Chapter 349: Good luck and power, earning four million energy sources!

Su Xing was quite happy.

His original fighting power is not weak among Xuanxian.

And the great witch's physical training has entered the fourth level, which greatly enhances Su Xing's ability to resist blows!

The regeneration of severed limbs in a short period of time means that as long as the awakening avoids the vital parts, it is completely possible to exchange injuries for injuries and fight the enemy desperately, which will definitely improve the combat effectiveness.

"In addition to the rebirth of severed limbs... my strength and physical strength have also more than doubled!"

Su Xing felt the god-like power in his body, and he estimated and said:

"Now, if I punch it with all my strength... maybe the entire continental plate will crack and sink into the ocean, right?"

"Even... is it not impossible to destroy a world with the help of the power of the Great Dao?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. Strictly speaking, Blue Star was about the same size as Small Thousand Worlds.

And the Xuanxian Realm monks already have the power to destroy a small thousand worlds!

Su Xing was a little anxious. Once the energy supply was insufficient, the speed of his future strength improvement would inevitably decline rapidly. This was obviously not what Su Xing wanted to see.

Therefore, Su Xing decided to prioritize improving his body training.

"The third level of True Immortal Realm cultivation is enough for the time being!"

The energy source required for each level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is 600,000 points. To reach perfection, a total of 1.8 million energy sources are required...

But Qingyun City is one of the most prosperous monk cities in the Xiao Qingyun world, and there must be a lot of goods in it.

Wake up thoughtfully.

The first level of true fairyland...the second level of true fairyland...

Su Xing was a little helpless. As his cultivation level got higher and higher, the energy required for each level would increase dramatically.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing took out a top-quality fairy sword, stepped on the flying sword, and flew towards the direction of Little Qingyun City!

That's right, the target of Su Xing is Qingyun City!

Qingyun City is quite far away from Baidi City, more than tens of millions of miles.

Therefore, the businesses of Baidi City and Xiao Qingyun City are relatively independent, and the influence of Earth Immortal Bai Xuan cannot be radiated here.

"But it's just to ensure that the body training level is improved... What if I want to choose other rewards?"

After all, cultivation is the foundation of everything!

The improvement of Qi refining cultivation is here!

After a while, Su Xing transformed into a scholar and swordsman. He looked to be in his thirties, with a white jade and a long sword hanging from his waist. He had a rather good temperament.

"The only solution now is to try to find other substances that contain a lot of energy, and find ways to earn more spiritual stones..."

The third level of true fairyland!

Su Xing's cultivation level increased rapidly until he reached the middle stage of the third level of True Immortal Realm before finally stopping.

Su Xing took a step forward, used the power of space, and appeared thousands of miles away in just one breath.

"From the first level of the True Fairyland to the middle level of the third level... the strength of the mana in my body has increased by at least 40%!"

After this simulation, Su Xing's physical and qi refining skills were improved, and his overall strength once again reached a small level.

Feeling the surge of momentum in his body and the surge of mana in his body, Su Xing took a deep breath, excitement flashing in his eyes.

But the speed at which Su Xing obtains the source of energy is relatively limited.

After Su Xing made some plans in his mind, he began to disguise himself and hold his breath.

After thinking hard for a long time, Su Xing sighed and said:

After Su Xing got used to the surge of mana in his body, he nodded with satisfaction.

"This called Ye Tian!"

"However, even 1.8 million energy sources is not a small amount of money for me!"

With the speed of the current awakening, under the premise of hiding his strength, he can reach Qingyun City in just three days.

"As for showing your cultivation level? In the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... it seems that you can barely accept it?"

"Sure enough, the further you go...the greater the gap between realms!"

"At least, when you supply mana to Luo Tianjing in the don't have to worry about the danger of your realm falling!"

As for the ordinary small world...because of the fragility of its space, I am afraid that a true fairyland monk can destroy it...

If you don't have a solid foundation for awakening and get all kinds of adventures, thinking about transcending the level in the true fairyland and possessing the combat power of the mysterious fairyland is nothing more than a dream!

Next, he is going to go all out to improve his body training!

From the beginning of the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique to the completion of the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, there are three bottlenecks in the middle.

"These 1.5 million energy sources... Wanjin Pavilion will be able to provide more than enough within the next month."

Su Xing planned to go shopping in Qingyun City to see if he could find other replacement metals.

"'s time to plan for the next simulation!"

"Currently, I have about 36 energy sources on hand, which is still a full 180 million points away from million..."

It is a full 900,000 points of energy source cheaper than improving Qi refining cultivation.

"Well, besides Su Ye... we also need other vests!"

"Even with these energy sources, how will the energy of the Xuanxian Realm be provided in the future?"

Just when Su Xing was immersed in the surge in strength, he felt new power appear in his body.


