Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 353 The Tianyuan Army is established and the awakening plan is implemented!

Chapter 353 The Tianyuan Army is established and the awakening plan is implemented!

Su Xing sighed after seeing this and murmured:

"It's really difficult to understand the spiritual realm!"

"The three-hundred-foot spiritual realm... the range has indeed expanded ten times more than before!"

"But it's a pity...it still only stays at the spiritual realm level!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

With his current level of cultivation and vision, he is no longer unfamiliar with the spiritual realm.

As far as Su Xing knows, the essence of the spiritual realm is that monks use their own power to communicate the great road of heaven and earth. It is a concrete manifestation of the great road, gathering thousands of great powers into one body, and using magic as the intermediary to display various mysteries.

Therefore, the most intuitive expression of the spiritual realm is the range!

The larger the range, the stronger the spiritual realm!

The spiritual realm is divided into three levels.

The lowest level is called the spiritual realm.

[The spiritual realm that you maintained with all your strength quickly shrunk and collapsed. Every blast of void energy was no less than a blow from a peak cultivator in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. 】

[When you see this, you quickly use the Five Elements Avenue, using the method of the five elements to form a barrier to protect yourself firmly. 】

Those who can reach the realm of the Immortal Kingdom are all Daluo Jinxian!

[In the 450th year, this year, the prototype of your spiritual domain reached a radius of more than 500 feet, and its power further increased. 】

[As soon as you stepped into the void aura, you felt its terrifying destructive power. 】

"The void energy there is extremely strong... If it weren't for the powerful Golden Immortal, there might be a glimmer of hope for the peak cultivator of the Mysterious Immortal Realm to pass through..."

[You know in your heart that the remaining time is definitely not enough for you to successfully reach the fifth heaven. 】

"The Great Witch's Body Training Technique has finally reached the fourth level and has reached perfection... We are only one step away from reaching the fifth level!"

[You have arrived at the terrifying void energy that isolates the fourth and fifth heavens. This power is several times that of the fourth heaven. 】

He has extremely high requirements for Taoist understanding and monks...

[In the next few decades, you will continue to stay in the fourth heaven and practice in the spiritual realm. You will continue to practice your body every day, and your cultivation will become more and more stable. 】

Su Xing judged from previous simulations that in the Nine Heavens Realm, the higher the level, the stronger the shield against the heavenly secrets.

[You take a deep breath, hold up your spiritual realm, and then move your body-protecting sword to rush towards the void aura. 】

"I wonder, with my current strength, can I give it a try?"

[The entire left leg and right arm were cut off by the roots, there were hundreds of wounds on the chest, and the whole person was almost dying...]

"However, the five-hundredth year is not far away... maybe it's time to give it a try!"

Su Xing already has a goal in mind.

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"With my current background, the Immortal Kingdom is still too far away... The Immortal Realm is also quite a long way away!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

Further up is the fairyland.

[But the power of Gang Qi is too terrifying. You have only been on the road for an hour, and most of your protective measures have already dissipated. 】

[In the blink of an eye, several years have passed. 】

And what Su Xing knows is that the great master who has cultivated to the highest level of the Immortal Kingdom is Patriarch Luo Tian...

Su Xing has some expectations. If he can enter the fifth heaven, he may be able to extend the simulation time for tens or even hundreds of years.

[In the 470th year, one day you feel that your physical body has broken through a layer of shackles, and your strength and vitality have greatly increased. 】

[When you escaped back to the fourth heaven, you were already covered with wounds. 】

[At the same time, the body-protecting sword gang pours out and surrounds your body. 】

[So, you hold on to the body-protecting Qi, endure the feeling like a knife cutting flesh from your body, and retreat crazily towards the way you came from...]

[In the 473rd year, after consolidating your perfect cultivation at the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art, you decided to try to go to the fifth heaven. 】

[The severed body recovered in just a few moments, and the wounds on the body healed in just a breath...]

