Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 356 brings out the reward cultivation, the abnormal talent "Xi plus 1"!

Chapter 356 brings out the reward cultivation, the abnormal talent "Hi plus one"!

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

According to his guess, this secret place should be the gathering place of the witch clan in ancient times.

The environment is suitable for the life of the Wu people, and some of the elixirs and natural materials used by the Wu people are naturally planted there.

"Tsk tsk... Most of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures used by the Witch Clan are needed to enhance Qi and blood..."

"It seems that this secret realm is not in vain!"

According to Su Xing's knowledge, the practice of the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique requires the assistance of many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can increase Qi and blood.

As for these treasures of heaven and earth, it would take a lot of effort for Su Xing to collect them by himself. Even those extinct elixirs cannot be obtained by Su Xing.

The appearance of the secret realm here undoubtedly relieved Su Xing from a lot of worries.

"Yes, the location of this secret realm must be recorded. In the future, the practice of the great witch's body training art will indispensable for these heavenly materials and earthly treasures..."

Su Xing thought so.

[Seeing that Qingyunzi was about to attack you, before you died, you asked the doubt in your heart: Where is the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Technique? 】

That terrifying physical body is much stronger than the awakened one, making it extremely difficult to kill.

[Just when you thought you were completely free from Qingyunzi’s pursuit. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed...]

[As for the Xuanxian monks, a breakthrough in the first realm can easily last for thousands of years. 】

[In the six hundredth year, compared to a hundred years ago, your physical body has improved slightly, but you are still far from achieving the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art. 】

Su Xing thought of the strangeness on the Witch Clan giant. Perhaps it was affected by an unknown influence that made it look like that.

[The path of cultivation becomes more and more difficult as you go forward. You can feel that it is unprecedented for a thousand years of improvement to cross a small bottleneck. 】

[If we go by the previous simulation duration, the accumulation of two simulations may be enough to upgrade the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique to a small success...]

[Four hundred and twenty-fifth year, you stay in that secret realm to practice. In addition to practicing the great witchcraft body training every day, you also understand the spiritual realm. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, after decades of practice, your spiritual domain has expanded to more than 1,800 feet, and the power of your spiritual domain has further increased. 】

[After a hundred years of practice, you are confident that if you fight against the witch giant again, you may not have to pay such a high price...]

[The accumulation of qi and blood and the tempering of the physical body are essentially water grinding efforts. Even with the help of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the speed is still slow. 】

[You are immersed in practice every day. As the days pass by, Qingyunzi does not seem to find you. 】

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[One day, a warning came from your talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil. 】

[The fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique is comparable to that of Xuanxian. 】

"Tsk, tsk, I just don't know where the witch clan comes from?"

"Although it is recorded in ancient books that the Witch Clan is violent and likes to kill...but it's not like they will fight to the death as soon as they meet, right?"

[Even if your talent is astonishing, it will probably take you a thousand years to master the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique to a minor level! 】

[But for you, the speed is still too slow...]

[The Great Zhoutian Star Observation Method was practiced by the Master of the Tianji Pavilion. It can predict three thousand worlds and the time of reincarnation... It is the end of the world's divination. 】

[After explaining, Qingyunzi slapped you to death...]

[This method is used to predict one's own luck and death...but the more famous method is the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Method! 】

Even Su Xing himself paid the price of tens of thousands of years of life and reversed the cause and effect, and finally managed to kill the witch clan in the Mysterious Immortal Realm...

Su Xing thought that this was a bit of a toothache. He had finally seen the power of the ancient witch clan.

"Today, my strength is indeed at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm... But in a fight between Mysterious Immortals, it is already difficult to determine the winner. If it were not for the overwhelming strength, I would not be able to kill each other even if we fight for several years..."

【you are dead! 】

[In the blink of an eye, decades have passed...]

