Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 364: Awakening, the broken arm is restored, and traces of the Advent Cult appear!

Chapter 364: Awakening, the broken arm is restored, and traces of the Advent Cult appear!

At this moment, Su Xing even felt that the sinister-looking Elder Lu was a little cute.

He traveled thousands of miles to give away all his wealth, and then crawled back like a dog.

In the future, another group of people may be brought in to provide resources to Su Xing. Such a good thing, Su Xing wishes it could happen every day!

Su Xing looked at the various resources piled up in the courtyard and quickly found some bottles and cans.

"Huh? Low-grade spiritual liquid and medium-grade spiritual liquid?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, he looked at the Bai family siblings and said:

"These spiritual liquids are good things. With them, your cultivation speed will be greatly improved!"

After waking up, the mana in his body has not yet been restored, so he cannot use the spiritual fluid for the time being.

But these spiritual liquids can help the two siblings greatly increase their cultivation speed.

After giving some spiritual liquid to the Bai family siblings and teaching them how to practice using spiritual liquid, Su Xing began to sort out the medicinal materials and treasures with satisfaction.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the two siblings nodded in agreement.

"Although the resources brought by Elder Lu are not enough, there is a place with enough resources..."

In the courtyard, Su Xing tidied away the resources in front of him with relish.

"Don't worry, Elder Lu won't come to your door any time soon..."

Even if there are powerful people in Baiyun Sect to help, there is no way to recover within three to five months.

Su Xing squinted his eyes. In the White Cloud Realm, there was a mountain range that stretched for millions of miles, somewhat similar to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Little Qingyun Realm.

"Tsk, tsk, there is actually a Bu Yuan Flower! What a good thing..."

During this time, Su Xing could just go to the Baiyun Mountains, come back before Elder Lu took revenge, and take the opportunity to harvest a wave of leeks.

The materials and resources that Su Xing looked down upon in the past are very useful to Su Xing today.

"You should stay at home during this period of time and do not travel far away... When I come back, I will check your practice results!"

"Hey, Fulingcao? Yes, it can be used to refine seventh-level healing medicine!"

Although his Qi refining cultivation has not yet been restored and he is unable to use magic powers, the power of his awakened physical body has been restored a lot, and part of his internal energy has also been restored.

Some of the elixirs that were no longer needed were also sold in exchange for resources to recover from injuries.

After Su Xing made some preparations, he left Baiyun City under the cover of night.

There are also many ferocious beasts in the Baiyun Mountains, and their bodies are full of flesh and blood essence, which is an excellent tonic to help them wake up and recover from injuries!

The lion punched the rabbit, and the rabbit was so frightened that he ran away quickly. After escaping back, he was so angry that he called the more powerful fat rabbit to help.

Thinking this, Su Xing quickly summoned the Bai family siblings.

"I'm afraid it will take some time for this mana to recover. This injury is truly unprecedentedly serious..."

"Next, I will go on a long journey as a teacher. It may take one month at the earliest, or I will be back in two or three months at the earliest..."

However, just in case, Su Xing handed over a jade slip and said:

But Bai Xiaoxiao was still a little worried and asked:

"Master, if during the time you are away...then what should I do if Elder Lu comes to cause trouble again?"

Bai Xiaoxiao took the jade slip and nodded sensibly.

This greatly increased the recovery speed of Su Xing's injuries, and finally the energy and blood in his body became more abundant.

Most of the elixirs and herbs brought by Elder Lu were revived and used to recover from injuries.

In the blink of an eye, one month passed.

But now that the awakening strength has recovered a lot, it is time to hunt monsters and speed up the recovery of injuries.

To make an analogy:

"Keep this jade slip that transmits messages. If something goes wrong, you can transmit messages to me..."

Su Xingtian sorted out the chaotic mana in his body, shook his head slightly and sighed:

Although the combat power is still less than one percent of what it was in its heyday, Su Xing finally has some ability to protect himself.

Su Xing looked at the elixirs, treasures, etc. all over the courtyard, feeling as happy as a child.

One rabbit and lion may not be able to eat enough, but a few more will be enough to fill their teeth!


These things will greatly speed up recovery from injuries!

The awakening strength before was not strong enough, so naturally he could not take the risk to hunt.

When Su Xing recovers his cultivation, as for Elder Lu’s revenge... it’s nothing!

After all, Su Xing hasn’t taken Elder Lu’s revenge seriously yet! There is no reason to let the tiger go back to the mountains!

