Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 350 After 5 years of simulation, the level of awakening has fallen?

Chapter 350 After five hundred years of simulation, the awakening state has fallen?

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Then the next step is to collect the stones of the strange beasts of the void and understand the various avenues!"

"In this simulation, the focus is on the improvement of body training... We strive to improve our body training to the peak of the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art within three simulation opportunities!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"The refining of the Immortal Treasure will also be put on the agenda!"

"The half-step acquired treasure is good...but it has no advantage in the Xuanxian realm. If we can refine the acquired treasure in one fell swoop, that will be enough!"

The reason why Su Xing chose the blood sacrificial weapon as his talent was naturally because he wanted to re-sacrifice the Mo Bingjian.

With Su Xing's current skills, if he finds the right materials, he might be able to advance Mo Bingjian to the acquired treasure level.

By then, Su Xing's combat power will be further enhanced!

"But before that, let's collect treasures in the Nine Heavens!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart. He had found a lot of treasures with the Lucky Talent before. He hoped that Su Xing would not be disappointed this time!

[As soon as you enter the fourth heaven, you can clearly feel that the Tao Yun here is more abundant, and the surroundings are also filled with more dangers! 】

"The fourth heaven is still the home of the Xuanxian Realm monks and some Xuanxian Realm monsters..."

[Although your cultivation level is only in the True Immortal Realm, your physical strength is extremely impressive. Under the protection of the body-protecting sword, you can barely withstand the void wind. 】

[When you see this scene, you can't help but feel a little frightened. If there is no body-protecting sword, even if your body is on the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for long...]

[In the blink of an eye, another thirty-two years have passed...]

[This strong wind can erode the physical body and soul, and quickly consume the mana. If the foundation is not deep enough, and the strength is not above the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, it will never be able to pass through it. 】

[Here, there is a void wind that scares the immortals! 】

The difference from the lower third heaven is that the middle third heaven has the existence of Void Gangfeng!

[And if you want to find materials suitable for refining the Mo Bingjian, you are limited to not being of high enough grade to refine it into a true acquired treasure. 】

[After you are fully prepared, you start to explore the secret realm...]

[But what makes you a little helpless is that in the third heaven, the upper limit of treasures is not high after all, and you have not found the kind of treasure that makes you quite excited. 】

[So, after thinking about it for a while, you decided to go to the fourth heaven to explore. 】

[After a little preparation, it took you two and a half years to reach the third heaven of the Nine Heavens Realm! 】

[It only took ten years for you to have all those treasures in your pocket. 】

[And you wrote down their locations one by one. After arriving at the third heaven this time, you immediately went to those secret realms. 】

[Countless sword-like winds in front of me are striking the body-protecting swords crazily. Almost every impact, several body-protecting swords are destroyed. 】

And with Su Xing's current cultivation level, he can definitely achieve it!

[But fortunately, you finally passed through the void wind without any danger and successfully reached the fourth heaven! 】

[In the eighteenth year, you continue to explore the secret realm in the third heaven. With your talent of good fortune, you will gain something almost every year and a half. 】

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. It took you five years to gradually become familiar with the dangers of the fourth heaven and determine the location of some secret realms. 】

[The unpredictable void wind passes ten meters in front of you. 】

[In the fiftieth year, after more than thirty years of exploration, you have once again searched for twenty or thirty secret realms and harvested many Tao Yun magic weapons, including many materials suitable for refining weapons. 】

"Then, let's go explore the fourth heaven... maybe we can find the materials needed to refine the Mo Bingjian!"

Su Xing recalled the information from Jiuchongtian in his mind.

[Previously, you have obtained many treasures in this realm, including Void Beast Stone, Zhoushan Stone, Qingluan Tail Feather and other treasures. 】

[You entered the first secret realm. As soon as you entered the secret realm, you felt a tingling sensation between your eyebrows. 】

[More than a hundred Void Beast Stones...as well as Zhoushan Stone and Qingluan Tail Feather! 】

[Although you are very powerful, you still have to be careful and be as cautious as possible in the fourth heaven. 】

Only those who have been immersed in the mysterious realm for a long time and have a good physical body can enter the fourth heaven.

But entering the fourth heaven, it falls into the category of the third heaven!

