Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 347: The 4th level of the Great Witch’s Body Training Technique, the first meeting with the

Chapter 347 The fourth level of the Great Witch’s Body Training Art, the first meeting with the girl

[As early as more than a hundred years ago, you had implemented a patchwork planting plan and asked dozens of Luotian Sect members, including Shennong Youtian, to cultivate patchwork for you. 】

[Now that a hundred years have passed, it’s time to pick the fruits! 】

[So, you enter the Luotian realm and ask Shen Nong Youtian and others about the progress of the Tianhua cultivation plan. 】

[As the only remaining immortal in the Three Thousand Worlds who has reached the supreme realm of spiritual cultivation, Shennong Youtian did not disappoint you. 】

[In just a hundred years, he successfully cultivated more than fifty strains of patchwork flowers, enough for your future cultivation needs...]

[You are happy in your heart. After successfully obtaining the patchwork flower, you begin to prepare for breaking through to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art! 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

"Shennong has a field, he really didn't disappoint me!"

"In just a hundred years... was it possible to successfully cultivate patchouli?"

"No...the patchwork itself should not be so evil!"

[And within this year, your physical body has improved by at least 30%! And this is just the growth brought about by half of the patchwork plant...]

Otherwise, if Su Xing wants to find it by himself, he doesn’t know how much time it will take...

[But you finally gritted your teeth and persevered...]

[Along with the drastic changes, you can also clearly feel the pain in the five internal organs and every bone in the body...]

[As always, the medicinal effect of Butia is baptizing your body crazily, making your body grow further...]

[You can even feel that your cells become stronger under this power, as if every cell contains infinite vitality. 】

[In just a moment, the energy and blood in your body is like a raging river, constantly scouring and tempering. The huge changes it brings are even no less than the growth during the ascension. 】

Su Xing called himself lucky.

Su Xing was excited and looked at the simulation panel.

[After feeling the astonishing benefits brought by the patchwork flower, you were pleasantly surprised, and then without hesitation, drank the remaining half of the spirit-gathering flower. 】

[You did not hesitate and swallowed half of the patchouli plant into your abdomen. 】

In the real world, Su Xing took a breath when he saw this.

It should be noted that patchwork was an elixir from ancient times and has long since disappeared.

Su Xing couldn't help but feel happy.

But the Luotian Realm is a perfect copy of the Luotian Realm from several Yuanhui ago, and it contains many magic weapons and elixirs that have disappeared...

[I don’t know how long it took, but when you came back to your senses again, you felt the pain in your body fade away, and your body felt extremely relaxed. 】

[After three months of repair, you adjusted your condition to the best and took the first tablet of Bitivia. 】

But at this stage, it is slightly behind...

Therefore, the improvement of physical training and cultivation cannot be ignored!

"Then next, let's push the Great Witch's Body Training Technique to the fourth level in one go!"

But the body-protecting Jian Gang, the biggest trump card of Awakening, still needs to rely on body training to exert its full power.

[However, Tianhua brings you not only changes in Qi and blood, but more importantly, an increase in vitality! 】

To put it bluntly, even if you find awakening, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate it yourself.

"Tsk tsk... It seems like Luo Tianjing is really a treasure!"

[But this change is not without cost! 】

Su Xing sighed, and at the same time had some expectations in his heart. In this simulation, can he successfully enter the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art?

If Su Xing wants to find this flower in today's three thousand worlds, it will undoubtedly be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

[This kind of pain is so clear and intense that you can’t help but groan and your veins will explode! 】

[You can clearly feel that every inch of skin, every bone, and every drop of blood in your body seems to be trembling and making waves. 】

And Shen Nong has land, which undoubtedly saves Su Xing a lot of time.

[This feeling is like the resurrection of a dead tree, allowing your vitality to quickly complete its transformation. 】

"Half of a patchwork plant made my body grow by a full 30%?"

[The patchwork flower is all white, only half the size of a palm. Its flower shape is ordinary, but it contains an extremely extraordinary aura and a frightening aura of life. 】

Look at the simulation panel.

The body-refining cultivation level has always exceeded the awakening Qi-refining cultivation level before.

This allowed Su Xing to obtain the smallpox!

[You do some calculations and find that this small retreat actually lasted a whole year! 】

"More importantly, it should be the combination of Tianhua and the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, which brings me closer and closer to the fourth level!"

[Suddenly, a strong warmth surges from your abdomen and quickly spreads to your limbs. 】

[After obtaining more than 50 ceiling-repairing flowers, you were overjoyed and began to try to break through to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique! 】

[You went to Qingyun Sect and broke through safely in the cave. 】

[At the same time, you also vaguely noticed that the Great Witch’s Body Forging Art is steadily advancing towards the fourth level. 】

[The bottleneck of body training that has troubled you for hundreds of years will be solved at this moment...]

