Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 363: The boy who brings money comes to your door, it only takes a little action to wake up!

Chapter 363: The boy who brings money comes to your door, it only takes a little action to wake up!

On this day, Su Xing sat cross-legged under the ancient tree, using the power of the stars in the sky to speed up the recovery of the injuries in his body.

After introducing the power of the stars into his body and running it for several days, he woke up and slowly opened his eyes, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems this time is really a blessing in disguise!"

"After this injury and the destruction of my cultivation, I gained a new understanding of the practice of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique..."

"Especially the use of the power of the stars... The power of the stars assists in strengthening the physical body. After cultivation, the body has the same power as the stars. You can also use the power of the stars to increase your strength and recover from injuries..."

Su Xing smacked his lips. In the past, his exploration of the Great Witch's body-building skills was still too shallow.

Most of the time it's the use of pure power and elemental power.

The relationship between the Great Witch's body-forging technique and the stars is not just as simple as the attraction of all things and stars...

On the contrary, the destruction of his cultivation this time gave Su Xing a new look and the mentality to start from a lower level again.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Bai Xiaoxiao stared at the sharp-mouthed old man with red eyes.

Fortunately, Bai Yutang didn't seem to recognize this sharp-mouthed old man.

Bai Xiaoxiao and her brother also stayed at home to practice obediently, and their cultivation levels improved.

In just one cup of tea, an old man wearing a Taoist robe with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks landed in the courtyard.

Over the past month, Su Xing has used up all the healing pills he grabbed, and has recovered a lot from his injuries, as well as his physical body.

Bai Xiaoxiao's father, Bai Tian, ​​also did well in the Baiyun Sect back then, and his cultivation had reached the integration stage.

At the same time, the Bai family siblings, who were practicing in the house, heard the noise and hurriedly opened the door and stuck their heads out to see what was going on.

The person is not good!

"Looking at this aura, it should be at the peak of the integration stage...who could it be?"

"It's a pity that there is still insufficient energy and blood in the body... I don't know when this left arm will grow back."

The sharp-mouthed old man looked grim. He ignored Su Xing who was sitting under the tree and shouted into the house:

Just when he woke up and was about to continue healing, he suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere in the sky.

One time, Baiyun Sect discovered a secret place, and Bai Tian and his wife wanted to explore it.

"You were the one who killed daddy in the first place!"

When the sharp-mouthed old man saw the Bai siblings, his triangular eyes curled up, and he appeared in front of them in a flash, reaching out to catch them.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaoxiao mustered up the courage at this moment and cursed:

But Bai Xiaoxiao obviously knew him, and when she saw his appearance, she turned pale with fear.

Su Xing was a little helpless. The physical strength he had recovered was still less than one ten thousandth of what he had when he was completely victorious.

Looking at his empty left arm, Su Xing shook his head and said:

On the other side, Su Xing stood in front of the two siblings, silent.

"It's a pity that the magic power in the body has not been restored yet... and the power of the soul cannot be used. Now the only thing I can rely on is the physical body."

After seeing this scene, the younger Bai Yutang was too frightened to move.

The sharp-mouthed old man moves quickly, but the awakening moves even faster!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, before he could touch the two siblings, Su Xing stopped him in front of him and grabbed his arm tightly with one hand.

"You're talking nonsense! Why did my father and grandma ever owe you money?"

"Now they can't afford to repay the debt that I owed back then, so they have to work as cattle and horses for me to repay the debt!"

After that exploration of the secret realm, Elder Lu was the biggest winner.

Not only were the bones not recovered, but even the storage instruments he carried with him and most of his wealth were lost.

"Besides... even if we owe money, our family's property has been taken away by you, so we should have paid it back long ago!"

Some things that have not been noticed must be correct, and the deficiencies are also being checked and filled.

He has learned a little bit about the Bai family in the past two years.

At that time, the personal relationship between Elder Lu and Bai Tian was acceptable.

"Where are those two bastards from the Bai family? Get out of here!"

A name flashed through Su Xing's mind, so he simply sat under the big tree and waited quietly.

However, the Baitian couple eventually died in that secret realm.

Stopped by Su Xing, the sharp-mouthed old man suddenly said with an unkind expression:

"Are you the backer behind these two bastards? Haha, I advise you to mind your own business...it is only natural for fathers to repay their debts and their debts to be repaid!"

He is a strong contender to become a sect elder.

"It's up to you to repay the debt Bai Tian owed back then!"

"However, it's still a little short of..."

Su Xing could feel that a strong aura was quickly coming towards him.

Over the past month, Su Xing has been recovering from his injuries day and night.

