Chapter 368 The immersive simulation ends and Bai Di appears!

The fairy boat left the white cloud world and turned into a stream of light and sailed into the void.

Through the transparent shield on the fairy boat, the monks staying in the boat can easily see the outside world.

Because Bai Yutang performed well, the three of them were able to have a relatively independent room where they could stay and rest.

The two siblings left the Baiyun Realm for the first time, and when they saw the situation outside the world, they felt as curious as when they first woke up.

But after watching it for a long time, the single scene in the void inevitably becomes boring.

Su Xing was already used to sailing in the void, and he just looked at the situation inside the boat.

The inner space of this fairy boat is extremely wide, but it can carry hundreds of thousands of people.

These people are not only from the Baiyun Realm, but also from other worlds.

According to what Xiao Zhanlong said, this time they picked up monks from seventy-eight worlds and headed to the Tianji Realm in advance.

This kind of gain is more of a mental growth...

You need to pass through hundreds of small thousand worlds in the middle, and you need to stop and pick up more monks.

More importantly, Su Xing successfully arrived at Tianji Realm and began to explore the situation in Tianji Realm!
"If nothing else goes wrong, I hope I can successfully meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion in this simulation and figure out some things..."

"Next, I hope I can reach the Tianji Realm smoothly..."

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...]

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

When the awakening immersive simulation ended, the fairy boat was still sailing in the void.

As strong as Daluo Jinxian, one must be cautious when dealing with one's state of mind.

Therefore, the entire process took approximately thirty years.

He gained a lot from this immersive simulation.

[And Bai Xiaoxiao also successfully broke into the divine transformation stage...]

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Su Xing was confused in his heart. Tianji Pavilion could not have thought of this and must have prepared countermeasures.

[On board this immortal boat are millions of monks with good qualifications from all worlds. 】

"Thousands of years from now, those monks may become heavenly immortals or even true immortals!"

[Seeing that the number of monks on the fairy boat is increasing, you have a vague premonition in your heart. 】

"Finally, I gained a lot!"

I just don’t know if this response is enough?

"That's right, every god-transformation monk on this immortal boat... may become an immortal in hundreds or thousands of years!"

[If this immortal boat is destroyed, the entire Tianji Domain may experience a shortage of monks in the next ten thousand years. 】

[Such a great opportunity cannot be missed by the alien race and Advent Cult that have invaded the Tianji Domain...]

"Although I was escorted by strong men like Xiao Zhanlong along the way, I still have an unknown premonition for some reason..."

[In the past ten years, you have been staying in the immortal boat and recovering your cultivation every day. 】

Su Xing got acquainted with the two siblings of the Bai family, and recovered again after his own cultivation fell. This gave Su Xing a deeper understanding of the way to cultivate immortality.

"If I were a member of the Advent would be impossible for me to give up such a great opportunity!"

[At the same time, this year your disciple Bai Yutang successfully broke through to the Void Return Stage! 】

Su Xing recalled something, and before the end of this immersive simulation, he was still in the fairy boat.

[In the 290th year, you boarded the immortal boat and sailed in the void with a group of monks, starting from the White Cloud Realm and heading towards the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 310th year, there are millions of low-level monks on the immortal boat, coming from hundreds of different worlds, all with the goal of heading to the Tianji Realm. 】

"Phew...this immersive simulation is finally over!"

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes were a little solemn when he saw this.

Su Xing sighed a little in his heart, after ten years of immersive simulation.

[As more and more worlds are visited, the space on the fairy boat becomes less and less, and it is almost full. 】

Thinking of this, Su Xing became more and more certain that the Advent Sect was definitely preparing a backup plan to attack this spaceship!
"Then next, it's time to see how Tianji Pavilion will respond to this..."

[From the Nascent Soul transformation stage to the immortal realm can be said to be the hope of the Tianji Realm for thousands to ten thousand years in the future! 】


What's more, the state of awakening requires even more mental growth!
After Su Xing thought for a while, he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the past ten years, under the leadership of Xiao Zhanlong, you have stayed in more than ten Small Thousand Worlds, and selected talented monks from them to go to Tianji Pavilion. 】

Su Xing has never experienced any setbacks in his practice, but this immersive simulation of his cultivation will make Su Xing's future path smoother.

The fairy boat sets off from the Baiyun Realm, and its goal is to sail to the Tianji Realm.