Su Xing's idea is to try to enter the fifth heaven to see if he can escape Qingyunzi's prediction!

"The fifth heaven...cannot enter except the Golden Fairyland!"

[Congratulations, the Great Witch Body Training Technique has successfully reached the fourth level of perfection! 】

[You took your last breath, found a safe place, and began to recover from your injuries. 】

The scope of the Immortal Realm is at least ten thousand feet, and the largest can even cover an entire small world!

And the highest realm of the highest spiritual realm is called the "Fairy Kingdom"!

With its own great power, it covers and accommodates an entire small world.

[Fortunately, your vitality is now ridiculously strong. 】

[For the current plan, the only way is to retreat and return to the fourth heaven...]

[You release the body-protecting sword, move the way of space, and drive towards the fifth heaven with extremely strong physical power...]

"The goal now is to expand the scope of the spiritual domain as quickly as possible! The larger the scope, the stronger the ability! The power of the avenue is also more amazing!"

Including the prototype of the spiritual realm, the range ranges from several feet to ten thousand feet.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[For this reason, you have spent a lot of healing treasures and energy...]

[But in the end, you survived. 】

[You know that your current strength is not enough to explore in the fifth heaven, so you stay in the fourth heaven to practice. 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Phew, after all, it was a bit too hasty!"

"If you want to enter the fifth level of heaven, I'm afraid you need to go further in your body training. The fifth level of the Great Witch's body training is a must!"

"In addition, stronger protective measures are needed...otherwise, even if you enter the fifth heaven, it will be difficult to move forward!"

"With the body-protecting sword, it's time to take a step further..."

Su Xing already had an idea in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 480th year, you return to the fourth heaven and prepare to continue practicing here. 】

[In this way, twenty years passed in a blink of an eye...]

[The fifth hundredth year, this year your spiritual realm has reached a radius of six hundred feet, and your power is even greater than before...]

[In the same year, Qingyunzi found you...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed helplessly.

"It seems that it's still a little worse!"

"But when I get stronger, I should be able to go to the fifth heaven...there will definitely be a more precious secret realm there!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart.

But for now, let’s take a look at the rewards for this simulation.

Look at the reward list.

[Xuanyin Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Perfection of the Fourth Level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan's body training method. After reaching the fourth level, you can regenerate severed limbs, have a continuous flow of energy and blood in the body, and greatly increase your endurance. The price is 60 energy sources.

[Fifth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: After selection, the understanding of the spiritual realm is greatly improved, and you can control the 6-foot spiritual realm. The price is energy sources.

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique to perfection... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the fourth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique to complete your cultivation. You spent 60 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 184 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the results of your spiritual realm practice... You spent 6 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 178 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the aura on Su Xing's body began to change rapidly.

In just a few moments, the awakened physical body surged to the level of true immortal perfection, and its strength, vitality, etc. were greatly increased.

In addition to the great witch's body training technique, Su Xing also felt that another energy in his body was also growing rapidly!

Spiritual realm!

Su Xing slowly closed his eyes, and opened them again after a moment. Immediately, his heart moved, and a mysterious energy instantly enveloped the space within a radius of 600 feet.

"Spiritual realm is one of the important aspects of fighting among monks... People who do not practice the spiritual realm may not be weak, but all powerful monks will definitely make achievements in the spiritual realm!"

The simplest truth.

In a battle between two monks, if one party has the spiritual realm and the other does not, it will definitely be a crushing advantage.

Because once there is no spiritual domain and you enter the other party's spiritual domain, it is tantamount to letting the other party control it.

Only when both sides have spiritual realms and the difference is not big, can one be better than the other.

"The way to the spiritual realm is still far away..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and murmured.

"After three simulation opportunities are used up, it's time to go to that place!"


Three days later, Xiao Qingyun Realm Tianmo City.

This is a city shrouded in chill and blackness.

Approaching Tianmo City, it seemed that even the clouds in the sky had turned three points darker.

