Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 357: The blessing of new talents and the terrifying speed of practice!

Chapter 357: The blessing of new talents and the terrifying speed of practice!

After figuring out the function of this new talent, Su Xing couldn't wait to simulate it.

"Start simulation!"

[Ding, please choose the talent blessed by "Xi plus one"...]

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and what he currently thinks of is that the talent with the greatest blessings should be the late-blooming talent, right?

Su Xing recalled the introduction of late blooming talent in his mind:

[Late Bloomer]: Purple talent, it will automatically take effect when your age is greater than 100 years old, and your practice speed will be doubled based on the current basis. (Note: The premise is... you can live to be a hundred years old.)

As long as you meet the prerequisite of being over a hundred years old, you can double your speed no matter what kind of practice you practice.

This is also the reason why after Su Xing entered the Immortal Realm, his cultivation strength was able to grow rapidly.

"I don't know what the effect will be after the late bloomer talent is strengthened?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and said silently:

"I choose to bless my late bloomers with talents..."

[Ding, talent blessing is in progress...]

[After making all preparations, you drive the star, sun and moon shuttle towards the void. 】

[But fortunately, your destiny and karma are not weak. It took half a day to pass through the restriction without any danger, and was not discovered by Hongyue. 】

Unpretentious promotion!

After the late bloomer turned into a golden talent, the blessing of practice speed doubled from the original basis!

This means that the speed of awakening and enjoying cultivation will be twice as fast as before!

Originally, it took a thousand years for awakening to reach a state of cultivation, but now it only takes five hundred years...

After he returns to Blue Star, the arrangements he made before will come in handy!

[The first difficulty you encounter is the restriction placed outside Blue Star by Hong Yue. If the invisible shield breaks in forcefully, it will definitely arouse Hong Yue's vigilance. 】

[In a few months, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce has accumulated a considerable amount of various goods, as well as a large amount of exotic metals. 】

However, the extraction of resources takes time, and the improvement in cultivation level after awakening the Golden Immortal will probably be a terrifying figure.

[I haven’t seen you for several months. Jin Congxue has not changed at all, but his cultivation is close to the golden elixir stage. This terrifying cultivation speed makes you sigh. 】

[Before you left, you specifically informed Wanjin Pavilion and paid a deposit, indicating that you would purchase those types of ores as usual. 】

It’s not just the Tarot Club that can provide energy for awakening...

[According to your estimates, the value of these exotic metals and goods is probably no less than two million energy sources...]

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

[In addition to the transaction between Tianyuan Army and Wanjin Pavilion, you also placed the puppet Xiu Xiaomei in Baidi City. 】

"If these foreign metals are exchanged for energy sources, they should be enough for me to run one or two simulations..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"However, the energy source of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce is only part of it!"

[You begin to make preparations to leave Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[The puppet you place in the dungeon will send the mined ore to the Tarot Chamber of Commerce for refining. 】

Even this practice is not limited to the improvement of cultivation!

From Qi refining, body refining, to enlightenment improvement, everything can be blessed!

"My dear, how terrifying will the training speed of this simulation be?"

Su Xing estimates that the resources on Blue Star may be the limit to supply Su Xing with promotion to Golden Immortal in a short period of time!

This is not to say that the huge Blue Star, the former Luo Tianjie, only had these few resources...

[Although you are preparing to return to Blue Star, the layout of the Little Qingyun Realm cannot be abandoned. 】

"Sigh, but after entering Xuanxian, the first level requires millions of energy sources... I'm afraid the exotic metals on Blue Star are limited, and I don't know how long they can be supplied?"

Millions or even tens of millions may not be a problem!

[And ordered him to supervise the transactions in Baidi City for you and inquire about the situation of Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[With your current cultivation and realm, it only took you three days to successfully return to Blue Star. 】

There is also the puppet organization founded by Su Xing, which trades in the seven countries and twelve regions of Blue Star. The source of energy that can be brought to Su Xing is probably much more than that of the Tarot Club!

"And the Daxia military... I haven't seen you for a few months. Grandpa Lu must have mobilized a lot of exotic metals, right?"

"The Tarot Club is running normally... it really saves me a lot of effort!"

"It seems that Jin Congxue is reliable in what he does!"

[Especially when cooperating with Baidi City Wanjin Pavilion, those ores are your important source of energy. 】

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart.

