Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 345 The first transaction in Xiaoqingyun world, Su Xing’s plan!

Chapter 345 The first transaction in Xiaoqingyun world, Su Xing’s plan!

When Su Xing asked this question, he naturally already knew the situation in Baidi City's shops.

Not only did Su Xing know which Fangshi sold the cheapest ore, but he even knew the last name of the Fangshi boss.

But in order to be more consistent with his current "identity", Su Xing could only get information from these Bai Xiaosheng, so that it was perfect.

As expected, after hearing Su Xing's question, the three minor cultivators looked at each other and rushed to say:

"Report to the Immortal! Dongcheng Treasure Pavilion has the most complete variety of minerals! It is also one of the best places in the entire Xiao Qingyun world!"

"Shangxian! The things in Xichengfang City are of high quality and low price...and hey, Xiao Xiu has a way in the black market, and the prices are no less than 30% lower than the outside world!"

"Shangxian... I think Wanjin Pavilion's ore sales have the best reputation, and the proprietress of that store is Guangguangguang... she is very pleasant!"

Su Xing said nothing after hearing this and thought about it in his mind.

Er Xingxing has been to all the places mentioned by these three little cultivators. It is indeed a good place to buy ore in Baidi City.

Moreover, the demand for resuscitation is extremely high, and it may be difficult for any shop to supply it... Every shop must go there!

So Su Xing pretended to smile and said:

"In that case, let's go to Wanjin Pavilion first!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the three Xiaoxiu looked at each other and smiled knowingly.


Soon, Su Xing arrived in Wanjin Pavilion.

Indeed, as the three minor cultivators said, Wanjin Pavilion is a shop in Baidi City that specializes in selling all kinds of rare ores and monster materials, with a full range of varieties.

As soon as Su Xing entered the door, he saw many monks shopping in the store selecting from the shelves.

"Shangxian, I would like to ask, what is your budget for this purchase?"

"Hehe, the Immortal knows that in this kind of shop, the one who is willing to spend money is the uncle!"

Among the three minor cultivators, one of them, a slightly smarter one, stepped forward and whispered in Su Xing's ear.

After hearing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and slowly uttered a few words:

"It's a budget! There's no upper limit... There's nothing in this mere Baidi City that I can't afford!"

Su Xing said this deliberately to create the character he wanted!

A powerful monk with unknown origins...but rich!

As expected, after hearing Su Xing's words, several customers around him looked sideways. They rarely saw a monk with such a tone.

And with the promise of Su Xing, the three Xiao Xiu who led the way were even more confident.

One of the minor repairmen walked through the crowd and wanted to go directly to the person in charge of Wanjin Pavilion in the back hall.

After a while, a wealthy middle-aged man wearing a Chinese robe and a jade pendant walked over briskly.

Su Xing just glanced sideways and saw through his cultivation level at a glance.

"Well, my cultivation level in the late stage of becoming a god...but my cultivation level is empty, it should be due to the accumulation of drugs..."

Su Xing just glanced at him and didn't take it to heart. He continued to study the various spiritual minerals and strange stones on the shelves.

When every strange stone passes through Su Xing's hands, Su Xing can immediately know how abundant the energy it contains is.

But unfortunately, after looking at dozens of kinds of stones, the energy source contained in them is either pitiful, or they are expensive, not suitable for large-scale purchases, and the price-performance ratio is not high.

The person in charge of Wanjin Pavilion, nicknamed Jin Laoliu, is somewhat famous in Baidi City, not because of his high level of cultivation, but because he comes from the Jin family behind Wanjin Pavilion and is considered a direct disciple.

Jin Laoliu was originally enjoying the service of his beautiful concubine in the back hall, but was suddenly disturbed by Xiao Xiu who led the way, so he was unhappy at first.

He originally thought that some big customer would come over, but now when he met Su Xing, he saw that Su Xing was dressed simply and had a raw look on his face, and he already had doubts in his heart.

But when he saw Su Xing standing there, as if he hadn't seen him, he felt even more unhappy.