After hearing this, Su Xing said:

So, will the lion be happy or happy?

So for the next period of time, Su Xing stayed quietly in the courtyard to practice.

Su Xing injected an element of energy into Elder Lu's Dantian. This element of energy destroyed his cultivation, and it would take at least half a year to recover.

Looking at his empty left arm, Su Xing said:

"But it's time to get this lost left arm back..."

"Yes, the sixth-level elixir Zhenhuisan! It can help me recover from my injuries!"

Baiyun City is only a hundred thousand miles away from the Baiyun Mountains. If the past awakens, a cup of tea will be enough.

But now Su Xing could only rely on his physical body to travel, and it took him two full days to reach the outskirts of the Baiyun Mountains.

"Then let's go to this mountain range to hunt monsters!"

The awakened consciousness has not yet been restored, and the location of the monster cannot be sensed through the consciousness.

However, he bought a magical potion called "Monster Luuring Liquid" in Baiyun City. It is like perfume. As long as it is sprayed on the body, the surrounding monsters will be attracted.

And once you wake up, you can hunt monsters effortlessly.

As for the way to recover from injuries, that’s too simple…

That’s eating!

By eating a large amount of monster meat, combined with Su Xing's sky-swallowing talent, it was quickly digested, which greatly increased the energy and blood in Su Xing's body and allowed his left arm to grow back.

Su Xing did what he said, took out a bottle of potion and poured it on himself, then rushed towards the depths of the Baiyun Mountains.


Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

On the outskirts of Baiyun City, in a dilapidated courtyard.

Bai Xiaoxiao was running the technique, and the spiritual energy in her body traveled for a long time. After that, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and then the energy in her body began to rise.

After a while, Bai Xiaoxiao looked happy and murmured:

"Finally, we have entered the ninth level of the foundation building stage!"

Bai Xiaoxiao recalled that she had been in a dream for more than two years.

Two years ago, she was just a young monk in the late stage of Qi refining. With her talent, in just two years she has reached the peak of foundation building, and is even only one step away from the golden elixir!

Such a cultivation speed is already comparable to some geniuses with true spiritual roots!

In addition to the powerful skills, this is naturally inseparable from Su Xing's guidance.

"Congratulations, sister, for successfully reaching the peak of foundation building!"

Bai Yutang sprang out from the corner at some point, smiling in front of Bai Xiaoxiao.

In just over two years, Bai Yuntang has grown from a little kid to a handsome young man with good looks and temperament.

After seeing Bai Yutang, Bai Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and complained:

"Okay, little brother! You were almost at the golden elixir stage a month ago, right?"

"If Master hadn't said that he would come back to you to condense the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir, I'm afraid you would have successfully broken through!"

Although Bai Xiaoxiao said this, she didn't feel jealous at all.

I just envy Bai Yutang's qualifications. He is born with a unique pulse, and coupled with the single-line fire spirit root, his cultivation speed is truly comparable to that of a Tianlinggen monk!

And the further back you go, the greater the advantage of being born with an unstoppable pulse!

In addition to not being able to take pills to improve his practice...this inborn Jumai is simply an excellent physique.

Bai Yutang chuckled and said:

"I still envy my sister! My master hasn't taught me the art of refining weapons yet... Is my sister almost able to refine third-grade elixirs?"

Bai Xiaoxiao also felt a little proud after hearing this.

Before he was twenty years old, he had become a third-grade alchemist, which was considered a genius in the entire Baidi City.

At the mention of waking up, Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned red, but she said:

"Master has been away for three months. Counting the time, he will be back soon, right?"

As soon as Bai Xiaoxiao finished speaking, a figure landed in the courtyard. He looked at the two Bai siblings carefully, nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Yes, it seems that your cultivation has not fallen behind during my absence..."

Seeing that Su Xing, who had been thinking about it day and night, was back, Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly became excited, threw herself into Su Xing's arms, and said coquettishly:

"Master, you are finally back. I miss you so much!"

Bai Yutang also said excitedly:

"I'm going outside the city to buy monster meat and have a drink tonight!"

After hearing this, Su Xing rolled his eyes and said:

"How old are you now that you start drinking? At the beginning of your cultivation...drinking is bad for your health!"

With that said, Su Xing threw a wine bottle over and said:

"This is the monkey wine from the Baiyun Mountains. It is not an elixir, but it is helpful for spiritual practice...just right for you!"

Bai Yutang immediately became happy after hearing this. He was not very old, but he learned to drink from somewhere. Although he had not drank a few times, he clamored to drink every day.