[In the past few months, although you are not in Blue Star, the transactions of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce are still going on smoothly. 】

[In your plan, although the Tianyuan Army will not be able to help you in a short period of time, after all, your ability is limited in the Three Thousand Worlds alone. Creating a force, whether it is hunting aliens or fighting against dangers, is extremely important. 】

Su Xing couldn't wait to experience it.

When he returns to Blue Star this time, he will definitely have more energy than ever before!

[Late Bloomer (Temporary Bonus)]: Golden talent, which takes effect when your age is greater than one hundred years old, and your cultivation speed will be four times as fast as before.

[After returning to Blue Star, you first went to see Jin Congxue. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

[In addition, there is the establishment of the Tianyuan Army...]

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this. With the existence of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce, Su Xing will be able to have a stable source of energy in the next few years.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

Look at the simulation panel.

By then, even if Su Xing mobilizes many forces, the energy source collected in a year and a half may be enough to improve one or two levels of cultivation.

"But... the Advent Sect's treasure trove is still waiting for me!"

"After the Blue Star Advent Sect is wiped out... I'm afraid the benefits will make me fat, right?"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

After returning to Blue Star, after investigating the situation, he planned to end the Adventist Cult.

"As for the connection between Long Laogou and Xuese San... there shouldn't be any problems within two or three years!"

"And after two or three years, maybe Blood Three will no longer be a threat to me..."

Su Xing thought this way, it was impossible for him to give up the treasure house of Advent Cult, this piece of fat that was about to be obtained.

"After finishing this job, I will go back to Xiao Qingyun Realm to avoid the limelight... and take a trip to the Three Thousand Worlds by the way!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind, even though he was now quite strong.

But according to Su Xing's idea, it's best not to travel to the Three Thousand Worlds without reaching the level of Golden Immortal... What if it overturns?

"Just in time, let's take advantage of this simulation to see if there are any risks in annihilating the Advent Cult..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After meeting Jin Congxue, a few days later, you contacted Lu Yuanwu again. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, Lu Yuanwu prepared a lot of exotic metals for trade. 】

[And you also brought a new elixir, the elixir of rebirth! 】

[After the transaction with Lu Yuanwu, you contacted your puppets in the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions and harvested a large amount of goods...]

[Half a month later, you contacted Luo Shuying and told her that it was time to take action! 】

[After you ensured Luo Shuying's safety, you beheaded Long Laogou and a group of senior members of the Adventist Cult with lightning speed. 】

[Then you went to the Advent Sect’s treasure house and looted it all...]

[The whole process went extremely smoothly. 】

[You know in your heart that it is not difficult to destroy the Blue Star Advent Sect. The real danger is the possible coming of the Blood Three in the future and the back-up force of the Advent Sect headquarters! 】

[According to previous simulations, Blood III should come to Blue Star after two or three years. 】

[So, you stayed in Blue Star for a year to see if there was any danger...]

[In the second year of the simulation, you begin to use the Little Zhoutian stargazing method to predict your own luck. 】

[As expected, you calculated that if you continue to stay in Blue Star, you will die. ] [And if you leave Blue Star, your safety will be greatly increased...]

[As for Blood Three, I couldn’t find the monk who killed Long Laogou, so I had no choice but to give up. 】

[So, you ride the star, sun and moon shuttle, return to the Little Qingyun Realm, and start the migration plan of the human race. 】

[In the third year, you found Tianji Pavilion and informed it about the red moon...]

[To be on the safe side, the two Taiyi Golden Immortals set off together and headed to Blue Star. 】

[In the seventh year, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm and moved the entire Daxia Kingdom to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the tenth year, you contacted Fairy Ziling, climbed to the Three Immortals Peak, and traded with Qingyunzi...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

This simulated period of time in the future is actually because Su Xing wants to see if there are any risks in advance.

Destroy the Adventist Sect and return to the Little Qingyun Realm, this is what Su Xing will do.

But the difference is that in the real world, Su Xing does not plan to ask Taiyi Golden Immortal to destroy Hongyue.

"Hongyue, this matter is of great importance...it also involves Luo Tian's inheritance. If I am strong enough, I can naturally solve it with my own hands to eliminate future troubles forever..."

Su Xing decided to wait. Anyway, according to the real timeline, it would still take ten or twenty years for Hong Yue to be resurrected.

During this period of time, Su Xing is still confident of killing Hong Yue...

Even, Blue Star’s losses must be minimized!

"But at the moment... it seems that killing the Advent Cult poses no threat to me. The worst outcome is just hiding in the Little Qingyun Realm... which is not unacceptable."

Su Xing then looked at the simulation panel.

