Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 352 I would rather be a minor cultivator in the immortal world than dream of being an empero

Chapter 352 I would rather be a minor cultivator in the fairy world than dream of being an emperor in the mortal world!

Su Xing looked at the simulated rewards in front of him without much entanglement.

The results of spiritual realm cultivation cannot be brought out through immersive simulation. This is something Su Xing never thought of.

But fortunately, the main goal of this awakening is to improve physical training.

The fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has already met Su Xing's expectations.

So he woke up and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the inevitable enlightenment of the golden talent, and the fourth level of the great wizard's body training technique!"

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the fourth level of Great Witch Body Forging Technique. You spent 60 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 226 points...]

[Ding, it has been detected that you have a purple low-level talent, an epiphany by chance, and the talent is being replaced...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the inevitable enlightenment of your golden talent... Spending 10 points of energy source, the remaining energy source points are 226 points...]

As the beep fell, two mysterious energies fell into Su Xing's body.

[The 130th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 226 points... The remaining number of simulations is 8397. 】

Meeting the powerful Golden Immortal is still far away...

"The only simulation opportunity left is to break through to the fourth level of perfection in one fell swoop!"

"The qualifications, lifespan, and foundation of a Qi practitioner who has entered the door of cultivating immortality from the very beginning..."

"And they have lived long enough to master countless arts?"

Su Xing thought so.

"To today's mana, dantian, soul, supernatural powers... and even the enlightenment of the great road, all of these are the fundamental measure of a monk's strength!"

"Start simulation!"

But among the golden immortals, he was lost among the others! How to compete for the heaven and earth rankings?

Those who can achieve the status of Golden Immortal are all unique geniuses who can only be chosen one out of millions. In a vast world, it takes thousands of years for one person to be born, which is great.

"However... the improvement within the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique will not produce a qualitative change after all... Only by breaking through to the fifth level will my overall strength reach a new level!"

Su Xing's body-refining skills have skyrocketed again in a short period of time, and his own energy, blood, strength, and recovery ability have all been greatly improved.

This kind of advantage of improving several small realms through one simulation may slowly fade away after Xuanxian and Jinxian.

His current methods are the strongest, and they can no longer be measured by his cultivation.

"What they strive for is their foundation!"

What's the use of just being more advanced in cultivation and not being able to keep up?

"Where does the foundation of a cultivator come from?"

Su Xing murmured.

Can Su Xing still guarantee the rapid growth of his cultivation level in a short period of time?

The blessing of various talents, magical powers, enlightenment of the great road, and even the baptism of the three disasters of wind, fire and thunder are the origin of the awakening's strong combat power.

After sensing the surge of energy in his body, Su Xing squinted his eyes and murmured:

He still has plenty of time now, and those Taiyi and Daluo Jinxian who need to look up now may not be unable to catch up in the future!

What Su Xing focuses on now is to lay a solid foundation and ensure that his path goes as long as possible!

When you reach the stage of becoming a true immortal, you are already walking on thin ice... If you are not careful and your Dao foundation is insufficient, it will be extremely difficult to make up for it in the future!

I spent so much time laying a solid foundation before I woke up, so I definitely won’t give up!

Which of these people is not a top-notch spiritual person with a divine body? Eucharist?

Facing Xuanxian and Jinxian monks, the slow monks who often take tens of thousands of years to advance to the first level have long distances...

Simulate for five hundred years at a time, and simulate the awakening ten or a hundred times!

That’s five thousand or fifty thousand years of practice!

Even without any growth, he can still accumulate his cultivation to the level of Golden Immortal or even higher!

However, Su Xing’s current advantage is that the further the qualifications go, the smaller the gap becomes...

"Why should I argue with them? Is it a simulator... Well, of course it's my own path!"

"So, what we have to do now is to accumulate foundation and at the same time improve both body and qi cultivation to the level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing thought so.