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[You frown slightly. In the fourth heaven, in addition to dealing with monsters, void beasts, and fog in the secret realm... this terrifying void wind is also a big threat! 】

[You hold up the body-protecting sword to protect yourself firmly, then take one step forward and appear thousands of miles away, heading towards the fourth heaven. 】

"But those who can enter the fourth heaven are even more powerful...at least they have to have the strength of the middle and late stages of the Mysterious Immortal Realm to be able to barely save their lives in it!"

[Either you discover the lair of a strange beast in the void, or you find a pretty good ancient treasure, and you gain a lot. 】

[Sure enough, according to your spiritual perception, this secret realm contains void beasts comparable to those in the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

The first, second and third heavens are called the lower third heaven and are relatively safe.

The Void Wind is a more terrifying phenomenon than the Void Turbulence...

[You used your magical power to spread the golden light across the earth and turned it into a golden light. It only took a few months to reach the boundary between the third and fourth heavens. 】

[Although it is difficult, you may not be incapable of fighting...]

[But the battles between Xuanxian Realm often last for a year and a half. In this dangerous fourth heaven, this is not in your interest. 】

[Therefore, you decide not to take action for the time being, otherwise even if you defeat this void beast, you may have to pay a certain price. 】

[While the strange beasts in the void are dozing, you start looking for the treasures in the secret realm...]

[In this way, in the next ten years or so, you have explored several secret realms and gained more than you imagined! 】

[Among them, the most exciting thing is that you found a sword mark stone! 】

[The Sword Mark Stone is an acquired treasure and can be used to forge an acquired treasure-level fairy sword! 】

[With this sword mark stone, you are confident that Mo Bingjian can successfully enter the acquired treasure level! 】

[After obtaining the Sword Mark Stone, you continued to explore the fourth heaven as usual, and obtained several treasures one after another. 】

[In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. 】

[In the seventy-seventh year, you found a safer secret realm and decided to start a retreat in this secret realm to break through. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw a smile on this face.

"I'm really lucky! I've found treasures like the Sword Mark Stone!"

"Sure enough, although the Nine Heavens Realm is full of dangers... but the higher you go, the more treasures and secret realms it contains, and the more precious they are!"

Su Xing is simply treating the Nine Heavens Realm as a copy of the props and treasures...

And the reason why this is possible is naturally because of the blessing of luck talent!

If they are ordinary monks, even Xuanxian and Jinxian, if they are not lucky enough, there will only be endless dangers waiting for them in this ninth heaven!

"Not bad, not bad, the sword mark stone used to refine Mo Bingjian has also been found... This time Mo Bingjian is absolutely certain to be promoted to the acquired treasure level!"

"Even... with the talent of blood sacrificial weapon, is there any possibility of being promoted to the mid-grade acquired treasure level?"

Su Xing thought for a while.

"But for now, we still need to continue to improve our understanding of the great road!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:

"Use immersive simulation for 63 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 22995 energy source points, and have 399 remaining energy source points! 】

The simulation prompt sounds and you wake up into the simulation world.

In the fourth heaven, somewhere in a secret realm, Su Xing opened up a cave, laid down layers of restrictions, and began to comprehend the great road.

"This simulation is still mainly about understanding the way of space!"

"But at the same time, the Way of Speed ​​also needs to be further improved! It is best to go further!"

For Su Xing now, in addition to the improvement of strength, the most important thing is the improvement of mobility!

The improvement of the Way of Space and the Way of Speed ​​can allow Su Xing to have higher escape speed.

This allows Awakening to travel to farther worlds, greatly reducing time and obtaining more energy!

For Su Qing, time and energy are everything!

With this thought, Su Xing took out the teapot and started making tea.

After a while, the first cup of Enlightenment Tea was finished brewing.

Su Xing took a sip, held a few void beast stones, and began to understand the way of space.


There are no years of practice, but eighteen years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the first cup of enlightenment tea has been exhausted.

Su Xing got out of the state of enlightenment and showed a satisfied look.

"Yes, the way of space is getting closer and closer to the fourth realm!"

"Then let's continue to understand the way of space!"

Su Xing has decided to devote all his enlightenment tea to the realization of the way of space!

Stud is a kind of wisdom!


In this way, thirty-six years have passed.