"Hey, San Leizi, who is the big customer you are talking about?"

Jin Laoliu glanced at Xiao Xiu who was leading the way, stood five feet away from Su Xing, and spoke sarcastically.

As the person in charge of Wanjin Pavilion, he naturally knows this group of "Bai Xiaosheng" who are active in the city. He knows that not only are their cultivation levels low, but their vision is also low, so he despises Su Xing in his heart.

After hearing what Jin Laoliu said, Su Xing remained motionless, just looking intently at the items on the shelves.

And this scene, in Jin Laoliu's eyes, was even more irritating!

What is his identity as Jin Laoliu?

The person in charge of the Ten Thousand Gold Pavilion, even some great monks in the integration stage, will be respectful when they see him.

Then the smile on Jin Laoliu's face gradually stiffened, and he said in a sarcastic tone:

"Three scoundrels! Our Wanjin Pavilion doesn't accept all guests... Some people have high eyesight but don't have many spiritual stones in their hands. They also want to come to my Wanjin Pavilion to kill Wei Feng?"

Jin Laoliu released a little bit of the pressure of the monks in the Transformation Stage, and the leading cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage turned pale with fright and sat on the ground speechless.

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this, and was about to speak, but Jin Laoliu was the first to attack:

"This guest, did you come to my Wanjin Pavilion to buy something? If not, please do not stay in this pavilion to avoid disturbing other customers."

There was a hint of coldness in Jin Laoliu's tone, wanting to test Su Xing's details.

When Su Xing heard this, he was immediately delighted by this. How dare a mere ant in the transformation stage dare to speak to him like this?

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing took a step forward without making any movement. With just a look, Jin Laoliu was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. The yellow and white stuff was all over the floor, and he was trembling and unable to speak.

With this look, Su Xing didn't even have murderous intent. It was just the aura brought by years of fighting on the battlefield that frightened Jin Laoliu to the point that he almost died.

However, at this moment, a pleasant voice sounded:

"Xiao Liuzi, is this how you receive our distinguished guests from Wanjin Pavilion?"

"Treat guests without any courtesy... From today on, you no longer have to work in Wanjin Pavilion!"

The speaker was a graceful young woman with a pretty face who looked to be in her thirties and quite charming.

This person is the boss behind Wanjin Pavilion, Jin Sanniang.

Jin Sanniang was dressed in gorgeous clothes and walked downstairs with light steps. She happened to come to Wanjin Pavilion for inspection today, but she encountered this kind of thing.

When Su Xing saw Jin Sanniang walking over, he only raised his head for a moment, and then continued to look at the ores in the pavilion.

Su Xing sensed the presence of Jin Sanniang as early as when he entered the door.

A female fairy who has transcended the tribulation period and has pretty good qualifications.

But to be able to open a Wanjin Pavilion in this huge Baidi City, I'm afraid there are big people behind it.

But Su Xing estimated that the big shot behind it was an Earthly Immortal monk.

With Su Xing's current strength, there are few people in the entire Xiao Qingyun world who can fall into his eyes.

Jin Sanniang stood three feet away from Su Xing. She bowed to Su Xing first and said in an apologetic tone:

"I am Jin Sanniang, the boss of Wanjin Pavilion. It is really an honor for us at Wanjin Pavilion to have the Immortal visit us today. If the Immortal has any needs, we are willing to provide the biggest discount."

After a pause, Jin Sanniang said:

"All the products in Wanjin Pavilion are sold to the Immortal at a 50% discount as an apology. How about that?"

After hearing Jin Sanniang's submissive tone, the monks watching the excitement suddenly showed expressions of astonishment.

If Jin Laoliu is just a fox pulling a tiger's skin, then Jin Sanniang has some weight in Baidi City!

Jin Sanniang is a monk who has been in the tribulation period for a long time, and is superior to most monks.

There are even rumors that she is the concubine of a certain Earthly Immortal monk, which is why she was able to establish the famous Wanjin Pavilion in Baidi City.