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. It was just that the old man came uninvited. When he came, he sprayed feces from his mouth, which made Su Xing very uncomfortable.

But the secret realm was a bit dangerous, so the couple borrowed some resources and magic weapons from Elder Lu to improve their cultivation.

Not only did he become an elder of the sect, but a disciple of the sect even discovered the magic weapon used by Bai Tian on Elder Lu's body!

Although there is no direct evidence, various signs indicate that the death of the Baitian couple is inextricably linked to Elder Lu!

After killing Bai Tian and his wife, Elder Lu was not satisfied.

Not only did they replace Bai Tian and his wife's wealth within the sect, but Bai Tian's worldly properties and the elixir shop he once opened were also taken for his own.

Bai Xiaoxiao was only six or seven years old at the time, and Bai Yutang was even a baby. After becoming homeless, he managed to survive with the help of his former neighbor, and made a living by collecting herbs in the house.

Memories flashed through his mind. Su Xing looked at the sharp-mouthed old man with a disgusted expression, but he still said patiently:

"Are you Elder Lu?"

"You said Bai Xiaoxiao's father owes you money, do you have proof?"

After hearing this, Elder Lu sneered, took out a contract and threw it over.

Su Xing took a closer look, and sure enough, the contract recorded in black and white that the couple Bai Tian had borrowed a number of resource magic weapons for a price of 200,000 high-grade spiritual stones, and promised to return them within ten years.

The soul mark on this contract cannot be faked.

This shows that the Baitians really borrowed money from Elder Lu!

After showing the contract, Elder Lu became even more arrogant and sneered:

"It's clearly written in black and white, two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones! Now ten years have passed... You should return it to me with interest!"

"If you can't afford it, I'll ask you to be slaves and slaves for the rest of your life to pay it back!"

After Bai Xiaoxiao saw the contract, her eyes turned red and she said loudly:

"You're talking nonsense! The medicinal materials shops our family owned in Baiyun City have long been mortgaged to you! These spiritual stones should have been paid off!"

Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's excitement, Elder Lu laughed and said: "How much are those medicinal shops worth? It's just enough to pay interest! You can't lose a penny of these two hundred thousand spirit stones. Either give them money or pawn them for me." A cow becomes a horse!”

The more proud Elder Lu is, the more painful Bai Xiaoxiao will be.

Su Xing listened quietly to the side. He already knew exactly what Elder Lu had planned.

Back then, they killed Bai Tian and his wife, and not only took away their immortality foundation, but also took away all their property. Now they have to use this IOU to make the Bai family siblings slaves.

The purpose is to avoid future troubles!

This trick is really vicious!

Seeing that Elder Lu was so unreasonable and came here just to kidnap the Bai family siblings, Su Xing could no longer sit idly by.

So he took a step forward and said forcefully:

"I have said before, I have protected the Bai family siblings. As for these two hundred thousand spirit stones, you know best whether they owe you or not!"

"Please go back and forth wherever you go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

After Elder Lu heard Su Xing's words, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes, and he snorted coldly:

"I know you, the owner of Zhangji Medicine Shop, you were the one who killed him, right?"

"Haha, he's just a body-refining monk with some strength. I advise you to mind your own business, otherwise I'll take you and make me a slave!"

Seeing Elder Lu's threats, Bai Xiaoxiao looked a little nervous. She knew Elder Lu's connections in the Baiyun Sect, so she gritted her teeth and said:


Before Bai Xiaoxiao said anything, Su Xing knew what she was going to say, so he interrupted with a wave of his hand:

"If you still recognize me as your master, just watch from the sidelines!"

"If I can't protect my apprentice, then what kind of master am I?"

After Bai Xiaoxiao heard Su Xing's words, she couldn't help but feel warm in her heart and her eyes were slightly red.

Seeing that Su Xing was determined to save the two siblings, Elder Lu also took the lead in attacking, using his magic sword, and a long magic sword appeared in his hand.

Then he cast his spell and flew towards the awakening face door.

"Master, be careful!" Bai Xiaoxiao quickly warned as her pretty face turned pale with fright.

When Su Xing saw Elder Lu taking the lead, he didn't dodge. He just sneered and held out two fingers in front of him.


There was just a crisp sound, and the Lingbao long knife was cut off by Su Xing with two fingers and broken into two pieces.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye!

From Elder Lu's confident sneak attack with the magic weapon to waking up and breaking the magic weapon, it only took a short moment.

Elder Lu's expression also changed from mad to stunned to frightened, and then he cast a spell and fled without looking back.

