Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 354 Hong Yue is not dead yet, breaking the limit of the 5th floor!

Chapter 354 Hong Yue is not dead yet, breaking the fifth level of the limit!

"Start simulation!"

[The 131th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 178 points... The remaining number of simulations is 5401. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Hundred Flowers Divine Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Hundred Flowers Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the hundred great divine bodies, exclusive to women. You can plant flowers and absorb the spirituality from them to enhance your own qualifications and talents, and increase your practice speed.

"Uh...this talent!"

Su Xing was a little helpless. Although he was one of the top 100 divine bodies, Su Xing didn't expect that this would be a female-only talent.

[You gave your new talent Hundred Flowers Divine Body to Jin Congxue. In just five years, she has already achieved the cultivation of becoming a god...]

[In the sixth year, you regained Jiang Hao's vest and went to Tianmo City to see how the Tianyuan Army was established at this time. 】

[According to the plan, inform Tianji Pavilion of the Red Moon information. 】

It can be said that as long as the Great Witch's body training reaches the fifth level, Su Xing will have the qualifications to cross the endless sea!

"The goal this time is to officially enter the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique. At the same time, the spiritual realm and Dao perception also need to be further improved!"

[At this moment, your reputation is only limited to the Demon City. 】

[In this stronghold, there is a powerful alien who is stationed in the stronghold, and there are dozens of alien gods under his command, as well as thousands of aliens with good strength. 】

"Once I enter the fifth level, my physical strength will probably increase more than ten times! By then, I will truly have the crushing advantage among the Mysterious Immortals!"

"Then let's officially begin!"

"If the Great Witch's Body Training Technique successfully reaches the fifth level, we should be able to explore the fifth level... and even try to cross the endless sea!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart.

[Another three days have passed, and you are ready to start the Tianyuan Army's first operation. 】

[Your original intention was to lead the Tianyuan Army to annihilate them together, but the Tianyuan Army had just been established and its strength was far from sufficient. 】

"And after entering the fifth level, the aura formed around me can also make me ignore the cannibalism of my body in the void... Even if my magic power is disordered, my body can still survive in the void!"

[Such a terrifying cultivation speed makes you suspect that Jin Congxue may also contain some kind of divine body...]

[As expected, you easily wiped out this stronghold and credited the Tianyuan Army with this achievement. 】

The vitality is like the oldest tree of life, standing still!

"This also means that the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art is an all-round enhancement!"

"The fourth level is complete. After breaking through to the fifth level, one's own energy, blood and body need to reach the current limit..."

[You took out part of the spiritual fluid to reward your subordinates and win people's hearts. 】

[Your target is a foreign stronghold thirty thousand miles southwest of Tianmo City. 】

[Among them are even dozens of Tribulation and Mahayana monks, as well as two immortals! 】

[Sure enough, the news of the destruction of the alien stronghold here quickly spread throughout the Demon City. 】

[The reputation of the Tianyuan Army became more prominent, and more casual cultivators wanted to join...]

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with expectation.

[So, you placed the Tianyuan Army thousands of miles away from this stronghold, and then annihilated this stronghold alone. 】

The fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique is comparable to that of a mysterious immortal. It can possess extreme speed and strength, fully blooming its own energy, blood and vitality, thus forming a certain aura!

At this level, it is possible to physically cross the void without being affected.

[You returned to Tianmo City, and used your charisma and fame to establish the Tianyuan Army, and began to recruit subordinates and soldiers...]

It can increase qualifications and practice speed... but awakening is completely unusable.

[But you couldn’t see any clues for a moment, so you simply didn’t think much about it. 】

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"It's just...the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique..."

[Because you have continuously provided spiritual fluids and elixirs over the past few years, many monks have flocked to them. 】

[But before that, you have to go to Blue Star first. 】

[Even so, you have recruited hundreds of monks above the integration stage in Tianmo City in just half a month! 】

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[On the Three Immortals Peak, you successfully obtained the Enlightenment Tea. 】

[And because you killed thousands of aliens, you harvested a lot of flesh and blood essence, and you were able to refine the Rebirth Pill. 】

Su Xing shook his head slightly and didn't hesitate.

[And it took about five years to move the Blue Star human race to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

"Well...it seems that this talent can only be given to others with gift roses in the future..."

[After leading the two Taiyi Golden Immortals to the Endless Abyss, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm and contacted the Qingyun Sect. 】

Su Xing recalled the description of the great witch's body training technique in his mind.

[In just five years, dozens of immortals have joined the Tianyuan Army, hundreds of tribulation-transcending monks... and more than 3,000 Mahayana and combined monks! 】

[Such a number can be regarded as the top combat power in the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The Tianyuan Army has been established. It seems there is no problem...but the speed is still too slow!"