Three days later, on February 27th, Su Xing successfully arrived at Qingyun City.

Outside Qingyun City, Su Xing put away his flying sword and slowly entered the city.

The scene in Qingyun City is somewhat different from that of Baidi City.

Baidi City is a gathering place for casual cultivators, so it is mostly composed of bold and free-spirited monks. Occasionally, there are fights and chaos among the monks.

But Qingyun City is very different!

The monks in this city are either outer disciples of Qingyun Sect, outer disciples or the family of a certain disciple...

Or maybe he is the person in charge of Qingyun Sect's property in this city and his family.

In short, they are more or less related to Qingyun Sect.

Even the most distant relationship is with casual cultivators who want to join the Qingyun Sect, live in this city, and participate in the Qingyun Sect's entrance examination every few years.

Therefore, the monks here are more disciplined and restrained, and often do not fight. However, some cultivation resources are quite expensive in Qingyun City.

Su Xing wandered around the city for a while, with a look of surprise on his face:

"It's strange that Qingyun City is so prosperous. It seems that the number of monks is more than double that of Baidi City?"

After Su Xing finished speaking, a street vendor's voice came to his ears:

"Is this fellow Taoist from out of town? The Qingyun Sect's annual recruitment conference is about to start... so there are many casual cultivators here, and there are many talents!"

Su Xing turned around after hearing this and looked at the vendor who was speaking.

At the peak of his cultivation in the god transformation stage, there were a lot of monster materials and spiritual plants and elixirs placed on the stall.

It seems that he is preparing to join the Qingyun Sect as a casual cultivator? By the way, do business here and earn some spiritual resources?

Su Xing nodded kindly to him and asked again:

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know where is the best place to buy supplies?"

After hearing this, the casual cultivator said:

"The largest store in Qingyun City is naturally Qingyun Pavilion... Not only can you buy ordinary cultivation items there, but you can even occasionally buy good things from the Qingyun Realm!"

"Of course, the prices in Qingyun Pavilion are a little higher. If you are patient, you can go shopping in the surrounding markets."

"Many casual cultivators have set up stalls here. Maybe you can find what you like?"

Su Xing glanced around after hearing this.

Both sides of the long bluestone road are full of vendors setting up stalls, and it probably stretches no less than ten miles!

Su Xing estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of casual cultivators setting up stalls here!


The words of this casual cultivator reminded Su Xing.

"That's right! It's not necessary to go to the big chamber of commerce to buy... there may be many valuable treasures in these small stalls?"

"In addition to trading with the big chamber of commerce, maybe you can also earn a lot of energy by doing some shopping here?"

With this thought in mind, Su Xing scanned the surrounding vendors with his spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, Su Xing constantly monitored the energy of these commodities, and a string of data flashed before Su Xing's eyes.

After a while, Su Xing really discovered a few good things.

Su woke up and walked to the vendor who had just warned him, and picked out a few items at random.

A completely black stone, a half-broken jade butterfly, and a small fan that was somewhat damaged.

Su Xing asked casually:

"Fellow Taoist, how much are these three things worth?"

The god-transformation vendor glanced at it and said casually:

"The stone contains ten middle-grade spiritual stones, the jade butterfly contains thirty middle-grade spiritual stones... the fan contains thirty-eight medium-grade spiritual stones..."

"If you want it together, I'll give you seventy middle-grade spiritual stones..."

This god-incarnation vendor had obviously seen through Su Xing's thoughts. He was buying these tattered props from the street stall. Wouldn't he be the rumored "gold digger"?

There are always some people who think that they are born extraordinary and are the children of luck. They buy a few rags at the stalls and think they are some ancient treasures.

Or maybe there is some kind of weapon spirit, old man, etc. stored in the treasure...

I have seen so many people with this kind of thinking in the past thousand years!

Therefore, he did not point out the price, and the price was only a little high, and he had no intention of killing Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. The price of the three items was 70 medium-grade spiritual stones, which was not expensive at all.

So Su Xing threw down seven high-grade spiritual stones, left the stall, and walked towards the next stall.

At the same time, Su Xing's heart moved, and a prompt sounded in his ear:

[Ding, energy-containing material has been detected, worth 312 points of energy source. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said decisively.

"Tsk, tsk, seven high-grade spiritual stones, earning 300 points of energy source... It's really a huge profit!"

Su Xing is in a very good mood. The profit from earning energy is much higher than when he buys low-level exotic metals!

The only pity is that Su Xing cannot obtain energy stably in large quantities...

Buying from these small vendors, after all, comes in smaller quantities and is more cumbersome.

Even so, Su Xing was still unwilling to give up this opportunity to make extra money.

In the next four days, Su Xing continued to sweep around Qingyun City, traveling among various vendors. However, what Su Xing didn't expect was that this move really brought him a lot of energy!