"My dear, who is this foreign monk...even Jin Sanniang has surrendered?"

"Who knows...maybe foreign monks like to chant sutras? This monk looks very fierce...not easy to mess with!"

Several customers were talking not far away, and they were talking a lot.

As for Jin Sanniang, although she had a smile on her face at the moment, she was already sweating secretly.

At this moment, she wished she could kill Jin Laoliu, her cousin!

On weekdays, it’s okay to act recklessly in the name of Wanjin Pavilion, but today he actually offended such a big shot!

Yes, although Jin Sanniang doesn't know Su Xing's true cultivation level.

But with her vision and consciousness, she was completely unable to see through Su Xing's cultivation... This alone was enough to explain a lot of things!

"Oh? All the items I purchased today are on sale at 50% off?"

Su Xing smiled, looked around at the customers around him, and didn't say much.

Jin Sanniang suddenly understood, cleared her throat, and said sharply:

"Ahem, Sanniang is going to receive a distinguished guest today!"

"All guests, everything in your hands is sold at 20% off... But please leave Wanjin Pavilion as soon as possible. Wanjin Pavilion is closed today!"

After hearing Jin Sanniang's words, hundreds of customers in the store also realized what they were doing and left.

Only Su Xing and the three leading Xiaoxiu behind him were left.

Jin Sanniang winked at the maid behind her, then turned to the three young cultivators who were leading the way:

"The three Bai Xiaosheng have prepared spiritual fruit-flavored tea. I wonder if you can move to the VIP room for a short break?"

Seeing Jin Sanniang being so polite, the three guides were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

What kind of person is Jin Sanniang? Overhaul during the tribulation period!

The master of Wanjin Pavilion!

But today, he was so respectful to the three of them who were leading the way, Xiao Xiu, who was not even at the golden elixir stage!

And all of this... is naturally due to waking up!

Thinking of this, the three leading Xiaoxiu looked at Su Xing with respect like gods!

Of course, for these low-level monks, Su Xing is indeed no different from a god...


After a while, Su Xing was invited into a VIP box alone by Jin Sanniang.

After pushing the maids around, Jin Sanniang took the lead to sit down, showing her graceful figure, brewed a pot of tea for Su Xing, and said:

"I wonder what the immortal bought when he came to my Wanjin Pavilion?"

As she spoke, Jin Sanniang moved three points closer to Su Xing, intentionally or unintentionally. Su Xing could clearly see the fragrance on her body and the ravine in front of her.

Su Xing glanced at Jin Sanniang calmly, but felt a little admiration in his heart.

This Jin Sanniang is indeed a charming woman who is famous in Baidi City. She can be favored by the monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Her figure and appearance are also top-notch among fairies.

If Su Xing hadn't seen too many women like Jin Congxue, Luo Shuying... and even Fairy Ziling, who are hard to find in the three thousand worlds, he might really not be able to help but feel excited.

Thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind, and then he smiled, reached out and took Jin Sanniang into his arms, squeezed her hard a few times, and laughed loudly:

"I, Su Ye, come here this time. Naturally, I have big business to do with you!"

"Such a big business... I'm afraid your Wanjin Pavilion family won't be able to afford it!"

Jin Sanniang frowned slightly when she saw Su Xing being so rude, but when she heard that Su Xing had a big deal, she immediately stopped her little movements and moved closer to him.

Exhaling, Rulan asked, "I don't know, does the Immortal have any big business to do? I'm looking forward to making my body good!"

After Su Xing saw him, he leaned close to Jin Sanniang's ear and said mysteriously:

"I want to buy three kinds of ores: iron essence, fire copper, and spiritual iron..."

Jin Sanniang originally had a smile on her face, but after hearing Su Xing's words, most of her face darkened, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she asked:

"Haha, is it possible that the Immortal is joking about my concubine?"

"The big business you are talking about...are these three metal ores?"

Su Xing nodded with a smile, while Jin Sanniang had a look of disbelief on her face.