[After the transaction with Qingyunzi, you took the Enlightenment Tea to the Nine Heavens Realm and began to search for the Tao Yun treasure. 】

[In this way, you spent more than thirty years searching the secret realms of the third and fourth heavens in your memory...]

[Starting from the fortieth year, you will only explore the fourth heaven. 】

[The territory of the fourth heaven is so vast, and it contains countless secret realms. Even if you explore it, you will not be able to explore even one ten thousandth of it. 】

[And your goal this time is to find the treasure of Tao Yun about the path of cause and effect and destiny. 】

[This search took more than thirty years. 】

[In the seventy-seventh year, the number of Tao Yun treasures you have searched for over the years is enough for your own practice. 】

[So, you found a relatively hidden secret place and retreated on the spot. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this.

"Although it is about exploring the endless sea... the opportunity of immersive simulation cannot be wasted."

"After the immersive simulation is over, set off for the endless sea!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 63 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 22995 energy source points, and have 121 remaining energy source points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


When he regained consciousness, he had already appeared in a secret realm in the fourth heaven.

"This simulation is about continuing to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny..."

Su Xing murmured, his heart moved, and more than ten Dao Yun treasures appeared in front of him.

These treasures all contain the Taoist aggregate of cause and effect and destiny.

If it were placed in the outside world, even Xuanxian monks would flock to it. It is a treasure that is truly worth as much as a city.

But for Su Xing, it is not difficult to obtain these Taoist treasures.

He possesses the talent of good luck and is in the Ninth Heaven Realm. There are countless treasures here. Although it is not easy for Su Qing to obtain them, they can be found every few years.

"Then, let's start to understand!"

Su Xing started to cook Enlightenment Tea, and after a moment, a cup of tea appeared in his hand.

Then he skillfully operated the Little Zhou Tian Stargazing Method, and realized that countless stars were circulating in front of him in the universe.


In the blink of an eye, fifty-four years have passed.

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, endless Tao Yun came from behind him.

"Huh... Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method is not far away from the realm of Dacheng!"

"At this rate, at most the next simulation, we will be able to successfully enter the realm of Dacheng..."

"By then, my path of karma and destiny will have successfully entered the fourth realm!"

Su Xing carefully realized the feelings in his heart.

His short period of fifty-four years of practice is probably equivalent to the five or six thousand years of enlightenment of an ordinary monk...

"Tsk tsk, the effect of the late bloomer talent has indeed doubled!"

"Originally, it was estimated that it would take three or four more simulations to enter the fourth realm...but now it seems that it doesn't take that long!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"Now, there are still Wen Dao Dan and Necessity Enlightenment talent left unused..."

"Then it's time to continue to understand the way of speed!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and took out dozens of treasures containing speed.

The Tao of Speed ​​is much simpler than the Tao of Cause and Effect, and Tao Yun treasures containing the Tao of Speed ​​are also common.

Without hesitation, Su Xing immediately initiated the inevitable epiphany. Mysterious Tao Yun flashed around his body, and he began to comprehend the Great Way of Speed.

In the blink of an eye, nine days passed.

The original epiphany is inevitable, and nine days is equivalent to more than 1,800 years of enlightenment.

But now the effect of being a late bloomer is doubled, which is directly equivalent to more than 3,600 years of enlightenment!

At this point, the speed of awakening has successfully entered the fourth realm and is fully understood!


In the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling filled with sighs.

"Xijiayi's talent is really powerful!"

"This is just a blessing for late-blooming talents... I wonder what the effect will be on other talents?"

It's a pity to wake up. This talent can only be used for talents below the golden quality. If it can also be used for talents with golden quality, it would be called abnormal!

"The Way of Speed ​​has entered the fourth realm! My current escape speed has increased several times again!"

"If we go all out and use the golden light that spans the earth, we can travel hundreds of millions of miles in one day..."

"Even the speed of driving the stars, sun and moon shuttle is probably nearly twice as fast!"

Su Xing estimated that at his current speed, he could successfully return to Blue Star from the Little Qingyun Realm in two days at most!

"Yes, this immersive simulation mission has been completed... There are still eight Wen Dao Pills left that have not been used and can be used to understand the spiritual realm!"

"Then now, it's time to head to the endless sea!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 140th year, your understanding of the path of cause and effect and destiny has progressed rapidly, and the Avenue of Speed ​​has successfully entered the fourth realm...]

[After making some preparations, you left the Nine Heavens Realm and drove the star, sun and moon shuttle to the endless sea...]

(End of this chapter)

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