Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 359: Two dangers after another, he wakes up and falls into a coma!

Chapter 359: One after another danger, he wakes up and falls into a coma!

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

In the endless sea, it is undoubtedly very dangerous to fight against the void beasts with similar strength.

The monk's own strength is greatly reduced, but the void beast can fully display it.

Once a fierce battle breaks out, there will be no spiritual energy replenishment in the endless sea, and the monk's mana will only gradually be depleted, and it will be difficult to deal with it.

"So! We must fight quickly and get rid of this void beast as soon as possible!"

Su Xing squinted his eyes and murmured.

His current body-refining cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Great Witch's body-refining art, and his combat power is comparable to that of Xuanxian!

The strength of the body-refining monks does not have much influence in the void.

Taking a closer look at the awakened supernatural powers, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, the Stars of All Things, and the Body-Protect Sword Gang do not require mana to be activated, but they can still be fully utilized.

"This time, we must kill the strange beasts in the void with lightning speed, so as to eliminate hidden dangers..."

[In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed...]

[In this way, more than twenty years have passed, and you have been living in peace...]

[In the end, relying on your tenacious physical strength and your talent for martial arts, you activated the all-encompassing star attraction, causing the stars in the endless sea to fall, and killed this void beast in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. 】

[Looking at the roaring and struggling beasts in the void, for some reason, you have an ominous premonition in your heart. 】

[But fortunately, it seems that your luck talent has played a role. You sailed smoothly all the way and did not encounter too many terrifying void beasts attacking you. 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, his eyes became serious.

"The turbulent flow of void here, if there are no stars, sun and moon shuttle, it would be difficult to pass through, right?"

[After being exposed to the endless sea for a long time, the mana in your body has become slightly mottled, and the rapid consumption of physical strength has made your condition no longer at its peak. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and plan to make a quick decision. 】

Su Xing was a little worried. Once there was another fight in the endless sea, the subsequent voyage would not be smooth, and it might even be impossible to cross the endless sea.

[Only once, you discovered a star-sized void beast from a distance, and its aura was so terrifying that you almost didn’t dare to breathe...]

"Oh, I just hope that the next voyage will go smoothly..."

Su Xing prayed secretly and looked at the simulation panel again.

[With just one blow, this mysterious void beast in the late stage of Xuanxian has been severely injured by you! 】

[There is no doubt that it is a void beast comparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal, and its combat effectiveness in the endless sea far exceeds that of ordinary Taiyi. 】

"We have only traveled less than a third of the way to the Endless Sea. There may be dangers waiting behind us, so we must conserve our strength."

[This battle lasted for a whole month! 】

[Facing this strange beast of the void in the late stage of Xuanxian, you didn’t hold back at all. As soon as you met, you released your supernatural powers, heaven and earth, and transformed into a giant. The power of speed was added to your body, and then you punched out! 】

[At this moment, you are truly deep into the endless sea, and you are always in danger. 】

[After being severely injured by your blow, the void beast still has good combat power and roars towards you. 】

[Following the map of that route, you quickly found a safer area and drove towards the target direction. 】

[After returning to the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, you quickly began to adjust your breath and cultivation. 】

[This battle lasted for a whole month, and under the premise that you had an absolute advantage, if you hadn't attacked in advance and injured this strange void beast, I'm afraid the battle would have been stalemate even longer...]

[So, you quickly took out some elixirs and began to regulate your injuries and restore the mana in your body. 】

[After the strange beast in the void took a punch from you, its dozens of miles long body collapsed. Blood was floating in the void and the wounds were shocking. 】

[However, the vitality of the void beast cannot be underestimated. 】

[Although your cultivation level has not declined, the chaos in your magic power has still caused your strength to drop a level. 】

[With this punch, you didn’t hold back at all. The power of the fifth level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique exploded completely, enough to shatter stars and destroy the world! 】

[After a moment, the stars, sun and moon shuttle appeared from another void node, and you are already in the center of the endless sea...]

[I saw the stars, sun and moon shuttle turning into a stream of light, passing through the void node, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly...]