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"The road to practice is long...it takes tens of thousands of years for the powerful Xuanxian and Jinxian to take a single step..."

Su Xing had made a decision in his heart. After he was completely accustomed to the surge of physical power in his body, he looked at the simulation panel.

"Another example is Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​the number one person in the spiritual realm of the Three Thousand Worlds. Didn't he also end up dying in the end?"

"As for me, there will be new changes in my strength almost every time I simulate it! Although it is difficult to reach the sky in one step... But I should be content with being so awakened!"

"If you want to compete with the powerful Golden Immortal... I'm afraid you need to reach a new level in body refining and Qi refining..."

"If you take a certain path to the extreme, you can dominate one place and come from all directions... But if you really want to suppress the eternal world and be the number one in the world, you don't need to reach the end of a certain path!"

Even if the great witch's body training technique is promoted to the fourth level of perfection, it will only increase the self-protection power within Xuanxian.

If Su Xing only wants to cultivate the realm and not seek the foundation of the path, that would be too simple.

Among the three thousand worlds, among those powerful people with names and surnames, which one has not reached the extreme in his own way?

The Tao of the Five Elements, the Sword Immortal...or the Dantian Sea, body refining, and the art of transformation?

However, there is also a gap between great powers. The difference is not only the level of Dao, but also the amount of Dao!

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"One day in the future, I will also embark on the final journey and compete with those Taiyi and Daluo Jinxian!"

"The feeling of becoming stronger is as wonderful as ever!"

By then, all Su Xing will have to fight for is his foundation!

Naturally, the mirage-like flowers that reach the sky in one step are not as solid as the steady growth that comes from down-to-earth steps.

Su Xing is not in a hurry, his strength will always grow slowly, and he still has a lot of time.

"As strong as Qingyunzi, he can't conquer three thousand worlds by transforming the three pure beings into one thing... Daluo Jinxian, who doesn't have a few incredible magical powers?"

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


Su Xing made some calculations and realized that if he could extract a talent as powerful as the inevitable epiphany, he would make a lot of money.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Xuanyin Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Xuanyin Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 rare divine bodies in the world. It is pure and stoic and has a firm mind. It has a higher cultivation speed. It mostly appears in women. Men will lose some of their abilities after possessing it.

"Huh? The body of Xuanyin..."

Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth. This talent seemed to be the lower talent of Ziling Fairy Xuanyin Holy Body. It could strengthen the Taoist heart and increase the speed of practice.

Although it is not as good as the Xuanyin Holy Body, it is still pretty good when you think about it.

But after seeing the side effects of this Xuanyin body, Su Xing decisively gave up the idea of ​​bringing out the talent.

"Losing some functions...well, what man can bear this?"

Su Xing shook his head decisively.

"Forget it, it seems that there is no need to bring out the talent in this simulation!"

"In this case, the goal is to refine the body and understand the spiritual realm!"

Su Xing has a plan in his heart. Since he has taken the road of invincibility, he must do his best and cultivate to the strongest!

With the simulator in hand, he has the confidence.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You made some preparations, left Baidi City, and rushed towards Tianmo City...]

[The next day, you traveled tens of millions of miles through mountains and rivers and successfully arrived outside Tianmo City. 】

[After arriving outside Tianmo City, you disguised yourself and changed your identity. 】

[You have shown the strength of the early True Immortal. You claim to be a wandering cultivator in the Qingyuan Domain. You want to join the Demon City to fight against the aliens! 】

[After it was verified that you were not an evil cultivator, you quickly received warm hospitality from Tianmo City. 】

[Later on, you became a general in Tianmo City and enjoyed special rights. You could recruit your own men and soldiers to fight against the aliens on the front line...]

[You stayed in Tianmo City for a year, and became familiar with the layout of the front line of Tianmo City and the layout of the foreign races. You also killed many foreign gods and took their flesh, flesh, essence and divinity...]

