Chapter 366: Changes in Tianji Realm, crisis in Baiyun Realm!

While Su Xing was thinking, several calls suddenly came from the dojo:

"Master... no, Elder Ye! We are here to see you!"

As the words fell, two figures appeared inside the dojo.

One male and one female.

The girl looks to be in her twenties and is slim and tall.

The boy looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of the girl.

These two people are the Bai family siblings after their disguise!

After the battle in Baiyun City two years ago, Su Xing was worried that the Advent Sect would send people again, so he left Baiyun City with his sister and brother and came to Baiyun Sect.

With the qualifications and cultivation of the two siblings, they easily obtained the status of outer disciples.

Su Xing, on the other hand, showed his cultivation in the Shattering Void Realm and became an outer elder of the Baiyun Sect.

In this way, the three masters and disciples lurked in the Baiyun Sect, practicing while avoiding the Advent Sect.

This move of awakening does not mean that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Simply because, as the largest sect in this world, Baiyun Sect is good for waking up and recovering from injuries.

In addition, Su Xing also wants to investigate whether there is collusion between Baiyun Sect and Advent Sect.

After more than two years of hiding, Su Xing not only recovered from most of his injuries, but also regained the strength of the True Immortal Realm of Body Refining.

It has roughly returned to the fourth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique.

More importantly, Su Xing learned that there was no collusion between the Baiyun Sect and the Advent Sect, and that the incident two years ago was indeed the personal behavior of the deputy sect leader.

At the same time, in the past two years, Su Xing also learned some things about Baiyun Sect and Baiyun Realm by virtue of his status as an outer sect elder.

In the dojo, Su Xing slowly closed his eyes, recalling the information from the Baiyun Sect in his mind.

"The Baiyun Realm is located in the southwest corner of the Tianji Realm, which is far away from the Tianji Realm..."

"Tianji Pavilion is located in the Tianji Realm, and it is the well-deserved dominant force in the Tianji Realm."

"Therefore, in the Baiyun Realm, the Tianji Realm also has a certain influence..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"The branch of Tianji Pavilion in Baiyun Realm will regularly recruit disciples as peripheral members to go to Tianji Realm to work..."

"The disciples they recruit also have requirements for qualifications and character..."

Su Xing's idea is to stay in the Baiyun Realm temporarily, and when the time is right, he will lead the Bai family siblings to seek refuge in Tianji Pavilion.

Over the past two years, Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Yutang have both cultivated to the Golden Elixir stage. With the help of Su Xing, both of them have condensed the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir.

Bai Xiaoxiao is currently in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, while Bai Yutang has reached the peak of Jindan cultivation.

Su Xing recalled the recent information in his mind, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, Su Xing said to the two siblings:

"You guys have to prepare a lot in the near future. It seems like something big is going to happen in Baiyun Territory..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the two siblings wondered:

"Master, what big event is going to happen in Baiyun Realm?"

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to tell the two of them the truth:

"In ancient times, we monks in the Three Thousand Worlds were invaded by foreign races..."

"The so-called extraterrestrial aliens are a power system that is completely different from ours... They call themselves God's Mansion, draw power from their faith, and are reborn like monsters, devouring monks to increase their strength."

"The battle between us and the alien races has never stopped among these dynasties, but in the past few thousand years, the alien races have been making a comeback and launching a full-scale war!"

"As far as I know, among the current Three Thousand Worlds, Qingyuan Domain and Heavenly Demon Prison have been invaded on a large scale, and even dozens of Small Thousand Worlds have fallen."

"The Tianji Domain is located in the center of the Three Thousand Worlds and is relatively safe."

"But in the past two years, my master has discovered traces of alien races outside the realm in the Baiyun Realm!"

"And the Baiyun Sect also sent some elders and disciples to fight against the aliens... But the aliens are powerful and the master is suspicious. The Baiyun Sect cannot hold on for long..."

After Su Xing finished speaking, both siblings looked shocked.

"Master, then... what should we do?"

They may not know about the foreign races outside the territory, but the entire Baiyun Realm was destroyed in one fell swoop. Such news naturally frightened them.

Su Xing comforted him after hearing this:

"The current plan is to leave the Baiyun Realm and go to the Tianji Realm."

"It would be best to join Tianji Pavilion... but Tianji Pavilion recruits peripheral disciples and will only select those with excellent qualifications and good character, and train them from an early age!"

"Originally, Tianji Pavilion's recruitment of disciples was relatively strict, but in the past two years it seems that the requirements have been relaxed, and some disciples will occasionally be recruited to the Tianji Realm."