But he has already taken action against Su Xing. With Su Xing's character, there is no reason to let him escape.

"Ha, now that you've taken action, let's stay!"

Su Xing jumped hundreds of feet into the sky, then grabbed Elder Lu with one hand and picked him up like a chicken.

Elder Lu was caught by Su Xing. He immediately changed his tone and begged for mercy:

"Exalted Immortal, please spare my life. I don't want those two hundred thousand spirit stones... Please spare me!"

Su Xing sneered: "It's not about the spirit stone now..."

After hearing this, Elder Lu felt a thump in his heart and threatened again:

"I am an elder of the Baiyun Sect. If you want to murder me, the Baiyun Sect will not let you go!"

Su Xing pretended not to hear and just put his finger close to Elder Lu's thigh.

With only three points of force, Elder Lu's legs snapped and he lost his mobility.

"Ah~ it hurts, stop! Stop!" Elder Lu groaned and lay on the ground in a panic.

At this moment, Elder Lu only felt regret and fear in his heart.

Before he came, he also investigated the awakenings, but found nothing.

The only record of action was the killing of the medicine shop owner in the Nascent Soul stage.

But Elder Lu only thought that Su Xing was a body-refining cultivator in the realm of divine power, but he never thought that Su Xing's cultivation level far surpassed him!

Such terrifying physical strength must be at least in the body refining stage, right?

After waking up, he disabled Elder Lu's ability to escape in the blink of an eye, and then stretched out his hand to search for something on Elder Lu's body.

A moment later, a storage bag appeared in Su Xing's hand.

He took another look at the storage ring on Elder Lu's hand, and heard a "click", his finger was broken, and the storage ring appeared in Su Xing's hand.

"Do it yourself, unlock the storage bag and storage ring, and then take out all the contents as compensation, and I will spare your life!"

Su Xing said calmly.

Although Elder Lu felt resentful after hearing this, he had to do it.

After a while, a lot of immortal cultivation resources, magic weapons, spiritual stones, and some sundries filled the entire yard.

Su Xing was a little surprised when he saw so many resources. The combined value of these resources was almost as much as the entire net worth of a Mahayana monk.

It seems that Elder Lu has done a lot of burning, killing, looting and torture in recent years!

Looking at the trophies in the yard, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said:

"While I'm in a good mood now, get out of here!"

Seeing this, Elder Lu nodded repeatedly and hurriedly cast spells to prepare to leave this place.

When Su Xing saw this, he thought of something. With a flick of his finger, a burst of Yuan Power entered Elder Lu's Dantian.

In the middle of his breath, Elder Lu's Dantian was severely damaged, his whole body's magic power was in disorder, and he was unable to use any spells.

Su Xing said without turning around:

"Still want to use magic? Climb back to Baiyun Sect for me!"

The Dantian was temporarily disabled, and Elder Lu's expression became even more frightened. Like a disabled dog, he struggled to move forward with two arms and crawled out of the courtyard as if he was running away.

All this happened in a flash of lightning.

From Elder Lu coming here to demand his debt, to running away like a useless dog, it was only half a cup of tea.

Elder Lu was the one talking most of the time, and he only managed to wake up twice.

Bai Xiaoxiao stared at this scene dumbfounded, while Bai Yutang's eyes were filled with admiration.

"Good boy, then Elder Lu is already a monk at the integration stage... What kind of cultivation level does the master have to have?" Bai Yutang murmured.

Bai Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, thought much more profoundly and said with some confusion:

"Master, why don't you just kill him...are you afraid that the Baiyun Sect will come and cause trouble?"

Su Xing smiled after hearing this, looked at the trophies all over the yard, and said:

"No, I'm afraid they won't cause trouble..."

There are two reasons why Su Xing did not kill Elder Lu directly.

First, Elder Lu is the father-killing enemy of the Bai family siblings, and is also the driving force behind their cultivation!

If they were killed directly, the two siblings might lose their ability to practice, which would be harmful rather than beneficial to their cultivation!

Secondly, if Elder Lu can call for help to deal with Su Xing, or even invite the Baiyun Sect to encircle Su Xing, this is what Su Xing would like to see!

After all, for every additional person who comes, Awakening will get an extra piece of loot!

Although these resource spirit stones were nothing to the former Su Xing, but to the current Su Xing, they are really a timely help!

Although Su Xing would not take the initiative to become a tribulation cultivator, he would never be merciful when dealing with his enemies.

Looking at the resources and elixirs all over the yard, Su Xing smiled and said:

"I really hope they come more often! In this case... my recovery speed will be greatly improved!"

(End of this chapter)

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