Su Xing had changed his appearance at this moment, turning into a middle-aged monk with a strong build and a scar on his face.

This is Su Xing’s third vest, alias Jiang Hao!

It has been two and a half days since Su Xing arrived in Tianmo City. In these two and a half days, Su Xing has gained a certain understanding of Tianmo City.

Therefore, Su Xing is ready to implement his plan here.

"Then, let's go to Demon City to verify our identity and gain a certain status!"

Su Xing squinted and looked at a tent in the distance.

Many monks were waiting in line there, and there was also a group of monks in armor who were registering something.

Demonic City, the place where frontline soldiers sign up!

Su Xing did not choose to line up and walked straight to the front of the line.

When he reached the front, Su Xing grabbed the monks in line and naturally stood at the first place.

"I, Jiang Hao, sign up to join the army!"

Su Xing worked hard to maintain his vest persona and cherished his words like gold.

The monk who was thrown away by Su Xing had a furious expression on his face.

He was about to stand up to resist, but when he saw Su Xing's tall and powerful figure and the murderous intent in his eyes, he immediately shrunk his neck and returned to the back of the team in dejection.

When the centurions who registered saw Su Xing's amazing momentum, they did not blame Su Xing for jumping in line.

Instead, he looked at Su Xing first and found that he couldn't see through Su Xing's cultivation level, and said in surprise:

"Fellow Taoist, are you already an immortal?"

As soon as these words came out, the monks in the team behind him were confused for a while.

Although this is the recruitment center for the Tianmo City military camp, very few immortals come to join the army.

The few monks who have combined body and Mahayana stage are already considered rare to see.

In fact, immortals do not need to go through ordinary registration channels at all, but can directly become officers in the army through their own connections.

Su Xing glanced behind him for a moment. The surprised monks nodded slightly and said:

"It has been thousands of years since I became an immortal..."

When they first heard Su Xing's words, the two centurions had not yet reacted.

But soon, they came back to their senses.

etc! It takes ten thousand years to become an immortal... Human immortals only live for more than ten thousand years, and they live for more than ten thousand years. Doesn't that mean that their lives are about to come to an end, their magic power is disordered, and their Qi and blood are withered?

But look at the monk in front of you. He has been an immortal for ten thousand years... but he is still in his prime!

Could this be an Earthly Immortal Realm monk!

Thinking of this, the two centurions looked at each other, feeling extremely excited.

In the Earthly Immortal Realm, that is a commander-level figure in the Demonic City!

He is a real big shot!

As for the higher immortals... they didn't dare to think about it.

So, the two centurions bowed respectfully towards Su Xing and said:

"Senior, please wait here for a moment...we will come later!"

After Su Xing nodded in agreement, the two centurions left the hundreds of monks lining up behind them and walked straight towards a certain direction in Chengnai.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two centurions came back, and behind them, there was a commander in silver armor following!

The commander of the Demonic City, the strength of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

He is a respected presence in the entire Demon City!

The commander-in-chief was serious in speech, and after carefully looking at the awakening, he was stunned.

After a moment, he asked tentatively:

"Senior, you? Are you an immortal?"

Obviously, the Earth Immortal Commander had not seen through the details of Su Xing.

After hearing the commander's words, the centurions behind him and the monks in line became even more excited.

"This...celestial being?"

"It's actually a senior from the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"Damn it, I've lived for more than a thousand years, and this is the first time I've seen an immortal!"

These voices of discussion reached Su Xing’s ears.

Su Xing just smiled slightly, neither admitting nor rejecting.

And this made the Earth Immortal commander uneasy.

According to the rules of the world of immortality, he, an earthly immortal, could not talk directly to the heavenly immortal monks, otherwise he would appear disrespectful.

Because Su Xing now wants to join Tianmo City. If Su Xing is a heavenly immortal, and Tianmo City only sends an earthly immortal to talk to him, that would be a kind of contempt!

