Chapter 351 Golden Talent, Inevitable Enlightenment!

This simulation is done step by step.

Although not many locations have been explored, there are quite a few rewards for waking up.

In addition to the great enlightenment that he has brought out, Su Xing's body and energy refining skills have also improved, and what Su Xing is most looking forward to, the Mo Bingjian has been sacrificed and refined into a middle-grade acquired treasure!

"Tsk, tsk, Mo Bingjian...does he already have the potential to be on the treasure list?"

Su Xing was pleasantly surprised.

As mentioned before, in addition to the Tianjiao List, Tianji Pavilion also has a Treasure List!

Among them, the most treasured lists of innate and acquired treasures are born from heaven and earth and are listed independently.

And for all weapons and magic weapons, as long as they are forged by monks, a separate list of treasures will be established, and the top three hundred will be selected from the list!

All weapons on the treasure list must have acquired the treasure level at the end, and must achieve great achievements in the hands of the user.

"Well, with the current quality of Mo Bingjian, it should be able to rank among the top three hundred on the treasure list."

"All it lacks is an opportunity to make it famous!"

Su Xing estimated that with his current power, if he hit some asteroids, the entire planet would probably be shattered.

At this moment, Su Xing felt the strange movement of Mo Bingjian.

"But if the battle between Xuanxian lasts long enough, it will be enough to wipe out the world of Xiaoqian..."

After Su Xing said this, Mo Bingjian hummed softly, seeming to be responding to Su Xing.

And today's Blue Star, not to mention the entire world, even the distance between the north and south of Daxia is more than 30,000 miles?

Su Xing estimated that if the world were to be considered in terms of size, the earth would only be considered a small world.

Before waking up, he didn't compete for the top spot on the list.

In the blink of an eye, more than one million energy source flowers were spent, and the awakening heart was bleeding.

It’s not that we don’t have the strength, but considering the risks…

The diameter of the earth is less than 13,000 kilometers, or about 25,000 miles.

Even the ordinary body-refining Xuanxian monks are not as powerful as those who wake up!

"Tsk, tsk, if we compare it with the world before punch should have the power of breaking stars, right?"

"Tsk, but even if the physical body is destroyed, my current soul will not completely die... It's just that the soul's strength is not the same when it is out of the body..."

"But for now, let's choose the reward first!"

In the blink of an eye, Mo Bingjian has completed his promotion, from a half-step acquired treasure to a mid-level acquired treasure!

This level, in the entire Three Thousand Worlds, is a valuable treasure, and it is difficult to measure by value...

As for Mo Bingjian, he spent a lot of effort to refine it. Five hundred thousand energy sources, although it is expensive, it is inevitable to wake up!

"I choose to bring out the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, as well as the Mo Bing Sword!"

The increase in strength is only incidental. The real gain for Awakening is the increase in qi, blood and resilience!

After completing the Great Witch's body training exercise, it can be said that as long as the head is not cut off and the heart is crushed when awakening, the physical body will not be destroyed.

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. You spent 60 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 339 points...]

At the same time, the charming black color of the sword body also moved Su Xing a little.

Although it is only a small achievement in the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, the awakening foundation is solid, and the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is profound.

Even if his limbs are cut off, he can recover in a very short time.

I saw the originally silent Mo Bingjian exuding a dazzling light. Its shape did not change much, but its weight increased greatly.

Su Xing stroked the Mo Bingjian in his hand, seeming to feel the throbbing on its blade, and comforted:

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the acquired treasure, the Black Ice Sword... It cost 50 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 289 points...]

"Looking at it now, although I only have the cultivation level of a True Immortal... my strength can barely rank among the Mysterious Immortals!"

The so-called opportunity to become famous is naturally when Su Xing personally takes action, using the Mo Bing Sword as a weapon, to kill powerful enemies, and the magic weapon will naturally become famous.

Su Xing made a comparison in his mind.

And the diameter of the blue star is dozens of times that of the earth, and the volume is more than tens of thousands of times that of the earth... can it barely be regarded as a small world, right?

From the entry level to the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art to Xiaoqiang, the pure physical power of the awakening has probably increased by about three times...

"The powerful golden immortal has the ability to destroy the world in a short period of time..."

Su Xing made an assessment and realized that his current strength could no longer be described by mountains and rivers.

Physical training is his goal this time, and he must naturally bring it out.

But in the entire Three Thousand Worlds, it’s still not enough!

"No matter what, growth in always good!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate.

"Wait a will soon be the day when you leave your body!"

Meeting the master of Tianji Pavilion made Su Xing a little scared. If the simulator was discovered, he might be in trouble.