When I saw the monkey wine, I couldn't hold it back. I took the flask and took a big sip.

This monkey wine tasted like grape juice, but the alcohol content was not low. After a while, Bai Yutang fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned red when she saw this scene, and she still hugged Su Xing and refused to let go.

Su Xing saw this and said:

"You are such a young girl, how can you still hold on to becoming a master? Do you still want to find a Taoist partner in the future?" After hearing this, Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head repeatedly and said:

"I don't want to find a Taoist companion. I want to stay with the master all my life and serve him!"

When Bai Xiaoxiao said this, her face was slightly red, but she couldn't help but glance at Su Xing.

After these years of getting along, Bai Xiaoxiao has long secretly expressed her heart to Su Xingfang.

After all, Su Xing had a high level of cultivation and knew a lot, and he even helped her drive away Elder Lu and take revenge.

The most important thing is that Su Xingsheng is still so beautiful...

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but steal a glance at Su Xing.

However, at this glance, Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly noticed something, looked at Su Xing's sleeves, and exclaimed:

"Ah, Master! Your arms..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, stretched out his left hand and rubbed Bai Xiaoxiao's head.

After three months of hard work, the lost left arm finally grew back...

Su Xing glanced at Bai Yutang who was sleeping soundly, and then said to Bai Xiaoxiao:

"You two, please go back to the house and rest first... while you handle some matters for the master."

Bai Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then thought of something, nodded and said:

"Okay, Master..."

One day ago, Bai Xiaoxiao noticed that there were many strangers nearby looking at the courtyard, so she thought of what Su Xing had said, so she used the jade slip to transmit the sound.

After Su Xing received the news, he also rushed back.

After the two siblings returned to the room, Su Xing walked out of the yard, looked in the direction of the city, and said:

"Now that you're here, show up...why hide?"

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, several figures slowly appeared in the distance.

There are four people in total, each of them is above the Integration Stage in strength, and there is even a Mahayana Stage monk among them.

Su Xing glanced at Elder Lu who was standing behind the crowd and said with a smile:

"Elder Lu's legs are so good! I wonder how long it took to climb back to the Baiyun Sect?"

Elder Lu, who had a sinister appearance, became even more resentful after hearing these words. He opened his mouth, but still did not speak.

Finally, he sneered, looked at the leader and said:

"Oh, today I, the deputy sect leader of the Baiyun Sect, am here. I will repay you twice as much for the revenge you suffered that day!"

Deputy leader?

After hearing this, Su Xing looked at the leading man with a look of interest on his face.

This man seemed to have an extraordinary bearing. He was in his forties and a late-stage Mahayana monk.

He took a step forward, cupped his hands towards Su Xing and said:

"Your Excellency, Elder Lu's grudge is an internal matter of our Baiyun Sect. Is it inconvenient for you to intervene?"

"Please leave quickly to avoid death..."

Su Xing smiled after hearing this and said:

"The Bai family siblings are my apprentices, so how can they be regarded as foreign affairs?"

"On the other hand, your Baiyun Sect, not only suppresses the heirs of the inner disciples, but also takes things by force and confuses right and wrong. Could it be that you are a heretical sect?"

Su Xing originally said something sarcastic, but the sect leader's eyes looked a little unnatural after hearing this.

Su Xing caught this detail and suddenly felt confused.

"Huh? Could it be that the Baiyun Sect is colluding with the evil cultivators?"

Su Xing tried a few more words, but this deputy sect master was impeccable and the few of them failed to reach an agreement and soon became ready to take action.

I saw this deputy sect leader taking the lead in attacking, taking out a magic weapon that looked like a flying saucer, and turned around and said:

"Comrades, come to my aid, I'll come and meet this guy for a while!"

As he spoke, he cast a spell, and the flying saucer in his hand pressed towards Su Xing like a mountain.

The other elders in the integration stage also cast spells and swept the formation aside.

Su Xing yawned a little boredly, without even looking at the flying saucer. He only saw his figure flashing and appearing behind the deputy sect leader.

Then Su Xing's arm used a little force and threw the hands and legs of the sect leader on the road like a dog.

"This...this is impossible! You, what kind of cultivation are you?"

The deputy sect leader had a look of horror on his face. He relied on his late-stage Mahayana cultivation and was very sure of it. There were also many elders holding down the formation, so he should be able to suppress Su Xing.

But he never expected that Su Xing's strength was not at the same level as theirs!

