Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 346 Ultimate speed and strength, understanding the way of speed!

Chapter 346 Ultimate speed and strength, understanding the way of speed!

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this:

"Baidi Tower is one of the top three forces in the Xiao Qingyun world..."

"Tianji Pavilion does not care about worldly affairs. Only the three major forces, Baidi Pavilion, Tianmo Prison and Qingyun Sect, have considerable influence."

"And among them, Baidi Tower has the least restrictions... My identity as a vest should be able to achieve a good status among them..."

In Su Xing's plan, Xiao Qingyun Realm is definitely an important stronghold!

And Su Xing had just arrived, and in the Xiao Qingyun world, he only had the strength to take action, so naturally he had to temporarily join a force first.

Relatively speaking, Baidi Tower is currently the most suitable force for awakening.

"The peak level of cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm is enough to become a first-class guest elder in the Baidi Tower branch...which is enough to cooperate with my next plan!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After arriving at the Baidi Tower, you showed your cultivation at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, which instantly attracted the attention of the White Emperor Tower. 】

[After many verifications, the sub-building owner of Baidi Tower, a true immortal, personally received you...]

[Three days later, you will successfully become the first-class guest elder of Baidi Tower. 】

[Elder Baidilou Keqing, regardless of origin, anyone can serve as long as he is not an evil cultivator. 】

[At the same time, you also have the qualifications to purchase caves in Baidi City. 】

[In order to deceive others and better match your identity, you spent millions of low-grade spiritual stones to rent a low-grade cave in the center of Baidi City for ten years...]

[Seven days later, you went to Wanjin Pavilion again. 】

[Jin Sanniang is indeed a well-known businessman in Baidi City. In just over ten days, she has exceeded the task. She has already raised half of the three metal ores you requested! 】

[At the same time, Jin Sanniang tells you that her backer wants to meet you...]

[After hearing this, you thought for a while. If you want to have a certain power in Baidi City, allies are naturally indispensable. 】

[And the Earth Immortal behind Jin Sanniang is obviously a good choice. 】

[So you agreed to meet Jin Sanniang’s backer. 】

[As you expected, the backer behind Jin Sanniang is also the first-class guest elder of Baidi Tower like you! 】

[His name is Bai Xuan. He is a late-stage monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm. He has been developing in Baidi City for thousands of years. His influence is deeply rooted and his financial resources and strength are extremely impressive in the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[The reason why Jin Sanniang was able to find so many ores in such a short period of time was probably because of Bai Xuan's hard work...]

[The negotiation between you and Bai Xuan was very harmonious. You were willing to increase the purchase price by half, and Bai Xuan promised that he would use his connections, not only in Baidi City, but also in dozens of monk cities in the northern part of Little Qingyun Realm. I can collect ores for you...】

[Everyone is happy from now on, you and Wanjin Pavilion have reached a win-win situation. 】

[In this way, another two months have passed. 】

[Wanjin Pavilion has brought you a large amount of three metals as promised, the quantity is even twice as much as you expected! 】

[You estimate that the total value of the three different metals brought by Wanjin Pavilion is close to five million points of energy source! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw a ray of light blooming in this eye.

"Tsk, tsk, this is five million points of energy source!"

"Such a large amount...is completely enough for me to break through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing was very happy. With these five million points of energy source alone, his visit to the Little Qingyun Realm was not worth it!

Moreover, once this trade route is completed, the scattered cultivators in Baidi City are called on to continuously dig these three metals for Awakening.

The benefits it can bring...will be endless!

"Then...the only problem now is that with so many three metals, the price may be no less than 30 million high-grade spiritual stones!"

"With the financial resources I have...it seems I can't afford it..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

The good news is that the source of awakening energy has been found.

The bad news is that Su Xing doesn’t have enough spirit stones in his hand... he can’t afford them anymore!

"The spiritual stones in my hand can be exchanged for high-grade spiritual stones... only about ten million pieces."

"And the Spirit-Gathering Flower is not suitable for selling in large quantities... things are getting a little difficult!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and if he were to purely sell the Soul-Gathering Flowers, he would have to sell at least 10,000 Spirit-Gathering Flowers to make up for the 20 million high-grade spirit stones!

Such a large number of Soul-Gathering Flowers is obviously not something that Su Xing, a little "Peak Earth Immortal Realm" monk, can possess, and it will definitely attract the attention of interested people.

"Let the strength you show match your wealth... Only then can you avoid the prying eyes of young people!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and realized that the Soul-Gathering Flower was of great importance. If too much was exposed at once, once the news got out, Xuanxian monks from other worlds might come to visit!

And this is obviously not what Su Xing wants to see.

"So... the holes in the twenty million high-grade spiritual stones must be filled in batches..."