In the 131st year of the simulation, Su Xing once again broke away from the state of enlightenment. After realizing some progress in the way of space, Su Xing nodded and said:

"For fifty-four years, three cups of Enlightenment Tea were consumed... which is equivalent to thousands of years of enlightenment!"

"But there is still some distance between us and the fourth realm of the Way of Space!"

Su Xing lamented in his heart how difficult it was to comprehend the fourth realm of the Great Dao.

Not to mention ordinary Xuanxian Realm monks, it is extremely difficult for even those at the peak of Xuanxian Realm to enter the fourth realm.

After all, the integration of the fourth realm of the great avenue is an ability that can only be possessed by the Golden Immortal Power!

"Tsk, tsk, although it takes a little more time... but if the way of space enters the fourth realm, I will be able to compare with the power of the Golden Immortal!"

"Although the direct improvement in my combat power is not great, the benefits are indeed endless..."

Su Xing estimated that after the next immersive simulation at the latest, he would be able to successfully enter the fourth realm with his understanding of the way of space!

"But right now, I still haven't taken the Wen Dao Pill!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and began to refine the Enlightenment Pill.

As the memories of awakening and refining become more and more mature, although the top-grade Enlightenment Pill has not been refined yet, the success rate of the pill has reached more than 90%, which is of normal quality.

In this immersive simulation, Awakening is used to refine nine Wen Dao Pills. After one is used up, there are eight remaining.

Su Xing looked at the eight Wen Dao Pills in his hand and murmured:

"These eight elixirs are all used to comprehend the Great Way of Speed. I hope I can successfully enter the second realm of the Great Way!"

Having said that, Su Xing took out the Qingluan Tail Feather, and with the help of the Daoyun Treasure, began to understand the Way of Speed!

In the blink of an eye, eight months passed.

With the blessing of Wen Dao Dan, eight months of enlightenment is equivalent to eight hundred years of enlightenment!

And the Avenue of Speed ​​is not a profound avenue law. Su Xing successfully entered the second realm of the avenue and got a first glimpse of the door.


The immersive simulation ends quickly, and you wake up and return to the real world.

Using the magical power of memory, the sleeping memory was awakened and began to be unblocked.

After a while, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, the Way of Speed ​​has successfully entered the second realm! My escape speed has been further improved!"

"With my current escape speed, if I run with all my strength and rely on the way of space and the way of speed, I might be able to travel 50 million miles per day?" This means that the speed of awakening himself is already comparable to the stars, the sun and the moon. Take advantage of this acquired treasure!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most authentic fairyland, comparable to the late stage of Xuanxian!

But sailing in the void is different from traveling in the vast world.

If Awakening tries to die and uses all his speed in the void, he may not be able to maintain it for a long time. Once too much mana is consumed, the gains outweigh the losses!

Long-distance voyages lasting several years or even decades still require fairy boats to be more reliable.

"The magical power of vertical golden light is still far away from the state of perfection...perhaps both the way of space and the way of speed need to enter the fourth state before they can be fully exerted!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, with his current escape speed.

With the blessing of the Way of Speed ​​and the Way of Space, it will probably only take five or six days to control the star, sun and moon shuttle and return to Blue Star from the Little Qingyun Realm, right?

"Yes, when my escape speed improves further, maybe I can explore other worlds!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 140th year, your enlightenment is over and you have gained a lot. 】

[But you don’t plan to leave the Nine Heavens Realm this time, but plan to practice here! 】

[You take out the patchouli flower that Shen Nong Youtian has cultivated, and start practicing the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. 】

[Practice takes no time, and a period of time passes in the blink of an eye! 】

[In the second hundred years, although you only spend one hour a day refining Qi, under the influence of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue, your cultivation has still reached the peak of the third level of True Immortal. 】

[What has improved even more is your body training! 】

[With the nourishment of Tianhua, your energy and blood will be more abundant...]

[That kind of terrifying resilience gradually spreads from the body's limbs to the five internal organs in the body...]

[This means that not only do you have unparalleled physical defense, you can quickly recover from surface injuries, and you can also quickly recover from damage to your internal organs...]

[However, the cultivation of the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art is boring and difficult. Although you take a small amount of patchwork every few years, you are still far away from achieving the fourth level. 】

[But fortunately, there are fewer monks in the fourth level of the Nine Heavens Realm, and there is a strange energy that seems to be able to block the heavenly secrets. 】

[You have decided to continue to practice here and want to test whether the Nine Heavens Realm can withstand Qingyunzi’s prying eyes...]