"However, after all, Three Thousand Worlds is different from the previous universe... Ordinary asteroids may not even be considered a world, but can only be regarded as a demiplane, right?"

His current strength can be considered to be capable of destroying the world...

Su Xing murmured.

Immortal swords have spirits. Although the spirit of Mo Bingjian has just been born, it is still of a very high level, and its foundation is no weaker than ordinary acquired treasures.

"Then next, you can try to compete for the place list!"

Take the earth in his previous life as an example. There is still a big gap between it and the parent star Blue Star from which he traveled.

But fortunately, it's all worth it!

The first thing Su Xing felt was naturally the change in cultivation!

In just a short breath, the physical strength, recovery power, and even life energy and blood of the awakened body increased dramatically!

But after getting Luo Tianjing, Su Xing changed this idea.

Luo Tianjing is such a treasure, and even though his personality is suppressed by the simulator, it is probably difficult for any monk in the three thousand worlds to discover such a treasure as the simulator.

So the risk is eliminated…

"Besides, if we can see the Master of Tianji Pavilion, maybe we can resolve Qingyunzi's crisis? After all, he is known as the one who knows everything!"

Wake up and set your goals.

Since you want to meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion, you must get the number one spot on the Earth Ranking.

The monks on the earth list receive the true immortals and mysterious immortals...

Even so, Su Xing estimated that the vast majority of people who would make it onto the Earth Ranking would be Mysterious Immortals.

Maybe there are three or five true immortals with extraordinary talents who can rank at the bottom of the earth rankings...

"In fact, those at the top of the Earth Ranking may have the power of a Golden Immortal?"

After a pause, Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination.

"But no matter what, I have to give it a try for the number one spot on the list!"

Su Xing quickly made plans.

He still has two unused simulation opportunities in his hand, which is enough to make his strength even further!

"There are less than three million energy sources left...the goal is still to further improve the body-refining skills!"

"There is still the way of space, it's time to enter the fourth realm!"

Su Xing murmured, then looked at the simulation panel and muttered silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 129th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 289 points... The remaining number of simulations is 1402. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing did not hesitate.

[Ding, congratulations on the inevitability of your golden talent... The probability of drawing a golden talent next time is 80%...]

"Huh? An epiphany of inevitability?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, but he remembered that he had a purple talent and had an epiphany by chance!

Able to wake up every once in a while and have the ability to have epiphanies!

An epiphany is worth ten years of hard work...

But after waking up and getting the Enlightenment Tea and Wen Dao Pill, accidental enlightenment no longer has much effect, and the probability is too low...

But now, he has actually obtained a new talent, and he inevitably has an epiphany. This is the superior replacement of the previous talent!

Su Xing felt happy and looked at the introduction of this talent.

[Necessity of Enlightenment]: Golden talent, each time you simulate, you can trigger epiphany at a fixed time point. The epiphany time is from one to nine days, depending on luck. Each day of epiphany can be worth hundreds of years of hard work. (This epiphany effect can be related to the host’s own understanding base, but cannot be superimposed with external objects!)

After seeing the introduction of the new talent, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Huh? The effect of this talent... seems not bad!"

"You don't have to do anything. At the very least, you can gain a hundred years of enlightenment, and at the most, you can gain enlightenment equivalent to nearly a thousand years!"

"Wait? The comment is that the effect of enlightenment is related to the host's own understanding base?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

"Although it cannot be superimposed by external objects... it seems that it can be superimposed with late blooming talents!"

"This means that the enlightenment after seventy-seven years will be guaranteed for two hundred years...the maximum is equivalent to eighteen hundred years!"

"My dear, this is as good as a cup of enlightenment tea!"

Su Xing said that he was very satisfied. This talent might bring him unexpected gains!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You left the cave and went to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[You tell Tianji Pavilion about the Red Moon...]

[Tianji Pavilion quickly dispatched his subordinates to investigate the information and investigate the Hongyue incident...]

[And you are also preparing to return to Blue Star as soon as possible. 】

[You controlled the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and used all your speed to return to Blue Star in just five and a half days. 】

[After returning to Blue Star, the first thing you do is to prepare to lead the migration of all Daxia people. 】

[It took you three full years to successfully transfer the people of Daxia and some other countries to the Little Qingyun Realm, and establish the country of Daxia...]

[In the fourth year, you took two Taiyi Golden Immortals to the endless abyss. 】

[You know that they are enough to deal with Hongyue, so you are going to Qingyun Sect to get the Enlightenment Tea. 】


[You successfully obtained the Enlightenment Tea from Qingyunzi. 】

[In the fifth year, you are preparing to leave for the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[It took you about two and a half years to reach the third heaven and start looking for the treasures in the secret realm in your memory. 】

[This took you about seven years...]