[But fortunately, after a hundred years of practice, your spiritual domain has expanded to two thousand feet, and your power has also been further improved. 】

[Qingyunzi counted with his fingers, with a playful look on his face. He saw that the divination method you learned was Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method! 】

But in this simulation, in addition to exploring this secret realm, Su Xing also benefited a lot from the experience of fighting against the giants of the ancient witch clan.

[The next day, Qingyunzi found you. 】

[But what gives you a little headache is that the progress of the Great Witch's body training has slowed down...]

"However, I finally have a place to stay in the fifth heaven. I hope that in the fifth heaven, I can shield Qingyunzi's pursuit as much as possible and practice for a while longer..."

[Qingyunzi did not hide it. He told you that the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Method has always been mysterious. Only a few people in the three thousand worlds know about it, and he happens to know it! 】

[That's it, after calculating your talent bonus...]

[But fortunately, you are not in a hurry. In addition to practicing the Great Witch Body Training Art, you also pay more attention to the spiritual realm. 】

[This person is clearly the evil corpse of Qingyunzi! 】

[You did not leave this secret island. Instead, you set up restrictions and formations in the secret realm to block the secrets of heaven, hoping to interfere with Qingyunzi's divination. 】

[In the void, a black figure tore open the space and stepped into the secret realm of the island. 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing's eyes widened.

This simulation seems to have yielded extremely valuable information!

"The Great Zhou Tian Star Observation Technique... was practiced by the Master of Tianji Pavilion?"

Su Xing murmured slightly. According to his speculation, both the large and small Zhoutian stargazing methods should have been passed down from the ancient star witch clan.

The same is true for the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Method, but it has been lost long ago...perhaps it was accidentally acquired by the Master of Tianji Pavilion while it was lost?

Wake up thoughtfully.

"The Great Zhoutian Star Observation Technique can predict the fate of three thousand worlds...can it predict reincarnation and time?"

Su Xing only found it a little tricky.

If the Master of Tianji Pavilion can really spy on the timeline, he is definitely the person Su Xing should not mess with.

But then, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"The Way of Time is the leader of all things in the world... Not to mention Daluo Jinxian, he is a saint... It is probably impossible to interfere with the timeline of the future and the past..."

Su Xing prefers that the Tianji Pavilion Master's method can predict what may happen in the future... rather than directly spying on time.

"However, it is only a matter of time before we get in touch with the Master of Tianji Pavilion..."

According to the information Su Xing knows, the Master of Tianji Pavilion has never been interested in world affairs, but if he reaches the top of the three rankings of heaven, earth and people, he may be able to meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion and ask him to answer a question.

Depending on who is on the list, the difficulty of answering the questions will be different.

If it is only the top of the list, the value of the information obtained may be limited.

But if you can get to the top of the Heavenly and Earthly Rankings, you might be able to ask for some valuable information.

Su Xing closed his eyes and thought, and read through the last hundred years of simulated messages word for word several times.

After a moment, he nodded and said:

"Anyway, if we were in the fifth heaven, we might be able to resist Qingyunzi's perception!"

"At the very least, it can simulate six hundred years of time!"

This time, Su Xing broke the simulation record.

But six hundred years... is still too little!

Su Xing estimated that if he wanted to enter the sixth heaven, it would be impossible without reaching the Golden Fairyland.

This means that before the Golden Immortal, it only took six hundred years to wake up to a simulation...

If it is only extended for a hundred years, according to the difficulty of cultivation in the Xuanxian Realm, I am afraid that it will take one and a half years of awakening simulation to reach the Golden Immortal Realm with difficulty, right?

"So... I have to go to the Endless Sea for the next simulation!"

Although Su Xing's magical power has not reached the level of Xuanxian, his physical strength has reached it, even if it is difficult to cross the endless sea and reach the world of heaven.

But it shouldn’t be difficult to save your life...

"Maybe you can give it a try next time you simulate it!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and after summarizing the gains from this simulation, Su Xing looked at the simulation reward list.

[Hundred Flower Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Introduction to the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan’s body training secret method, the fifth level is comparable to the Xuanxian, an invincible aura is formed around the body, the body can tear the void, life is tough and unknowable, among the entire witch clan , those who can cultivate to the fifth level are considered outstanding, and the price is 100 million energy sources.

