Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 361: Awakening and recruiting disciples, potential crisis!

Chapter 361: Awakening and recruiting disciples, potential crisis!

Su Xing took a deep breath, and then used the last ray of his soul power to use the technique of soul control.

I saw a ray of soul flying towards the soul-inducing grass in the little boy's hand, and a strange white light appeared on the originally crushed soul-inducing grass.

A misty voice also came from the little boy’s ear:

"This soul-inducing herb should be taken by mouth and must not be applied externally..."

The soul was extremely weak when he woke up, and after using this technique, the soul was on the verge of collapse. If he didn't return to the body in time, he might really die.

"Such an obvious reminder, if you don't understand it...then there's really nothing you can do!"

Su Xing thought weakly.

At the same time, the little boy was startled when he saw the strange white light of the soul-attracting grass in his hand.

Hearing the voice next to his ear again, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at his sister and said doubtfully:

Su Xing ordered, and the girl just obeyed without asking why.

After taking a few herbs, the effect on the awakened physical body is still minimal.


The two of them carried the medicine baskets and went to the mountains to collect herbs.

"This man seems to have told me... this herb is called soul-inducing grass, and it needs to be swallowed directly..."

After hearing Su Xing's scolding, the girl's face suddenly turned redder and she muttered:

"No... no one taught me... My father opened a medicine shop before he was alive. I only took a look occasionally. I only knew where to pick the herbs, but I didn't know how to refine them..."

The little boy followed the girl out of the room, but felt a little unhappy in his heart:

"Sister! We spent so much effort to save him...but he had such an attitude when he woke up. Why?"

Seeing that Su Xing's breathing was smooth and his eyes were closed tightly, the girl just thought that Su Xing was asleep, and left the room with the little boy.

Su Xing opened his mouth, and after his throat trembled for a moment, the two herbs quickly fell into his stomach and turned into two streams of warmth.

"Forget it if the properties of the medicine are wrong... Why can't you even distinguish between external use and internal use?"

January passes quickly...

"Sister, did you hear any strange noises?"

After hearing this, the girl quickly took out the medicine basket and the herbs in the wooden box and placed them in front of Su Xing.

Seeing the soul-inducing grass swallowed into his belly, the awakened soul breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt an inexplicable attraction coming from his body.

As he said that, Su Xing closed his eyes and rested his mind, and soon began to breathe evenly.

After taking two herbs, Su Xing felt the slightest trace of energy and blood born in his body. Although it was weak, it was at least a good sign.

Although it is only a low-level medicinal herb, it has some effect.

These two herbs can stabilize the physical body and ensure that the recovery injury does not continue to worsen.

After Su Xing heard the girl's answer, he was speechless, but he still said:

"Then go and bring all the herbs to me..."

"You two, if you don't give me herbal medicine, I will really die..."

With that said, the two fed the soul-inducing grass into Su Xing's mouth.

Su Xing sighed in his heart and said to the girl:

After hearing this, the girl shook her head slightly and just said:

"Brother, powerful monks have weird tempers... As long as we are sincere, we will definitely get an opportunity..."

But taking a few more herbs can at least keep Su Xing's injuries stable.


"The first and third herbs on your left are useful to me... take them and feed them to me."

Su Xing didn't even raise his eyes, he just touched it with his nose and said:

The little boy nodded in understanding.

Although his body's vitality is severely damaged, at least its foundation is still there. If he takes the herbal medicine in the long run, he will eventually be able to recover.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Xing, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes and said in a weak voice:

The two siblings watched nervously as they woke up from their deep sleep.

After hearing this, the girl followed the instructions, took two herbs, and carefully fed them to Su Xing.

Although it is said to be sleeping, waking up is actually recuperating the aura and injuries in one's body. Although the effect of the medicine is weak, waking up must be restored as soon as possible.

"Sister... Do you think this person is dead? I seemed to have heard a ghost talking just now..."

"I'm a little tired now. Let's take a nap first."

"In the next half month, you can give me as many of those herbs as you want..."

The awakened body frantically digested the medicinal power of the two herbs, causing traces of steam to appear on the body.

Based on Su Xing's current situation, it's unclear how long it will take to recover.

After hearing what the little boy said, the girl smiled awkwardly, but at this time she also understood the importance, so she quickly said:

"Then why are you still standing there...Why don't you quickly feed it into his mouth!"

Su Xing then ordered:

"Bring over two more Bone Grass and Blood Flower...the two red grass and flowers on your right."

Su Xing said, glanced at the girl, and said with great confusion:

"Who did you learn this nonsense about herbal medicine from?"

On this day, Su Xing sat on the bed, breathing in the weak spiritual energy in the air, trying to restore his magic power.

But after several attempts, it still failed.

Su Xing opened his eyes and sighed:

"I'm afraid my mana won't be restored in a short time... But now my physical body has at least recovered to some extent, so I don't have to worry about my life being in danger at any time."

Over the past month, the two siblings have collected a lot of herbs for their awakening.

With the help of these herbs, Su Xing's recovery from his injuries accelerated a lot.

At the same time, Su Xing also taught the two siblings some knowledge about distinguishing herbs and medicinal properties.

