Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 360: Awakening from the brink of death, a chance of survival!

Chapter 360: Awakening from the brink of death, a chance of survival!

[From what you can see, this room is very simple, more like a poor rural area. 】

[Although the interior of the house is simple, it is not shabby. It is tidied up and looks like a girl's residence. 】

[You subconsciously want to use your spiritual consciousness to check the surrounding situation, but you feel a sharp pain in your head. You cannot use the method of spiritual consciousness at all! 】

[This made you panic for no reason, and you quickly checked your physical condition. 】

[The mana in your body is disordered, your cultivation is almost completely lost, and you cannot use your magical powers. Now the mana in your body is weak, not even as good as a Qi Refining monk...]

[You struggled to get up, but you felt severe pain all over your body. You lost a lot of energy and blood in your body, and the source of life, energy, and spirit were damaged. 】

[The empty left arm tells you that your recovery power is temporarily disabled...]

[Although the body at the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art is still there, in your current state, it is difficult for you to exert one ten thousandth of your strength. 】

[After struggling for a while, you decided to continue lying on the bed and wait quietly...]

In the real world, Su Xing had a complicated expression when he saw this.

Su Xing subconsciously wanted to struggle to get up and borrow this herb temporarily.

There were no electrical appliances in the house, which made Su Xing certain that he was in an ancient world of cultivating immortals.


If he were an ordinary monk, he would have died countless times.

Su Xing looked around the room and found that the owner of this room was really poor.

This is a wishful thinking picture!

The physical painting in front of me clearly has no charm or spiritual power in it. It is just an ordinary painting.

The room is not big, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like a house with only four walls.

But he only felt severe pain all over his body. After struggling for a long time, he managed to change from a lying position to half leaning on the bed. However, he had no strength at all, and every inch of his skin was feeling severe pain.

"But the bad news is that all my strength has been destroyed, and I don't know how long it will take to recover. What's more, I don't know where I am in the simulation?"

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect to see this picture in the Tianji Realm..."

Su Xing only felt that the vision in front of him changed, and the next second he appeared in a strange room.

However, in the awakening simulation, the strength is completely destroyed, so we must proceed with caution...

"Alas, the losses caused by forcibly crossing the endless sea this time are too great. Let's see if we can recover as soon as possible..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and based on his guess, he should have arrived at his destination, Tianji Domain.

"It seems that it is necessary to explore the Tianji Domain in detail... I know very little about the situation in the Tianji Domain, but this is the center of the entire Three Thousand Worlds, so I have to come!"

First he breathed a sigh of relief, but then he frowned.

Su Xing estimated that ten years should be enough for him to understand the Tianji Realm.

As for why Su Xing was sure that he came to a world of cultivating immortals.

Seeing that he had no way to move, Su Xing pursed his lips and tried to inspire a bit of mana to use the art of controlling objects.

Su Xing frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"And in my current state, I'm afraid it will take decades to fully recover, right?"

At this moment, Su Xing seemed to smell some medicinal herbs.

Su Xing thought for a while and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, ten years in duration..."

His cultivation was completely destroyed, his body was broken, his spirit was damaged...

The painting is very crude and looks like some kind of mass-produced defective painting.

Even so, Su Xing is still in an extremely unfavorable situation. If he is not careful, he may die.

But where exactly he is in the Tianji Domain, Su Xing doesn't know.

Although he has visualized it countless times, he does not know the name of this picture.

The reason is the mural opposite the bed.

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

The state of waking up in the simulation is really bad!

After a fierce battle, he lost his left arm and lost consciousness in the endless sea.

"The Picture of the Supreme Ruyi Tianzun...is this the name of this picture?"

The contents of the painting are all too familiar to Su Xing...

However, due to his strong vitality and good luck, Su Xing managed to survive.

Apart from this painting, there is almost nothing left to show for it.

Alchemy experience tells Su Xing that there are several herbs in this wooden box. Although they are only the lowest level medicines for replenishing qi and blood, they are of great benefit to Su Xing.

Su Xing looked at a line of small words in the lower left corner of the painting and raised his eyebrows.

Taking a closer look, Su Xing saw a small wooden box on the table.

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 3650 energy points, and have 120 remaining energy points...]

"The good news is that he survived successfully and arrived at an inhabited place..."

But after trying for a long time, I couldn't release even a single bit of magic.

"Alas, the condition of this body is worse than imagined...can't even perform the most basic magic?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. His current state could be said to be extremely bad. I am afraid that some god-transforming monks could kill him.

"Alas, although the strength of the physical body is still there, the qi and blood in the body have dried up...The physical body can't help but absorb the only physical strength to recover from the injury..."