[In the second year, you took a temporary leave, left Tianmo City, and went to Tianji Pavilion in Baidi City to inform you about Hong Yue. 】

[Tianji Pavilion responded quickly, and you returned to Blue Star to prepare in advance. 】

[In the fifth year, you will move the humans on Blue Star to the Little Qingyun Realm and ensure their safety. 】

[In the sixth year, Tianji Pavilion contacted you and asked you to lead the two Taiyi to find the place where the red moon is hidden...]

[After you led the two Taiyi Golden Immortals, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the seventh year, you successfully contacted Zilin Fairy, climbed to the Three Immortals Peak, and completed the transaction with Qingyunzi. 】

[In the tenth year, you arrived at the third heaven of the Nine Heavens and began to collect treasures in the secret realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Going to Demon City and opening the third vest is my next plan!"

"In the world of cultivating immortals, the more vests, the better!"

Su Xing blinked. His previous incarnations of Su Ye and Ye Tian showed the strength of the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Heavenly Immortal Realm respectively.

The purpose is to trade for oneself and obtain more energy sources.

Therefore, the strength does not need to be too high...just a little low-key is fine.

But now, the third vest created by Su Xing shows true fairyland cultivation. This is just a preliminary plan!

As Su Xing's strength increases, this vest will show higher cultivation and strength!

Because the purpose of Su Xing going to Tianmo City is to form his own power!

"If you want to fight against the alien race... it will be too difficult just by yourself!"

"The best way is to form your own force...to join forces with other forces and form an alliance to fight against the aliens!"

"And this matter should be done sooner rather than later! The sooner we start, the better!"

Su Xing once established the Tianyuan Army in a simulation to help the Xiao Qingyun Realm fight against the aliens, and the results were pretty good.

Therefore, in reality, Su Xing also plans to follow this old path!

First, Su Xing established the Tianyuan Army, which could increase his strength and fight against foreign races.

Secondly, after killing a foreign race, the alien’s divinity, flesh and blood essence, etc. are all good sources of energy and can become one of the energy sources for awakening...

"Then, the force that will be established in the future will be called Tianyuan Army!"

In the awakening goal, the Tianyuan Army does not pay attention to quantity, but only to quality!

It contains geniuses from three thousand worlds, or monks who are good at fighting and fighting!

As for the cultivation level... there is no need to set it too high. Awakening can be used after the integration stage!

"If you want to quickly establish an army, the most important thing is to provide enough benefits!"

"The most important thing for monks is undoubtedly their training materials!"

"I will not be short of spiritual liquid! As long as there are enough Spirit Gathering Flowers, I can continuously produce spiritual liquid from Luotian Mirror!"

"In addition...the flesh and blood of foreign races can also be used to refine the rebirth elixir. This is definitely a fatal temptation for body refining monks!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

As long as he makes a name for himself, and relies on the spiritual liquid in his left hand and the Rebirth Pill in his right hand, with these two rewards, he won't be afraid that he won't be able to form the Tianyuan Army!

"However, there is no rush to form the Tianyuan Army... Before that, it is best to reach the fifth level through body training!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifteenth year, you spent five years exploring the secret realm in your memory and then went to the fourth heaven! 】

[As your strength grows, you no longer need to be as cautious as before in the fourth heaven. You continue to explore the secret realm and collect various treasures related to enlightenment. 】

[And while exploring the secret realm and collecting treasures, you did not give up on practicing. 】

[In addition to the daily necessary physical training, you begin to understand the spiritual realm. 】

[Your foundation in the prototype of the spiritual realm is very good, so subsequent understanding is relatively easy. After each practice, you have made considerable progress...]

[In the blink of an eye, sixty years have passed. 】

[In the seventy-seventh year, you found enough Tao Yun treasures to ensure your subsequent enlightenment, so you found a secret realm in the fourth heaven and began to comprehend the Tao. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 63 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 22995 energy points, and have 224 remaining energy points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.