The time has come to the new era, March 2026, 3.

This was supposed to be the day for Su Xing to simulate, but this time Su Xing did not choose to simulate immediately, but continued to purchase goods in Qingyun City.

On this day, Su Xing looked at the source of energy on the simulation panel.

"50 points of energy sources! In just four days, more than 3768 energy sources were obtained!"

Su Xing looked at the energy on the simulation panel and was a little unbelievable for a moment!

"Tsk luck is so good!"

"No, I should say...the talent for good fortune is so god-defying!"

Su Xing did some calculations.

In just four days, Su Xing was able to discover hundreds of items containing the source of energy every day on average!

As little as one piece is worth more than ten energy points... and as many as thousands of energy points!

Within four days, Su Xing bought the biggest leak he had ever picked up, which was a broken jade pendant worth 8,000 points of energy source for ten high-grade spiritual stones!

That jade pendant was indeed extremely extraordinary. Su Xing estimated that it was probably the remnant of a high-grade immortal treasure, and it contained some residual consciousness inside.

But such treasures cannot yet enter the eyes of Su Xing.

Su Xing was too lazy to repair it, so he simply converted it directly into the source of energy.

"Tsk, tsk, in four days, I spent a total of less than 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones, but I harvested 140,000 energy sources. I really made a lot of money!"

Su Xing was in a good mood and murmured:

"I only visited less than a fifth of Shilifang City. If I visited them all, wouldn't I be able to get a million energy?"

Su Xing was thinking in his mind, and his smile became increasingly difficult to conceal.

"The talent of luck is indeed very popular!"

Su Xing smacked his lips. He didn't plan to simulate today, but planned to save it until two or three weeks later when the energy was enough.

At the same time, Su Xing is also planning to go to Qingyun Pavilion!

"Qingyun Pavilion probably has a lot of energy-containing resources... Even if the price-performance ratio is not as good as those three ores, it is still worth buying!"

Su Xing thought this, and then walked towards the direction of Qingyun Pavilion.

After entering Qingyun Pavilion, Su Xing began to look around for items of great value.

In the end, I was awakened and found two kinds!

A special metal called Wujin, a fist-sized piece, sells for 100 high-grade spiritual stones, but it contains ten points of energy source!

There is also a metal called Sanyang Stone, a high-grade spiritual stone that sells for 300 yuan and contains 20 points of energy source!

Su Xing directly spent five million high-grade spiritual stones to buy 10,000 Sanyang Stones and 20,000 Wujin from Qingyun Pavilion.

After exchanging it for energy sources, Awakening will earn a total of 400,000 energy sources!

Of course, the two metal ores in Qingyun Pavilion have basically been purchased by Su Xing.

At the same time, Su Xing also sold two thousand spirit-gathering flowers and three magical books on swordsmanship to Qingyun Pavilion.

Earned 10 million high-grade spiritual stones to provide for future expenses.

Every step of waking up is carefully planned.

His pseudonym "Ye Tian" has the cultivation level of the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

With his cultivation in the Celestial Realm, even if he trades tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones at one time, he will not be targeted by bad guys.

After all, one's cultivation in the Heavenly Immortal Realm is enough to protect such wealth.

After the transaction, the energy source in Su Xing's hand reached over 900,000 yuan!

But Su Xing was not in a hurry to simulate. Instead, he continued to pick up things in Qingyun City, buying some gadgets at the stalls every day to earn energy sources.

On an average day, Su Xing can basically find hundreds of energy-containing materials, worth more than 30,000 energy sources!


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed!

The time came to March 17th.

Su Xing looked at the energy source on the simulation panel and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Nearly 1.5 million energy sources!"

"My hard work over the past month is not in vain!"

Su Xing blinked. In the past half month, he had visited almost every stall in Shilifang City.

It can be said that almost all items containing energy have fallen into Su Xing's hands.

After spending about 200,000 high-grade spiritual stones, we have already gained such a huge harvest!

"Tsk tsk, the accumulated energy source is almost there. Counting the time... there should be a lot of goods collected in Baidi City, right?"

Su Xing estimated that if the goods from Baidi City were included, the energy source in his hands would exceed three million!

Such a huge amount of money is enough to wake up and simulate it several times at once!

"At present, I have accumulated three simulation opportunities in my hand... The next simulation opportunity is on March 24th. I must rush back before that day and simulate in advance, otherwise it will be wasted..."

Su Xing reluctantly glanced at Shilifang City behind him and murmured:

"Qingyun Sect will recruit students in less than three months...and many vendors will come to the market next!"

"If we come again in a month or two, we might be able to harvest a wave of energy!"

With this thought, Su Xing left Qingyun City with satisfaction and rushed towards Baidi City.

