Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 367: Winning first place in the competition and leaving the Baiyun Realm!

Chapter 367 Winning the first place in the competition and leaving the Baiyun Realm!
After hearing Su Xing's words, the two siblings showed yearning on their faces.

They have never been to such a place with abundant spiritual energy. The two siblings are practicing in the Baiyun Realm. Their cultivation progress is slow, which is naturally related to the lack of sufficient spiritual energy.

Su Xing sent the two siblings to the Lingtian Cave and then continued back to the Baiyun Sect.

"In the next three years, we must always pay attention to the intelligence of the alien race to prevent accidents and ensure that we can successfully enter the Tianji Realm..."

With this thought, Su Xing continued to stay in the Baiyun Sect as an elder of the outer sect, and continued to understand the situation of the Baiyun Realm and the Tianji Realm.


In the blink of an eye, three years passed.

This is the last year of immersive simulation for Awakening.

This year, Su Xing's cultivation level has returned to the True Immortal Realm, and his body refining cultivation level has even returned to the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Refining Technique.

This means that Su Xing's combat effectiveness has almost reached more than 90% of what it was in its heyday!

"Huh, three years have come and it's time to prepare to leave the Baiyun Realm!"

The awakening figure flashed and returned to the Lingtian cave.

In just three years, the Bai family siblings have made rapid progress in their cultivation.

Bai Xiaoxiao is still normal. With the help of the simplified version of Zhengyi Fuqi Jue and the abundant spiritual energy from Lingtian Cave Heaven, her cultivation level has reached the peak of Nascent Soul.

But Bai Yutang's progress in cultivation is quite astonishing.

In just three years, his cultivation has even reached the middle stage of becoming a god!

"My cultivation in the middle stage of becoming a god is enough to win the first place in the upcoming sect competition, and I was chosen by Tianji Pavilion!"

Su Xing thought as he looked at Bai Yutang, who was still practicing his magical powers at an accelerated pace.

In the past three years, Baiyun Realm has undergone tremendous changes.

More than one-third of the entire Baiyun Realm has been occupied by foreign races.

The estimate before I woke up was quite conservative and optimistic...

If it continues to develop at the current speed, the entire Baiyun Realm will even fall in three to five years at most!

Therefore, people in Baiyun Realm were panicked for a while.

Including Tianji Pavilion and Baiyun Sect, they all began to cooperate to retain their strength and evacuate Baiyun Realm in advance.

Su Xing's idea is to let Bai Yutang participate in the Baiyun Sect's selection meeting and successfully join Tianji Pavilion after standing out.

At that time, Tianji Pavilion will personally send strong men to receive these disciples and return to Tianji Realm.

"Master, my disciple will definitely fulfill his mission! He won the first place in this sect competition!"

After hearing this, Bai Yutang assured him that Bai Yutang was much more confident than he was a few years ago.

Soon, time came to the day of the sect competition.

Tens of thousands of Baiyun Sect disciples, as well as many outside practitioners, can participate in this competition.

Among the judges who visited the competition were experts from Tianji Pavilion!
I saw a figure sitting above the seat of the leader of the Baiyun Sect, looking at the disciples of the Baiyun Sect. After a long time, he shook his head slightly and said:

"Alas, the quality of monks in this world varies greatly... It's hard to find geniuses!"

"Among tens of thousands of monks, there are only one or two truly good ones..."

As he spoke, the monk took a sip of wine with a hint of contempt in his tone.

In front of the leader of the Baiyun Sect and a group of elders, the monk said this, but the leader of the Baiyun Sect had no intention of refuting it.

Instead, he said with a smile on his face:

"Senior, our Baiyun Realm is just a small realm... naturally we can't compare with those big worlds..."

"However, I have something I want to know... I wonder how many of my disciples in the Baiyun Realm can successfully escape and go to the Tianji Realm?"

After hearing the words of the leader of the Baiyun Sect, the monk pondered for a moment and then said:

"This time I have been ordered to accept talented disciples from all walks of life to ensure that they have enough strength to return to Tianji Pavilion smoothly."

"It's not just the Baiyun Realm that is being invaded by alien races. Other worlds are also being invaded. Therefore, the number of places that can be allocated to the Baiyun Realm is limited..."

After a pause, the monk continued:
"In the entire Baiyun Realm, about 8,000 monks will be able to leave this realm during the Tribulation..."

"But if you want to be truly accepted as a peripheral member by our Tianji Pavilion, there are only less than a hundred places."

After hearing this, the head of the Baiyun Sect turned pale.

There are only 8,000 places in the Baiyun Realm of Nuo Da!

This shows that it is very likely that only eight thousand monks in the Baiyun Realm can survive, retain their vitality, and return to the Tianji Realm.

This number is just a drop in the bucket compared to the entire Baiyun Realm.

