Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 362: The Bai family siblings are in crisis, Su Xing takes action!

Chapter 362: The Bai family siblings are in crisis, Su Xing takes action!

In the suburbs of Baiyun City, in a dilapidated house.

Su Xing sat cross-legged under an ancient tree, breathing rhythmically.

At this time, the sky was dotted with stars, and Su Xing was running the Great Witch's Body Strengthening Technique. The power of the stars poured in from the sky and merged into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing closed his eyes and rested his mind, feeling the power of the stars strengthening his body, and the injuries in his body seemed to have recovered some.

"Huh... the power of the stars is really mysterious!"

"Although there are no top elixirs and elixirs to help me recover, with the power of the stars, my body will only gradually return to its peak state."

Su Xing thought for a while.

His current body-refining cultivation level has returned to around the stage of transcending tribulation.

If you use your trump card at any cost, you can bring out the immortal fighting power...

"Now that the mana in the body is disordered and the Qi-refining cultivation has been destroyed, I can almost only rely on this body-refining cultivation!"

"If the direction is correct, the Baiyun Realm should be an inconspicuous small world in the Tianji Domain."

According to legend, an immortal once appeared in Baiyun Sect...

This means that the awakened Lingtian Cave cannot be used, otherwise why would so many things be needed?

As a result, the brother and sister will definitely fall behind in their practice.

This time, something must have happened to the two siblings.

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and took one step to reach dozens of feet away. Although he had no magic power, his speed was already considerable with this body alone.

Su Xing walked slowly towards the medicine shop. As soon as he entered the door, the servant's voice came to his ears:

"Hey, this fellow Taoist...it's getting late, our store is already closed!"

Therefore, Su Xing also allowed Bai Xiaoxiao to occasionally sell some pills to earn spiritual stones and ensure their practice.

He was somewhat thankful that he had both Qi and Qi cultivation and a solid foundation, otherwise his current end would have been even more miserable.

The center of Baiyun City is only a few dozen miles away from this courtyard. At the speed of the foundation-building monks, it has already been several rounds.

Therefore, Su Xing estimates that human immortals or earth immortals are already the top combat power in this world.

Or maybe the elixir shop is motivated by wealth and knows that they have no foundation, so they want to rob the Tao.

Baiyun World is just a small world, not even a small world!

"Unknowingly, it has been two years since I came to this Baiyun Realm..."

But I didn't expect that things would backfire...

"After two full years of training...it's time to go out and relax!"

But for now, we can only let them sell some low-level elixirs to ensure their cultivation.

Since their ancestral property and medicine shop were annexed by the elders of the Baiyun Sect, the two have been making a living by collecting medicine.

When Bai Xiaoxiao left, it was still dark. Now two hours have passed, the sky is dark and the moon is high, but she still has not returned.

"Here, Yuanying and Huashen are already the ancestors of the small sect, and the Mahayana Tribulation can be invincible in the world."

Su Xing glanced at the boy who was speaking, and simply said:

Although I don't earn much, I can occasionally save one or two spiritual stones and buy a few pills to assist my practice.

Bai Xiaoxiao and her brother are not strangers without roots in Baidi City.

"I don't know what elixirs you want to buy or sell. Please come back tomorrow when we open..."

The wealth in Lingtian Cave is probably enough to buy the entire Baiyun Realm!

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"But fortunately, we have some ability to protect ourselves."

The monks in the Baiyun Realm, just like Su Xing before, only know the Baiyun Sect, but they have never known the Three Thousand Worlds, the Tianji Realm and the Tianji Pavilion!

"Ordinary monks in this world may not have much information... but Baiyun Sect, as a sect with immortal inheritance, must know about the Three Thousand Worlds and the Tianji Pavilion!"

The largest sect in this world is the Baiyun Sect.

But since Su Xing woke up, all the herbs picked by the siblings were refined into elixirs to help Su Xing recover from his injuries.

While thinking, Su Xing had arrived at his destination, stopped in front of a medicinal shop, and murmured:

"There is one last possibility. They know that there is an expert behind the two siblings... so they want to lure out the person behind them..."

In the past two years, although he was unable to leave the house and could only cultivate at home all day long, he learned some things about the Baiyun world through Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Yutang.

There are not many elixirs sold each time, only three to five. They are only first- and second-level elixirs, and the price is only dozens of low-grade spiritual stones.

