Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 365 Mo Bing’s sword is unsheathed, the Advent Sect’s layout!

Chapter 365 Mo Bing’s sword is unsheathed, the Advent Sect’s layout!

Blood Immortal Sutra!

Why do Advent members appear here...

Su Xing's heart was shaken, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

The advent sect and even the invasion of alien races are targeting the entire three thousand worlds.

He has even sneaked into the center of the Three Thousand Worlds without anyone noticing...the Tianji Realm!

At this moment, only Su Xing knows that there are three major regions that have been invaded by alien races: Qingyuan Region, Tianmo Realm, and Tianji Realm!

"So... there is a collusion between the Baiyun Sect and the Advent Sect?"

"Or is it just that the deputy sect leader is colluding with the Adventist Cult here?"

Several thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind, but no matter what, this was not good news.

He wakes up very quickly, but after all, this man in black robe has the cultivation level of an immortal, and his actual combat experience is also terrifying.

The deputy sect leader of Baiyun Sect was left with a look of horror on his face and kept retreating.

After Su Xing heard what the man in black robe said, a strange look appeared on his face. This guy's cultivation level was not high, but he had a lot of ideas.

The man in black robe looked like he had a chance to win and started to talk.

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little troubled.

Su Xing frowned after seeing him.

"It seems that your cultivation level was not low... maybe there was an earthly immortal or even a heavenly immortal?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the man in black robe in front of him, showing no intention of flinching.

"With his cultivation in the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and considering the strange methods of coming to teach evil cultivators, this guy's true strength is probably not lower than that in the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm..."

The man in black robe in front of him looked at him carefully after seeing Xing Xing, with a playful look on his face.

"Master, it was us who caused you trouble..."

Immediately afterwards, the earth began to collapse, and a bloody mouth opened on the ground, swallowing several buildings.

Su Xing did not dodge, and punched out, smashing the deputy leader of the Baiyun Sect into a pulp.

"I see that it is not easy for you to practice. If you are willing to join the Holy Cult and let me leave a mark of spiritual consciousness deep in your soul, I may be able to spare your life!"

If he was in his heyday and had only a heavenly cultivation level, Su Xing would naturally not take him seriously.

Su Xing knew that if he let go, Baidi City would probably be destroyed in less than an hour.

The next second, Su Xing appeared beside the four of them. In an instant, he punched out several times, and the three Advent Sect elders were turned into a puddle of mud by Su Xing.

As long as you kill this person, you can know everything!

The lion still needs all his strength to fight the rabbit, not to mention that his awakening strength is greatly damaged at the moment. Naturally, he will not underestimate the enemy, and he used his full strength from the beginning!

I saw Su Xing using the few Yuan Power in his body to cover his body and punch the man in black robe.

Boom boom boom!

Such a terrifying movement once again caused the entire ground to collapse dozens of meters.

Awakening and Adventism are old enemies.

But Su Xing didn't want to talk to him about the layout of Advent Sect in Tianji Domain, or even its relationship with Baiyun Sect...

"But now, your cultivation seems to be completely destroyed, how much strength can you use?"

Early stage of Heavenly Fairy Realm!

This is a cadre who ranks among the top fifty in the Advent Cult... I don’t know what his specific code name is.

The man in black robe was furious and used magic to control the black cauldron and smash it towards Su Xing.

"Bastard, stop it! Do you still want to kill my Advent disciples?"

Now was not the time to be merciful. Su Xing looked at the several elders of the Baiyun Sect who were lying on the ground recovering from their injuries, and murderous intent arose in his heart.

Since practicing all the way, Su Xing has learned that the power of the Advent Sect is huge, and the strength of the senior cadres of the Advent Sect is as terrifying as any top force in the Three Thousand Worlds!

"It seems that things can't be better this time..."

"However, before moving the battlefield, we must first deal with those minions..."

He quickly took out a tripod-shaped magic weapon. After applying the spell, the palm-sized tripod instantly became like a small mountain. The tripod was covered with black energy and looked very scary.

But now that his awakening strength has been greatly damaged, he can only use the power of his physical body, and the qi and blood in his body have not yet recovered, so it is not certain whether he can fight against the immortal monks.

The huge black cauldron pressed Su Xing firmly underneath.

"However, now that we have encountered it, we can't escape it!"

"No, the battlefield must be moved..."

Su Xing frowned and stared at the black shadow in front of him. He could vaguely sense the strength of this black-robed monk——

At the same time, the black cauldron, which was as high as a hundred feet and was as tall as a hill, also hit Su Xing...

