Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 348: The preliminary deal is reached. What is the true identity of the girl from Tianji Pavi

Chapter 348: The preliminary deal is reached. What is the true identity of the girl from Tianji Pavilion?

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this.

He naturally knows that Tianji Pavilion only buys and sells information. As for the transaction of other items, it is generally not involved.

Unless, the thing being bought and sold is an extremely precious and rare treasure.

The Soul Gathering Flower in Su Xing's hand was sought by monks from three thousand worlds and was absolutely precious.

So, Su Xing took out a storage ring, rubbed it for a while, looked at the girl and said:

"I once mistakenly entered an ancient secret realm... There were thousands of spirit-gathering flowers in that secret realm."

"The preciousness of the Soul-Gathering Flower, I believe you know it even if I don't tell you..."

"But it's a pity that I am in the body-refining lineage, and the Soul-Gathering Flower is of no use to me... Therefore, I just hope that I can sell it at a good price."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl had no doubts.

"But here, I can only give you the market price. Two thousand spirit-gathering flowers will be sold to me for four million high-grade spirit stones. How about that?"

"He spent a lot of money... he was a bit lustful and purchased a large amount of low-level metals in Baidi City..."

"Now that the deal has been reached... I'll take my leave now!"

Just when he woke up and was about to leave, a girl's voice came from behind.

After hearing this, Su Xing waved his hand and said:

"I'm in urgent need of money recently, so I want to sell the Spirit-Gathering Flowers... There are a lot of them. There are more than two thousand plants in total. I wonder how many spirit stones you can spare to buy them?"

"The Soul-Gathering Flower is different from other treasures...the more there are, the more precious they are!"

After some calculations, he took out a few jade slips and thought for a long time before saying:

Therefore, after thinking for a while, the girl said:

"The price of a single Spirit-Gathering Flower in the auction house is usually 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones... If the competition is fierce, it is not an exaggeration to sell 300,000 low-grade spiritual stones..."


But there is no doubt that these lucky monks will not sell them easily, and most of them will keep them to transform the caves for their own practice...

Generally, when an ancient secret realm is opened, it is common to find more than a hundred Spirit-Gathering Flowers... If there are more than a thousand, you are considered very lucky.

But more than two thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers are still within the realm of possibility.

"Is it from a hidden sect? Purchasing it for the sect? Or is it that the skills required for practice...require a large amount of low-level metal?"

"It's just strange that the cause and effect on this person is a bit vague. I can't seem to figure it out clearly?"

After thinking about it for a while, the girl didn't know why.

Even the Spirit-Gathering Flower can stably produce spiritual fluid, which is equivalent to a stable source of resources for monks, and it is a sure-profit business!

Because of this, once the Soul-Gathering Flower appears at an auction, it will be sold out even if the price is high.

After hearing this, Su Xing did not refuse, took the jade slip and left Tianji Pavilion.

Many sects have encountered changes and have closed their doors for thousands of years... The outside world only thinks that the entire sect has been destroyed.

"As for its origin... Su Ye? He is suspected to be a body-refining monk who has been in seclusion for thousands of years?"

But Su Xing did not rush to agree, but shook his head and said:

"This person seems to be hiding his cultivation level? His true cultivation level may not be limited to the fairyland..."

After she woke up and left, the girl tilted her head, as if thinking hard, and murmured after a long time:

"Today's divination, it seems that a lucky person appears...could it be this person?"

After a pause, the girl said:

"Why did this person acquire so many low-grade ores?"

"The Spirit-Gathering Flower is extremely precious, and there is never a lack of market... You can trade it in the auction house, and you can earn a lot more spiritual stones than selling it to me in Tianji Pavilion!"

Su Xing remained calm after hearing this. Thousands of spirit-gathering flowers cost two million high-grade spiritual stones, which was indeed the same as the price in the simulation.

"Do you really think that I don't know the market?"

I saw him throwing a jade slip for sound transmission and said:

"Regarding the sale of information, there will be a final payment of five million high-grade spiritual stones in the future... If the information is true, I will contact you!"