On this day, Su Xing temporarily stopped after trying to practice spiritual energy again and failed.

"It's a pity that the mana cannot be restored... and the Lingtian Cave can't be taken out either!"

Su Xing was a little helpless. After several years of coma, he had lost all his storage instruments, and even the portable cave could not be opened temporarily.

After Su Xing recovers part of his cultivation, he may be able to use the treasures in Lingtian Cave, and then Su Xing's self-protection ability will be greatly improved.

Su Xing glanced outside the room and said:

"You two, don't stay outside, come in quickly..."

After the words fell, the two siblings outside the window came in cautiously.

After a month of getting along, Su Xing also knew the names of these two people.

The elder sister's name is Bai Xiaoxiao, and the younger brother's name is Bai Yutang.

The parents of these two people were originally monks and opened a medicine shop in Baiyun City.

Their parents were originally inner disciples of the Baiyun Sect, but they were killed by the elders of the sect. The siblings managed to escape, but they also lost all their wealth and could only survive by collecting medicinal herbs.

Bai Xiaoxiao's greatest wish is to enter the foundation-building stage, join the Baiyun Sect and become an outer disciple, and then find a chance to avenge her parents.

This is also what the two siblings want to ask for to be revived.

"Senior, this is today's herb..."

Bai Xiaoxiao handed over a small wooden box and placed it beside the bed. Su Xing reached out and picked out a few items and started taking them.

After absorbing the medicinal properties, Su Xing felt much better, so he continued:

"It's been a lot of hard work for you two over the past month..."

"I ask you, are you willing to become your teacher?"

"I understand your situation...you have to avenge your parents' hatred by yourself, but I can preach for you, and your cultivation speed will not be slowed down."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red and she knelt down.

The two siblings have been working hard for more than a month just for this day.

So the two of them knelt down quickly and said:

"Master, please bow to me as a disciple!"

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Over the past month, he has actually been testing the xinxing of the two of them. Su Xing does not value their cultivation aptitudes. What he values ​​​​is their xinxing!

And the sincere service of these two siblings clearly passed this level.

Although their purpose of saving Su Xing was revenge, saving Su Xing was a fact after all.

In this way, there is nothing wrong with Su Xing accepting two disciples.

"Well, since you have worshiped me as your teacher, then...you must respect me like your parents."

"And I will do my best to teach you the way of cultivation..."

Over the past month, Su Xing has figured out the two people's cultivation qualifications.

Bai Xiaoxiao has the dual spiritual roots of wood and fire, which is suitable for practicing the method of awakening alchemy.

And that younger brother Bai Yutang is even more amazing, he has a single fire spiritual root... There is only one reason why he cannot take pills to practice!

Born with a broken pulse! People who are born with broken pulses cannot take pills to increase their cultivation, but their cultivation speed is extremely fast!

Nowadays, Bai Yutang is only at the first level of Qi cultivation. This is because there is no good cultivation method, so the cultivation speed will naturally not be fast.

So, Su Xing said:

"Next, I will teach you two how to practice."

"Bai Xiaoxiao, I see that you are interested in the method of alchemy... Then I will teach you the method of alchemy."

"While you are studying, you can refine elixirs for me to help me recover from my injuries as soon as possible."

"As for Bai Yutang... I will teach you the art of weapon refining!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"But the most important thing for you right now is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible!"

"Next, I will teach you a fire-based skill as your main skill..."

With that said, Su Xing recited the fire element heaven-level technique he had learned before, Wan Yan Jue!

This technique is suitable for two siblings to practice.

It’s not that Su Xing is reluctant to give up better techniques...

It's just that Su Xing's cultivation is greatly damaged now, and he can't get enlightenment. He can only recite the cultivation formulas and let the two siblings practice on their own.

Su Xing read it while Bai Xiaoxiao wrote down the formula.

But Su Xing recited it a little too fast. She was so anxious that she was sweating profusely and did not write it down.

On the contrary, Bai Yutang was very talented. After listening to it two or three times, he actually memorized everything.

It took Su Xing half a day for the two of them to memorize the exercises, and then he said to Bai Xiaoxiao:

"The exercises have been memorized, and you will be able to practice well from now on..."

"For two hours every morning, I will teach you how to refine elixirs."

With that said, Su Xing dismissed the two of them and continued to recover from their injuries.


In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

This is the fourth month of Su Xing's immersive simulation. Su Xing's physical body has recovered a lot, and he can even get out of bed. However, the chaotic mana in his body makes Su Xing still unable to use his spiritual energy.

On this day, Su Xing was in the woodshed instructing Bai Xiaoxiao to refine the elixir.

After three months of study, Bai Xiaoxiao has officially become an alchemy apprentice, capable of refining first-level elixirs.

Now, under the guidance of Su Xing, Bai Xiaoxiao began to learn a first-level elixir called "Blood Replenishing Pill".

This elixir can help Su Xing recover from injuries in his body as quickly as possible.

Bai Xiaoxiao was refining the elixir and gave instructions after waking up:

"The control of the fire needs to be more stable... What you are using now is ordinary fire, so you need to be more careful when refining the elixir."

