Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 344 The stars, sun and moon shuttle show their power and finally reach the Little Qingyun Re

Chapter 344 The stars, sun and moon shuttle show their power and finally reach the Little Qingyun Realm!

[Thirty years passed in a blink of an eye. 】

[In the 380th year, you have a clear understanding of the internal and external structures of the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle. In conjunction with your own understanding of the formation and weaponry, the repair project is progressing steadily although it is huge. 】

[This year, you have repaired most of the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, leaving only the last few dozen formations and the reshaping of the external boat body to completely complete it. 】

[Over the years, you have continued to collect materials used to repair the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, and the repair work has been steadily progressing. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed. 】

[In the 400th year, after decades of hard work, this immortal boat, which is ten thousand feet long and can accommodate up to tens of thousands of people, has finally been successfully repaired by you! 】

[And you have also seen the power of this high-grade acquired treasure...]

[Whether it is the complexity of its internal formations, the preciousness of the materials used, or the sailing speed it displays, they are far beyond what Liuyun Golden Light Boat can match! 】

[After you repaired the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, you immediately experienced this fairy treasure that was like a work of art. 】

[You enter the main cab, activate your immortal power, and transform the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle into a ten-foot-long form. In this form, the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle travels at the fastest speed! 】

[Like the Flowing Clouds and Golden Light Boat, the stars, sun and moon shuttles also have the ability to freely change their sizes. They can be as small as an inch long, and as large as ten thousand feet long...]

[What makes you even more satisfied is the power of the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and the power of the protective formation. 】

[Every time its protective formation is activated, it can even withstand attacks from the void monsters in the True Fairyland! 】

[It also has three-speed power. The first-speed power can travel thousands of miles per day. It is an energy-saving mode and can be activated by using spiritual stones. It is suitable for long-distance navigation. 】

[The second gear of power can travel up to 30 million miles per day. The speed of sailing in the void is several times that of the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, but it requires a large amount of spiritual stones. 】

[The power of the third gear can travel up to hundreds of millions of miles per day. It requires a large amount of mana to maintain. It is difficult for non-Golden Fairyland monks to control it. 】

[With your current cultivation level and magic power, you can barely activate the second gear of power to maintain a sailing speed of 20 million miles per day...]

[You try to control the stars, sun and moon shuttle, starting from the Green Wood Realm, and in just ten years, you have passed through dozens of small worlds, traveling around the world, free and easy...]

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but clasped his hands in joy when he saw this.

"Good guy, with this Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, it's really like switching a shotgun for a cannon!"

"The Liuyun Golden Light Boat, even if it is driven with all its strength... can only travel thousands of miles per day, but with the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, the speed is doubled!"

"This is equivalent to the fact that it originally took me about twenty-two days to come to Xiao Qingyun Realm... but it only takes about eleven days to go back!"

"Save half the time!"

"And when my cultivation becomes stronger, this speed will be even faster!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"More importantly, the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle has the ability to sail long distances!"

"After owning this immortal boat, I have completed two-thirds of the puzzle of crossing the endless sea... I can only try it after my cultivation reaches the Xuanxian Realm!"

Su Xing was excited.

It should be noted that even the mighty Golden Immortal would not dare to cross the endless sea easily.

And Su Xing has the secret route map, the stars, sun and moon shuttle... In addition, he has strong magic power and is stronger than the monks of the same realm, so he dares to try it.

"Yes, after the Star Sun and Moon shuttle is successfully repaired, the goal of this simulation has been completed..."

"I just don't know how much energy is needed to bring out the stars, sun and moon shuttle?"

Su Xing doesn't know yet, he plans to explore it after the simulation is over.

"But now, there is one more thing that needs to be tried...that is to let the monks in the Luotian Realm help plant the ceiling patching flowers!"

"This flower is the key to my breakthrough to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, so I can't slack off!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 410th year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to a remote small world. 】

[This nameless world is not even a small world. The strongest person in the world only has the strength of the combined stage...]