The girl thought for a moment, and after some calculations with her fingers, white lights flashed across her body, and a heavenly eye appeared from between her eyebrows.

As she said that, the girl handed over another bag of spirit stones. Awakening consciousness reached into the storage bag. After counting, she nodded, cupped her hands and said:

As for those hidden sects, their number is even greater.

After hearing Su Xing's bargaining, the girl did not refuse and nodded directly:

"Then according to what you said, five million high-grade spiritual stones will be it!"

"More than two thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers, if planted together, would be enough to create a blessed place! I'm afraid many earthly immortals and heavenly immortal monks will flock to them..."

The Soul-Gathering Flower is indeed extinct now, and almost no monks can successfully grow it.

The Three Thousand Worlds is a vast land with abundant resources, and there are some strange techniques. It is not surprising that metals can be absorbed and converted into cultivation.

Every few years, some lucky people will accidentally obtain a large number of Soul Gathering Flowers while exploring the secret realm.

After all, in an era when spiritual energy is exhausted, it is really difficult for ordinary monks to reach heaven by relying on the meager spiritual energy in the world.

But in the secret realm of ancient times, there were indeed soul-gathering flowers...

And with the Soul Gathering Flower, the environment of the cave will slowly change...

"So in my opinion, the lowest price is five million high-grade spiritual stones!"

After hearing that Su Xing was going to sell the Soul-Gathering Flower, the girl's eyes flashed with surprise and she said doubtfully:

After hearing this, the girl thought for a while and realized that two thousand spirit-gathering flowers were indeed a lot!

But after ten thousand years, it is not surprising that his sect may reappear in the world of immortality...

"This person seems a bit interesting..."

The girl tilted her head, and after thinking for a while, she returned to her listless look, lying on the table and dozing off.


On the other side, after Su Xing left Tianji Pavilion, he noticed a hint of prying eyes.

"Huh? Is it the divination of the Jige girl that day?"

"His divination skills are really good...but fortunately, I was also involved in it a little bit, so the secret shouldn't be exposed, right?"

Su Xing felt that what he had done along the way was quite covert. Even if the Jige girl had some calculations that day, it shouldn't be the key.

"In the simulation, I only sold more than a thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers, but in reality I sold more than two thousand, and the price was higher!"

"After all, simulation is just to avoid risks...whatever happens in reality, we still need to adapt to the actual situation!"

Su Xing calculated it and found that he currently had close to 20 million high-grade spiritual stones in his hand.

But there is still a gap between 30 million and 30 million...

Then, the next difference must be made up by selling magical powers.

"Well, next, it's time to go to Baidi Tower..."

Su Xing wanted to do business with Wanjin Pavilion, so naturally he couldn't avoid the person he relied on behind him, that is, the Earthly Immortal Realm casual cultivator from Baidi Tower.

Before the two parties can completely reach a cooperation, Su Xing must show a certain "capital"!

In addition to the spirit stones in your hands, your cultivation is naturally your best asset!

With this thought, Su Xing followed the memory in his mind and walked towards the center of Baidi City.

Baidi City is divided into five urban areas: southeast, northwest, and center.

The central city area is completely within the scope of Baidi Tower. Apart from some Baidi Tower buildings and shops, the most numerous are the retreat caves where the elders and elders of the major guest ministers worship.

Su Xing walked all the way to the Baidi Tower in the central city, and saw the pavilion about a hundred feet high and with a simple shape.

This place is the Baidi Tower!

Outside the Baidi Tower, the most iconic building is naturally the ten-foot-tall sculpture.

The sculpture depicts a sword-wielding man wearing powerful clothes, with a dignified appearance and the charm of a swordsman... He is the owner of Baidi Pavilion, Daluo Jinxian - Baidi!

Su Xing stood under the sculpture for a while, admiring the grace of Da Luo Sword Immortal, and then walked straight towards the Baidi Tower.

After walking a hundred steps, Su Xing arrived at the entrance of Baidi Tower and was stopped by two guard monks guarding the door.

"This fellow Taoist looks a little unfamiliar. What's the purpose of coming to my Baidi Tower?"

