Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 355: The ancient witch clan appears in surprise, and a fierce battle begins!

Chapter 355: The ancient witch clan appears in surprise, and a fierce battle begins!

The ceiling patching flower is also extremely rare among the treasures of heaven and earth. 】

[Its ability to enhance qi, blood and vitality will surprise you... It is precisely because of its outstanding effect that you will cultivate Bucaihua many times at any cost. 】

[Fortunately, Luo Tianjing and Shennong Youtian did not disappoint you. 】

[After more than a hundred years of cultivation, the second batch of patchwork flowers matured successfully, and you also spent your mana to cultivate and successfully brought out more than a hundred patchwork flowers. 】

[After that, you will take a patch of Tianhua every year, combined with the essence of flesh and blood, and practice the great witchcraft body training technique. 】

[The limits of your physical body are constantly being broken, and you are getting closer and closer to the fifth level of the Great Witch's Bodybuilding Art...]

[In this way, a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye...]

[One day in the 410th year, while you were practicing, you felt that the invisible shackles in your body were instantly broken. 】

[In just a short moment, your body and life have been sublimated...]

[The surface of your originally tough skin seems to have an extra layer of white jade-like substance, increasing your physical defense several times. 】

[Finally, when you pass through an invisible barrier, you feel that you have entered a new world. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

[You successfully reached the fifth heaven! 】

"The mystery of the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique is definitely more than what the simulator describes..."

[The strong wind blew on your body, leaving traces of blood, but in the end it did not cause you any serious injuries. 】

After all, in history, there were not many wizards who could reach such a realm.

"But now, although I still get injured, the situation is much better than before!"

But he knows that compared with ordinary immortals and true immortals... there is a huge difference!

[Congratulations, the Great Witch Body Training Technique has successfully entered the fifth level! 】

No matter which power you go to, you will always be a guest.

Su Xing felt a little excited. If he could go to the fifth heaven, then Su Xing might be able to simulate it for a longer time!

Even in the fifth heaven, there are secret realms, and the treasures in them can be explored by Su Xing...

[In the blink of an eye, a day and a night passed...]

[But after entering the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique, your physical body and even your Yuan Power have further grown. 】

"The battle in the Mysterious Immortal Realm is unbearable for the ordinary world..."

In the real world, Su Xing saw this excitement and every pore of his body was trembling.

"Anyway, we finally entered the fifth level successfully... As long as we can survive this level, we can avoid being found by Qingyunzi in five hundred years!"

[At this moment, your protective sword has been completely shattered, and the spiritual realm surrounding your body that protects you has also disappeared. 】

[You run the protective sword, release the spiritual realm, and rush towards the fifth heaven...]

"The terrifying improvement it brings needs to be experienced in reality!"

[You occasionally swing out a sword energy to cut off the Gangfeng in the void, and occasionally release the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique to disrupt the position of the Gangfeng... Even so, some Gangfeng will still attack your body. 】

"This is the effect brought about by the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, right?"

[Your strength has increased several times and you can smash the stars with your fists, but it is still not a dream! 】

And the Xuanxian Realm, in the Three Thousand Worlds, can already become the overlord of one party...

Refining the body becomes more and more difficult the further you go, even more difficult than refining Qi.

The fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, which is equivalent to the physical body in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, was finally achieved at this moment!

[You don’t know how big the area where the Void Gang Wind is located here is, but it at least spreads for millions of miles. 】

[But fortunately, the physical growth brought about by the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique allows you to face the void wind and still be able to resist most attacks. 】

[In this way, you endure the pain and rush towards the fifth heaven. 】

Su Xing estimated that after entering the fifth level, his blood, body, vitality and even strength would increase several times or even ten times!

But the growth brought about by each realm is also terrifying...

[After you spent several months adapting to the surge in physical strength, you decided to go to the fifth heaven to explore. 】

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"The most important thing is that you should be able to go to the fifth heaven now!"

[The vitality in your body spurts out continuously, and it seems that no existence can annihilate your physical body...]

"Before entering the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, I wanted to try to pass through the void wind, but in the end I could only hold on for a few hours..."

[Compared to the last time you braved Gangfeng, you feel much more relaxed this time. 】

"He was even seriously injured and dying..."

[You stepped into the terrifying void air and felt the terrifying wind, which seemed to be able to destroy everything in the world. 】

"After successfully entering the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, my strength should be considered to have taken another step forward... Although I am still far from the Golden Immortal, there should be very few people in the Mysterious Immortal Realm who can threaten my existence. Bar?"

Su Xing didn't know how terrifying the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique was.