Those who are eyeing them may be their former enemies.

After a pause, Su Xing shook his head slightly, looked towards the horizon, and sighed secretly:

"But no matter how high or low your cultivation level is, wherever there are monks, there are rivers and lakes!"

"That's me..."

Now that the siblings have not returned, something must have happened!

"In the final analysis, there is still money leakage..."

Su Xing originally thought that such a small number would not be targeted.

"When your cultivation is completely restored, you can leave for the Tianji Realm!"

Su Xing stood up and left this house for the first time in two years.

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows.

"I wonder if you have seen a pair of siblings. The elder sister is eighteen or nineteen years old, and the younger brother is about eleven or twelve years old. They came here to sell elixirs."

The boy's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he asked subconsciously:

"Who are you..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the boy knew that he had made a mistake.

His words just showed that the two siblings had been here.

Su Xing looked at the young man's appearance and had some concerns in his mind, so he said:

"I am their elder...I saw that they didn't go back so late, so I came to call them back for dinner."

The boy was silent after hearing this. After looking at Su Xing for a while, he said somewhat uncertainly:

"The two siblings have indeed been here...but they have already gone back after selling the elixirs."

"If a child is lost at home, please go to the Yamen to report it... Our store is small and we will not accept it."

After hearing this, Su Xing stood there and glanced at him lightly.

The boy's words were really untenable. The two siblings came one after another, with a gap of two hours.

There was no way he would be targeted by other forces in the city. The only one who could do this was the medicine shop in front of him.

Seeing that Su Xing couldn't move, the boy stepped forward and tried to push Su Xing out.

But when he woke up, he was as still as a mountain. The boy felt like he had hit a big mountain.

Su Xing didn't make any move, but the boy fell to the ground.

"Ouch, I'm hitting someone. This evil customer can't do business anymore!"

The boy sat down on the ground and staggered, but he reacted very quickly and shouted loudly.

Within a few breaths, several armed guards were seen walking from the backyard of the store, surrounding Su Xing.

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and said:

"I came here just to pick up people... I don't want to do anything!"

Seeing Su Xing give in, the boy was unreasonable and pushed even further:

"Oh, I asked you to leave just now but you didn't leave... Now I want to leave but it's too late. Let me arrest this cripple!"

Several guards looked at Su Xing who had lost an arm, with a slight smile on their faces. They each took out their weapons and slashed at Su Xing.

But how can this mortal soldier injure Su Xing even half a cent?

Even these guards were just newbies to the path of cultivating immortals. Even if Su Xing stood here and let them kill him, how could they kill Su Xing?

After seeing the flash of swords and shadows, all these weapons were broken, and Su Xing stood on the same spot, even his hair was not messy.

Then with just one look, these guards fell to the ground one after another. Seeing that the situation was not good, the boy quickly got up, went to the backyard and started calling people.

Su Xing didn't stop him, he just waited quietly where he was.

After a while, the boy ran over, followed by a middle-aged man in brocade clothes.

Su Xing saw through this man's cultivation at just one glance. He was a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator!

The man also looked at Su Xing. Seeing that he couldn't see through Su Xing's true identity, his expression softened slightly and he asked:

"I wonder why you came here?"

Su Xing glanced at him and said:

"I'm here to pick up that pair of siblings, who are you?"

After hearing this, the man's face froze and he said:

"You should go to the Yamen to find someone. This is the elixir store..."

"Your Excellency, please leave quickly. I can still pretend that nothing happened here."

After hearing this, Su Xing glanced at the boy. In his evasive eyes, Su Xing already knew the answer.

So Su Xing said:

"You can take away the elixirs, but they are just a few low-level elixirs... So what if I give you ten more furnaces?"

"As long as the two siblings are safe and sound!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the middle-aged man remained silent.

When Su Xing saw this, he instantly knew that they were not looking for the Bai Xiaoxiao siblings because of the elixir.

In this case, it can only be the enemy...

Thinking of this, Su Xing's face darkened and he said:

"Be a human being and keep a thin line. The grudges of the previous generation should not harm future generations..."

Before Su Xing finished speaking, the middle-aged man's face darkened and he scolded:

"I don't know what you are talking about. There is no one you are looking for here. Leave quickly!"

Seeing how determined he was, Su Xing might have really captured the two siblings.