[Fifth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 60!

[Results of spiritual realm practice]: After selection, the understanding of the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The coverage of the own spiritual realm reaches two thousand feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The understanding of the great road can be used as desired. The price is 12 energy sources.

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel rewards in front of him and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"How much? The entrance to the fifth level...the price is 100 million energy sources?"

I suddenly felt a toothache when I woke up.

He had worked hard to accumulate it for a long time, and he only had more than one million energy sources in his hands.

If the fifth-level cultivation of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique and the results of spiritual realm cultivation were brought out this time, I'm afraid they would be drained!

According to Su Xing's experience, the energy source required for a breakthrough in the Great Witch's body training technique is cheaper than that of Qi refining at the same level.

"According to speculation, these one million energy sources... should be the energy needed to break through to the first level of Xuanxian Realm!" "It's just that in the simulation, after I broke through to the fifth level of entry, I practiced for another hundred years, so it should cost more ?”

Su Xing smacked his lips. No matter what, the first level of Qi refining and the source of millions of energy still exceeded Su Xing's imagination!

After a hard week of waking up, where can I earn one million energy sources?

I'm afraid... when I wake up in the future, it will be difficult to successfully bring out my cultivation in every week's simulation.

Even if you can practice to a breakthrough level, the source of energy will be insufficient...

"Forget it, there must be a way to reach the mountain... Let's break through the realm first!"

Su Xing murmured:

"I choose to bring out the entry-level cultivation of the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[Congratulations on successfully bringing you to the fifth level of entry-level cultivation of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. You spent 100 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 76 points...]

[Congratulations on successfully bringing out the results of your spiritual realm practice... You spent 12 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 64 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and immediately two waves of mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

I saw that Su Xing's whole body's aura had undergone earth-shaking changes, and something strange seemed to appear behind him...

The awakened body couldn't stop trembling. In just a few moments, a huge transformation had already occurred!

When Su Xing realized it carefully, he felt that his strength, energy, blood, and even physical strength had increased more than ten times!

The great witch's body training technique has been completed from the fourth level to the fifth level, which is a qualitative change!

In this state of reluctance, strength seems to be just the most inconspicuous change.

After adjusting for a long time, Su Xing adapted to the increase in physical power, and a look of shock flashed across his face.

"In terms of physical training strength alone, I'm afraid I'm many times stronger than before I broke through!"

"With this kind of terrifying power, one punch can shatter a star... it seems like it's impossible to crush a small world with your bare hands?"

Su Xing waved his hand, and the air became distorted visibly.

He could feel that the energy on his body had undergone some subtle changes after entering the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique.

It seems to be more useful?

Su Xing thought for a moment, then tried to cover his hands with Yuan Power and tear it towards the space.

The next second, the empty space in front of him was really torn open by the awakening, a black and lightless gap.

"The power of the flesh... can tear apart the void, that's how it is..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, this was considered a high-level use of Yuan Power.

When Su Xing entered the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, his physical body reached the standard, and he naturally mastered these techniques.

"Yes, it is not a rumor that the body can crush the void... Now, if I am willing, I can do it!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Although it can be done, Su Xing does not intend to do so.

The physical body of a body-refining monk crushes the void and tears open space, either to rush on the road or to fight against the enemy.

But no matter which one it is, awakening oneself to master the way of space no longer requires tearing apart the void.

The pure way of using space is more labor-saving and safer...

Su Xing raised his head, and seemed to see the roaring shadow of the ancestral witch behind him, and felt an endless aura.

"Fortunately, I deployed the prohibition formation in advance... Otherwise, Xuanxian's breakthrough in body refining would probably cause a sensation in the Xiao Qingyun world!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart.

In addition to the improvement of physical training, awakening also improves the spiritual realm.

The power of the Five Elements Avenue and even other avenues will be greatly improved when used within the domain.