"Part of it can be sold for three thousand spirit-gathering flowers, which is not a big problem... The rest can also be sold for some magical powers..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"Also, the distance between Xiao Qingyun Realm and Black Water Realm seems not that far away!"

"There are only three or four void nodes between them... If we control the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, we can reach it in less than two months!"

Su Xing wondered whether he should go to the Black Water Realm. After all, there was also a part of Luo Tian's inheritance waiting for Su Xing there.

But after weighing it, Su Xing gave up this plan.

A trip to the Blackwater Realm would take at least five months.

For those millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid... tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones, it doesn't seem worth it?

"Perhaps, when my way of space reaches the fourth realm... I can go to the Black Water Realm!"

Su Xing thought so, then looked at the simulation panel.

[After that, you stayed in the Little Qingyun Realm for another two months. After confirming that there were no problems with this transaction, you rode the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and returned to Blue Star. 】

[It only took you about ten days to return to Blue Star this time. 】

[After returning to Blue Star, you began to eradicate the Advent Cult. 】

[There was no plan for this operation... Just relying on your superb strength, you slaughtered Long Laogou and a group of senior Adventists in a crushing manner. 】

[As for those Adventists and middle-level cadres, they were successfully deceived by your success master talent. 】

[With lightning speed, you swept away the entire Advent Sect... and then plundered the Advent Sect's treasure house! 】

[You sent your puppets to count the resources in the Advent Cult's treasure house...]

[The resources in its treasure house exceed your imagination! 】

[You unceremoniously took these resources into your pocket, took a trip to the Blood Demon Realm, and cleared away the remaining evil cultivators. 】

[After doing all this, you drove the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle back to the Little Qingyun Realm, informed the Tianji Pavilion of the Red Moon information, and invited the Taiyi Golden Immortal to come out. 】

[You take the two Taiyi Golden Immortals to the Blue Star, preparing to destroy the Red Moon. 】

[After inviting the two Taiyi Golden Immortals into the endless abyss, you began to plan the migration of the Blue Star human race. 】

[In the blink of an eye, eight years have passed...]

[In the eighth year, you successfully moved most of the Daxia people and a small number of people from other countries to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[After doing all this, you immediately contacted Tianji Pavilion and directly revealed your identity as a disciple of Qingyun Sect. 】

[You met Fairy Ziling, and under the leadership of Fairy Ziling, you went to the Three Immortals Peak. 】

[You reached a deal with Qingyunzi and successfully obtained two cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[In the tenth year, news of Hong Yue's death came, and one of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals returned with serious injuries and the other with minor injuries. 】

[But they knew your identity as Qingyunzi’s direct disciple, so they didn’t cause any trouble for you. 】

[You successfully escaped the disaster and spent the next three years building an academy for cultivating immortals and providing resources for cultivating immortals for the Blue Star human race. 】

[After doing all this, your depression will be reduced and your mood will be improved a lot. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The preliminary preparations are almost done!"

"Then for the rest of this simulation, it's time to practice!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and realized that it was necessary for his body training to break through to the fourth level!

"There is also the way of space, which also needs to be further improved!"

After awakening in the future, he will inevitably have to wander through various small worlds to find Luo Tian's inheritance.

But if you want to reach a different world as soon as possible, you must improve your escape speed!

"When it comes to understanding the Great Dao, there is a huge difference between the third realm and the fourth realm!"

"The fourth realm of Space Avenue...don't let me down!"

Su Xing murmured.

But then, Su Xing felt helpless.

"Qi refining cultivation... It is time to further improve, but if you want to upgrade to two realms, you need to spend 600,000 energy sources..."

"With the speed at which I am acquiring the source of energy... it is absolutely impossible to hoard the source of energy!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He planned to improve his Qi refining skills, but in this case, the required energy source might not be enough.

"No matter what, we can't slack off in improving our cultivation... At this moment, we can only take one step at a time!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifteenth year, you left the Little Qingyun Realm, rode the stars, sun and moon shuttle, and went to the ninth heaven. 】

[In the twentieth year, you successfully arrived at the Nine Heavens and began to search for the secret realm in the Nine Heavens! 】

[Yes, for other monks, it is difficult to find a secret place or a treasure after decades of wandering. 】

[But for you who have the talent of good luck, you can encounter secret realms and obtain treasures almost every month, but the levels of the treasures vary. 】

[It only took you three years to reach the third heaven. 】

[With your strength, it is most suitable to explore the secret realm in the third heaven. 】

[Your main goal is to collect enough Dao fragments to assist in your practice, and at the same time hunt the strange beasts of the void to prepare for your future understanding of the Dao of space. ] [In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed...]