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed! 】

[In the past ten years, you have taken four strains of Tianbuhua, and your physical body has continued to grow, and you are only one step away from the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique...]

[Finally, the 166th year of simulation. 】

[One day, you feel that the invisible shackles on your body are broken in an instant...]

[Immediately afterwards, you feel that you have broken through the bottleneck that has been bothering you for a long time, and your physical strength increases crazily. 】

[It's like the original sky has been lifted higher...your body training level can also continue to improve. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but clench his fists when he saw them.

"Finally, the Great Witch's Body Training Technique has entered the fourth level!"

"A physical body comparable to the True Immortal Realm... Coupled with the gains from surviving the wind disaster, my pure physical strength at this moment should be difficult to find an opponent in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, right?"

The growth in strength undoubtedly gave Su Xing a great sense of security.

In particular, the great feeling of pleasure brought by the breakthrough of body training made Su Xing tremble with excitement.

After a long time, Su Xing calmed down.

"Refining my body, I have successfully entered the fourth level... My overall strength has been further improved!"

"Then next, we must all break through the Qi refining cultivation realm..."

Su Xing's current cultivation level is only at the first level of True Immortal Realm, which is not very stable yet.

The main reason is that Luo Tianjing's demand for Su Xing's mana makes Su Xing's Qi refining cultivation not advance but retreat in the real world.

Therefore, Su Xing must improve his Qi refining cultivation level so that his cultivation level will not fall.

Otherwise, more than two months later, Luo Tianjing would absorb mana for the second time, which might even cause Su Xing to fall to the fairyland again...

"Well, it should be almost enough to be promoted to the third level of True Immortal Realm, right?"

Su Xing thought for a while, quickly set his goal, and looked at the simulation panel.

[After successfully breaking through to the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, you will feel even more secure. 】

[With your current level of cultivation, there are not many people in the Mysterious Immortal Realm who can pose a threat to you...]

[But you know better that just the cultivation of Xuanxian is not enough! You need to become stronger! 】

[Strong enough to change your own destiny and the destiny of the world! 】

[So, you start practicing the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue to improve your Qi refining skills. 】

[But for a true immortal, each minor realm breakthrough requires thousands of years of precipitation. 】

[It’s not just about accumulating cultivation, but also accumulating enough resources...]

[Fortunately, you have many secret locations in your mind at the moment, and you can easily access those secrets. 】

[And your first stop is, of course, the Yellow Sand World! 】

[In the Yellow Sand World, the hundreds of millions of spiritual fluids left by Taoist Huangsha are enough to support your practice for a long time. 】

[So, you took the inheritance from Huangsha Taoist, stayed in the Huangsha world, entered the Lingtian Cave, and started practicing. 】

[Run the Zhengyi Qi Jue, countless spiritual energy pours into your body, transforming into pure cultivation, and your realm is also moving towards the second level of the True Immortal Realm bit by bit. 】

[Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past ten years, you have consumed more than 10,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid every day, but fortunately, the huge expenditure has allowed your cultivation to grow rapidly. 】

[In the 180th year, your Qi refining cultivation has been promoted to the late stage of the first level of True Immortal. 】

[You continue to practice hard and sprint towards the second level of the True Immortal Realm. 】

[In addition to practicing the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue every day, you will also start practicing the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art, so that your qi and blood will become increasingly abundant. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed. 】

[In the 230th year, your cultivation reached the peak of the first level of True Immortal Realm, and you began to sprint towards the second level of True Immortal Realm. 】

[This retreat lasted for ten years. 】

[In the 240th year, your cultivation has been upgraded to the second level of the True Immortal Realm! 】

[In the True Immortal Realm, just one level of promotion will make you feel a huge change, and the immortal power that originally surged like a river in your body will become stronger. 】

[But you are not satisfied with this, so you continue to practice hard. 】

[Practice has no time, you are practicing hard in Luotian Sect, and a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[The 340th year, this year, your cultivation level has been successfully promoted to the late stage of the second level of True Immortal Realm. 】

[A hundred years of hard work will greatly increase your cultivation, but it will also consume a lot of resources...]

[Nearly half of the spiritual liquid left by Taoist Huangsha has been consumed... In order to avoid the shortage of spiritual liquid in the future, you decided to go to other worlds to search for Luo Tian's relics while practicing. 】

[This year, you left the Qingyun Sect and began to travel in the Qingyuan Domain...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Although the legacy left by Taoist Huangsha is sufficient, it can only supply ordinary immortals to cultivate to the peak of the True Immortal Realm... For me, it is still too little."

"If we don't open up sources, there won't be enough spiritual fluid, and our cultivation will stagnate..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"But the goal of this simulation has been completed, and now it's time to practice."