[In the fifteenth year, you set off for the fourth heaven and began to explore the fourth heaven. 】

[Compared to before, your strength has improved significantly. You can successfully explore most of the secret realms in the fourth heaven. 】

[This exploration took you a full sixty years. 】

[In a short period of time, you have harvested a lot of treasures. You have killed several of the strange void beasts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. 】

[There are many other treasures that can provide you with insight into the great road and ensure your own practice. 】

[At the same time, in the process of exploring the secret realm, you did not ignore the improvement of your physical training...]

[In the seventy-seventh year, you found a safer secret place and began to understand. ] In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, sixty-three years in duration!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 22995 energy points, and have 286 remaining energy points...]

The simulation prompt tone fell, and he woke up and appeared in the simulation world.

Immediately afterwards, when he woke up, he did not drink the Enlightenment Tea immediately, but activated the "Inevitable Enlightenment" talent!

"I want to see how effective this inevitability talent is?"

Su Xing's heart stirred, and he felt that he had fallen into a mysterious state.

This state of blessing is much higher than the Enlightenment Tea and the Wen Dao Pill!

Su Xing did not waste this rare blessing, and decisively chose to begin to comprehend the avenue of space.

The stones of the strange beasts of the void were quickly consumed in Su Xing's hands. A stone that used to take a year and a half to be consumed was already used up in just one or two hours.

At the same time, Su Xing's understanding of the avenue of space is also rapidly improving.


When Su Xing came back to his senses again, he was not far from entering the fourth realm of Space Avenue.

Su Xing felt the Tao Yun in his body that was about to burst out, his eyes widened, and he murmured:

"How long did this epiphany last?"

Su Xing counted with his fingers, was stunned for a moment and said:

"It actually lasted for nine whole days, which is equivalent to eighteen hundred years of enlightenment? Hiss... this is really good luck!"

"Wait! No! The luck talent should have taken effect!"

Su Xing suddenly thought of something, and then he became happy.


Since the epiphany occurs within one to nine days, it depends on luck!

And Su Xing has the talent of good luck, and his luck is terrifying. Doesn’t it mean that he always has nine years?

This means... every time he wakes up and simulates, he can waste 1,800 years of enlightenment time!

In this way, the progress of awakening to the Great Dao will be greatly accelerated!

"Tsk tsk... If you add more fuel, the Space Avenue will enter the fourth realm!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and decisively started making enlightenment tea.


In the blink of an eye, thirty-six years have passed.

After Su Xing completely digested the two cups of enlightenment tea, his understanding of the way of space finally entered the fourth realm!

The fourth realm of the way of space and the third realm are two completely different realms!

When he woke up and entered the fourth realm, he felt that his understanding of the way of space had greatly increased, several times more than before.

Su Xing seems to be able to control the surrounding space at will...

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little moved in his heart.

"Hiss, the fourth level of the Way of Space seems a bit strong!"

The awakening figure flashed, disappeared into the secret realm, and appeared in the fourth heaven.

Then Su Xing took a step forward, and saw the surrounding space quickly twisting, and Su Xing appeared directly somewhere thousands of miles away!

"Well, the furthest distance... can one step cover thousands of miles?"

"Besides, the loss doesn't seem to be big? This kind of extreme use can be done at least hundreds of times a day!"

Su Xing then tried his magical power to control the golden light.

As expected, the speed of Zongdi's golden light was doubled as before!


Three days later, Su Xing returned to the secret realm with joy on his face.

"The way of space has entered the fourth realm, my speed has increased so much?"

"If it is turned on at full speed, it may be possible to travel hundreds of millions of miles in a day...but it may be difficult to continue for a day or two at most."

"But if we maintain the speed of 50 million miles a day, it should be enough, right?"

The current speed of awakening has basically surpassed the stars, sun and moon shuttle.

It's just that traveling in the void is still not as stable and lasting as the stars, sun and moon shuttle...

"Yes, the way of space has successfully entered the fourth realm. My escape speed is probably not much worse than that of the Golden Fairy Realm!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

He still has Wen Dao Dan and Enlightenment Tea that he has not yet taken.

"Then the remaining Wen Dao Dan and Enlightenment Tea should be used to understand other things..."

Su Xing thought about it carefully and decided to understand the spiritual realm first!

Su Xing once heard that only by cultivating the spiritual realm to the extreme can the power of the Dao rules be brought into full play.

It can also allow the power of the avenue to be better integrated...

"I have heard that those who have cultivated the spiritual realm to the extreme may be able to speak Dharma within a certain range, just like a saint and a Taoist ancestor!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little hot.

His current spiritual domain prototype only covers a radius of a hundred feet, and the distance is still too small.

So, Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea and began to comprehend the spiritual realm.

In the blink of an eye, three years passed...

Su Xing opened his eyes again and felt the progress of his spiritual realm.

The scope of the spiritual domain has been directly expanded from a hundred feet in radius to two hundred feet in radius, which is a remarkable progress!

Within the scope of these two hundred feet, Su Xing can connect to the five elements, control space, and reverse cause and effect. It is said to be omnipotent!

But after experiencing the spiritual realm in detail, Su Xing was stunned.

"Huh? The spiritual realm... seems to be more than just the perception type!"

"The essence of the spiritual realm seems to be a better combination of one's own magic power and the understanding of the great road..."

“So, it’s not just the perception type, it seems that immersive simulation can’t bring it out?”

Su Xing shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.

If this is the case, then his spiritual realm can only be brought out from the reward...

"Forget it, since the spiritual realm cannot bring out the results of practice, then just practice other avenues!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and started practicing the Way of Speed ​​directly.

For today's awakening, the faster the speed, the better!

Next, Su Xing drank the Enlightenment Tea, refined the Wen Dao Pill and took it...


The immersive simulation ends quickly, and you wake up and return to the real world.

"Yes, the realization of the Great Way of Speed ​​is only one step away from the third level of the Great Way!"

Su Xing is full of expectations. Now his escape speed is getting faster and faster, and his safety has been greatly improved!

"With my current escape speed, even if I am defeated by the Golden Immortal... no one should be able to kill me, right?"

"Moreover, after the Path of Speed ​​enters the third realm, I'm afraid it will only take three days for me to return to Blue Star..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, the faster the speed between Xiao Qingyun Realm and Blue Star, the better!

After all, in Su Xing's plan, in the future, together with the two worlds, it will become Su Xing's base camp to obtain the source of energy!

After that, Awakening will gradually expand its scope and conduct trade in different worlds to obtain more energy sources to ensure the needs for practice...

"Calculating the time, I left Blue Star on February 2th, and now it's March 8th. It's been forty-two days and I haven't gone back..."

Su Xing sighed. Although he was a noble true immortal, he still had no sense of belonging in the Xiao Qingyun world.

After all, he has no friends here, only some partners who trade for profit.

"However, the current improvement in strength is not enough!"

"Wait for a while...after using up the remaining simulation opportunities, you will have to stay in Xiao Qingyun Realm for half a month before going back!"

There was one more thing he was ready to do when he woke up, but he didn't have time.

He plans to return to Blue Star after that thing is completed!

"Then next, sprint with all your strength to reach the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique!"

"When the Great Witch Body Training Technique successfully enters the fifth level... I should have the strength to compete for the top spot on the Prodigy List!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"As for staying in the fourth heaven, it seems to be a good choice... Five hundred years of simulation time is enough for the time being!"

"When I get stronger, I can try at a higher level..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 140th year of simulation, your understanding of the Way of Speed ​​has greatly increased, and you are not far from the third level of the Way of Speed. 】

[And your understanding of the way of space is even more astonishing. The fourth level of the avenue is a method that only the Golden Immortal can possess...]

[Next, you choose to continue to practice in the fourth heaven. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a period of time has passed. 】

[In the second hundred years, your Qi refining cultivation will be promoted to the fourth level of True Immortal. 】

[In the third hundred years, your Qi refining cultivation has been upgraded to the late fourth level of True Immortal...]

[In the 400th year, your cultivation has successfully reached the fifth level of the True Immortal! 】

[In addition to the improvement of Qi refining cultivation, your body refining cultivation has improved even more rapidly. 】

[In just over two hundred years of hard work and with the help of patching up the ceiling, you are not far away from achieving the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique...]

[So you practice hard for another thirty years and launch the final sprint towards the fourth level of success! 】

[Finally, in the 430th year, you successfully entered the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art...]

[After reaching great success, you did not slack off. You continued to practice and hone your body with the remaining patchouli...]

[In the blink of an eye, decades have passed...]

[In the 500th century, one day, a warning came from your talent to avoid misfortune...]

[The next day, Qingyunzi found you...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing nodded slightly and said with satisfaction:

"Yes, the great witch's body training is not far away from the fourth level of perfection..."

Look at the reward of this simulation.

[Inevitable Enlightenment]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The fourth level of Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan's body training method. After reaching the fourth level, you can regenerate severed limbs, have a continuous flow of energy and blood in the body, and greatly increase your endurance. The price is 60 energy sources.

[Fifth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Spirit Realm Perception]: After selection, the perception of the spiritual realm will be slightly improved. The price is 3 energy sources.

(End of this chapter)

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