"My guess is that Tianji Pavilion is retaining its vitality!"

Speaking of this, Su Xing glanced at Bai Yutang and said:

"Ayu, you have an innate vitality and excellent qualifications. You have every hope of joining Tianji Pavilion!"

"The task I have given you is to break through to the Divine Transformation Stage within three years, then join the Tianji Pavilion, and take my teacher and Sister You to the Tianji Pavilion!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Yutang nodded slightly, but Bai Xiaoxiao was a little confused and said:

"Master, you are so powerful that you should be able to join Tianji Pavilion... Why don't you join yourself?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

"The identity of the master cannot be revealed easily...and he is not young either. Among the three of us, Ayu is the only one who is the most suitable."

"When he joins the Tianji Pavilion and can bring two family members with him, we can go to the Tianji Realm together."

The two siblings nodded in understanding.

But Bai Yutang said:

"Master, with my talent in cultivation, it seems a little difficult to break through to the Divine Transformation stage within three years..."

After hearing this, Su Xing said:

"Don't worry, you should calm down and prepare to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. After three months, I will prepare a big gift for you!"

After that, Su Xing dismissed the two siblings.

After Su Xing was the only one left in the dojo, Su Xing took out the healing elixir obtained from the Blood Thirty-nine Storage Artifact and prepared to resume his Qi refining cultivation.

"Three months should be enough for me to regain my spiritual power..."

With that said, Su Xing took the elixir and began to adjust the chaotic mana in his body.


In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

In the past three months, Su Xing has been taking pills to adjust his body's magic power.

Finally, most of the originally chaotic mana in the body was restored, and magical power occasionally flashed around him when he woke up.

On this day, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, showing a look of satisfaction.

"Not bad, I can finally use my spiritual power!"

"My Qi refining cultivation has initially recovered. At least now I can exert my strength in the Immortal Realm!"

"The key is……"

Su Xing's heart moved, and the figure disappeared from the place, and the next second appeared in the Lingtian Cave.

Returning to Lingtian Cave a few years later, everything here is the same as before.

When Su Xing built the Lingtian Cave, he used his own space methods to continuously strengthen it. Even in the turbulence of the void, Su Xing's Lingtian Cave would not collapse easily. As soon as Su Xing entered the Lingtian Cave, he saw the naughty Spirit Vein Dragon approaching and nuzzling Su Xing intimately.

Unknowingly, the Spirit Vein Dragon has grown much more than when he first awakened and obtained it.

As early as a hundred years ago, the black energy entangled in the spirit dragon had been completely eliminated.

And because there is a sufficient supply of spiritual energy, the spiritual dragon grows extremely fast and is about to enter adulthood from infancy.

"Xiao Hei! In the future... I will have to trouble you to take care of the two children!"

The Spiritual Vein Dragon showed doubts after hearing this, but still nodded in agreement.

That's right, Su Xing's plan is to let the Bai family siblings enter the Lingtian Cave to practice!

Here, there are hundreds of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid in the awakening reserve, and nearly ten million of the highest-grade spiritual liquid!

The spiritual energy supply has even exceeded the ordinary high-grade cave heaven level.

There are also countless pills that can increase their cultivation and help them practice...

Su Xing took out a few bottles of the Infant Forging Pill that he had refined from the Lingtian Cave and left here.

Returning to the Baiyun Sect, Su Xing quickly found the two siblings.

In just three months, Bai Yutang's cultivation has improved a lot, and he has reached the critical moment of condensation. He can perform condensation at any time and break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

As for Bai Xiaoxiao's cultivation, he has also improved slightly and is not far from the late stage of Jindan.

Su Xing looked at the two siblings, nodded with satisfaction, and said:

"You two, your hard work during this period of time is all visible to me as a teacher..."

"Next, I will take you to a place where you will conduct closed practice for three years."

"But you have to promise that nothing you see next can be spread to outsiders. This is the secret of our sect!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Bai family siblings looked curious, but they still nodded in agreement: "Yes, Master!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, then flicked his sleeves, and the three of them disappeared.

The next second, the two siblings entered the Lingtian Cave.

As soon as he entered the Lingtian Cave, Bai Yutang seemed to feel something, and the cultivation aura in his body began to riot wildly.

This is about to... break through!

Within the Baiyun Sect, the aura was ordinary, not even reaching the blessed land level.

But Lingtian Cave Heaven has a concentration of spiritual energy that exceeds that of a top-grade Cave Heaven!

Under this concentration, Bai Yutang couldn't suppress his cultivation and was about to break through to the Nascent Soul stage!