[In the blink of an eye, another thirty years have passed. 】

[In the 230th year, you successfully broke through to the fourth level of True Immortal and became a mid-level True Immortal! 】

[The magic power in your body is more powerful, stretching like a river and sea...]

[The third hundredth year, this year, your body training has once again reached a new level, and you are getting closer and closer to the fourth level. 】

[In the same year, in addition to ensuring body refining and practice, you spent more time collecting materials for refining the Mo Bing Sword! 】

[In this way, another fifty years have passed...]

[In the 350th year, your Great Witch Body Training Technique has officially entered the fourth level of completion! 】

[With your current recovery power, even if your limbs are severed, you can quickly recover in just three days. 】

[In the same year, you officially started the sacrifice of Mo Bingjian! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has been completed, so the first small goal has been achieved..."

"Then the next step is to refine the Mo Bingjian!"

Su Xingbao's goal is to refine Mo Bingjian into a low-grade acquired treasure.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 351st year, you open the furnace and refining the Mo Bingjian. 】

[With your current skill in refining weapons, you are enough to refine the acquired treasure. However, this is your first time refining it, so be extra cautious. 】

[Just the process of recasting Mo Bingjian took you three years! 】

[Subsequently, you spent another three years melting materials such as sword mark stone and adding them to the Mo Bing Sword. 】

[In the blink of an eye, several years have passed...]

[In the 360th year, you finally completed the first step of refining the Mo Bing Sword. After adding sword mark stones and other treasures, the material of the Mo Bing Sword is obviously one step closer to the level of acquired treasures. 】

[But the subsequent steps of polishing, polishing, and sword maintenance still require a lot of time. 】

[So, you spent another three years polishing and polishing the Mo Bingjian...]

[At this point, Mo Bingjian has been recast and can exert the power of the acquired treasure! 】

[But now we still need the last step, which is also the most critical step! Keep a sword! 】

[Only with your energy, your own sword intent, and the sword that you have accumulated, can you exert its full power and completely let the Mo Bing Sword strike. 】

[Raising a sword is also the most time-consuming step. 】

[You use your own energy, energy, and magic power to nourish Mo Bingjian every day, and a period of time has passed...]

[In the 420th year, Mo Bingjian was completely refined, and it is already outstanding among low-grade acquired treasures! 】

[But at this moment, you still have the last step to go! 】

[Sacrifice the sword with blood! 】

[You take a deep breath, take out your own essence and blood, turn it into a thin stream and sacrifice it towards Mo Bingjian...]

[As your essence and blood touch the Mo Bingjian, the blade of the Mo Bingjian makes soft sounds...]

[This is how the talent of the Blood Sacrifice Sword comes into play! 】

[With the injection of essence and blood, you can clearly feel that Mo Bingjian is sublimating...]

[But then, you also find that you have ignored the side effects of the loss of essence and blood! 】

[No matter what level of monk, blood essence is extremely important. 】

[With the loss of essence and blood, at least the essence and spirit will be damaged, and it will take a long time to recuperate...at worst, the realm will fall, and even the foundation will be damaged! 】

[And to sacrifice the sword with blood, the amount of blood essence required is obviously beyond your imagination...]

[Your Qi refining cultivation level has dropped from the peak of the fourth level of True Immortal to the middle of the fourth level... and finally fallen back to the peak of the third level of True Immortal! 】

[And just when you were about to lose your hold, Mo Bingjian let out a soft groan! 】

[At the same time, the quality of Mo Bingjian has directly stepped up a level! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully refined a mid-grade acquired treasure! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

“Decades of hard work have finally paid off!”

"The middle-grade acquired treasure... I'm afraid only the Golden Immortal is qualified to possess this kind of treasure, right?"

After waking up and realizing it, with Mo Bingjian, at least before Taiyi Golden Immortal, the magic weapon will not be at a disadvantage...

But then he woke up and sighed again.

"But the side effects of using the blood sacrifice weapon are too great!"

"He actually fell down a whole level, from the middle stage of True Immortal to the early stage of True Immortal..."