[In the fortieth year, in the past twenty years, you have hunted no less than ten strange beasts in the void, three of which were above the True Immortal Realm, providing you with many stones to understand the way of space. 】

[At the same time, you also obtained some other treasures, such as a piece of extremely light feather, which contains the path of speed, and a stone as big as a palm but as heavy as a mountain, which contains the path of strength. 】

[With the talent of good fortune, you are becoming more and more at home in the third heaven, and can easily obtain many treasures to assist in your practice. 】

[In this way, another thirty-seven years have passed...]

[In the seventy-seventh year, you found a safer secret realm in the third heaven and began to count the treasures acquired over the years. 】

[In just over sixty years, you have killed more than twenty strange beasts in the void! Obtained more than fifty stones from the strange beasts of the void. These stones are all treasures for understanding the way of space! 】

[In addition, you have also obtained a number of various Tao Yun treasures, which are enough to support your future practice. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this and said:

"Yes, these obtained resources are enough for my next enlightenment!"

Since Su Xing decided to give priority to understanding the way of space, he naturally wanted to obtain more stones produced by the strange beasts of the void, so as to facilitate his future practice.

Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation, seventy-five years in duration!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 27375 energy source points, and have 37 remaining energy source points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

In a secret place filled with birdsong and flowers, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, checked the items in the storage space, nodded and said:

"Yes, now it's time to understand the way of space..."

Su Xing's heart moved, he took out the Enlightenment Tea and started making tea.

After a while, a cup of refreshing tea appeared in Su Xing's hands.

After waking up and taking a sip, he felt the great increase in his understanding. He took out several void beast stones and began to understand the way of space.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed...

On this day, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, woke up from his meditation, felt the progress of the way of space, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, with treasures to assist in enlightenment, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"At this rate, it will take about ten thousand years to successfully enter the fourth level of the Way of Space!"

The ten thousand years that Su Xing talked about were without the blessing of enlightenment tea, great wisdom and foolishness, and late blooming talents.

If all three are included, it will take more than one hundred and seventy years at most for Su Xing to successfully enter the fourth realm of the Way of Space!

"After all, after three more immersive simulations at most... I can enter the fourth realm of the way of space! By then, my speed of sailing in the void will definitely be greatly improved!"

Su Xing was very satisfied, and then he began to comprehend the way of space.


The stars move quickly, the sun and the moon move quickly...

In the blink of an eye, another forty-five years have passed.

This is the fifty-fourth year of Awakening’s immersive simulations.

After drinking three cups of Enlightenment Tea completely, for those who cultivate immortality, a period of time is only a snap of the fingers!

"Jiazi's enlightenment... his understanding of the way of space has been greatly improved!"

Su Xing woke up from the state of enlightenment, feeling the progress of his own space, and felt a lot in his heart.

"Although we have not yet entered the fourth realm of the Way of Space, we have made great progress compared to before!"

"If we cross the void now and return to Blue Star from Little Qingyun Realm, I'm afraid it will only take eight days at most..."

Su Xing was overjoyed, the gains from the Dao of Space were greater than he imagined!

If one day, the awakened space method is powerful enough, it may only take one day to travel between Xiao Qingyun Realm and Blue Star.

By then, there are three thousand worlds so big, where can Awakening go?

I'm afraid it's hard to describe the blue sea in the morning and the blue sky in the evening, right?

"Fifty-four years of immersive simulation...the three cups of Enlightenment Tea have been exhausted, so next, it's time to refine the Wen Dao Pill!"

Su Xing took out a Qiling Pill and four crumpled Enlightenment tea leaves, and began to refine the Wen Dao Pill.

Nowadays, Su Xing's refining skills of Wen Dao Dan have reached the level of minor success, and the refining efficiency is as high as 80%. Even if the refining fails, at least he can produce inferior elixirs.

But there is still a long way to go before reaching the level of Dacheng-level refining skills...

So, in the next two months, Su Xing refined a total of nine hearing pills.

Among them, there are eight Chengdan, all of which are of normal quality... There is also a defective Wen Dao Pill, which was used by Awakening.

In the secret realm of the third heaven, Su Xing looked at the eight hearing pills in his hand and murmured:

"These eight pills are worth eight hundred years of hard work... equivalent to the effect of half a cup of enlightenment tea!"

"But then, we should not continue to understand the way of space..."

Compared to continuing to comprehend the way of space, Su Xing has a better decision.

I saw Su Xing's heart move, and he took out a piece of light and white feather. This feather was wrapped with silk threads of speed, which was extremely impressive.

"This should be the feather of some kind of powerful bird monster. If it appears in the Nine Heavens, it might be the feather of an ancient beast, right?"

Su Xing didn't know who the owner of this feather was, but he knew that this feather would be of great help to him in understanding the way of speed!

"After all, my speed and strength... are still at their original stage!"