[In the blink of an eye, another two days have passed...]

Su Xing was a little curious about how long he could simulate after entering the fifth level.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After unremitting efforts, you successfully reached the fifth heaven. 】

[But just after entering the fifth heaven, your expression changed drastically. 】

[Because there is actually Void Gangfeng in the fifth heaven! 】

[Although it is not as dense as before, this mysterious and mysterious wind is still threatening you at all times. 】

[This makes you take a breath of cold air. If you are not strong enough, even if you are lucky enough to reach the fifth heaven, you will not be able to survive. 】

[You have only been exploring the fifth heaven for a month, and you have been threatened by the void wind no less than a hundred times...]

[And the void wind that you have to face all the time makes it impossible for you to concentrate on your cultivation. 】

[Therefore, the only way for you is to find a safer secret realm and enter it to practice temporarily. 】

[With this idea in mind, you start to try to find the secret realm...]

[After spending more than half a year, you finally found the entrance to a secret realm. 】

[But when you are about to step into the secret realm, you feel a tingling sensation between your eyebrows, and your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is a crazy warning! 】

[You have a vague hunch in your heart that if you enter this secret realm, you may die without rebirth! 】

[You immediately understand that in this secret realm, there are at least monsters that are comparable to the Golden Immortal, or they may be strange beasts of the void...]

[So, you gave up entering this secret realm and decided to explore other secret realms. 】

[In this way, another few years have passed...]

[Year 415, in the past few years, you have tried to find more than ten secret realms, but each secret realm contains dangers that can kill you. 】

[If you do not enter the secret realm, most of the threats you face will come from the void wind. If you are careful, you will not be able to concentrate on your cultivation at most, but you will not die. 】

[But if you enter the secret realm to explore, you may be in danger...]

[Therefore, you decide to search for a few more secret places until you find a safe place. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"After entering the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, my overall strength should be around the peak of Xuanxian?"

"But even so...it just barely meets the standards for entering the fifth heaven."

"In the fifth heaven, the weakest dangers among them are probably at the Mysterious Immortal level... Even if the Golden Immortal is not careful, there is still a risk of falling."

"So be careful!"

Su Xing knew that he was too weak now. If he forced his way into those secret realms, he would have a narrow escape.

It is better to find a safe place, practice for a few more years, and then explore again after becoming stronger!

"With the talent of good luck, I hope I can find a safe secret realm!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed. 】

[Year 420, in the past few years, you have successively found more than ten secret places. 】

[Finally, one day you stopped at the entrance of a secret realm. 】

[Your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil still sends warnings, but it is not as strong as before. 】

[Your mind sinks into the sea of ​​stars, and you use the Xiao Zhoutian stargazing method to start divination. 】

[Finally, the divination results showed that the hexagram was slightly unlucky. 】

[Although there is a certain danger, if you survive it, you will have certain rewards. 】

[Although it is a small evil divination, this is already the best divination result you have encountered in ten years. 】

[You don’t want to continue wasting time, staying in the outside world, and still unable to practice with peace of mind, so you might as well give it a try. 】

[So, you moved the way of space and entered this secret realm. 】


[The space of this secret realm is not large, only about a hundred miles in radius. 】

[Your heart stirred, and your spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the entire secret realm. 】

[In the perception of your consciousness, this seems to be an isolated island, with a radius of only a hundred miles. Beyond the isolated island is the invisible turbulence of the void, which is extremely dangerous...]

[But the ecological environment on the isolated island will surprise you. 】

[This isolated island seems to be the kingdom of giants! 】

[On the isolated island, all the flowers, plants and trees appear huge. 】

[Grass more than ten meters high, towering trees hundreds of meters high...even a stone is like a hill...]

[Only through your spiritual perception, no fewer than hundreds of huge bugs were discovered. The bugs that were originally a few centimeters long have become as big as an elephant. 】

[You spent half a day carefully searching this secret place,]

[Finally, look at the volcano in the center of the island! 】

[This is an extinct volcano, but the crater is thousands of feet wide...] [And your consciousness, inside this volcano, sensed a terrifying breath of life, which is even stronger than yours! 】

[You know in your heart that the danger comes from this volcano! 】

[So, you go to the crater and want to explore it. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you saw a terrifying giant thousands of feet tall! 】

[This giant is like a human being, with four limbs and five levels... but its body is like a mountain. 】

[What makes you feel most ominous is that the entwining black aura around this giant makes you feel a little uneasy. 】

[At this moment, this giant is sleeping. 】

[After observing carefully, you have a vague guess in your mind. 】

[This seems to be a witch clan! 】

[Thousands of feet tall, with a human body shape...and this terrifying vitality that is as terrifying as the blazing sun, all indicate his identity! 】

[Although you intend to awaken this witch clan giant, the stinging pain between your eyebrows reminds you that the person who came here is not good. 】

[After some hesitation, you decided not to wake it up for the time being, but to stay in the secret realm to practice. 】

[However, just when you were about to leave...]