Su Xing took a look at the two guards. They were at about the integration stage and their attitudes were pretty good.

So Su Xing said:

"I heard that Baidi Tower is recruiting casual cultivators, and I thought my cultivation was pretty good... so I wanted to give it a try."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the two guards looked at each other, and one of the guards walked towards the back hall.

The other said politely to Su Xing:

"This Taoist friend is only qualified to be a guest minister when he is above the tribulation stage. As for below the tribulation stage, he is just a disciple..."

Su Xing smiled after hearing this. Was he being looked down upon?

But Su Xing didn't care, just stood there and waited quietly.

About half an hour later, a good-looking middle-aged monk came over.

Su Xing could tell at just one glance this monk's cultivation level, he was in the middle stage of the Human Immortal Realm!

"This person should be the elder who recruits disciples to worship in Baidi Tower?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

After seeing Su Xing, the visitor looked him up and down. Seeing that he couldn't see through the details of Su Xing's cultivation level, he said with great respect:

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know where he came from? What kind of cultivation is he? Does he want to join me, Baidi Pavilion?"

Just a few general questions, Su Xing simply answered:

"I have been in seclusion for thousands of years, and now I have just come out...I want to find a force to join me to facilitate my practice in the future."

"In this huge little Qingyun world, the only one I like is the Baidi Tower..."

"As for my cultivation, I have practiced hard for more than 10,000 years. I am at the peak of the fairyland and not worth mentioning!"

As he said that, Su Xing deliberately showed the aura and cultivation of the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The elder who recruited disciples immediately changed his expression and his attitude became more respectful.

"It turns out that the Immortal from the Earthly Immortal Realm has arrived! Please invite me quickly!"

With that said, the elder took Su Xing to the VIP room in Baidi Tower and whispered a few words to his men.

It is no small matter for a monk from the Earthly Immortal Realm to join the Baidi Tower!

Even the Baidi Tower in Xiao Qingyun Realm may not have even one Earthly Immortal Realm monk join it every hundred years...

In particular, Su Xing's cultivation has reached the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he may be promoted to a Heavenly Immortal at any time!

This naturally attracted Baidilou's attention!

Su Xing waited in Baidi Tower for half a day before meeting the owner of the branch building of Baidi Tower.

That true fairyland monk!

This monk in the True Immortal Realm is named Li Jian. He has a white beard and white eyebrows, and he has the demeanor of a sword fairy. Master Li also had a very good attitude towards Su Xing. After verifying Su Xing's strength and confirming that Su Xing was not an evil cultivator, he directly gave Su Xing the status of a first-class guest elder!

The number of first-class guest elders and the entire Baidilou branch is no more than two hands.

And Su Xing spent 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to rent a cave in a cave for ten years at a preferential price.

The next day, the news that Earth Immortal Su Ye joined Baidi Tower and became a first-class guest guest spread throughout Baidi City.

For a time, many forces in Baidi City were discussing the personality of this new Earth Immortal and whether he was easy to get along with...

There are also many lower-level monks who feel lucky.

The addition of an Earth Immortal will undoubtedly make Baidi City safer.

After Su Xing joined Baidi Tower, in just one or two days, many monks came to give gifts.

They range from the tribulation cultivators to the Earth Immortal cultivators...

Most of these greeting gifts are some ores, spiritual fruits, and the like. Their total value is only tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones, but they are still thoughtful after all.

For the next three days, Su Xing practiced in the cave he rented. At the same time, he arranged many formations to prevent outsiders from prying at him.

It wasn't until three days later that Su Xing got the news he wanted.

Jin Sanniang, the master of Wanjin Pavilion, invited Su Xing, saying that he was the person behind her and wanted to see Su Xing...

In the Baidi City Cave Mansion, Su Xing hung up the message jade slip, nodded and said:

"The wait has finally come... Whether the deal can be successfully concluded in the future depends on this time!"

With that said, Su Xing leisurely left the cave and walked towards Wanjin Pavilion...