"Five years, I can't wait that long..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. In the simulation, five years was just a snap of the fingers.

But in reality, the cultivation strength that awakens after five years is no longer known to what extent it will grow!

Therefore, the Tianyuan Army's help for the awakening will be limited...

Therefore, Su Xing must find more talents as soon as possible.

The first thing Su Xing thought of was the star world!

As long as Su Xing gives Xiao Zhoutian the Star Observation Technique, a large number of elite monks in the star world will probably be willing to work for Su Xing! Join the Tianyuan Army!

"It seems that I will be going to the Star Realm soon!"

Su Xing thought so.

"But right now, the most important thing is the Great Witch's body training technique, to successfully enter the fifth level!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[Next, you went to the Yellow Sand Realm and the Star Realm. 】

[Relying on Xiao Zhoutian's star-gazing method, you successfully gained the support of the monks in the star world, and used the spiritual liquid for profit to recruit many monks. 】

[This Tianyuan Army, in addition to protecting Tianmo City, has also become a potential force to protect the Daxia human race, preventing accidents from happening when you are away. 】

[After making all preparations, you went to the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[In the tenth year, you arrived at the third heaven and spent two and a half years searching for all the treasures in all the secret realms. 】

[In the thirteenth year, you successfully arrived at the fourth heaven. You began to practice while searching for the treasures of the fourth heaven. 】

[You have mastered hundreds of secret realms that outside monks have rarely encountered in thousands of years. You know the location of every treasure and can easily obtain it. 】

[In this way, sixty-four years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the seventy-seventh year, after more than a month of hard training, your strength has further increased. 】

[The Great Witch's body training technique is still at the fourth level of perfection, but your energy, blood, and body have been growing subtly. 】

[You are very familiar with this process! 】

[This is the process of breaking the limit! 】

[According to the guidance of the great witch's body-forging technique, there are no auxiliary things for the fifth level of practice. As long as they are all items that can enhance qi and blood, you can take them! 】

[Once you pass the fourth level and reach the fifth level, it will be a qualitative change in the power of the physical body! 】

[So, you also prepared many things to enhance your body, including patchouli, alien flesh and blood essence... and even the heavenly materials and earthly treasures found in the secret realm, you took them! 】

[If you have ordinary body training skills, it is definitely impossible to digest so much energy at once, and there is even a risk of death! 】

[But you have the talent of swallowing the sky and have the blood of the witch clan, so your ability to swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasures and absorb energy is far beyond that of ordinary monks...]

[Therefore, with the help of patchouli, flesh and blood essence, etc., the limits of your physical body are constantly broken. 】

[At the same time, the scope of your spiritual domain has also increased to more than 700 feet this year, and your mastery of the spiritual domain has also been further enhanced. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

“So, it’s time for immersive simulation!”

"Using immersive simulation, sixty-three years in duration..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 22995 energy points, and have 176 remaining energy points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

After appearing in the secret realm, Su Xing observed his surroundings and began to steep the Enlightenment Tea.

"In this simulation, we will continue to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny!"

Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea, and then began to meditate on Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method.


In the blink of an eye, fifty-four years have passed.

This year, the effects of the nine awakened enlightenment tea leaves were completely exhausted.

When Su Xing came back from the meditation, he realized the progress of the path of cause and effect and destiny in his body.

"Fifty-four years of immersive simulation, under the influence of enlightenment tea... is comparable to more than three thousand years of enlightenment!"

"But it's a pity that we are still far away from the fourth realm of the path of cause and effect and destiny!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and he could feel that he had a better grasp of the law of cause and effect.

If it was the first time to enter the third realm before, then Su Xing can be considered as having explored a lot in the third realm now.

But the difficulty of Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method to comprehend two top avenues at once is still too high!

"Xiao Zhoutian has mastered the star-gazing method... he should be able to successfully enter the fourth realm of the path of cause and effect!"

"It's just that, at my current speed, I'm afraid it will take more than thirty thousand years of enlightenment to successfully enter the fourth realm, right?"

"Even with the help of enlightenment tea and talent blessing, it will probably take more than five hundred years..."

Su Xing did some calculations.

Each simulated enlightenment tea, nine pieces, lasts for fifty-four years, equivalent to 3,240 years of enlightenment...

Inevitable enlightenment, with double blessing, nine days is equivalent to 1,800 years of enlightenment!

Each Wen Dao Pill is equivalent to one hundred years of cultivation and enlightenment. If the best Wen Dao Pill is refined, it should be equivalent to two hundred years of enlightenment...

There are nine Wen Dao Pills in total! Calculating this, the limit of insights that Su Xing can gain from each immersive simulation is six thousand eight hundred and forty years!