"There are also the strange beasts in the void here. I'm afraid all of them are terrifying... If you encounter them, you will have no choice but to run away!"

[After experiencing this false alarm, you will be more cautious. Every time you sail for a period of time, you will spend mana to predict the danger. 】

[In the 225th year, among the stars, sun and moon shuttle, you are a little tired of driving the stars, sun and moon shuttle, and you are also regulating the somewhat chaotic mana in your body...]

[But fortunately, you successfully killed it and took away the valuable materials from the corpse of this strange void beast before returning to the Stars, Sun and Moon Shuttle. 】

[At the same time, you control the stars, sun and moon shuttle and rush towards the void node. 】

[Without any hesitation, you quickly took out the map and headed towards the depths of the endless sea...]

"Indeed, it's time to enter the core area of ​​the Endless Sea. This place is much more dangerous than before!"

[Twenty-five years after entering the endless sea, the mana in your body has begun to become somewhat disordered. You must absorb spiritual fluid every day to ensure your cultivation and strength to deal with danger. 】

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[But fortunately, you just glanced at Him from a distance and quickly fled using the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle. The strange beast in the void didn't seem to be interested in you, but gradually moved away. 】

[In the 250th year, you successfully arrived near the second void node. 】

[According to records, after passing through this void node, you will leave the core area of ​​the Endless Sea, and it will be much safer by then. 】

[And this year, your strength has declined drastically. The chaotic mana in your body makes it almost difficult for you to use your magical powers. 】

[At this moment, you finally know why the endless sea is called Jedi...]

[Because, even without the interference of strange beasts of the void and turbulent space flow, in this "spiritually forbidden" place, there is no aura at all, and the monks' cultivation level gradually declines, making it difficult for ordinary monks to survive. 】

[You estimate that even you will not be able to survive for a long time in the depths of the endless sea. It is extremely difficult to persist for decades. 】

[Therefore, for ordinary Xuanxian, the depths of this endless sea can be called a desperate place! 】

[But fortunately, you passed through the second void node without any danger, and once again traveled an infinite distance, you are getting closer and closer to the Tianji Realm. 】

[But you have not relaxed your vigilance at all. Although you have left the most dangerous core area, the subsequent voyage is still extremely dangerous. 】

[Furthermore, your current strength is very weak. If you encounter the void beast above the Xuanxian again, you may be in trouble...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"The endless sea is really dangerous!"

"With my current strength... it's still too early to forcefully break through the endless sea!" "Being able to persist until now without encountering almost any danger is already a sign of the power of Hongyun's talent..."

"I just hope that my luck talent will continue to work in the future, allowing me to reach the Tianji Realm smoothly!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You continue to drive the star, sun and moon shuttle, heading towards the direction of the Tianji Realm. 】

[It seems that your luck played a key role. The next period of time was calm and you sailed smoothly for more than 20 years. 】

[In the 273rd year, the erosion of you by the endless sea has become more and more serious, and your cultivation has begun to decline temporarily. Although you still retain the cultivation of the middle stage of the True Immortal, your mana has begun to float. 】

[The good news is that you are getting closer and closer to the edge of the endless sea...]

[According to the route map, you can successfully reach the edge of Tianji Realm and the Endless Sea in a few years. 】

[So you gritted your teeth and persisted, continuing to drive towards the Tianji Domain. 】

[You are already familiar with the loneliness and darkness in the endless sea. The bright lights wandering around often symbolize danger. 】

[But the farther you are from the edge of the endless sea, the lower the strength of the void beasts, and the safer you are. 】

[You drive the stars, sun and moon shuttle and continue sailing, and in the blink of an eye, several years have passed...]

[In the 280th year, after several years of sailing, you have reached the edge of the endless sea again. 】

[According to your estimate, it will take at most three days to successfully leave the Endless Sea and reach the Tianji Domain. 】

[So, you left the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and prepared to physically cross the void and reach the Tianji Realm. 】

[After all, the Star Sun Moon Shuttle has a very big goal. If it is discovered by the monks in this world, it will definitely be exposed. 】

[Although your cultivation level has been greatly reduced, it is not difficult for you to cross the void in two or three days. 】

[You cast golden light across the earth and fly towards the direction of the Tianji Domain...]