But in the face of the menacing alien race, it is not easy to protect these more than 8,000 people.

As for the rest, they can only let themselves perish...

"Oh, now that things have come to this... I hope I can save one more person!"

"These children are the hope for the future of our Tianji Domain!"

The leader of the Baiyun Sect looked sad. He looked at the tens of thousands of disciples in uniform at the venue and felt only desolation in his heart.

The Tianji Pavilion monk also remained silent after hearing this, but he drank three minutes faster.

Su Xing, who was sitting at the elders' seat, shook his head slightly after hearing this.

"In the huge Baiyun Realm, there are more than hundreds of millions of monks?"

"But it can only protect a mere 8,000 people... This number can be regarded as the foundation of Tianji Pavilion!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he was also invaded by aliens.

After the destruction of Xiao Qingyun Realm, almost no major forces recruited disciples and monks in advance to retain their vitality.

The Xiao Qingyun world has been fighting for hundreds of years and this is still the case.

However, the Baiyun Sect was in a hurry and had already made such preparations after being invaded for only a few years, which shows the secrets of Tianji Pavilion.

Su Xing glanced at the monk above the seat, with a strange look in his eyes.

"This monk seems to be no weaker than Fairy Ziling!"

"A peak Golden Immortal cultivator, or even Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"With this strong man escorting us, as long as no accidents happen, we should be able to reach the Tianji Realm smoothly!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at Bai Yutang, one of the participating disciples, and said:

"Then it all depends on Ayu's performance!"

As the competition officially began, various splendid spells flashed across the venue.

In the venue, every disciple went all out. Before participating in the competition, they all knew that this was a competition that was about to change their destiny.

And Bai Yutang, who has the cultivation of becoming a god, stood out from the crowd of young disciples.

Outside the venue, the head of the Baiyun Sect acted as the commentator.

"Senior, please see, the man wearing the golden eagle robe is a third-generation disciple of our Baiyun Sect. He is not yet a hundred years old, and he already possesses the cultivation of god transformation... and is already very proficient in the art of controlling eagles."

"And the girl who casts the Hundred Flowers Technique has just turned sixty and has reached the peak of Nascent Soul. She has great potential!"

The leader of the Baiyun Sect explained earnestly and praised the disciples at the meeting, just so that more disciples could enter the Dharma Eyes of this powerful man from the Tianji Pavilion.

By then, Baiyun Realm will also have more places to take refuge in Tianji Realm.

But with these qualifications alone, the monk didn't even raise his head and just continued drinking. The leader of the Baiyun Sect was not angry after seeing this, and continued to explain diligently.

After drinking for a while, the originally bright sky has turned into darkness.

That day, the Ji Pavilion monk suddenly raised his head, pointed to a certain position on the field, and asked:
"Who is that young man? It seems interesting..."

The leader of the Baiyun Sect who was asked raised his head and looked in the direction he was pointing. After thinking about it for a while, he said uncertainly:

"That young man seems to be Elder Ye's direct disciple...I haven't seen you for a few years, but his cultivation is so impressive?"

As the leader of the Baiyun Sect, he pays more attention to those who have been famous for a long time. In the past two years, he has not paid much attention to the new disciples.

After hearing this, the Ji Pavilion monk took a sip of wine and said:
"In the entire Baiyun Sect, this guy is the only one who can catch my eye."

"I'm not yet twenty, but I've already reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation! I also have the Nine-turn Golden Pill, the Super Nascent Soul...and I have a solid foundation, and my magical powers and spells are all good."

"This kind of talent is already very good in the world!"

"If I guess correctly, this young man should have some kind of strange physique..."

Speaking of this, the Tianji Pavilion monk paused, looked at Baiyun Sect Master, and asked:
"Elder Ye is nearby, so I can ask him to come and talk."

After hearing this, the head of the Baiyun Sect suddenly became overjoyed.

Why did he work so hard to promote his disciples?
Isn't it just to get into the eyes of this big shot?

As long as the Baiyun Realm shows enough value, the number of monks who can successfully take refuge in the Tianji Realm will definitely be more than 8,000!

Thinking of this, Sect Leader Baiyun quickly said:
"Please ask Elder Ye to come and talk..."

Soon, Su Xing was invited over and looked familiar in front of the master of Tianji Pavilion.

"That young man, is he your disciple?"

The Ji Pavilion monk took a sip of wine that day and asked enthusiastically.

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said, neither humble nor arrogant:

"I picked up this young man eighteen years ago. He has an innate pulse. Although he cannot take pills, his cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary people..."

"After more than ten years of training, this kid has gained some strength. He entered the stage of becoming a god some time ago."

"He also has a sister who has now reached the peak of Nascent Soul."

Su Xing said, pointing to another fighting figure in the venue.