In a private room in Wanjin Pavilion, Su Xing slowly opened the door and heard Jin Sanniang's charming voice:

"Su Lang~ Why did you come here? I and my seniors are so anxious to wait..."

With that said, Jin Sanniang held Su Xing's hand and found a bench to sit down on.

At the same time, a voice came from Su Xing’s ear:

"Hahaha, Brother Su, you have been quite popular in Baidi City in the past two days!"

"From now on, I still need to take care of you!"

When Su Xing heard the words, he looked around and saw an old man wearing a long robe, with dark circles around his eyes, looking like he had indulged in too much sex, walking forward and greeting Su Xing cordially.

With just one glance, Su Xing could see that the old man's steps were sloppy and his foundation was unstable.

Although he has cultivated in the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, his combat power is probably only that of the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm...

"It seems that this person is the guest of Baidi Tower...the real boss of Wanjin Pavilion, Bai Xuan!"

Su Xing thought to himself, but on the outside he looked smiling and said:

"Brother Bai, I'm new here, please take good care of me in the future!"

With that said, Su Xing and Bai Xuan chatted cordially, as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

The two of them ignored Jin Sanniang, and Jin Sanniang also stepped back wisely.

Su Xing and Bai Xuan were both smiling and chatting on the surface.

But in fact, as old foxes who have been practicing for many years, both of them have a clear mind.

In Bai Xuan's view, Su Xing is extremely powerful and at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and may be promoted to a Heavenly Immortal Realm monk at any time.

Moreover, I have just arrived in Baidi City and my foundation is still shallow. This is the best time to build a good relationship!

From Su Xing's point of view, although Bai Xuan was not good at cultivation, he had been operating in Baidi City for many years and had good connections and financial resources.

When Su Xing came to Xiao Qingyun world for the first time, he needed a kid to clear the way.

So the two coincided...


Su Xing and Bai Xuan were chatting animatedly, and it was only after a while that Bai Xuan asked about the business.

"Brother Su, you first came to Baidi City and you met me before you joined Baidi Tower... We are destined to be together!"

"Don't say anything else! If you want to buy low-level ore, just ask me for help!"

"I can guarantee that... in the entire Baidi City, there are no more than three monks who can provide you with the goods you need, and I am one of them!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded with a smile and said:

"That's the reputation of Wanjin Pavilion, I still believe it!"

"Brother Bai... let's talk about purchasing goods!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xuan took out a storage ring, placed it on the table in front of him, and said:

"Brother Su, this storage ring contains 30 million pieces of iron essence, 20 million pieces of fire copper... and three million pieces of refined iron!"

"Hehe, after knowing that I was buying low-level metals, I immediately used my connections... Now, all three metals in Baidi City have been purchased by me!"

After hearing this, Su Xing's eyes lit up, this Bai Xuan is really on the right track!

At least, the purchased exotic metal saved Su Xing a lot of energy.

Su Xing took the storage ring, her heart moved, and a notification sounded in her ears.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected...a total energy source value of 79 points. Do you want to absorb it? 】


After listening to it, Su Xing absorbed it without hesitation.

Afterwards, he took out another bag of spiritual stones, including about tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones. After handing this bag of spiritual stones to Bai Xuan, Su Xing said:

"Brother Bai, I'll leave it to you to purchase these metals from now on!"

"Don't worry, brother, use all your connections and resources to acquire these three ores... As for the spirit stones, it's not a problem!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xuan took the storage bag with a smile, but his trembling hands still showed his inner excitement!

These are tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones!

Even for an Earth Immortal like Bai Xuan, this is a windfall!

After receiving the spirit stone, Bai Xuan patted his chest and promised:

"Brother Su, don't worry!"

"I have used my connections to purchase three kinds of metals from dozens of surrounding cities...and summoned the casual cultivators of Baidi City and asked them to dig in the Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

"In a month at most, I can give you all the remaining ores!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. It seemed that Bai Xuan was really planning to contribute. One month went by much faster than Su Xing expected!