If Su Xing doesn't take action, the comfort of the two siblings will be lost...

So Su Xing also stepped forward and said forcefully:

"Then what if I don't retreat?"

The middle-aged man sneered after hearing this: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man cast a spell, and a scorching high-temperature flame struck towards Su Xing.

But Su Xing just took a step forward, and the five elements of the flame separated.

The body of an immortal is impervious to water and fire!

Not to mention the fire spells, even ordinary magical powers cannot harm the awakening at all!

Before the attack was successful, the middle-aged man's face changed slightly, as if he knew that Su Xing was not someone to be trifled with.

However, before he could release the next spell, he woke up and took a step forward, lifting the middle-aged man up with one hand.

Before the man could resist, Su Xing used his palms to crush his arm to pieces.

Severe pain swept through the man's body in an instant, and he was unable to resist at all when faced with the terrifying force that awakened like a mountain and abyss.

In a short breath, Su Xing crushed the bones in his arms and hands one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man began to beg for mercy:

"In... they all just finished drinking tea in the backyard and fell asleep!"

"This Immortal, please... release this villain quickly!"

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely in pain and almost lost his mind. He suspected that if he continued like this, he would be hurt to death!

After hearing this, Su Xing did not let go, but carried him like a little chicken towards the backyard.

Within a moment, Su Xing found the two siblings tied up in a woodshed.

Both of them were unconscious, but fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

After confirming that the two siblings were safe, Su Xing looked at the middle-aged man in his hand and asked:

"Who asked you to target these siblings?"

After hearing Su Xing's question, the man hesitated slightly, but at this moment his life was still in Su Xing's hands, so he quickly said:

"Yes, it's Elder Lu of Baiyun Sect..."

"He said hello in advance and said he wanted me to capture these two people to avoid future trouble..."

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this and asked again:

"Since this is to prevent future troubles, why are they both still alive?"

After hearing this, the man quickly said:

"Yes, the villain thinks... these two people are still valuable, and wants them to refine more elixirs, and then..."

Su Xing closed his eyes after hearing this. He finally understood what happened.

Elder Lu of the Baiyun Sect should be the enemy of Bai Xiaoxiao's father.

He asked the owner of the medicine shop to kill the two siblings Bai Xiaoxiao.

But the owner of the herbal medicine shop thinks that Bai Xiaoxiao can make elixirs and has some value, so he wants to drain the family dry before taking action...

It was precisely because of this that the two siblings were given the chance to survive.

After figuring out the ins and outs, Su Xing threw the boss to the ground.

If it hadn't been for the greed of the boss, if it had been anyone else, the lives of Bai Xiaoxiao and her brother would really have been in danger.

Su Xing picked up the unconscious siblings and prepared to leave this place.

But the middle-aged man was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept saying:

"Exalted Immortal, please have mercy on me! Immortal, please have mercy on me!"

"Villain... Villain doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately..."

Su Xing was silent for a moment and said:

"Your life is worthless. I won't kill you... If Elder Lu comes to visit you again, tell him that I will protect these two siblings!"

"Let him stop thinking about it. The grudge is over. If he doesn't understand, I will kill him directly!"

Su Xing and his two siblings were about to leave the store. As soon as they stepped out, they thought of something and turned around and asked:

"By the way...where is the elixir warehouse of your medicine shop?"


Early the next morning, Su Xing was recovering from his injuries in the Bai family courtyard.

Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Yutang have already woken up. Because something went wrong this time, they have been punished by being awakened and practicing for a year and are not allowed to go out.

Under the ancient tree, Su Xing slowly took out a package, which was full of pills.

These elixirs were naturally obtained from the medicinal material shop.

"Tsk tsk... This situation is a blessing in disguise. Although the siblings have suffered some hardships, the elixir cannot be faked."

"With these elixirs, my recovery from injuries will be much faster!"

This package contains many elixirs below the fifth level.

Among them is the Qi-Entraining Pill needed for awakening.

Although the grade is not high, it is still much better than the one refined by Bai Xiaoxiao, and it is enough to speed up the recovery speed of awakening.

With this thought, Su Xing began to take elixirs for treatment.

Pill after pill was roughly swallowed by Su Xing, and then quickly transformed into pure vitality to nourish the blood and qi in Su Xing's body, greatly speeding up the recovery of Su Xing's injuries.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed...

(End of this chapter)

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