It took some time for Su Xing to adjust to his newfound power.


Soon one day passed and the time came to March 3th.

Su Xing left the mountains and prepared to return to the Demon City.

"There is another important item outside Tianmo City... we need to get it first!"

"That is, the flesh and blood essence of the alien race!"

Su Xing’s plan is to return to Blue Star within the next month.

On Blue Star, Daxia may still have many valuable energy resources.

Su Xing's idea is to use elixirs to exchange for as much energy source as possible.

The most labor-saving way is of course to refine the Rebirth Pill!

From the martial emperor level to the god level professional, as long as Su Xing is willing to spend time refining, they can mass produce it in decades.

Soon, Su Xing transformed into Jiang Hao again and appeared in Tianmo City.

After a trip to the City Lord's Mansion, Su Xing easily found a group of foreign strongholds on the battlefield of Tianmo City.

From ordinary aliens below the god level to alien strongholds with powerful divine power, everyone is aware of Su Xing.

Subsequently, Su Xing spent three days and bloodbathed more than ten strongholds on the frontline battlefield.

A total of thousands of aliens below the god level were killed, seven aliens with weak divine power, two aliens with medium divine power... and even one alien that was comparable to the fairyland!

Su Xing was very decisive in this action and did not disclose it to anyone.

With their absolute strength, they can easily kill these aliens.

The reward for waking up is hundreds of thousands of kilograms of flesh and blood essence of varying quality!

These flesh and blood essences are enough for Blue Star to refine the Rebirth Pill for who knows how long...

After a wave of blood washed out the front line, he woke up and went into seclusion to refine elixirs. He spent a whole week refining thousands of rebirth elixirs.

The quality ranges from Martial Emperor level to good enough for Earth Immortals.

Su Xing left half of the elixir in Tianmo City as a benefit for recruiting the Tianyuan Army, and also took out millions of spiritual fluids as military pay.

After dealing with the matter in Tianmo City, Su Xing did not choose to stay in the city for a long time. Instead, he changed his identity again and returned to Little Qingyun City.

From his partner Bai Xuan, Su Xing once again obtained a batch of valuable energy sources.

After doing all this, the time has arrived on April 2026, 4, in the new era.


In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing, who had been busy for half a month, made himself a pot of tea. After a short rest, he looked at the simulation panel.

"Tsk, tsk, before I knew it, I had accumulated two more simulation opportunities..."

"It's time to try to go to the endless sea... I just don't know if this energy source is enough to bring about cultivation?"

Su Xing glanced at the remaining 123 points of energy source on the panel.

In half a month, Su Xing obtained five to six million energy sources.

Most of them were urged by Su Xing from his partner Bai Xuan.

Another part was obtained by Su Xing selling some flesh and blood essence.

"More than one million energy sources...enough to simulate once!"

"The goal this time is not to improve your cultivation level, but to try to explore the endless sea!"

"If we can successfully cross the endless sea and reach Tianji Pavilion... Qingyunzi's threat can almost be ignored!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 132th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 123 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4505. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent "Xi Plus One"... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

"Hmm? Xijiayi... what kind of talent is this?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment. The name of this talent was really strange, and Su Xing couldn't imagine its specific effect.

Then I looked at the introduction of this talent.

[Xi Plus One]: Golden talent, used before each simulation. You can specify and select a talent under a certain golden quality, and let it complete the promotion and have golden quality effects.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after seeing this new talent, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Damn it! This talent! Is it not what I thought it was?"

Let the quality of all talents under golden talents rise to golden quality...

And before each simulation, you can choose the direction when you wake up!

This means that all the talents extracted before awakening can be promoted to golden quality!

The first thing Su Xing thought of was that he was a late bloomer of talent!

A late-blooming talent, after turning 100, the speed of all cultivation will double!

That's it, it's just a purple quality talent!

If promoted to gold...how terrifying would that be?

Such talents, as well as great wisdom and foolishness, etc...

"My dear, this Xijiayi talent seems a bit abnormal!" Su Xing blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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