The Ji Pavilion monk nodded slightly after hearing this, took a sip of wine, and said:
"You're in luck! This kind of talent is pretty good even among the top sects in the world!"

"If I work harder in the future, my cultivation will surpass yours... and even becoming an immortal is not impossible!"

The leader of Baiyun Sect listened quietly, but he was very happy in his heart. After waiting for a while, he interjected:

"Elder Ye is really blessed! I am only in the Hunyuan realm... but I have accepted such a good disciple. I really envy me!"

After hearing the words of Sect Master Baiyun, the monk had a strange look on his face, and he said bluntly:
"Hunyuan Realm cultivation? Sect Master Bai may have made a mistake..."

"Elder Ye's Qi-refining cultivation has obviously reached the Earthly Immortal Realm. He even cultivates both Qi and Qi. His body-refining cultivation is not weak compared to his Qi-refining cultivation!"

After hearing what the cultivator from Tianji Pavilion said, Master Baiyun was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xing with a somewhat sad look.

He only has the cultivation level of a human being in the Immortal Realm... How come he took in an Elder Ye and has the cultivation level of an Earth Immortal?

That look in his eyes made it clear: Elder Ye is hiding something from me, it’s so hard for me!

After hearing this, Su Xing laughed twice and said:

"A few years ago, in order to avoid enemies and better take care of my sister and brother, I hid some of my cultivation. Please don't blame me."

After hearing this, Sect Master Bai would not blame Su Xing. It was too late for him to be happy at the moment.

The monks of Tianji Pavilion felt much better when they saw that they had finally found a good seedling in the Baiyun Realm.

After the Baiyun Sect Master and the Tianji Pavilion Master chatted for a while, they took the opportunity to say:

"Senior, do you think the number of monks in Baiyun Realm who can go to Tianji Pavilion this time is available?"

After hearing this, the monk from Tianji Pavilion nodded slightly and said:
"It is not easy to train monks in the Baiyun Realm. We have gathered 10,000 places this time. After the conference is over, you can return to the Tianji Realm with me."

After hearing this, Sect Leader Baiyun laughed from ear to ear.

Two thousand more monks would preserve more hope for the Baiyun Realm.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The results of this Baiyun Conference finally appeared.

Combining various factors such as age, qualifications, cultivation, combat power, etc., Bai Yutang undoubtedly became the first place in the competition!
Even Bai Xiaoxiao has entered the top ten in the overall evaluation of Dabi.

After the competition, it was time for the monks from Tianji Pavilion to speak.

I saw this monk leaping up, floating high in the sky, and said loudly to the millions of monks below:

"I am Xiao Zhanlong, the guest minister of Tianji Pavilion. This time, I have selected 10,000 monks from Baiyun Realm to go to Tianji Realm in advance to experience."

"The monks on the list are asked to prepare within three days. Each person can bring up to five relatives and friends to leave with him."

After hearing what the monk said, some of the disciples below showed surprise, while others felt despair.

The war in Baiyun Realm has been tense this year, and some disciples already know what will happen next in Baiyun Realm.

If you can leave at this time, you can still save your life.

If I can't leave, I'm afraid the worst will happen...

Seeing that most of the disciples below looked desperate, Xiao Zhanlong said with a look of pity on his face:
"The monks who are not selected don't have to worry... Our Tianji Pavilion will eliminate a large number of monks as soon as possible to support all walks of life!"

"I believe Baiyun Boundary will be able to persevere..."

After that, Xiao Zhanlong didn't want to stay any longer and left the place.

Although Xiao Zhanlong said that Tianji Pavilion would definitely provide support, all the monks present knew in their hearts that most of the monks and civilians in this world would die in the Baiyun Realm.


On the other side, after the competition, the Bai family siblings came to Su Xing's side and asked for credit:

"Master, we didn't embarrass you this time!"

In just a few years, he won the first place in the Baiyun Competition, which is naturally very impressive.

But Su Xing only praised him a little and said:

"You should prepare as soon as possible. We are ready to leave the Baiyun Realm..."

"Remember, Tianji Domain is your stage... you can't just limit yourself to the little Baiyun Sect!"

After hearing this, the Bai family siblings nodded in understanding.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

On this day, a huge ship that covered the sky and sun appeared above Baiyun Sect.

This is an extremely huge fairy boat!

The boat body alone stretches thousands of meters, like a long dragon.

Su Xing could tell at a glance that the quality of this fairy boat was no less than the acquired treasure!
But unlike the awakened Star Sun and Moon Boat, this fairy boat is more suitable for carrying a large number of low-level monks.

Tens of thousands of monks from the White Cloud Realm, including the three masters and disciples of Su Xing, entered the immortal boat.

Half a day later, the fairy boat turned into a stream of light and flew towards the outside world...

(End of this chapter)

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