Seeing that Jin Sanniang was about to get up, Su Xing said again:

"Haha, does Sanniang think... does a business of one million or even ten million spiritual stones be considered a big business?"

After Jin Sanniang heard Su Xing's words, she was stunned for a moment, stopped getting up, moved closer, and confirmed:

"Su Lang... what you just said was the business of ten million low-grade spiritual stones?"

After hearing this, Su Xing shook his head and said:

"No, it's 10 million high-grade spiritual stones!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Sanniang's eyes widened and her body was already shaking a little.

Ten million high-grade spiritual stones... Even if the entire Wanjin Pavilion is sold, I'm afraid it won't be worth so much money!

Ten million high-grade spiritual stones, not to mention her, a monk in the Tribulation Stage...even most of the monks in the fairyland can't get so many!

Su Xing inherited all the inheritance from the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan, and the total number of high-grade spirit stones in his body is only about eight million.

But this does not mean that Su Xing cannot produce so many spirit stones. Even if he does not sell the Spirit Gathering Flower, Su Xing can still go to Tianji Pavilion to exchange for spirit stones by selling part of the information.

Some key information is difficult to sell, but the information about Advent Cult can be sold by Su Xing.

When Jin Sanniang heard the number of "ten million high-grade spiritual stones", she was so shocked that she was speechless for a long time.

But she quickly realized that with her small Wanjin Pavilion, she might not be able to place such a large order.

So Jin Sanniang considered it and said:

"Su Lang... the market price of an iron essence is about 15 low-grade spiritual stones... You may also know that although I am the boss behind Wanjin Pavilion, I cannot fully decide on such a large deal!"

"I estimate that the lowest price I can give for an iron essence is about 8 low-grade spiritual stones..."

"And fire copper is about 15 low-grade spiritual stones per one..."

"Spiritual iron is one of 20 low-grade spiritual stones..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing Jin Sanniang's words. The price was much cheaper than what he bought in the simulator!

At least, there are millions of high-grade spiritual stones left for awakening!

It's not in vain that Su Xing used all his tricks.

Su Xing thought for a while and asked:

"Sanniang, I don't know how much iron essence, fire copper and spiritual iron your Wanjin Pavilion can sell at one time?"

After hearing this, Jin Sanniang thought for a while and said:

"These three metals are common in the Xiaoqingyun world...and are in great demand. There are also many monks who buy hundreds, thousands...or even ten thousand pieces at a time, which is already a big order!"

"Therefore, the total amount of these three metals in my Wanjin Pavilion is quite a lot..."

After a pause, Jin Sanniang said:

"Currently, in my Wanjin Pavilion warehouse, there are approximately five million pieces of iron essence, three million pieces of fire copper, and one million pieces of spiritual iron..."

"This is already the entire inventory of my Wanjin Pavilion!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. This amount was still much lower than he expected!

Five million iron essences cost 40 million low-grade spiritual stones... which is also 400,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Three million fire coppers, priced at 450,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

One million spiritual irons, priced at 200,000 high-grade spiritual stones...

The total value of these three metals is only 140,000 points of energy source...

This source of energy is still a drop in the bucket for the need for awakening!

So Su Xing shook his head and said:

"Not enough! Far from enough!"

"The more of these three metals, the better!"

"I can eat as much as you take out...as long as you have it!"

"My expectation is that there will be 100 million iron essences, 50 million fire coppers... and 10 million spiritual irons!"

"This is the bottom line of my acquisition..."

Su Xing estimated that if he could provide such a quantity, it would be worth about 230 million energy sources, so Su Xing would consider that his trip was not in vain!

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Sanniang looked embarrassed and explained:

"Su Lang... such a big order, not to mention me, Wanjin Pavilion, even all the merchants in Baidi City, I'm afraid they won't be able to take it!"

"I estimate that the entire Baidi City combined can provide one-third of the metals you ask for...that's already the limit!"