"Master..." Bai Yutang was stunned for a moment and then said.

Before he finished speaking, Su Xing took out a few pills and said:

"This is the Forging Infant Pill. It is not a cultivation pill, but is used for condensing infants. Take it quickly and prepare to break into the Nascent Soul. My master will be on the side to plunder the formation for you!"

After hearing this, Bai Yutang quickly took the elixir. After taking it, he began to prepare for the Nascent Soul stage.

On the other side, Bai Xiaoxiao also felt something strange in her body's cultivation, and was about to break through to the late Golden Core stage!

Su Xing watched the two siblings enter a breakthrough state and nodded with satisfaction.

On the other side, Su Xing began to think about something.

"Since the Bai family siblings are my disciples, they are naturally descendants of the Luo Tian Sect... Then it's time to prepare for the Luo Tian Transformation Art and the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and found out that the Luotian Immortal Transformation Technique was a supreme skill, even enough to support the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian.

And the Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue is even more mysterious, but it’s a pity that you need to be in the Immortal Realm to start practicing it.

However, Su Xing's understanding of the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue has reached perfection.

Even if Su Xing is willing, he can simplify this technique and let monks under the immortal realm practice it!

Although after simplification, the effect is definitely not as good as the original version, it is still enough for the two brothers and sisters of the Bai family to practice.

With this thought in mind, Su Xing took out a top-grade Wen Dao Pill.

"This elixir can last for one month, which is equivalent to two hundred years of enlightenment... Then let's try the simplified Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue!"

Just do it, Su Xing began to try to improve the technique.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.


On this day, Su Xing watched as the two siblings from the Bai family began to gradually improve their aura, and they actually wanted to achieve success at the same time!

"Yes, the Nascent Soul formed by Bai Yutang has also reached first-class quality. This level of talent and character is indeed extraordinary!"

"However, a first-class Nascent Soul is not enough!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the spirit dragon playing around and said:

"Xiao Hei, it's time for you to help!"

After hearing the order to wake up, Xiao Hei showed a humane look of pride, then walked over with his head shaking, stood not far from the two siblings, opened his dragon's mouth wide, and spurted out a breath of spiritual energy.

The next second, this pure spiritual energy poured into Bai Yutang's body.

The originally condensed first-class Nascent Soul has further changed at this moment!

In just a short moment, Bai Yutang's Nascent Soul quality jumped directly to a higher level... The super Nascent Soul was successfully condensed!

In fact, this pure spiritual energy not only improved the quality of Bai Yutang's Nascent Soul, but also improved Bai Yutang's cultivation qualifications!

To put it bluntly, the path of cultivation after Bai Yutang will be much smoother!

But after spitting out this breath of pure spiritual energy, the spirit dragon did not stop. Instead, he yawned and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao aside.

After the humanistic thinking appeared on the dragon's face, the spiritual dragon once again spewed out a mouthful of pure spiritual energy, rushing toward Bai Xiaoxiao.

The next second, Bai Xiaoxiao successfully broke through to the late stage of Jindan, and even the mana and foundation in her body were more than twice as stable as before!

After spraying two streams of spiritual energy, the Spiritual Vein Dragon looked a little tired, but he still smiled and wagged his tail in front of Su Xing, as if asking for credit.

Seeing this, Su Xing touched Xiao Hei's faucet intimately and praised:

"Thank you for your hard work! I'll give you something good!"

With that said, Su Xing handed over a bottle of spiritual liquid.

When Spirit Dragon Xiaohei saw this bottle of spiritual liquid, he immediately showed a flattering look on his face and drank up ten thousand drops of spiritual liquid in one gulp.

Not long after, Linglong went to the side and took a nap.

This bottle of spiritual liquid is an extremely precious and top-grade spiritual liquid!

Even the awakening only lasts for tens of millions of drops.

Normally I would be reluctant to use this method to practice when I wake up, but this is an advantage for this spiritual dragon.

However, since getting rid of the black energy, Spirit Dragon has grown so much in the past hundred years!

If it were in the past, if these two spiritual energies were lost, the spirit dragon would probably shed its skin even if it didn't die.

But now, I am just slightly tired and can recover after taking a while.

"The Spiritual Vein Dragon is indeed a rare thing in the world!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the two siblings of the Bai family.

In just a few moments, both siblings succeeded in breaking through.



"We successfully broke through!"

The Bai family siblings said excitedly.

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. Although he was happy for the two siblings, he still said:

“It’s a long journey to practice, and the road is long and full of obstacles…Don’t be complacent!”

"For the next three years, you will stay in this cave to practice..."

(End of this chapter)

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