So the silver-armored commander took off his helmet, bowed to Su Xing, and said:

"Senior, please wait a moment. There happens to be a general in the city. I'll ask him to come and talk..."

With that said, the silver-armored commander hurriedly left, leaving only the messy crowd present.

Su Xing didn't speak, just stood there and waited silently.

About half a quarter of an hour later, an immortal general arrived here.

I saw that he had a majestic aura on his body, which made the subordinates behind him dare not breathe.

After seeing Xing Xing, he looked at it first, and then his expression began to change.

After a moment, the general asked tentatively:

"Senior...are you a true immortal?"

This time, Su Xing did not show off, but nodded and said:

"Yes, I have reached the true fairyland thousands of years ago..."

"Now after a retreat, I didn't expect that the Little Qingyun Realm is already in danger. Therefore, I want to come to Tianmo City and live in Tianmo City to lend a helping hand!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the general was overjoyed and said quickly:

"With the joining of our seniors, our Heavenly Demon City will definitely be able to fight against the aliens and gain the upper hand!"

Su Xing laughed and said nothing.

The general, after struggling for a moment, said:

"Senior, could you please come with me to the City Lord's Mansion? It's not because I'm rude... but because of my senior's cultivation..."

Su Xing naturally knew what this immortal meant.

In the Heavenly Demon City, apart from the hidden clone of the Heavenly Demon General, the highest one is only a true immortal.

The Demon General will not care about the secular world and will only intercept foreign races and powerful enemies that are detrimental to the Demon City.

This means that there is only one True Immortal City Lord.

The city lord was busy with many things and might still be in seclusion, so it was hard for them to invite him over directly.

Therefore, if you want to wake up, go to the city lord's mansion first.

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and agreed: "In that case, lead the way!"

After hearing Su Xing's agreement, the immortal was overjoyed and took Su Xing to the city lord's mansion.

After taking Su Xing away, the monks who were lining up and eating melon on the campus were all excited!

"True fairyland monk!"

"Tianmo City has added a true fairyland monk!"

"Hahaha... Such great news, I want to tell my relatives and friends and hold a banquet!"

At this moment, hundreds of monks on the campus spread the news throughout the entire Tianmo City that there was another true immortal.

And this is exactly the goal of waking up!

What Su Xing did was to recruit the Tianyuan Army, so naturally he had to make a name for himself first!

And Youyouzhongkou is the best means of communication!

Because of this, Su Xing has made a high profile in order to better recruit talents in the future.

And now, the plan to wake up has begun to be implemented...


Soon, Su Xing arrived at the mansion of the Lord of the Demon City and met the True Immortal City Lord of the Demon City.

This True Immortal City Lord has a strong build and both Qi and Qi.

Only Heavenly Immortals can cultivate Qi, but they have already reached the late stage of True Immortal Realm in Body Refining.

After the city lord carefully looked at the awakening, he asked tentatively:

"Brother, what is your cultivation level specifically?"

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"Thousands of years ago, I was already at the peak of True Immortal refinement... Now, maybe I'm not far away from reaching the next level, right?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the city lord suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, and a few words popped out of his mouth:

"Okay, okay, okay! Okay!"

"Hahahaha, God bless the Little Qingyun Realm! With my brother joining us, we will definitely be able to keep the foreign races out of the Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

This True Immortal City Lord is truly happy.

One can only imagine the role that a true immortal at the pinnacle can play on the battlefield!

Even, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is comparable to more than ten powerful immortals...

After being happy for a while, the city lord thought about it and said:

"Brother Jiang... I'm not rude, but according to the procedure, you will have another test next..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this.

He naturally knew what the assessment the city lord was talking about was.

It's nothing more than testing whether the awakening is an evil cultivator...

And this test is not complicated.

The city lord took out a white stone and handed it to Su Xing.

Su Xing placed his hand on it, and after a moment, a trace of blood appeared on the stone.