Faced with this menacing blow, Su Xing did not retreat. Instead, he tightened his strength by three points and punched the black cauldron!

Boom boom boom!

The huge sound instantly spread throughout Baiyun City, and the terrifying vibrations made the entire Baiyun City feel like it was in an earthquake zone.


The battle between immortals is enough to destroy the entire Baidi City!

At the moment, the civilians in Baidi City are innocent, not to mention that the Bai family siblings are also nearby.

Such a big cauldron hit Su Xing... In the minds of the two siblings, there was no possibility of survival!

"Master, it's all my fault...it's all my fault!"

The two siblings who were hiding in the courtyard of the Bai family suddenly turned red when they saw this scene.

The sound of the black cauldron hitting the ground was still echoing in the air.

The two siblings looked at the huge black cauldron with painful expressions.

On the other side, the man in black robe didn't look very good either.

"Mader, where did this madman come from? He didn't even care about his own life and wanted to kill those people?"

The man in black robe really couldn't figure out why Su Xing wanted to resist the attack of his black cauldron.

"But fortunately, this also saves me some trouble... It's a pity that I have to re-elect an agent in the Baiyun Realm..."

In the view of the man in black robe, although Su Xing was not weak in strength, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving his blow if he resisted.

But just as he was about to take back the black cauldron, his expression suddenly changed.

In his induction, under the black cauldron, there is still a strong breath of life, still alive!

"No, it's impossible! Even if the immortal was unprepared to bear my blow, he would definitely be seriously injured!"

"This man's cultivation is obviously ruined, why can he stop him?"

The man in black robe couldn't believe it at first, but he soon thought of a possibility.

"Is this person... a rare body-refining cultivator, or a gas-refining cultivator!?"

The man in black robe never expected that what makes him powerful is not his Qi refining, but his body refining!

Originally, he thought that Su Xing was just the most ordinary immortal body. Although he had lost all his Qi refining skills, the immortal body was enough to crush the Mahayana monks.

"I really made a mistake..."

A look of solemnity flashed across the face of the man in black robe, and then he pinched his magic spell with his fingers, preparing to use his magical power.

On the other side, the originally quiet Black Cauldron began to vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, the behemoth that was a hundred feet tall flew backwards for dozens of miles and flew towards the outside of the city.

Su Xing stood on the ground, dusted himself off, and then ran towards the outside of the city.

The man in black robe saw this and sneered:

"You know you're outmatched and want to run? It's not that easy!"

After that, he chased after Su Xing.

Su Xing deliberately slowed down along the way and fought and fled. Half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Half a day later, Su woke up and arrived near a deserted mountain. There were no humans nearby, only some ferocious beasts. It was a suitable place for a battle! Su Xing waited quietly for a while, and soon the man in black robe caught up with him, saying with a sarcastic look on his face:

"Run away? Why don't you run away?"

The man in black robe thought that Su Xing was weak, and then used his magic to attack Su Xing.

Along the way to Su Xing, he had already figured out the strength of this man in black robe.

Approximately equivalent to the middle stage of Tianxian, he is proficient in various spells, but his understanding of the great road is not deep.

"Of course I think it's time for you to die... there's no need to delay it any longer!"

Su Xing said calmly.

After hearing this, the man in black robe sneered: "Ah, what an arrogant tone! I want to see how much you weigh!"

After saying that, he used his spell again and summoned the black cauldron to hit Su Xing.

Facing the terrifying black cauldron, Su Xing just stood there quietly, closing his eyes slightly, as if giving up resistance.

But if you get closer, you can hear Su Xing's murmur at the corner of his mouth:

"Old man, it's time to unsheath it!"

As Su Xing's words fell, there were soft moans coming from his body!

The next second, a flying sword flew out of Su Xing's body and slashed towards the black cauldron.

Mo Bingjian!

Mo Bing, who has been silent for several years, finally comes out of his sheath!

Ever since the Mo Bing Sword was forged into a life weapon, this sword has been kept in Su Xing's body.

The awakened energy has not been restored before, so it is not possible to use this sword.

But now, the awakening energy has recovered a lot. As long as you pay a certain price, you can use this sword to kill the awakening enemies!

Mo Bingjian is one of Su Xing's biggest trump cards now!

This sword was almost unaffected in that battle. It is truly a middle-grade acquired treasure!

After Mo Bing's sword was unsheathed, it was slashed straight towards Heiding.

In the next second, like cutting tofu, the black cauldron as big as a hill was chopped into pieces and scattered in the barren mountain.

At the same time, there was an incredible look in the eyes of the man in black robe:

"No, it's impossible! How could it be..."

