the Luotian Realm, there is Tianhua!

"I just need to ask Shen Nong Youtian to help me plant the ceiling patching flowers... I have all the auxiliary tools needed to reach the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique!"

Su Xing felt more and more powerful about Luo Tianjing.

The inexhaustible and various lost treasures and magical powers are the foundation for awakening the future!

"Now, there is only one last goal left...to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle!"

"As long as I repair this shuttle, the remaining energy I have should be enough to bring it out, right?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation in his heart.

[After practicing to the third level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, you will have more time to repair the stars, sun and moon shuttle. 】

[And in the process of repair, your weapon refining and formation realm are also growing...]

(End of this chapter)

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