Jin Sanniang is indeed in a dilemma at this moment. This has nothing to do with price, but Baidi City, which has tens of millions of monks, cannot provide so much ore...

Such a large order is worth tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones... The profit earned by her Wanjin Pavilion is probably no less than millions of high-grade spiritual stones!

If it could be supplied, why wouldn't Jin Sanniang not sell it?

But Su Xing said:

"If Baidi City can't raise the money, then contact other cities! You can contact the entire Xiao Qingyun Realm. As long as the merchant is willing to cooperate with you, you can buy it and sell it to me!"

With that said, Su Xing threw a storage bag over and said:

"This storage bag contains two million high-grade spiritual stones, which can be regarded as a deposit!"

"Get as much of these three metals as you can, the sooner the better!"

After hearing this, Jin Sanniang picked up the storage bag and penetrated it with her spiritual consciousness. When she saw the mountains of high-grade spiritual stones inside, her breathing suddenly became rapid.

Jin Sanniang put away the bag of spiritual stones, then patted her chest and promised:

"Shangxian, Sanniang will do her best!"

"But I estimate that even the fastest, I'm afraid I can only raise half of it within a week..."

"But as long as you give Sanniang three months, I will definitely be able to raise more of these three ores than you ask for!"

There is no shortage of these three kinds of ores in the Little Qingyun Realm...Many low-level monks make a living by mining.

But in the past, the demand was not as high.

Now that the awakening has suddenly brought such a huge demand, even if Jin Sanniang hires low-level monks to mine day and night, it may take some time.

"Three months..."

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this, shook his head and said:

"Three months is too long! I'll give you two and a half months. I've prepared 50 million high-grade spiritual stones. It's up to you how many you can eat!"

With that said, Su Xing pushed Jin Sanniang away, and before leaving the private room, Su Xing said:

"I live in an inn in the city... If you need anything, you can contact me at any time!"

After she woke up and left, Jin Sanniang was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. First she took out a jade slip that transmitted sound and contacted the patron behind her.

After getting the consent of the Earthly Immortal Realm monk, Jin Sanniang immediately ordered everyone in Wanjin Pavilion to collect these three ores with all their strength, and issued a notice in the city, summoning low-level monks to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to dig out the ores!


On the other side, Su Xing left Wanjin Pavilion and spent a few spiritual stones to rent a good guest room in the center of the city.

After setting up a few protective formations, Su Xing turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave.

In Lingtian Cave, the new round of simulation opportunities has finished cooling down.

Su Xing murmured:

"The seeds have been planted... I wonder how the harvest will be?"

"I just hope that my trip will not be in vain!"

After saying that, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 127th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 39 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Confirm extraction!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Wood Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%! 】

[Wood Body]: Purple talent, you have a good sense of wood aura and a keen sense of the avenue of wood.

"Huh? Did you only draw the purple talent..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and calculated that he had drawn golden talents seven or eight times in a row.

The awakened luck talent will not take effect on the simulator.

There is an 80% probability that it is time for the purple talent to appear.

"Well, let's see if this transaction can be executed smoothly in this simulation!"

"Also, as for body training... it's time to break through to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique!"

Su Xing has a plan in mind.

On March 2026, 2, in the new era, Awakening begins a new round of simulation.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You set off and went to the Tianji Pavilion branch in Baidi City, and met the girl from Tianji Pavilion...]

[You made a deal with the girl from Tianji Pavilion. By selling information about various branches of the Advent Sect in the Little Qingyun Realm, you received a reward of three million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you proposed a deal with Tianji Pavilion. You took out more than a thousand spirit-gathering flowers and hoped to exchange these spirit-gathering flowers for some spirit stones. 】

[The girl from Tianji Pavilion was only slightly surprised when she saw it, and then offered to use two million high-grade spiritual stones to purchase this batch of spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[You nod in agreement, and the transaction with Tianji Pavilion goes smoothly. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you left Tianji Pavilion and went to the Baidi Tower branch...]

(End of this chapter)

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