[Originally, you thought you would arrive at Tianji Domain smoothly, but you didn’t expect that at the last moment, an accident happened...]

[What is eyeing you is a strange void beast in the early stage of Xuanxian! 】

[Such strength is naturally not worth mentioning to an ordinary person. Although it cannot be said that it can be destroyed with a snap of a finger, it can be destroyed after all. 】

[But now, after more than a hundred years of sailing in the void, your strength has been greatly reduced. The void beasts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm can already threaten you. 】

[Maybe it’s because you’re about to leave the Endless Sea and you’re a little relaxed, or maybe it’s because this void beast has the ability to hide itself in space, temporarily blocking your perception. 】

[When you notice this strange beast in the void, he has already approached you and released a terrifying space blade from his mouth to attack you. 】

[You were hit by this sudden blow! 】

[Without any precautions, this sharp blade pierced through your elemental armor and protective aura, and stabbed straight towards your head. 】

[If you are hit by a single blow, I am afraid your body will collapse on the spot. 】

[But fortunately, at the critical moment, there was a tingling sensation between your eyebrows, which made you subconsciously dodge, and then you narrowly avoided the attack on the vital part. 】

[But as a price, you lost a left arm...]

[The entire left arm was cut off by the Void Beast's attack. You groaned, holding back the pain and looking at the attacker. 】

[At the same time, you desperately stimulate the blood and vitality in your body, urging the rebirth of your left arm. 】

[But you have been seriously weakened by the endless sea, your strength has declined in all directions, and your broken left arm will not be able to grow back at all for a while. 】

[The strange beast in the void in front of you is not going to let you go, and a fierce battle is about to break out. 】

[But the mana in your body has long been empty and chaotic, and it is almost difficult to use your magical powers. You can only rely on body training to fight against it. 】

[More than a hundred years of sailing have made your physical body exhausted. In addition, with a broken arm, your strength has been greatly reduced. In a short period of time, you were suppressed by this strange beast of the void! 】

[You can only deal with the strange beasts of the void while taking the opportunity to take elixir to repair the injury and stabilize the rioting mana in the body. 】

[This battle lasted for three full months! 】

[At the last moment, your physical body was exhausted, your soul was damaged, and your spirit was depressed... But you still slashed out all the body-protecting swords and completely counterattacked this strange beast in the void. 】

[After killing the strange beast in the void, you swayed and almost lost your balance. Just as you were about to recover from your injuries, you felt a sudden dizziness. 】

[The chaotic mana in the body is completely rioting at this moment, and the tired soul can no longer hold on, and your eyes fall into a period of darkness...]

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this, then his eyes widened and he said:

"Damn it, it couldn't have failed at the last moment, right?"

"This damn void beast... actually appeared at this time!"

Su Xing felt helpless. This simulation could be regarded as the most miserable one he had ever fought...

In previous battles, or if his strength was directly crushed, there is nothing to say about waking up. After all, his level of strength is insufficient.

But this time, his awakening state was really not good, and his strength quickly declined.

In the end, even though he defeated this strange beast in the void, he couldn't avoid falling into a coma...

"Is this the end of this simulation?"

Su Xing sighed.

After falling into a coma in the dangerous endless sea, Su Xing really couldn't think of any way to bring him back to life.

Although the awakened body is tough, it will not be immediately consumed in the void.

But it won't be long before other strange beasts of the void discover it, and Awakening will inevitably become their meal.

"Right now, I can only rely on my luck talent... I wonder if it can bring about another miracle?"

Su Xing felt a little uneasy in his heart. If he failed so far, his plan to sail the endless seas would be postponed. At least for a short time, he would not be able to take any more risks...

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[Your eyes fall into darkness, your consciousness begins to gradually become silent, and your body floats in the void of the endless sea. 】

[In the distance, there are several bright lights slowly approaching, which seem to be wandering void beasts...]


[When you woke up again, you appeared in a simple room. 】

[Your first reaction is that you are lucky to have survived, and then you start to observe the things around you...]

(End of this chapter)

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