"And the steps you take to create the elixir must be as slow as possible, otherwise you will fail in your efforts."

Su Xing gave instructions and took two pills.

These elixirs were all refined by Bai Xiaoxiao.

Naturally, elixirs can recover physical injuries much faster than herbal medicines.

Although Su Xing is currently unable to use his spiritual energy to make alchemy himself, he still has the vision and experience to teach others how to make alchemy. He is undoubtedly a top master.

As time passed by, this batch of elixirs reached the most critical stage of elixir formation.

Bai Xiaoxiao activated her weak spiritual energy and stared at the alchemy furnace intently. There were still a few drops of sweat on her forehead, trying hard to maintain the flame under the alchemy furnace.

Finally, a furnace of red elixir was successfully refined.

There are seven completed elixirs and three are useless elixirs...

Su Xing nodded upon seeing this and said with satisfaction:

"Not bad, it finally looks like something!"

"If you can refine this blood-replenishing pill, you can refine ordinary first-level pills... Even if you become an alchemy apprentice in some pharmacies in the future, you won't starve to death."

Su Xing took seven blood-enhancing pills, looked at them for a moment, and praised them.

Bai Xiaoxiao jumped up excitedly and rushed over to give Su Xing a hug.

"Master, I succeeded! I finally succeeded!"

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were red with excitement, and her efforts and progress in the past few months were clearly visible in her eyes.

Strictly speaking, Bai Xiaoxiao's alchemy talent is not bad, but it is not top-notch either. It is only because of Su Xing's guidance that she has made such progress.

After successfully refining the blood-replenishing elixir, Bai Xiaoxiao can start trying to refine the second-level elixir.

The goal of Su Xing is to let Bai Xiaoxiao refine a third-level Qi-Building Pill.

This elixir can induce spiritual energy, and it may be able to wake up and restore a certain amount of mana.

Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's excited expression, Su Xing poured a basin of cold water on her appropriately.

"I just refined the lowest level blood-replenishing pill, and you're still far behind!"

"The improvement of your cultivation level cannot be left behind...your brother has already reached the fourth level of Qi refining, and you are still dangling at the eighth level of Qi refining. How can this be possible?"

After being scolded by Su Xing, Bai Xiaoxiao's face fell and she looked at Su Xing pitifully.

But Su Xing knew very well that strict masters produce great disciples, so he said:

"If you don't reach the ninth level of Qi Refining within a month, don't learn second-level elixirs!"

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded quickly after hearing this, saying that she would definitely work hard.


In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

On this day, in the dilapidated house, Su Xing looked at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking, and murmured:

“Unknowingly, it’s been a year and a half since Immersive Simulation!”

"This immersion... is really different from before..."

Su Xing smacked his lips. In the past, he had done immersive simulations just for practice.

But this was the first time he had accepted a disciple in a simulation. Although Su Xing knew that all this was an illusion, the immersive feeling made Su Xing believe it was fake.

After a year and a half of hard work, Su Xing's physique has recovered so much that he is able to act like a normal person.

Even the monks under the Immortal Realm are helpless to wake up because of the strength of their physical bodies.

However, the mana in Su Xing's body is still disordered.

After a year and a half of counseling, although he is much better than before, he still cannot mobilize his immortal power.

Su Xing looked back, and his face suddenly darkened. He was just confused, and Bai Xiaoxiao's alchemy almost went wrong again.

"The most important thing when refining the Qi-Building Pill is stability!"

"Your current level of mana cultivation is not enough, so there is no need to rush! There can be no mistakes in every step!"

Su Xing pointed out.

Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at the waste pills in the pill furnace in front of her and stuck out her tongue guiltily.

After one and a half years of training, Bai Xiaoxiao has successfully become a third-level foundation-building monk.

He has mastered most of the second-level elixirs.

And Su Xing is also planning to teach her how to refine third-level elixirs...

"I know, Master! I have made great progress!"

"It's only been just over a year, and I'm already in the foundation-building period!"

"Now the medicine shops in White Jade City are all vying for me to be an alchemist!"

Bai Xiaoxiao was very satisfied, and looked at Su Xing with endless gratitude.

Su Xing shook his head slightly and taught:

"On the journey of cultivation, you will compete with heaven, earth, and people...If you don't advance, you will retreat!"

“Remember not to be complacent!”

After scolding him, Su Xing glanced at the sky and said with some confusion:

"Why hasn't Ayu (Bai Yutang) come back yet?"

"Usually at this time, he should be anxious to come back for dinner..."

After hearing Su Xing's question, Bai Xiaoxiao also felt a little strange, so she said:

"An hour ago, I asked him to go to the medicine shop to sell elixirs in exchange for some spiritual stones for him to practice..."

"We've been doing this a lot this year, so there shouldn't be any surprises, right?"

Su Xing remained silent after hearing this, but a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Although he cannot mobilize the power of the great avenue for divination, the monk's sixth sense is still there.

So Su Xing shook his head and said:

"Don't worry yet, go and have a look near the drug store...remember to pay attention to safety."

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing this and hurried to the medicine shop in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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