His pupils shrank, and before he could react, Mo Bingjian, which shattered the black cauldron, stabbed towards the man in black robes without losing momentum.

The next second, a sword light penetrated the black-robed man's eyebrows.

Before he died, the man in black robe still had an expression of disbelief.

After Mo Bingjian cut off the life of the man in black robe, it turned into a spiritual light and returned to Su Xing's hands.

Su Xing looked at the returning Mo Bingjian with a smile on his face. After kissing and stroking him a few times, he said:

"Old man, thank you for your hard work... I'm using you to kill this mere fairyland. You're overqualified for your talents..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he put the Mo Bingjian back into his body to warm it up.

With his current strength, he is not enough to use Mo Bingjian for a long time.

Mo Bingjian felt Su Xing's thoughts, and first trembled slightly reluctantly twice, then obediently returned to Su Xing's body.

After successfully killing the man in black robe, Su Xing took away the stored magic weapon from him.

There are restrictions on this storage magic weapon. Su Xing cannot open it temporarily. He must wait for Su Xing to recover a certain level of Qi refining before he can use it.

"I hope nothing happens in Baiyun City..."

Su Xing covered up the traces of the battle, and then quickly rushed back to Baiyun City.

Half a day later, Su Xing returned to Baiyun City smoothly.

Although the main location of the battle was not in Baiyun City, half of the city was destroyed in the previous rounds.

Thousands of low-level monks and ordinary people died in the shock...

Even if he wakes up, he cannot avoid this casualty.

After the battle, Su Xing collected the bodies of several elders and prepared to leave Baiyun City with the Bai family siblings.

In this battle, a cadre of the Celestial Immortal Realm was killed by Su Xing.

The Adventist Cult will definitely come to investigate afterwards, and to revive the current strength, it is not a wise decision to fight against the Adventist Cult.

If the Adventist Sect has one of the top ten cadres with code names in this world, then the awakening will be in danger.

In this way, Su Xing took the Bai family siblings and left Baiyun City overnight.


In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

In Baiyun Realm, there is a dojo somewhere in Baiyun Sect.

Su Xing stared intently at the storage magic weapon in front of him, and then used his recovered power to begin to break the restrictions on the magic weapon.

I don’t know how long it took, from the sun hanging above my head to the moon above the treetops, Su Xing finally let out a long sigh of relief and showed joy:

"Phew, it's finally done!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and piles of supplies appeared in the dojo.

This storage ring belongs to the man in black robe!

In the past two years, although Su Xing's magic power has not been restored, he has used some special methods to destroy the elders' stored magic weapons one by one.

Only the restriction imposed by the Immortal in Black Robe was slightly difficult to break. It took some effort for Su Xing to finally open it today.

Looking at the piles of various cultivation supplies, Su Xing kept rummaging through them.

After a while, Su Xing found a bloody token with thirty-nine words engraved on it.

"The blood code number is thirty-nine?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. As expected, the Advent Sect had begun to infiltrate the Tianji Realm!

"However, the only good news is that...the collusion between the deputy leader of the Baiyun Sect and the Advent Sect is just a personal act, and it has not risen to the level of the entire Baiyun Sect."

"This shows that the Advent Sect's infiltration into the Tianji Realm should have just begun, but I don't know how many people the Advent Sect has sent in the Tianji Realm?"

Su Xing thought this and continued to rummage among Xue Thirty-Nine's belongings.

After a lot of effort, Su Xing found several letters and jade slips used for communication.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing destroyed the jade slip and then began to read the contents of the letter.

After a while, Su Xing frowned slightly, with a look of shock on his face.

"Did the Advent Sect actually send a total of more than twenty cadres into the Tianji Domain?"

"And... the most important thing is that the Advent Cult cadre responsible for the entire Tianji Domain is actually a Blood II!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, Blood Two, this code name is undoubtedly terrifying!

Xue Xing's old rival, Xue San, already possesses the cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal...

According to Su Xing's guess, the code name of Blood Two is before Blood Three, and at least it has the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal... It may even be a Daluo Golden Immortal!

"Tsk, tsk, things are getting tricky!"

"With Blood II here, it seems that the Advent Sect is sure to win the Tianji Domain!"

"Now we must restore our cultivation as soon as possible so that we can have the power to protect ourselves!"

Su Xing thought this, and then looked at the supplies in the Thirty-Nine Blood Storage Ring.

The good news is that Xue Thirty-Nine carries a lot of practice resources with him, and even has a lot of healing elixirs, which is what Su Xing urgently needs!

"With these resources... I should be able to regain my mana within a year!"

(End of this chapter)

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