"In addition to being promoted to the third level of True Immortal Realm, body refining and cultivation cannot be ignored..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel. [In these years, in addition to Qi refining practice, you have also not neglected the improvement of body refining practice. 】

[Strengthen your body every day and practice by taking Butianhua. Although you are far from achieving the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, your physical body is also gradually growing. 】

[In this way, another sixty years have passed. 】

[In the fourth hundred years, you came to a small world near the endless sea and practiced peacefully in this world. 】

[This place is extremely far away from Qingyun Sect. Even if Qingyunzi wants to find you, it will take some time...]

[This year, your cultivation has reached the second level peak of the True Immortal Realm. 】

[You begin to break through to the third level of true immortality! 】

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. 】

[In the 410th year, it took you a full ten years to achieve this breakthrough, and you finally succeeded. 】

[Congratulations, you have broken through to the third level of True Fairyland! 】

[After being promoted to the third level of True Fairy Realm, the mana in your body becomes more powerful...]

[But you know in your heart that Qingyunzi will definitely find you within a few decades, so you plan to devote all your efforts to practice in the last few decades. 】

[In the blink of an eye, sixty years have passed...]

[The 470th year is the year when your Qi refining cultivation has reached the middle stage of the third level of True Immortal Realm...]

[In the same year, your body training skills have also improved a lot, and you are not far away from reaching the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique...]

[One day, you predict that your destiny is about to be catastrophic, and your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune also sends a crazy warning. 】

[The next day, Qingyunzi came to the door...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

"Huh...simulating four hundred and seventy years, as expected!"

Su Xing murmured.

"However, the goal of this simulation has been successfully achieved... In addition to the growth of cultivation and understanding, at least the transaction with Wanjin Pavilion does not have much risk!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the list of rewards for this simulation.

[Wood Body]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Introduction to the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan's body training method. After reaching the fourth level, you can regenerate severed limbs, have a continuous flow of energy and blood in the body, and greatly increase your endurance. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Triple Cultivation in True Immortal Realm]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Zhoushan Stone]: The stone from the ancient sacred mountain Buzhou Mountain is as heavy as a mountain and river. It is an excellent material for refining Fantian Seal. It is also an excellent Tao Yun treasure for understanding the avenue of power and the avenue of earth. Price 20 energy sources.

[Qingluan Tail Feather]: According to legend, the Qingluan bird is a powerful messenger in ancient times. It is extremely fast. Its feathers contain the understanding of the speed. It sells for 10 energy sources.

Su Xing looked at the reward list in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"Good guys, Zhou Shan Stone and Qingluan Tail Feather, these two items... are quite impressive!"

Su Xing did not expect that he would obtain such a treasure in the Nine Heavens.

Su Xing knew Zhou Shanshi, but Qingluan Tail Yu... Su Xing didn't know about it.

"It seems that there really is a big secret in the Nine Heavens! It is very likely that it is a battlefield in ancient times!"

Su Xing thought so.

However, compared to the Qingluan Bird, Zhoushan Stone attracts Su Xing’s interest more!

"A piece of Zhoushan stone the size of a palm is worth 200,000 energy sources?"

"Doesn't this mean that Zhoushan Stone is what I have been looking for, an excellent energy-containing substance!"

Bringing out a palm-sized Zhoushan Stone requires 200,000 energy sources...

This means that if Su Xing sells a Zhoushan Stone, he can obtain approximately 20,000 energy sources.

This price is not high!

The most important thing is that Mount Buzhou is so tall!

How many Zhoushan stones are contained in this...? This will be horrific!

But immediately, Su Xing sighed.

"It's a pity that Mount Buzhou has completely disappeared into the Three Thousand Worlds... It would be great if Mount Buzhou could be found!"

Su Xing had some desire in his heart. If he could find Buzhou Mountain, then he might never have to worry about the source of energy again!

Inexhaustible energy... waiting to be awakened!

"Oh, let's not think about this irrelevant matter first..."

"This simulation will definitely bring out the two cultivation methods of body refining and qi refining!"

"The two rewards combined require 800,000 energy sources...but in my hands, I only have less than 400,000!"

"It seems that our hope can only be pinned on Wanjin Pavilion!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"However... the energy required to improve the body-building skills of the Great Witch seems to be much less than I imagined!"

"The fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique corresponds to the cultivation level of the True Immortal Realm... Its four levels of Beginner, Small Success, Dacheng, and Perfection also correspond to the four realms of the Early, Middle, and Late Stage of the True Immortal Realm respectively..."

"Theoretically speaking, each small level of improvement requires 900,000 energy sources... But judging from the current situation, it seems that only 600,000 are needed?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

From the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm to the first level of the True Immortal Realm, 300,000 energy sources are required.