So Su Xing continued:

"Brother Bai, this ore transaction does not happen overnight! I plan to purchase these three ores in the next ten years. As for the price, it is the same as what we discussed before, how about it?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he could not conceal his excitement.

Darling, ten years of continuous acquisition?

How many high-grade spiritual stones do you need to earn? Could it be hundreds of millions?

Although Bai Xuan said he didn't make any money, he couldn't resist the large volume!

Even if he only earns one-tenth of the profit from each ore, that transaction would have earned him millions of high-grade spiritual stones...

Not to mention earthly immortals... even heavenly immortals would be excited to obtain spiritual stones so easily!

So Bai Xuan nodded repeatedly and said:

"Hahaha, Brother Su is so generous! It seems that the two of us will cooperate more in the future!"

After Su Xing and Bai Xuan chatted for a while, he thought about it, took out two exercises from the storage artifact, and said:

"Brother Bai, when I went to explore the secret realm before... I unexpectedly obtained several books of techniques passed down from ancient times. They are all good. I wonder if I can sell them through some channels?"

After hearing this, Bai Xuan took the technique from Su Xing's hand. After looking at it for a few times, his eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded repeatedly:

"Brother Su, these are all good things for you!"

"Even ordinary monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm may not have these skills! They are absolutely valuable!"

Su Xing naturally knew that these techniques of his were valuable.

Especially, in the Baidi Tower area, there are many casual cultivators and the demand is high, so it is even more valuable!

So he woke up and took out all the magical powers he had prepared before without leaving any ink, and said:

"Brother Bai, I have a total of seven books of martial arts, each of which is of high quality. The total price is tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones. Are you interested in purchasing them?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xuan rolled his eyes and several thoughts flashed through his mind:

"My dear, these seven skills are very good!"

"Even I am a little tempted... If I meet the right person, it is possible to sell a copy for two million high-grade spiritual stones!"

"This can be profitable!"

With this thought, Bai Xuan handed the bag of spirit stones that had not been warmed back to Su Xing, with a look of pain in his eyes, and said:

“Since it’s what Brother Su asked me to do, of course it’s okay!”

"Then I will buy these seven exercises... and see if I can find a suitable person in the future!"

Bai Xuan had a very frustrated tone, but his movements were very fast. He quickly put away the seven skills and stuffed the storage bag containing the spirit stones into Su Xing's arms.

Su Xing didn't expose it when he saw it.

He naturally knows that if the channels are right, these seven techniques will definitely make money, and the profits will be quite big.

But this kind of technique has so many awakenings that he is too lazy to find channels to sell them one by one. He might as well leave it to Bai Xuan to sell, which can be regarded as saving a lot of effort.

What's more, Su Xing plans to cultivate Bai Xuan as a long-term trading partner, so this small sweetness must be given.

Next, Su Xing and Bai Xuan discussed the details of the transaction, and Su Xing returned to the cave.


Su Xing entered the cave, and after making sure no one was watching him, he turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave again.

Looking at the remaining 116 points of energy source on the panel, Su Xing felt confident.

So he said silently:

"I choose to bring out the fourth-level introductory cultivation level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique...and the third-level cultivation level of the True Immortal Realm!"

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the fourth level of entry-level cultivation of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. You spent 20 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 96 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the third level of True Fairy Realm... You spent 60 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 36 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the source of energy he had just gained from his awakening dropped sharply.

But at the same time, Su Xing's momentum began to surge!

The first is body refining. Awakening directly completes the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique and breaks through to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique!

In just a few moments, Su Xing felt that his energy and blood were several times more abundant, and some strange energy seemed to be born in his body...

This greatly improves the recovery and vitality of the awakening!

This is the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, the benefit brought by the rebirth of severed limbs!

The injury, which was originally considered a minor injury, will probably recover within an hour...

And even if you are seriously injured, you can probably recover more than half of your recovery within just a few days!

Su Xingxi felt it for a while, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"That's right! The fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique... Coupled with the regeneration of the Great Wood Road, the ancient witch body, and the invincible Xiaoqiang's talents... it's probably not easy to kill me in the Golden Fairy Realm now, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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