Appearing in the familiar secret realm, Su Xing did not hesitate too much and began to prepare to understand the great road.

"Currently, of the great avenues I have mastered, only the Space Way has entered the fourth realm... But in addition to the Space Way, there are many other avenues that need to be filled in..."

"Among them, cause and effect, destiny, swordsmanship, and the Five Elements are the most important, so they need to be improved as soon as possible!"

After Su Xing thought about it for a while, he realized that he was not in much danger in reality. What he needed urgently was not the improvement of his strength, but his own safety!

Therefore, priority will be given to improving the escape speed before waking up!

In addition to escape speed, there are two ways to make waking up safer!

"The path of cause and effect, destiny...it's only the second level, which is still a bit low!"

"Then this time, let's first understand the way of cause and effect and destiny!"

Su Xing did not hesitate, activated the talent of inevitable enlightenment, and then began to practice the Xiao Zhoutian stargazing method.

The awakening consciousness gradually entered the universe, surrounded by countless stars, arranged in some mysterious combination, which seemed to contain the ultimate truth.

Su Xing continuously draws insights about the path of cause and effect and destiny from these countless stars.

In the blink of an eye, nine days passed.

Nine days later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and he was still surrounded by Tao Yun about the path of cause and effect and destiny...

"Nine days are equivalent to 1,800 years of hard work... Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method is still some distance from the realm of Xiao Cheng, but it's not far away!"

"If you can reach Xiaocheng... the path of cause and effect and destiny can enter the third realm, it won't be a problem!"

Su Xing's eyes looked expectant, and then he began to drink the Enlightenment Tea.

After drinking a cup of Enlightenment Tea, I woke up and officially began to comprehend...

In the blink of an eye, eighteen years have passed.

When Su Xing left the state of enlightenment again, there was joy in his eyes.

"Finally, the path of cause and effect and destiny has successfully entered the third realm!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he pointed at the sky. He saw that the originally sunny secret land suddenly started to rain, from a light drizzle to a heavy downpour!

Su Xing stretched out his hand again, and the sun suddenly shone brightly in the sky. But when he took his breath, heavy snow began to fall again...

"Use the power of immortals to reverse cause and effect, interfere with reality... control the wind and rain, snow in June, and scorching heat in winter, it's all a matter of course!"

"The power of cause and effect can change the cause and effect of nature and living things... It can also reverse life and death. It is really mysterious!"

Su Xing smacked his lips and finally understood why this power of cause and effect was at the top of the Three Thousand Avenues. This mysterious power and the ability to follow words and actions are really fascinating...

"But how to use the power of cause and effect in battle needs to be further strengthened!"

Su Xing thought thoughtfully, although the power of cause and effect is mysterious, it seems that the combat attribute is not strong, and it needs to be used flexibly to enhance combat power.

"And the power of fate! This is not weak at all from the power of cause and effect!"

Su Xing vaguely discovered that the power of destiny has a heaven-defying function.

Change people's destiny!

At first, Su Xing's understanding of the path of destiny was insufficient and he could only superficially change the fate of ordinary people.

It is not difficult for a beggar to become an emperor...

But now, awakening can even change the fate of the monk!

"Even now, it seems that I can directly give ordinary people spiritual roots! Let them become immortal cultivators!"

"It may be difficult to grant true spiritual roots and heavenly spiritual roots...but if it is an ordinary spiritual root, you may be able to do it if you pay a certain price!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

What a powerful power it is to give ordinary people spiritual roots!

Changing his destiny and gathering his spiritual roots is equivalent to giving him a path to becoming an immortal. This is a huge favor!

The so-called immortality is not so easy to transcend!

Even a small cultivator in the world of immortality has a higher status than a human emperor!

This is the difference between immortals and mortals!

There is a poem that goes: I would rather practice a small life in the fairy world than dream of being an emperor in the mortal world!