[This terrifying Witch Clan giant suddenly opened his eyes, revealing dark pupils and whites, and exuded an aura of violence and murder. 】

[You instantly understand in your heart that this is a demonic giant from the witch clan! 】

[Without any hesitation, this ancient giant stood up and waved his palms that covered the sky towards you. 】

[Seeing this, you quickly used the power of space and teleported dozens of miles away. 】

[At the same time, the terrifying volcano began to erupt. The entire crater was destroyed by the giant's slap, and large amounts of magma poured into the land. 】

[The next moment, the giant jumped up and stepped on the ground. Horrible earthquakes were heard throughout the island, and the ground began to collapse...]

[Your heart tightened when you saw this, but it wasn’t that you were afraid that this witch giant would fight you. 】

[But the battle between you will definitely destroy this secret realm easily. 】

[So, you managed to lure the Witch Clan giant into the void of the fifth heaven. 】

[The irrational Witch Clan giant didn’t think much and chased you out of this secret realm. 】

[After leaving the secret realm of the isolated island, you finally saw the whole picture of this witch giant. 】

[Its body is about three thousand feet tall and weighs an unknown amount. Its expression is ferocious like a demon, with black and red eyes, as if it wants to kill every living thing it sees. 】

[As soon as he waved his hand, a hurricane came from the space, and the terrifying energy rushed towards you. 】

[Seeing this, you quickly activate the body-protecting sword to protect yourself firmly. Then you let out a loud shout, with veins bulging on your body, trying to block the palm. 】

[But the terrifying strange force, like a falling star, directly flew you hundreds of miles away before it could stop. 】

[You looked at your twisted left arm with a solemn look in your eyes. 】

[In the first confrontation, you were completely at a disadvantage without any surprise...]

[The huge difference in body size and the tyranny of the Witch Clan's bloodline make the power you are proud of become insignificant in front of him. 】

[Looking at the charging giant of the Witch Clan, you glared and used your magical power - the Dharma of Heaven and Earth! 】

[I saw that your body began to grow rapidly... one foot, ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet...]

[In the end, you turned into a giant three thousand feet tall, and there seemed to be a golden ancestral witch with open eyes roaring behind you. 】

[Facing the menacing Witch Clan giant, you punched him in the cheek without any courtesy. 】

[With this punch, black and red blood flowed and fell on the fifth heaven, as if it turned into a rain of blood. 】

[With just one punch, you knocked back this witch giant thousands of miles away. 】

[Feeling the numbness in your fists, your eyes are solemn. After several fights, you also know the general strength of this giant. 】

[This is a giant from the Wu tribe in the late stage of Xuanxian. Due to unknown reasons, he lost his mind and did not die in that disaster. Instead, he survived. 】

[It is not from the Star Witch clan, but its power is so great that it is even slightly better than you after using the Dharma of Heaven and Earth...]

[Relying on the tyranny of the Witch Clan's bloodline, this giant has strength comparable to the peak of Xuanxian. 】

[But you didn’t flinch, but fought with him head-on. 】

[The battle between the witch clans is simple and unpretentious...]

[Punches to the flesh, movements of hands and feet are enough to cause landslides and ground cracks...]

[In the blink of an eye, you have fought hundreds of rounds, but this is just no warm-up for you. 】

[You seize the opportunity, the terrifying Five Elements Immortal Power circulates in your body, and blasts straight towards the Witch Clan giant...]

[The terrifying power brought by the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique is even enough to destroy an entire continent... But hitting the Witch Clan giant only caused him to be injured and scream in pain. 】

[The battle is still going on...]

[In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. 】

[This battle lasted for nearly a hundred days. Incarnated as the witch clan's Dharma, you are as energetic as a god. You have been fighting for only a hundred days, but you are still energetic. 】

[But the Witch Clan giant opposite is even more terrifying...]

[You even have the illusion that the past three months of fighting have completely awakened you...]

[Seeing the battle turning into a fever pitch, you waved your hand and pointed directly at the nine heavens, where stars seemed to shine. 】

[A moment later, a whistling sound was heard in your ears, and you retreated thousands of miles away. 】

[The next second, an asteroid with a diameter of a hundred miles was attracted by you from the nine heavens with the power of the stars, and hit the witch giant at an astonishing speed. 】

[The three-thousand-foot-tall Wu Clan giant looks like an ant in front of the huge stars...]