After seeing these rays of blood, the city lord breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

This stone can detect the karma and killings on the monks...

If it were just a fight between ordinary monks, as long as the number of people was not too large, there would only be a few streaks of blood.

However, if black appears, it is karma!

What is karma?

Killing innocent people indiscriminately creates karma!

Generally speaking, if a monk kills ordinary people wantonly for his own selfish desires, karma will be born!

If you have too much karma, you will be judged as an evil cultivator!

As for where the evil cultivator goes, there is no need to say more.

Either be accepted by the Advent Cult, or lurk among the casual cultivators and live on the run.

Tianmo City recruits generals and soldiers regardless of their background.

As long as they have sufficient cultivation and are not traitors of the human race, they can join the Demon City and fight against the alien races!

After verifying that Su Xing was not an evil cultivator, the True Immortal City Lord became even more enthusiastic and said to Su Xing:

"Brother Jiang, my position as deputy city lord of Demonic City is still vacant. Why don't you temporarily aggrieve yourself and take up this position?"

The deputy city lord of Tianmo City is a top powerful figure in Tianmo City and even the entire Xiao Qingyun world.

But after hearing this, Su Xing just smiled and said nothing.

It was this smile that made the Lord of Demon City feel a little panicked.

After struggling for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Brother Jiang, with your strength, you can definitely become the Lord of the Demon City!"

"In the Demonic City, strength is the most important thing! My cultivation level is higher than mine... I should be the deputy city leader!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then shook his head and said:

"You misunderstood what I meant……"

"Coming to Tianmo City, you are not greedy for the position of city lord!"

"My idea is that I hope to have the right to act alone, recruit monks independently, form an army of my own, and help Tianmo City fight against the aliens!"

"Of course, I have my own conditions, because I have been in seclusion for too long, and I still have some mundane matters to deal with in the Little Qingyun Realm... Therefore, I cannot stay in the Demon City all the time. I have to talk about this in advance."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Demon City Lord thought about it for a while and was about to answer.

Su Xing said:

"Of course, I have my own army. Although I belong to the Demon City, I am not under the direct command of the Demon City. It is indeed a bit presumptuous..."

"Therefore, I promise the city lord that every ten years, the army led by me will kill one million aliens below the emperor level, ten thousand aliens at the saint level... and no less than a thousand aliens above the god level!"

"This is my condition!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, what was Tianmo City still hesitating about?

The alien race below the emperor level killed millions of giants!

This number alone can almost catch up with the number of enemies killed in the entire Tianmo City!

As for the thousand god-level aliens... Are there thousands of god-level aliens on the entire front line of Tianmo City?

The city lord was a little suspicious.

But the conditions proposed by Su Xing were too generous, so the city lord did not hesitate and said directly:

"What Brother Jiang said is true!"

"In this case, this city lord agrees!"

Not long after, Su Xing and the Lord of Heavenly Demon City signed a contract, and Su Xing also had the authority to independently recruit monks in Heavenly Demon City.


The next day, True Immortal Jiang Hao came to Tianmo City, established the "Tianyuan Army", and the news of recruiting soldiers spread throughout Tianmo City.

Many casual cultivators who believe that their cultivation is good are eager to give it a try.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiang Hao is going to become the new rich man in Tianmo City!

What an honor it is to be among the first batch to join the True Immortal’s staff?

Therefore, in Tianmo City, thousands of monks who are above the gods are ready to make a move.

As the protagonist of attention, Su Xing did not rush to recruit monks. Instead, he left Tianmo City alone and stopped in a mountain 500,000 miles outside Tianmo City.

"After all, there is a Heavenly Demon General in Heavenly Demon City!"

"If you directly break through to the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art there, you will inevitably be noticed..."

"So, it's safer to simulate it here!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"Besides, the most important thing is whether the next step of the plan can be successfully completed. It's time to give it a try!"

On March 2026, 3, in the new era, Su Xing started a new round of simulation.

"Start simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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