"Just in time, take advantage of this opportunity to break through to the embryonic stage of the avenue in one fell swoop!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing took the first Hearing Pill, took the feather in his hand, and began to comprehend the way of speed.

Over the next three months, Su Xing took three more Wen Dao Pills.

After four Wen Dao Pills were taken into the abdomen, four months of awakening was equivalent to four hundred years of enlightenment!

And this finally allowed Su Xing to understand the Tao of Speed, entering the first realm, the embryonic realm of the Tao!

In the secret realm, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling the blessing brought by the path of speed after entering the first realm, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"I see...the way of speed is the core of speed!"

Su Xing suddenly felt a little sore. Before, he only focused on the understanding of the way of space, but he ignored the equally important way of speed!

"The Way of Speed ​​has entered the first stage... My magical power has made the golden light shine on the ground, at least the speed is more than 30% faster!"

"Moreover, the Way of Speed ​​seems to be able to be blessed on the Immortal Boat, making the Immortal Boat sail faster!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, this was indeed his negligence.

Nowadays, it seems that the way of space is more about dealing with various dangerous environments in the void, or teleporting over short and medium distances.

But if you are sailing in the void for a long time, you must not only be proficient in the way of space, but also the way of speed cannot be ignored!

"Tsk tsk... The Way of Speed ​​has entered the first realm. If it is blessed with the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, I am afraid that I can successfully return to Blue Star in a week!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional in his heart. From this point of view, he still had great potential for growth in the speed path.

"What an unexpected surprise!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, and then took out the dark stone.

This stone is only the size of a palm, but its weight is no less than that of a mountain!

Su Xing estimated that this stone weighed billions of tons!

Even he felt some weight in his hand.

"This stone should be the rumored Zhoushan Stone..."

Su Xing once heard that in ancient times, there was a mountain named Buzhou. This mountain was tens of thousands of feet high, and the rocks were extremely solid and weighed as much as ten thousand stone.

The rocks in this mountain are called Zhoushan stones, which are the main materials for refining the immortal treasure "Mountain Seal"!

The mountain seal is as big as a palm, but when used against the enemy, every blow it hits the enemy is no less powerful than a mountain or a river!

The reason for this is precisely because of the addition of minerals such as Zhoushan Stone.

"Tsk, tsk, this stone was almost extinct in ancient times when the Wu clan was angry at Buzhou Mountain... I didn't expect that I would still find it in the Nine Heavens. What a good luck!"

Su Xing silently wrote down the location where he found these treasures. After the simulation, Su Xing could easily obtain them!

"This stone is so heavy, it is the ultimate treasure to understand the way of strength!"

Su Xing murmured, then took a Wen Dao Pill and began to understand the way to gain strength!

In the blink of an eye, another four months have passed...

Su Xing successfully pushed his understanding of the Way of Power into the realm of the prototype of the Great Way!

At this point, Su Xing possesses the Tao of the Five Elements, the Tao of Space, the Tao of Destiny and Cause and Effect, the Tao of Thunder, the Tao of Speedy Power, the Tao of Killing, the Tao of the Sword...

There are a total of eight avenues, all of which have entered the realm of the avenue!

"Huh... Although it is said that there are eight great ways... but after all, the five elements are integrated into one. If we break them down, I have understood a total of thirteen great ways!"

Su Xing thought this way, each of the eight avenues is extremely good, giving Su Xing almost no shortcomings!

"After that, if it's not the top avenue...you don't have to bother to understand it!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Even though he was carrying a simulator, it was already extremely difficult to comprehend the eight avenues at the same time.

In the future, if it were not for time, life and death... such top avenues, Su Xing would no longer have to bother to understand them.

The existing highways are sufficient for recovery.

"However, at present, the eight avenues are still unable to fully exert their power!"

Su Xing knew that if he wanted to fully utilize the power of the avenue, the most important thing was to use the "Spirit Realm"!

As for Su Xing, it has been a long time since he practiced the spiritual realm... After that, it is time to practice the spiritual realm as soon as possible!

"When I first entered the Immortal Realm, the spiritual realm was still my strong point...but as my cultivation has grown, I can no longer keep up with the way of the spiritual realm!"

“But fortunately, the foundation is solid, so it’s not difficult to catch up!”


In the 152nd year of simulation, the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to the real world.

After using the magical power of memory, the awakened memory gradually recovered, his eyes were clear, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 152nd year, you practiced hard for seventy-five years in the secret realm of the third heaven, and your understanding of the great path further transformed! 】

[So, you chose to return to Qingyun Sect and concentrate on improving your cultivation...]

[In the 155th year, you returned to the Qingyun Sect and immediately entered the Luotian Realm, asking about the progress of planting patchouli flowers...]

(End of this chapter)

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