According to the path of cause and effect and destiny, it will take at least four simulations to successfully enter the fourth realm!

"What's even worse is that I still can't refine the ultimate enlightenment pill, so even if I fully understand the path of cause and effect and destiny, it will take more than five simulations!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"Benefits and efforts are often directly proportional..."

"But in addition to comprehending the Star Observation Technique of Xiao Zhoutian, other avenues and even the spiritual realm cannot be ignored!"

After Su Xing hesitated for a while, he decided to only use the benefits of Enlightenment Tea to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny for the time being.

As for the inevitable epiphany and the effects of hearing the Tao Pill, they are used in other aspects...

"Well, since that's the case, then let's learn the secret of speed first!"

"The path of speed is not considered the top path. It is slightly less difficult to comprehend. It should not take more than ten thousand years to enter the fourth realm, right?"

Thinking this way, awakening sets in motion the epiphany of inevitability.

Begin to understand the way to get started quickly...

In the blink of an eye, nine days passed, and the effect of the inevitable epiphany gradually dissipated.

Su Xing got out of the state of enlightenment, experienced the progress of the Avenue of Speed, nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, the way of speed has improved a lot than before..."

"Then the mission of this immersive simulation has been successfully completed!"

After waking up, he does not intend to stay in the Nine Heavens Realm.

He still had nine pieces of Enlightenment Tea left that had not been refined.

It took two months for Su Xing to successfully refine nine Wen Dao Pills.

With tens or hundreds of experiences in alchemy, in this simulation, Su Xing finally refined the first top-grade Wen Dao Pill!

One month of enlightenment of the best Wen Dao Pill is worth two hundred years of hard work!

The effect is twice that of ordinary Wen Dao Dan.

This means that the skill of awakening and refining the Wen Dao Pill has completely reached the level of Dacheng!

"Tsk, tsk, Dacheng-level refining skills... the probability of refining the best Wen Dao Dan is getting higher and higher in the future!"

"Until I was able to refine the perfect Wen Dao Pill in the end, I have reached the level of perfection in this pill!"

Su Xing thought so.

"At this time, it should be more than 130 years of simulation... It's time to leave the Nine Heavens Realm and go to the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing thought so, he wanted to see what the situation would be like in the Little Qingyun Realm without the Red Moon?

So, it took Su Xing a year and a half to return to the Little Qingyun Realm from the fourth level of the Nine Heavens Realm.

After arriving at Xiaoqingyun Realm, Su Xingjian took a look at the current situation of the Daxia human race.

More than a hundred years have passed, and ordinary people in Daxia have already iterated several times.

What surprises Su Xing is that the probability of a Qi Refiner being born in Daxia Kingdom is now extremely high, even higher than that of Little Qingyun World!

Almost every ten people will have a Qi Refiner!

Su Xing even saw a monk who was close to the peak of god transformation... This was the strongest person born from ordinary people in Daxia Kingdom in more than a hundred years!

What surprised Su Xing was that Jin Congxue, whom he hadn't seen for more than a hundred years, had actually reached the peak of the integration stage.

As for Su Xing’s parents, relatives and friends, they had already been given spiritual roots by Su Xing and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals...

Su Xing watched all this secretly without showing up. Knowing that they were living a good life now, he was satisfied.

Later, Su Xing went to the front line of Tianmo City to inquire about the current situation on the battlefield.

The news that "Jiang Hao" had returned to Tianmo City quickly caused a sensation!

In just a hundred years, the number of Tianyuan Army under Su Xing has increased more than ten times!

One hundred thousand soldiers, all in one body and above the Mahayana stage...

There are also hundreds of powerful men in the immortal realm who serve as captains of thousands and captains of ten thousand.

The only thing that disappointed Su Xing was that besides him, there were only three heavenly immortals and nine earthly immortals in the Tianyuan Army.

Most of these powerful men were invited by Su Xing from the Star Realm...

However, it is precisely because of the existence of the Tianyuan Army that the foreign races can no longer compete with the human monks on the frontline battlefield.

The Xiao Qingyun world has been very stable for hundreds of years.


The immersive simulation ended, and he woke up and returned to reality, nodded slightly and said:

"Hongyue, are you really dead?"

"It's been more than a hundred years... and it hasn't appeared yet."

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief. There were no more red-eyed aliens in the Xiao Qingyun world.

Coupled with the changes that Su Xing has made to this world, the appearance of the Tianyuan Army is indeed enough to protect the safety of this world.

"But the price paid is that Blue Star is nearly destroyed..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Even though he worked very hard to save the lives of the Blue Star humans, except for Daxia, more than 80% of the humans from other countries died in that disaster.

"Forget it, this simulation can't control that much!"