[You decide to stay in this world and study the method of planting patchwork in a stable manner. 】

[You entered the Luotian Realm and asked Shen Nong Youtian about the planting of patchwork flowers. 】

[Shen Nong Youtian will inform you that the patchwork flower is indeed on the verge of extinction, but there are still some seeds of patchwork flower in the Luotian Sect. 】

[If you are in need, Shennong Youtian is confident that we can cultivate mature patchouli flowers within a hundred years...]

[After hearing this, you felt happy, so you immediately handed over the plan to Shen Nong Youtian for execution. His spiritual cultivation skills are not inferior to yours. With his help, you can save a lot of time. 】

[So next, you wait for the news about Shen Nong’s land while improving your cultivation. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another forty years have passed...]

[In the 450th year, after two hundred years of hard training, your cultivation level is only one step away from the third level of the True Immortal Realm. 】

[But after the True Immortal Realm, every step of improvement becomes extremely difficult. Even if you have enough spiritual liquid to practice every day, it is still difficult to maintain the rapid progress you made. 】

[In the 460th year, your cultivation finally took a step further and reached the third level of True Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 463rd year, one day you felt restless, and your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil sent you a warning. 】

[You know in your heart that Qingyunzi found you...]

[Before Qingyunzi found you, you inquired about Shennong Youtian and the cultivation progress of Tianhua. 】

[He told you that the patchwork flowers have been successfully planted and will mature in less than fifty years...]

[You nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, and then quietly waited for Qingyunzi's arrival. 】

[Three days later, Qingyunzi arrived. He had been swallowed by evil corpses and lost most of his sanity. 】

[But you still seek the last glimmer of hope. You admit that you have inherited Luo Tian's inheritance, and that the most precious Luo Tian Mirror is on your body! 】

[After hearing your words, Qingyunzi’s evil corpse showed surprise and stopped searching for your soul. 】

[You take the opportunity to propose that you are willing to hand over Luo Tianjing, as long as you save your life...]

[Having said that, you try to activate the sea of ​​consciousness to summon Luo Tianjing’s body. 】

[Forcibly summoning Luo Tianjing has already caused considerable damage to your cultivation base...]

[But Qingyunzi was very satisfied with it. He turned into a black light and entered the Luotian realm, as if he was going to accept the test of the Luotian realm. 】

[After a moment, Qingyunzi returned to you with an ugly expression, and attacked you without hesitation. 】

[You already know what happened. With Qingyunzi’s talent, he can only obtain first-class authority...]

[Even, it’s still under your authority! 】

[And this is obviously unacceptable to Qingyunzi...]

[Facing the attack of a semi-saint, you have no power to resist...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing let out a long sigh.

"Alas, as expected... I still died in the hands of Qing Yunzi..."

Su Xing knew that after Qingyunzi was swallowed by the evil corpse, Luo Tian's inheritance had become an obsession in his heart.

Therefore, Su Xing planned to give up Luo Tianjing in order to obtain a longer simulation...

After all, this is just giving up during the simulation, and the awakening can be obtained again in the next simulation.

But what Su Xing didn't expect was that even if he was ready to give up Luo Tianjing, he still couldn't escape death!

"Luo Tianjing can recognize its owner multiple times...but after all, there is only one super authority!"

"Even if Luo Tianjing recognizes Qingyunzi as his master, he only has first-class authority... In fact, I can deprive Qingyunzi of his authority at any time!"

"In this case, how can Qingyunzi tolerate me?"

Su Xing sighed. He had never expected that the mighty Luo Jinxian or even the Semi-Saint could not obtain the super authority of Luo Tianjing...

How high are the qualification requirements for Luo Tianjing?

"Tsk, tsk, in Luo Tianjing's eyes, I'm probably the first-class genius. Ever since the beginning of Chaos... I'm afraid there's no one with better qualifications than me, right?"

Su Xing naturally knew that his "qualifications" were solid.

After all, he has been practicing for more than a mere thousand years. Counting the duration of each simulation... he has been practicing for more than ten thousand years!