When he turned around, he saw the group of elders lying on the ground. In just a short moment, a total of four people were awakened and had their hands and feet broken. They fell to the ground in the same posture and groaned.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Not even the Tribulation Stage would have such strength..."

"You, you are actually an immortal!"

The deputy sect leader of Baiyun Sect had a look of horror on his face.

Su Xing did not answer his words, but said skillfully:

"Everyone, since you have been defeated by me, your life is in my hands..."

"You hand over everything in the storage instrument, and I will spare your life... If you want to take revenge in the future, can you come back?"

Su Xing said, looking at Elder Lu who was lying on the ground groaning.

Only three months apart, Elder Lu fell in the same position in the same place...

"Elder Lu... we have no grudges, why did you harm me like this?"

"Exactly! Didn't you say that he only has the ultimate cultivation level of body refining?"

"This... looking at it now, it is clearly an immortal!"

The other two monks who fell to the ground had bitter expressions on their faces, but they were still complaining to Elder Lu.

Elder Lu was already a little confused at the moment and murmured:

"The Immortal... is actually an Immortal!"

"Why, why would an immortal help the Bai family?"

Three months ago, although Elder Lu did not crawl back to Baiyun Sect, he crawled back to his residence in Baiyun City like a dead dog, and asked the elders of his fellow sect to come and save him.

It has become the laughing stock of the entire Baiyun City.

This made him, a late-stage integration monk, almost have his heart broken!

For three months, he thought about revenge all the time...

But now the person protecting the Bai family siblings is actually an immortal. How can he resist?

The deputy sect leader also looked dejected. His strength was almost invincible in the Baiyun world, so he planned to take action to restore face for the elders of the same faction. However, he did not expect to be beaten by this strange monk and was unable to fight back.

But fortunately, he saw that Su Xing had no intention of killing them, so he begged:

"This Supreme Immortal, please spare your life... I am the deputy sect master of Baiyun Sect. I am willing to pay five million low-grade spiritual stones as a ransom for the four of us. As long as you bypass our lives, we will definitely not retaliate..."

After Su Xing heard the words of the deputy sect leader, he waved his hands bluely. He looked down on five million low-grade spiritual stones.

What he needs is various healing medicines to help him quickly regain his strength. Naturally, it is better to need the storage instruments of these elders and sect masters.

So he woke up and said:

"I said, hand over the storage magic weapon and spare your life!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for killing people and seizing treasures..."

After hearing this, the other elders took out their storage magic weapons one after another, preparing to lose money and save their lives.

Only the deputy sect master still hesitated and said:

"I don't have many treasures in my storage magic weapon... How about I hand over eight million low-grade spiritual stones and spare my life?"

Seeing that the deputy sect master repeatedly refused to hand over the storage magic weapon, Su Xing thought of something and said:

"Oh? Is there something shameful in your magical weapon? Then I just want to take a look!"

With that said, Su Xing prepared to grab the storage magic weapon directly.

Seeing that Su Xing was about to take action, the deputy sect leader closed his eyes. After hesitating for a long time, he was already a little crazy when he opened his eyes again.

"Yes, you are the one who wants to mess with me! You can take the spirit stone as soon as you see fit. Why do you want my storage magic weapon?"

"Haha, today... none of you will survive!"

After that, the deputy sect leader took out a strange crystal ball, crushed it, and said respectfully towards a certain direction in the distance:

"The Great Hierarch is invited to appear and make decisions for me!"

After hearing this, Su Xing looked interested and muttered:

"Oh, and there are helpers?"

Immediately he woke up and sensed something, and looked towards a certain direction in the sky.

I saw a black-robed figure tearing open the void, and appeared next to the deputy sect leader the next second. He glanced at Su Xing lightly, and then cursed at the deputy sect leader:

"You useless thing! It's so easy to fail!"

"If I hadn't kept you useful, I would have killed you with my own hands!"

With that said, the man in black robe glanced at Su Xing and the other three elders, and said:

"Those who see me will either join the sect or be killed directly, and no one will be left alive!"

The deputy sect leader looked gloomy, pointed at Su Xing and said:

"Please also ask the Grand Master to kill this person... As for the other elders, I will persuade him!"

The man in black robe nodded slightly after hearing this and looked at Su Xing.

At this moment, Su Xing's heart was extremely shocked.

The aura of this black-robed man seemed familiar, and the skills he practiced seemed...

It’s the Blood Immortal Sutra!

(End of this chapter)

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