"Break through to the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique as soon as possible, and don't slack off in the spiritual realm!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After some thought, you decided to stay in Blue Star. 】

[The flesh and blood essence of alien gods is an excellent body-refining substance, and the quantity is sufficient. You decide to use this to help yourself successfully break into the fifth level of the Great Witch's body-building art! 】

[So, next, you practice the Great Witch Body Training Art every day to strengthen your physical body, break the limits, and at the same time work harder to understand the spiritual realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, sixty years have passed. 】

[The second hundredth year, this year, the coverage of your spiritual domain has reached thousands of feet! 】

[The Thousand-Zhang Spiritual Domain is already quite large, which means that you can effectively attack most targets when facing the enemy. 】

[At the same time, in the past few years, if you take a patch of Bibifa every two years, your physical body's energy and blood will become more abundant. 】

[Although it has not reached the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art, the physical body is more than twice as powerful as before...]

[But the quantity of patchouli is limited after all. Fortunately, you have Luo Tianjing. You urge the disciples of Luotianjing to help you cultivate more patchouli, so that you can ensure that you can take one every two years. 】

[The rest of the time, you take the easier-to-obtain flesh and blood essence to temper your body. 】

[In this way, another hundred years have passed...]

[In the third hundred years, the scope of your spiritual domain has increased to more than 1,500 feet. 】

[Compared to a hundred years ago, your physical body is more than twice as powerful! 】

[Over the past hundred years, because of your return, the Tianyuan Army has become stronger and stronger. 】

[You led the Tianyuan Army and almost drove the aliens out of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[The number of aliens you can encounter on the battlefield is getting smaller and smaller. Often, after traveling thousands of miles, you will only encounter a few alien gods. 】

[This makes you a little confused...]

[You are guessing that maybe the foreign race has planned to move the battlefield and temporarily give up attacking Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"There are definitely more alien gods than Hong Yue... In fact, the number of powerful aliens should be more than that of Three Thousand Worlds!"

"Even if Hong Yue dies... the alien race can't give up invading the Three Thousand Worlds! It's just... the length of time it takes to complete the invasion!"

According to Su Xing's judgment, the alien race is stronger than Three Thousand Worlds.

This means that the invasion of Three Thousand Worlds is inevitable.

And Hong Yue is a major force in the alien invasion of the Qingyun Realm. Without him... so the Little Qingyun Realm is safe.

But this does not mean that the aliens will give up the invasion!

"But... if you want to know accurate information, there is only one place!"

"Tianji Pavilion!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and decided to go to Tianji Pavilion to inquire.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After some thought, you decided to go to Tianji Pavilion and ask about the situation of the alien race. 】

[At this moment, because Xiao Qingyun Realm is relatively stable, Tianji Pavilion is still open. 】

[You spent some resources and successfully purchased a piece of key information from Tianji Pavilion! 】

[The foreign race, because of the strength of the Tianyuan Army, has temporarily given up invading Xiao Qingyun World, but it has accelerated the invasion of other worlds! 】

[And the targets of their invasion are the nearby small worlds such as the Black Water Realm and the Yellow Sand Realm! 】

[Moreover, due to the invasion of alien races, these two small worlds... are about to face annihilation...]

[In addition, the main power of Adventism is also concentrated in these two worlds. 】

[Tianji Pavilion intelligence found that the Advent Sect is performing some kind of mysterious blood sacrifice ritual and is constantly killing people, seemingly for an upcoming blood sacrifice...]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

Killing... blood sacrifice!

"Hiss, I knew that Hong Yue wouldn't be killed so easily!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and felt a headache.

Hongyue, after all, was the one who saved her life even from Daluo Jinxian!

Therefore...it's hard to guarantee that He doesn't have a trump card!

As a foreign god related to killing and death... it is really difficult to be completely killed!

"So, those two Taiyi still haven't completely eliminated Hongyue?"

"But fortunately, the two Taiyi made Hong Yue forced to fake death and escape... finally delaying the resurrection time for hundreds of years!"

Su Xing estimated that Hongyue's main battlefield had moved and was no longer on Blue Star.

Nowadays, I’m afraid not many people know the location of Red Moon’s true body…

It becomes increasingly difficult to kill Hong Yue!

"However, these are not what I need to worry about anymore!"

"This simulation has been going on for three hundred years...it's time to leave the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing knew that it would no longer be safe for him to stay in Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Therefore, we must return to the Nine Heavens Realm and launch the final sprint towards the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique!

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 301st year, you left the Little Qingyun Realm and went to the Nine Heavens Realm! 】

[It only took two years for you to reach the fourth heaven. 】

[In the 303rd year, the new batch of sky-filling flowers you arranged to cultivate have matured... You are ready to launch the final sprint towards the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Competition! 】

(End of this chapter)

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