[This move will attract all the stars! 】

[After you enter the fifth level, the stars you can summon become larger and larger. 】

[After summoning this star with a diameter of a hundred miles, you took a breath for a moment. It is obvious that the consumption of the all-encompassing star is not small. 】

[Just when you thought that your blow could severely damage it, a terrifying sound came from thousands of miles away. 】

[The next moment, the star turned into rubble all over the sky, shooting in all directions...]

[This giant of the Witch Clan actually exploded a star with one punch! 】

[Although you had some expectations in your heart, the attack failed, and your face still looked a little ugly. 】

[After recovering a little strength, you fight against the Witch Clan giant again. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another nine months have passed. 】

[The 421st year, this is the first year that you have fought with this witch giant. This battle lasted for a full year. 】

[You have traveled millions of miles, and the offensives along the way are enough to destroy even a small thousand worlds. 】

[But this is the Ninth Heaven Realm, an ancient battlefield... Your battle only caused chaos in the void wind and did not destroy this realm. 】

[This year's high-intensity fighting has exhausted your physical strength. You have swallowed countless kilograms of flesh and blood essence to ensure the movement of heaven and earth. 】

[This year’s battles will let you know that it is even more difficult to kill a late-stage Xuanxian witch clan than it is to kill a peak Xuanxian monk! 】

[Obviously you have dozens of opportunities to seriously injure it, but the terrifying vitality of the Witch Clan allows it to quickly recover from its injuries. 】

[However, more than a year of fighting has also made your understanding of the avenue and the spiritual realm much deeper. 】

[I saw a movement in your heart, and an invisible sword of the void appeared in your hand. This invisible sword that is hundreds of feet long is completely composed of the way of space, and it is enough to cut through the void! 】

[You waved lightly, and the body of the Wu clan was cut off in this space, and the blood was scattered for thousands of miles. 】

[But the next second, the severed limbs of this witch giant began to grow again...]

[This kind of battle has happened dozens of times in a year. 】

[The terrifying vitality given by the fourth level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique also appears in this Witch Clan giant. Its recovery power is even stronger than yours...]

[You know in your heart that if this continues, although you will not be defeated, you will not be able to kill this giant. 】

[So, you begin to comprehend the avenue you have understood with your heart. Within a radius of 1,500 feet, the spiritual realm merges into one, and more than ten kinds of avenues move according to your mind. 】

[You quickly approached the witch giant, and then released the law of cause and effect without any reservation! 】

[You use the method of cause and effect to forcibly reverse the ability of this witch giant to recover from injuries! It will not be able to recover from the injury in a short period of time...]

[But the price you pay is that you lose three thousand years of life! 】

[Then, you use the way of killing to strengthen the way of the sword, and the terrifying sword energy pierces the body of the witch giant...]

[No matter what the witch giant is, he will still punch you as before. 】

[But then he found to his annoyance that the power of his bloodline to restore his injuries... seemed to have disappeared! 】

[And you also seized this opportunity to fight with him! 】

[Every time you seal the self-healing ability of this witch giant for one day, you will lose a hundred years of life...]

[This battle lasted for another six months! 】

[And you also spent only 20,000 years of life, so that the Witch Clan giant could not recover from his injuries, and was eventually consumed to death by you...]

[In the 422nd year, after a year and a half of fighting, you finally killed this witch giant. 】

[The size of his body and the strength of his bloodline still make you feel scared. 】

[After killing this witch giant, you returned to the secret island and prepared to practice here. 】

[After your investigation, I found that the secret island here is actually extremely mysterious. There are many kinds of spiritual plants that you can’t name! 】

[These elixirs and fairy medicines are all passed down from ancient times, and most of them have become extinct in the current world of immortality. 】

[There are thousands of kinds of elixirs and plants on the island with a radius of hundreds of miles, most of which are used for body refining...]

[You are overjoyed and have some guesses about the island. 】

[This island, or a fragment of the world from ancient times, is most likely the habitat of the Witch Clan. 】

[In that battle, the island was not destroyed, so it has been passed down to this day and was lost in the fifth heaven...]

[After killing the witch clan giant who is comparable to the peak of Xuanxian, you can stay on the island here to practice with peace of mind. 】

[And those heavenly materials and earthly treasures are also of great benefit to you in practicing the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique and strengthening your physical body...]

(End of this chapter)

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