"In the Three Thousand Worlds, I'm afraid there are geniuses who are better qualified than me...but, among the same realms, I am definitely the youngest!"

"Is it this point that made Luo Tianjing misjudge?"

Su Xing was quite helpless. Now that he had obtained the Luo Tianjing, he successfully recognized it as its owner.

Then it will be difficult for him to get rid of the entanglement of Qingyunzi’s evil corpse when he wakes up...

Either escape to other large areas, or solve the problem of Qingyunzi's evil corpse!

"At present, it seems that it is more promising to escape to other major regions..."

To wake up, you only need to slowly advance in cultivation. I believe you will soon be able to see a wider world!

"Oh, that's alright... the goal of this simulation has been accomplished, so let's take a look at the simulation rewards!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the list of rewards for this simulation.

[Blood Sacrifice]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The Third Level of Perfection of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The body refining method inherited from the ancient witch clan has been cultivated to the third level of perfection. It has physical strength comparable to the perfection of the heavenly realm. It can display the laws of heaven and earth, the divine power of heaven and thunder, and all phenomena. lead. The price is 30 energy source.

[Triple Cultivation in True Immortal Realm]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Stars, Sun and Moon Shuttle]: A treasure acquired in space. It can be as small as an inch as a shuttle in your hand, or as large as a thousand feet, and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It can sail in the void and easily travel through hundreds of void nodes. Only in this way can the Golden Fairy Realm give full play to its potential. In full effect, it sails at full speed, comparable to the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the void. It has been completely restored and requires the Golden Wonderland to exert its full effect. The price is 70 energy sources.

"The blood sacrificial weapon talent, although it is a golden talent... seems to be of no use for the time being. If you need to refine the weapon in the future, you can use it for a short time... after all, the side effects may not be small!"

Su Xing thought for a while and said decisively without hesitation:

"I choose to bring out the third-level perfect cultivation level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique...and the Stars, Sun and Moon Shuttle!"

Thinking of the benefits brought by the stars, sun and moon shuttle, Su Xing felt fascinated for a while.

"With this Star Moon Shuttle, we can reach Xiaoqingyun Realm within a week!" Su Xing thought.

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle. You spent 70 energy source points and the remaining energy source points are 69 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the third level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique to complete your cultivation... You spent 30 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 39 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the awakened energy source shrank rapidly. After a while, there were only less than 400,000 points left...

Su Xing felt a physical pain in his heart when he looked at the source of energy that had come out.

But I can only comfort myself by saying: "It's all worth it!"

After the words fell, a burst of energy poured into Su Xing's body. Su Xing's physical cultivation grew rapidly in a matter of seconds, and finally broke through to the third level of perfection in one fell swoop. At this moment, Su Xing's pure physical power was enough to easily kill a late-stage cultivator in the True Immortal Realm!

"Tsk, tsk, the great witch's body-forging technique... is indeed mysterious!"

"If I operate with all my strength and draw the power of the stars into my body...I'm afraid that after entering the fourth level, it may not be much worse than the Mysterious Immortal Realm..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

But what surprises Su Xing the most is not the progress of the Great Witch's body-building exercise, but the palm-sized boat "model" in his hand!

The treasure of the day after tomorrow, the stars, the sun and the moon!

Su Xing carefully looked at the inch-sized "model" in his hand. While admiring its beauty, he also felt that it was as heavy as a thousand pieces.

"Tsk tsk... It is indeed a top-grade acquired treasure! Just from the appearance, this Star Sun and Moon Shuttle is much higher than the Liuyun Golden Light Boat!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he broke away from the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, then transformed the Liuyun Golden Light Boat into a palm-sized boat and put it away.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing flicked it, and the stars, sun and moon shuttle turned into a fairyland ten feet in size and appeared in front of Su Xing.

This streamlined boat body and jet black appearance look extremely domineering.

On the boat body, there is the sun and moon pattern carved in the seal, and a pair of hands as white as jade under the sun and moon.