"If you can't absorb energy to replenish your qi and blood, I'm afraid this body will run out of oil and die soon!"

"And with how weak my soul is now, once my body is destroyed, I'm afraid I will die directly!"

Su Xing was a little upset. Ever since he entered the path of cultivating immortality, had he ever suffered such a big loss?

"Made, in this state... it's better to just commit suicide and start over!"

Su Xing cursed, it was just a waste of one more simulation!

But when Su Xing thought about it, he finally managed to cross the endless sea and reach the Tianji Domain.

After a near-death experience, if no valuable information is obtained, then Su Xing will be at a huge loss!

Su Xing was thinking about it, and suddenly felt that his eyes began to change, and he couldn't help but look at the height.

"Huh? How come I can fly? Maybe my power has been restored..."

"Wait a minute, that handsome boy on the bed looks so familiar... Damn it, it's me!"

Su Xing's eyes widened. His current state was that his soul was out of body!

This state only appears on dead people!

Although Su Xing is not dead yet, his physical body has been exhausted, almost indistinguishable from death.

If the soul does not return to the physical body as soon as possible... it will be difficult to wake up after being away for a long time...

As a result, the awakened soul tried desperately to swim towards his physical body, but it drifted further and further away involuntarily.

If this continues, it will be really hard to wake up.

Just when Su Xing was extremely anxious, suddenly the door of the room was pushed open.

I saw two figures running in from the door, a man and a woman.

The girl looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old and had a good appearance, but she was wearing shabby gray cloth clothes and carrying a medicine basket half a person's height on her back. She looked dusty.

As for the boy, he was only eight or nine years old. He still had some baby fat on his face and carried a small medicine basket on his back.

"Huh? Could it be that these two people saved me?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. He didn't feel much trace of cultivation from these two people.

Nvwa's cultivation level is slightly higher, and she has the sixth or seventh level of Qi refining.

But that little boy was just a kid who had just entered the first level of Qi Refining.

"With the cultivation of these two people, how can they go deep into the endless sea to save me?"

Su Xing had such thoughts, and he suspected that there was someone else who saved him.

However, the little boy's words gave up the idea of ​​waking up. I saw the little boy putting the medicine basket on the ground with great effort, lying on the bedside with some curiosity, and asked:

"Sister, do you think this person is really the rumored great monk?"

After hearing what the little boy said, the girl rubbed the little boy's head, looked at Su Xing with a hint of hope in her eyes, and affirmed:

"Brother, dad once said that those who can come back alive from the endless sea are powerful people!"

"As long as this man recovers...he will definitely help us!"

After saying that, the girl looked at Su Xing again, silently praying for something in her heart.

After hearing this, the little boy nodded in understanding, and then said:

"Sister, this person has been lying in bed for three full years... He hasn't woken up yet. Is he already dead?"

After hearing what the little boy said, the girl choked, looked at Su Xing on the bed, and said uncertainly:

"It shouldn't be possible, right? Dad said that if a person dies, he will rot!"

"But look at this person. Although he has been lying on the bed without moving, his body has always looked like this. He must not be dead, right?"

The awakened soul floated in the air, silently watching the conversation between the two siblings, but feeling a little shocked in his heart.

"I actually fainted for three whole years?"

"Then now... it should be about the 285th year of the simulation?"

"No! These three years are just the time it took for me to be discovered by them... I don't know how long it was before I was discovered by them!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, he finally knew why his health was so bad.

I am afraid that after that battle, he fell into a coma and drifted in the void of the endless sea for a long time.

And his body and soul, after being destroyed by the endless sea, became what they are now.

"Alas, we must return to the physical body as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to be resurrected!"

Su Xing desperately wanted to enter the physical body. As long as his soul re-entered the physical body, he could speak and ask the two siblings to give him herbs.

Even low-level herbs, as long as they are in sufficient quantity, can help Su Xing recover from his injuries quickly, and at least regain a certain amount of combat effectiveness!

But Su Xing is currently in a divine state, and the two siblings are too low in cultivation and have not yet developed their spiritual consciousness, so they cannot feel Su Xing's existence anyway.

"So...what to do?"

When I woke up and had a headache, I heard the conversation between the two siblings again.

The girl took out a dark red herb, then took out the medicine stone, ground it carefully, and applied it on the awakened wound.

And the eight or nine-year-old boy followed suit and asked while pounding the herbs:

"Sister, we need to go to the store to exchange these herbs for cultivation elixirs..."

"Sister, you will participate in that conference in more than a year. Before that, don't you have to break through to the foundation building stage?"