Another three days passed.

When the time came on March 20th, Su Xing returned to Baidi City smoothly.

During this period, Su Xing changed his identity and regained the appearance of Su Ye.

Later, Su Xing went to Wanjin Pavilion and found his partner Bai Xuan.

Sure enough, nearly a month has passed and Bai Xuan has purchased many three kinds of metals.

In Wanjin Pavilion, Bai Xuan still looked like he was suffering from kidney deficiency, and said with a smile:

"Brother Su, my legs are almost broken during this period!"

"I used all my contacts... to raise all the iron essence, fire copper and spiritual iron from dozens of cities within a million miles!"

"You will definitely be satisfied with the quantity this time!"

With that said, Bai Xuan took out the small bag from his waist and scattered it on the table, containing more than ten storage rings!

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, he nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Brother Bai!"

"As long as the requirements are met...the spiritual stone is indispensable to you!"

With that said, Su Xing's consciousness reached into the storage ring and began to inspect the goods.

Although he was prepared, Su Xing was still surprised when he saw the quantity of goods.

More than ten storage rings contain a total of more than 100 million iron essences, more than 50 million fire coppers, and nearly 10 million spiritual irons!

Such a quantity is naturally not something that can be dug out in just one month.

It must be that the goods hoarded by other cities for hundreds of years were really bought by the old boy Bai Xuan in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Su Xing paid a deposit of 10 million high-grade spiritual stones and the price difference before purchasing all three metals from Bai Xuan.

Su Xing's heart moved, and the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding, a large amount of energy-containing material has been detected, with a total value of 248 points of energy source. Do you want to absorb it? 】

Su Xing recited decisively and silently: "Yes!"

As the massive amounts of three metals disappeared, the awakened energy source also skyrocketed to more than four million points!

"Hey, darling, four million points of energy source! It's enough for me to reach the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique!"

Su Xing was inevitably excited. This trip to Xiao Qingyun Realm was really worth it!

In just over two months, Su Xing earned four to five million energy sources!

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and said to Bai Xuan in front of him:

"Brother Bai! Our previous agreement still stands!"

"From now on, I will collect as much as I have from these three ores!"

"Brother, I need to practice in seclusion during this period... As for the transaction, I'll leave it to you!"

With that said, Su Xing took out another five million high-grade spiritual stones as a deposit and handed them to Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan was naturally elated. The spiritual stones he earned from trading with Su Xing in just one month were worth his more than a hundred years of hard work!

So Bai Xuan smiled and nodded:

"Hahaha, Brother Su, it's easy to talk!"


After having some fun with Bai Xuan, Su Xing returned to the cave. After making sure that his restrictions had not been violated, Su Xing entered the Lingtian Cave with confidence, ready to start the simulation!

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing made himself a pot of tea and said happily:

"Tsk, tsk, I have saved up three simulation opportunities! Four days later, there will be one more simulation opportunity!"

"Then the next period will be a period of rapid growth for my cultivation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 128th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 401 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4399. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing thought about it for a while and did not choose to draw a new talent. Instead, he chose a talent that he had drawn before.

The golden talent is sacrificed with blood!

After spending several points of energy source, Su Xing successfully extracted this golden talent from the lottery pool. Then, Su Xing was ready to start the simulation!

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent and blood sacrificial weapon... the simulation begins! 】

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[After staying in Xiao Qingyun Realm for half a month, you chose to sell the information about Blue Star and Red Moon to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[After Tianji Pavilion knows this information, you can wait with peace of mind. They will verify the authenticity of the information. 】

[During this period of time, you took the lead in returning to Blue Star, killing and annihilating the Advent Sect, and seizing the Advent Sect’s treasure house. 】

[After that, you started to build a cave in Lingtian Cave to prepare for the migration of the Blue Star people...]

[In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. During this period, you traveled between Blue Star and Little Qingyun Realm dozens of times, and moved most of the ordinary people and some professionals in Daxia to the vicinity of Baidi City. 】

[In the third year, you received a summons from Tianji Pavilion and prepared to take two Taiyi Golden Immortals to Blue Star. 】

[After you brought the two Taiyi Golden Immortals to the endless abyss, you continued to work hard to relocate the population of Blue Star. 】

[In the fifth year, civilians from Daxia and some other countries on Blue Star successfully completed their migration and established a new country in the Little Qingyun Realm, named after Xia. 】

[In the following years, you taught some skills and provided some resources to the common people of Daxia. 】

[After doing all this, you found Fairy Ziling without any guilt and entered Qingyun Sect through her. 】

[On the Three Immortals Peak, you and Qingyunzi made a smooth transaction...]

[After obtaining the Enlightenment Tea, you went directly to the Nine Heavens Realm without hesitation...]

(End of this chapter)

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