However, the Great Witch Body Training Technique requires only 200,000 energy sources to go from the third level to the fourth level.

Obviously, it is more cost-effective to prioritize improving body training!

Especially, given the current lack of energy in waking up...

"The improvement of my body training can also make my strength improve rapidly, and it can also save energy sources. It seems that I will focus on practicing the Great Witch Body Training Art next!"

Su Xing thought for a while and then said:

"But the current energy source is still not enough... I should find a way to sell some skills and magical powers!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he took out several heaven-level exercises from the storage instruments.

These heaven-level exercises were all obtained from the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan. They are not the core exercises of the Luo Tian Sect, but they are not ordinary exercises on the market either.

"There are seven top-notch heaven-level exercises in total, and each one costs one million high-grade spiritual stones. I wonder if it can be sold?"

Those who really need to practice martial arts are mostly monks in the Tribulation Stage, as well as those in the Human Immortal Realm and some of the Earthly Immortal Realms.

The monks in these three realms are at a stage where their skills are in short supply. If they encounter a suitable skill, it is not impossible to buy it at a high price!

In particular, these exercises that Su Xing took out are definitely excellent among similar exercises!

"As for the immortals and immortals in the true fairyland, they already have their own path. Unless they have top-notch skills and magical powers, they will not buy them easily..."

Su Xing's expectation is that if he sells seven million high-grade spiritual stones for seven skills, he will not lose money.

After all, Su Xing has not only 10,000 but also 8,000 copies of this kind of technique...

Moreover, what Su Xing sells is the rubbing version, so there is no loss for Su Xing.

"However, before selling the skills, I have to go to Tianji Pavilion first!"

Thinking of the girl in Tianji Pavilion, a look of fear flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

Even though he now possesses the cultivation level of True Immortal Realm, he still cannot see through the true nature of that girl.

"However, judging from the situation in the simulation... the girl should not have any ill intentions towards me, and she can be seen as such!"

Su Xing thought for a while, and added a few spells on himself to shield the secrets and aura before heading to the Tianji Pavilion with peace of mind.

Passing through the bustling Baidi City, Su Xing walked all the way towards Tianji Pavilion.

Soon, Su Xing stopped in front of a quaint shop.

After looking around at the branches of Tianji Pavilion, Su Xing clearly felt that this place was different.

These layers of formations, as well as the arranged space transformation methods, Su Xing probably wouldn't be able to arrange them at all without his cultivation in the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

"The secrets of Tianji Pavilion! It's really terrifying..."

Su Xing whispered, then opened the door and entered the Tianji Pavilion store.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Xing saw a girl dozing on the table.

The branch of Tianji Pavilion is only about 30 to 40 square meters, without much decoration. It looks like a post station that is about to close down.

Paired with this lazy "shopkeeper girl", it looks even more like it!

Seeing Su Xing walking in, the girl just gave a formal greeting:

"This fellow Taoist, is he buying information or selling information?"

Su Xing had long been accustomed to this, so he said calmly:

"I'm here to sell information... Here is a piece of information about the Advent Cult. Please estimate the price!"

After Su Xing said this, he handed over a jade slip.

This jade slip naturally contained information about the Xiao Qingyun Realm, the locations of the major advent sect branches, and the top ten traitorous families.

When the girl heard Su Xing's information about the "Advent Cult", she showed a look of interest.

Then his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slip, and after reading it carefully, his face became a little solemn.

"Can you guarantee the authenticity of this information?" The girl looked at Su Xing with some serious eyes.

Su Xing nodded decisively and said:

"The authenticity of this information can naturally be guaranteed! As for the source of the information... we cannot say yet!"

The girl nodded slightly after hearing Su Xing's answer, and then thought about it carefully.

After a long time, he said to Su Xing:

"If it were in the past, we would not easily acquire this kind of unverified information..."

"But your information is too important and may affect the situation in the Little Qingyun world!"

"Moreover, the information you provided is very detailed...can be verified in a short time..."

The girl thought for a while and said:

"According to our Tianji Pavilion's evaluation, your information is worth about eight million high-grade spiritual stones!"

"I can give you three million of them now...but for the rest, you need to wait until half a month later, and come to me again when the information is sure there is no problem!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and said:


After hearing this, the girl threw a storage bag and said:

"In that case, let's do some inventory..."

After Su Xing listened, his consciousness scanned it and after confirming that the amount was okay, he put it away.

After completing the first transaction, Su Xing did not leave in a hurry, but continued to ask the girl:

"Will your Tianji Pavilion collect treasures?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl subconsciously wanted to refuse, but somehow she changed her mouth and said:

"Tianji Pavilion is naturally a place for buying and selling information...but that's it!"

"If you really have a treasure that I care about...I can buy it!"

(End of this chapter)

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