After hearing the little boy's words, the girl was silent for a second, and then said with a forced smile:

"Brother, don't worry! My sister will definitely be able to break through to the foundation building stage and become a member of the Baiyun Sect!"

"These herbs are used to ensure that this person survives..."

The little boy nodded slightly after hearing this, and then said a little guiltily:

"Sister, it's all my fault... If it weren't for the fact that I took so many pills and still failed, you would have broken through to the foundation building stage..."

The girl did not speak after hearing this, but silently rubbed the little boy's head, and then continued to tinker with the herbs in her hand.

Su Xing, who was watching from the sidelines, was anxious.

"No wonder I've been in a coma for so many years, but my body hasn't collapsed... It's just that the way this girl uses herbal medicine is too violent!"

The corners of Su Xing Shen Hun's mouth twitched.

He could tell that the girl was holding raw bone grass, which was used to recover from injuries.

But the problem is that this herbal medicine can only treat skin injuries and has almost no effect on awakening injuries!

And this herbal medicine is taken internally, not applied externally...

If it weren't for the awakening of the physical body, which can absorb the power of the medicine even when applied externally, I'm afraid the herbal medicine would have been wasted!

At this moment, Su Xing's eyes were fixed on a herb in the little boy's hand.

Soul attracting grass!

"The soul-attracting grass, hahaha...it's actually the soul-attracting grass, God will not kill me!"

Su Xing felt ecstatic in his heart. He didn't know if his talent for good luck had an effect, and he actually encountered the soul-attracting grass!

This herbal medicine is not of high grade, but its effect is to bring the monk's spirit back to his body!

It’s just right for Su Xing’s current situation!

"Quickly, feed the soul-inducing grass into my mouth..."

Su Xing shouted anxiously, but the two siblings couldn't hear him at all.

Seeing the little boy about to put the soul-inducing grass on Su Xing's arm, Su Xing almost went crazy with anxiety.

"Made, just apply raw bone grass externally...also apply soul-inducing grass externally? Who taught these two people their herbal knowledge?!"

I woke up with a headache.

In this situation, we can only rely on waking ourselves up!

Once you miss this soul-inducing grass, you won’t know how long it will take!

"Ahem, now I can only take a risk..."

Su Xing tried his best to separate a ray from the few remaining rays of soul power, and then floated towards Su Xing's body.

This is the art of controlling objects with the soul!

As long as the awakened soul is strong enough, it can control physical objects with the soul!

Although the soul was greatly damaged when he woke up, the level of the soul was still sufficient. He only needed to control the object for a moment, which was not difficult.

I saw the power of the soul floating towards Su Xing's face, and finally landed on Su Xing's mouth.

The originally closed mouth slowly opened.

After doing all this, Su Xing only felt tired and murmured: "I just hope they can find out..."

The little boy who was about to apply medicine to Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw Su Xing's mouth suddenly opened.

First he rubbed his eyes, then looked at his sister and said uncertainly:

"Sister, does it seem like this person's mouth suddenly opened? He was closing it just now!"

After hearing the little boy's words, the girl took a look and was shocked to find that Su Xing's mouth really opened.

"Could it be that this person is really not dead yet? Is he really going to wake up?"

"But... what does he mean by opening his mouth?"

The girl was thinking hard and didn't know why Su Xing's mouth suddenly opened.

The little boy looked at the herbs in his hand and said with some uncertainty:

"Sister, if this person opens his mouth, does he want to eat our herbal medicine?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this, he nodded quickly and shouted silently:

"Yes, yes, that's it! Feed the herbs into my mouth!"

Su Xing suddenly felt at ease.

Unexpectedly, the girl stood up directly, knocked the little boy on the head, and scolded:

"How can you take medicine casually?"

"We don't know the effects of these herbs... What if we eat them and kill someone?"

"As long as it is applied on the body, it will help him recover from his injuries as quickly as possible...but you won't know if it is eaten!"

Saying that, the young girl and the old god said:

"This is herbal knowledge, do you understand?"

"Little brother, when daddy taught me herbal medicine, you were still young, so it's normal for you to know very little... just follow my sister and learn hard from now on!"

"Even if you don't have the qualifications to practice, as long as you know some knowledge about herbal medicine, you can still survive!"

After hearing the girl's words, the little boy thought carefully, and finally raised his thumbs up and praised:

"Sister is so awesome!"

On the other side, the person who woke up from his body was in a state of panic:

"Made, who taught this little girl her knowledge of herbal medicine! I must beat her to death!"

"At this point, there is only one way..."

(End of this chapter)

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