It’s as if you can reach out and hold all the sun, moon and stars...

Su Xing couldn't wait to enter the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle. After getting a little familiar with the manipulation formation, he couldn't put it down.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing couldn't wait to experience the thrill of driving.

The power array pushes only the second gear...

I saw the stars, sun and moon, turning into a shooting star, speeding towards the established route...

Su Xing felt the full power of the stars, sun and moon shuttle, and the pleasure of traveling through the void, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Tsk, tsk, the difference between the Star Sun Moon Shuttle and the Liuyun Golden Light Boat... is just like Farley and Samp!"

Liuyun Jinguangzhou: "So love will disappear, right?"


Su Xing drove the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and drove quickly towards the direction of Xiao Qingyun Realm.

The voyage that originally took half a month was completed beyond expectations in just one week!

At noon on February 2026, 2, in the new era, when the emerald green world node appeared in Su Xing's spiritual consciousness, Su Xing sat up quickly.

Through the glass cover in front of the star, sun and moon shuttle, Su Xing saw the Little Qingyun Realm thousands of miles away!

"Finally, it's here!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, feeling extremely excited.

"The world of cultivating immortals right before our eyes... finally, we are about to come into contact with it for the first time!"

During the simulation, Su Xing came to this world dozens or hundreds of times, but it was just a simulation!

Now that Su Xing has arrived here in person, he is naturally extremely excited. That feeling is different...

In just a few breaths, Xiao Qingyun Realm is getting closer and closer to waking up.

Seeing this, Su Xing activated the hiding formation of the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle.

I saw the stars, sun and moon disappearing into the void in an instant, and even the breath was completely hidden!

This is the power of the hidden formation on the stars, sun and moon shuttle!

Even the Golden Fairyland monks... can hardly sense the existence of the stars, sun and moon shuttle...

Su Xing drove the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle to the north of Shiwan Mountain. After making sure that there were no monks or high-level demon cultivators within a thousand miles around, Su Xing landed safely and put away the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle.

With a slight jump, his waking feet touched the land of Xiao Qingyun Realm, Shiwan Mountain.

Feeling the weak spiritual energy flowing in the air, Su Xing said excitedly:

"This... is the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Looking up, the sky in Xiao Qingyun Realm is blue and a little bright.

And the lush, hundreds-foot-tall towering trees in the distance are also impossible to see in Blue Star...

After feeling the aura of Xiao Qingyun Realm for a while, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

"Sure enough, in the environment of depleted spiritual energy... the spiritual energy here is still much worse than Lingtian Cave!"

After a pause, he looked in a certain direction with his sober eyes and said:

"That's Little Qingyun City, right?"

"But before heading to Little Qingyun City... you still need to disguise yourself and gather your breath!"

Su Xing said, using the art of disguise, he began to change his appearance.

The disguise technique that Su Xing learned was not a temporary change of appearance.

Instead, it is combined with the "body refining method" to truly change the bones and appearance of the body!

As a result, the awakened skeleton has completely changed into a completely different appearance...

Only the facial features are similar to the three points before...

After a while, Su Xing transformed from a handsome man with a height of 1.8 meters to a tall and sturdy man with a height of 2.3 meters!

"Then, let's change our name to Su Ye!"

"Well, he is a peak cultivator of the Earthly Immortal Realm who is skilled in physical training and swordsmanship!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he adjusted his cultivation aura to the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm...

The peak level of cultivation in the Earth Immortal Realm is sufficient in the Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Except for a very small number of heavenly immortals and true immortals, no monks dare to offend the immortals at this level.

"If you directly expose your true fairyland cultivation, it will be a bit high-profile... and it will easily attract unnecessary attention!"

"But my next transaction... also requires a certain level of cultivation to scare others, so as not to be spied on by some people..."

Su Xing thought this, and then used the power of space to appear hundreds of miles away in one step.

The reason why I don’t use my magical power to control the golden light is naturally because I am afraid that someone with an intention will discover the clues...