"It's just that it doesn't seem to be that easy to give ordinary people spiritual roots..."

"Not to mention the price you need to pay, it is best to need a certain intermediary! If you can find the pseudo-spiritual roots between heaven and earth, you may be able to pay a lot less price..."

Su Xing thought so.

"The path of cause and effect and destiny has entered the third realm...but it's not enough!"

"What I'm about to face is Hong Yue! The existence that once killed Daluo Jinxian!"

"Once the layout of Blue Star is launched, I will definitely be walking on thin ice... Therefore, I must improve these two avenues as much as possible!"

Su Xing has no hesitation and will continue to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny...

Decades passed in the blink of an eye, and the immersive simulation was over.


In the real world, Su Xing gradually regained his memory, nodded slightly and said:

"The remaining thirty-six years of enlightenment and tea enlightenment are all used in the enlightenment of the fourth realm of the path of cause and effect and destiny!"

"But... there are still a lot of differences!"

Su Xing made some assessments and realized that the understanding of the path of cause and effect and destiny was more difficult than the path of space.

Moreover, there are very few Dao Yun treasures that contain the path of cause and effect and destiny. Su Xing has only found a few pieces in total. It is difficult to guarantee that the Dao Yun supreme treasures will always be used to assist in practice.

Fortunately, Su Xing's Little Zhoutian Star Observation Technique is really good. As long as Su Xing follows the steps and successfully cultivates this technique to the state of Dacheng, it will not be difficult to enter the fourth realm of the path of cause and effect and destiny!

"Now that this simulation of enlightenment is over...then let's go all out to practice the Great Witch Body Training Art and the Spirit Realm!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 140th year, after you successfully comprehended the great path in the secret realm, you began your daily practice. 】

[Every day, in addition to practicing the Zhengyi Fuqi Jue for an hour, you will spend most of your time on body training. 】

[And the realization of the spiritual realm is not as easy as you think! 】

[All you want is that the spiritual realm integrates cause and effect, destiny, speed, five elements, thunder, space, swordsmanship, and the avenue of killing! 】

[But among them, the Way of the Five Elements and the Way of Killing are not integrated with your spiritual realm at the beginning. It is extremely difficult to complete them and perfectly integrate them into the spiritual realm. 】

[The most difficult thing is to ensure the balance of all avenues. 】

[This alone took you one hundred and sixty years! 】

[In the third hundred years, after more than 160 years of hard work, you have successfully integrated the path of killing into your own spiritual realm...]

[The way of killing is invisible and auxiliary. Although it is full of killing, it does not conflict with other ways, so it is relatively easy. 】

[But what is really difficult is the complete integration of the Five Elements Avenue and the spiritual realm...]

[The Five Elements are self-balanced. If some external factors are added, it can easily disrupt the order of life and death...]

[But fortunately, you still have one trump card... Wen Dao Dan! 】

[You previously refined nine Wen Dao Pills, but only used three of them, leaving six unused. 】

【Now, it’s time to use them! 】

[So, you took the first Tao-hearing Pill, and then your understanding greatly improved, and you began to fully integrate the Five Elements into your own spiritual realm...]

[After one month of enlightenment, you have gained a lot, so you start to try. 】

[Next, every ten years, you will take a hearing pill, and then try to practice the spiritual realm, and the progress is quite good. 】

[In this way, when the six enlightenment pills are used up, it is already sixty years later...]

[In the 360th year, you successfully incorporated the five elements and the path of cause and effect into your own spiritual realm...]

[But you also feel that as more and more avenues are included, other avenues are also being absorbed. 】

[So, you temporarily give up the idea of ​​absorbing other avenues, and instead concentrate on cultivating the level of the spiritual realm. 】

[Practice day after day, so that your spiritual realm will continue to expand. 】

[In the blink of an eye, it’s the 400th year. 】

[This year, your spiritual realm has grown to three hundred feet...]

(End of this chapter)

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