Su Xing smacked his lips. Fortunately, he didn't intend to bring out the Qi refining skills in this simulation. He only wanted to bring out the Mo Bingjian.

Rounding off...it's like prostitution for an acquired treasure for nothing!

"In addition, Qingyunzi never came to me until four hundred and twenty years ago. It seems that this nine-level heaven domain also has the ability to shield the secrets of heaven..."

Wake up thoughtfully.

The origins of the Nine Heavens Realm are mysterious, and even Daluo Jinxian dare not set foot in its highest two levels.

"It seems that we can try to hide in the Nine Heavens in the future, and maybe we can avoid Qingyunzi's pursuit..."

With this thought in mind, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After successfully refining the Mo Bingjian to the acquired treasure, your vitality has been severely damaged and your cultivation has dropped, so you have no choice but to start adjusting your breath to recuperate. 】

[For the next thirty years, you hid in the secret realm, adjusted your breath every day, and planted some nourishing elixirs with the help of Luo Tianjing to take care of your body. 】

[In the 450th year, most of the side effects of the loss of essence and blood have recovered, and your cultivation level has returned to the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm. 】

[In just thirty years, many of the side effects of blood sacrifice have been eliminated. This is inseparable from your talent and physique. 】

[If an ordinary true immortal encounters such a disaster, it may take thousands of years to recover. 】

[But the rich vitality in your body allows you to make up for your losses in a short period of time, and with enough tonic, you can recover quickly. 】

[After most of the sequelae of the blood sacrifice have recovered, you continue to hide in the secret realm of the fourth heaven to practice. 】

[The great witch body-building skills you practice are getting better and better day by day. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed. 】

[In the 500th century, one day, a warning came from your talent to avoid misfortune...]

[The next day, Qingyunzi found you. 】

[Qingyunzi has been devoured by the evil corpse at this time. He is smiling ferociously on his face. "Your strength is too low and you are only hiding in the fourth heaven. If you hide in a few more heavens, maybe he really can't find you." 】

[Qingyunzi searches your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

After the simulation ended, a strange look flashed across Su Xing's face.

"Have you still been found by Qingyunzi? It's just... this time it actually lasted five hundred years of simulation, breaking the record again!"

It should be noted that the Nine Heavens Realm is very close to the Qingyun Realm!

The longest simulation time before Awakening was only four hundred and seventy years, and that was already the place where Awakening had gone to hide hundreds of worlds away...

But the Nine Heavens Realm is very close to the Qingyun Realm, so it stands to reason that Qingyunzi should find it quickly.

But the reality is that it took Qingyunzi five hundred years to wake up!

"This shows that... the ability of the Nine Heavens Realm to shield the secrets of heaven is stronger than I imagined!"

"Yes, the Nine Heavens Realm is suspected to be an ancient battlefield. According to legend, it includes the entire Three Thousand Worlds, so its ability is not surprising!"

However, what surprised Su Xing even more was what Qing Yunzi said before killing him.

If he hid in the higher ninth heaven, Qingyunzi might not be found!

Thinking this, Su Xing murmured:

"When I get stronger, I should go to the fifth heaven to see..."

"Besides heading to the Tianji Domain, the Nine Heavens Territory will also be a good hiding place...but there are many dangers in the Nine Heavens Heaven Territory. If you are not careful, you may die from the dangers, right?"

After a pause, Su Xing felt that he was thinking too much, so he said:

"But right now, the most important thing is to see the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing looked at the reward list for this simulation.

[Blood Sacrifice]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan’s body training method. After practicing to the fourth level, you can regenerate the severed limbs, keep the energy and blood in the body flowing continuously, and greatly improve the endurance. The fourth level of the small achievement is comparable to the real fairyland. In the middle stage of cultivation, the price is 60 energy sources.

[Fourth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! Priced at 30 energy source!

[Zhoushan Stone]: The stone from the ancient sacred mountain Buzhou Mountain is as heavy as a mountain and river. It is an excellent material for refining Fantian Seal. It is also an excellent Tao Yun treasure for understanding the avenue of power and the avenue of earth. Price 20 energy sources.

[Mo Bing Sword]: A natal weapon forged by a monk who woke up. After several recasts, it is comparable to a mid-grade acquired treasure. It already has the potential to challenge the treasure list. It is priced at 50 energy sources.

(End of this chapter)

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