Just an hour later, Su Xing appeared outside Baidi City, hundreds of thousands of miles away.


Outside Baidi City, Su Xing took a look at this magnificent city.

"Tsk, tsk, it is indeed an immortal city... it is indeed far beyond what the Demon Suppression Pass can match!"

Su Xing sighed secretly, and then swaggered into the city.

At this moment, there is an endless stream of monks coming and going in Xiao Qingyun City. Most of the monks are wearing Taoist robes and have the posture of an immortal... Even if the vast majority of the monks are just immortals in the Golden Elixir and Nascent Soul stage, their posture is still very full...

As soon as he entered the city, Su Xing encountered several low-level monks blocking him.

"This... Immortal! Looks a little unfamiliar? Is this your first time in Baidi City?"

Su Xing looked at the few low-level monks in front of him, they were only in the foundation building and golden elixir stages.

When he woke up, he instantly knew the origins of these low-level monks...

The "Bai Xiaosheng" in Baidi City!

Of course, this "Bai Xiaosheng" is just a self-titled name for these low-level monks.

Most monks prefer to call them "errand runners"!

All in all, most of these monks are under the Nascent Soul stage. What they rely on every day is to guide foreign monks and provide information, thereby earning some "favorable fees"!

For example, which medicinal shop in Baidi City sells good and cheap elixirs.

Which weapon refining workshop has the best weapons and magic weapons...

These "hundred students" can all tell you a lot.

Even, which brothel has a beautiful fairy... which brothel has a Taoist monk who has an affair with other monks... they all know these gossips!

Naturally, this was not the first time Su Xing came to Baidi City. His familiarity with the place was no worse than that of these "Bai Xiaosheng".

But in reality, Su Xing came here for the first time, in order to better fit his current identity as "Su Ye".

Su Xing decided to hire these "Bai Xiaosheng"...

So, Su Xing waved his hand boldly, pointed at the three Bai Xiaosheng in front of him, and said:

"You...you, and you! The three of you, take me around Baidi City!"

"If I am happy, I will lose a few of you!"

With that said, Su Xing threw over seven or eight low-grade spiritual stones.

When these three low-level cultivators saw Su Xing's arrogant appearance, their eyes suddenly lit up, and an idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

Here comes the big order!

Like these three minor cultivators, Bai Xiaosheng can be regarded as a low-level cultivator in Baidi City.

They don't have any skills, they just stayed in Baidi City for a long time, so they know the situation of Baidi City better.

However, Baidi City does not have many monks with strange faces coming every day... Even if there are strange monks coming, they may not necessarily need Bai Xiaosheng's help.

Even if you need help...it may not be their turn!

Therefore, throughout the year, when the market is good, they can barely make twenty or thirty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones.

But most of it was spent on the little girl's belly in Xicheng Fangge...

This was the first time they had encountered a monk as "arrogant" as Su Xing!

"Okay! This Immortal! What are your orders... Our three brothers know everything in Baidi City..."

These three minor cultivators hurriedly followed Su Xing around, looking like a coward.

The other "hundred students" at the city gate suddenly felt regretful.

Naturally, they also saw that Su Xing, the "strange monk", had an extraordinary bearing, and they could not even see Su Xing's cultivation level.

But the appearance of Su Xingyi Rong did not look like someone easy to deal with, so they hesitated for a while and did not dare to step forward, thus missing this opportunity.

"Shangxian...where are you from?"

"No wonder today, when I went out in the morning, I heard the magpie chirping at the door!"

"It turns out that I met an immortal!"

These Xiaoxiu flattered them all the way, and they couldn't help but blush.

So with a wave of his hand, more than ten low-grade spiritual stones were thrown over.

After following these Xiao Xiu for a while, Su Xing finally spoke:

"Ahem, I...I first came to Baidi City to purchase a batch of low-level ores!"

"I don't know. Do you know which store in Baidi City has high-quality ore at a low price?"

(End of this chapter)

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