[In the third hundred years, your cultivation has finally recovered smoothly! 】

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[More than a year later, the Immortal Boat sailed smoothly through several Small Thousand Worlds, and the entire Immortal Boat was almost full of monks. 】

[And you are getting closer and closer to the Tianji Realm...]

[But you find that the closer you are to the Tianji Realm, the more cautious Xiao Zhanlong, who is in charge this time, becomes. 】

[Xiao Zhanlong, who was originally a heavy drinker, has not had a drink for three years... he seems to be dealing with something. 】

[From Xiao Zhanlong's state, it is not difficult to guess that something is about to happen. 】

[In the 315th year, Bai Xiaoxiao successfully broke through to the peak of divine transformation. 】

[And Bai Yutang, who has astonishing qualifications, is not far away from the integration stage. 】

[This year, your understanding of the great road has almost recovered. You have begun to use the method of cause and effect and destiny, and have begun to predict future misfortunes. 】

[But after you have divined several times in a row, you feel that there is an invisible layer of mist that seems to be blocking your predictions. 】

[You even spent a thousand years of life to predict that there will be a disaster in the next six months. 】

[But you don’t know how the disaster will come. 】

[You are cautious by nature, tell your two disciples to hide in your cave to prevent accidents from happening. 】

[In the blink of an eye, several months passed. 】

[One day, as expected, there were waves of strange fluctuations in the void outside the fairy boat. 】

[I saw a bright light coming from hundreds of thousands of miles away, accurately hitting this fairy boat. 】

[But fortunately, at the same time, a layer of transparent formation restrictions rose above the fairy boat, firmly blocking this bright light. 】

[Even so, the entire fairy boat shook violently. 】

[You were meditating in the room when you were awakened by a sudden vibration, and felt a lot of powerful aura coming quickly through the shield. 】

[You sighed upon seeing this, it seems that the attack is coming after all! 】

[The next second, Xiao Zhanlong stepped through the void and landed on the immortal boat, his eyes fixed on a direction hundreds of thousands of miles away. 】

[The immortal boat and the attacker walked in the opposite direction, and they were close in just a few moments. 】【And you finally see clearly the enemy ambushing here! 】

[This is an entire alien army, numbering more than 10,000! 】

[Every alien race is a being above the realm of gods. 】

[You even feel that more than half of them have the power of true gods... and many foreign races have power comparable to true immortals and mysterious immortals! 】

[What will shock you even more is that every alien in this alien army has red eyes! 】

[The alien race headed by them has an aura that even makes you feel frightened...]

[Compared to the power on this fairy boat, the strength of the alien legion is much stronger! 】

[You are a little curious, how should Xiao Zhanlong deal with such a powerful enemy? 】

In the real world, Su Xing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

The strength of this alien army was within Su Xing’s expectations.

But this red-eyed alien...

"Hiss~ Why do the red-eyed aliens appear here?"

"Could it be that Hong Yue really didn't die back then... and even came to the Tianji Domain!"

Su Xing's face became solemn. He knew Hong Yue's difficulties, and he also knew how powerful and numerous the red-eyed aliens were.

And this Hong Yue is so difficult to kill. She survived the encirclement and suppression by two Taiyi Golden Immortals and actually came to Tianji Realm?

"Tianji Hong Yue and the alien race's next target?"

Su Xing knew in his heart the importance of this information.

The difficulty of Red Moon lies not only in its own strength, but also in the steady stream of red-eyed aliens that threaten the human race!
"However, I can't care about that much right now..."

"It's unclear whether Xianzhou can withstand this crisis... If it really can't withstand it, I will have no choice but to run away!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Seeing that the foreign legion is getting closer and closer to the fairy boat. 】

[Xiao Zhanlong, who was standing alone on the fairy boat, could not help but look solemn. 】

[The next second, he laughed heroically twice, a wine gourd appeared in his hand, he drank most of the wine in one gulp, and a fairy sword engraved with a golden dragon appeared in Xiao Zhanlong's hand. 】

[Immediately afterwards, a sword was slashed out, the sword light stretched tens of thousands of miles, and thousands of alien gods were directly killed with one sword! 】

[Under this sword, all the foreign gods with powerful divine power died. 】

[More than 80% of the tens of thousands of aliens were directly exterminated... Only 20% of the remaining aliens were mostly injured and looked at Xiao Zhanlong in horror. 】

[The power of this item has surpassed that of Jinxian and reached the Taiyi realm! 】

[But the foreign race did not panic for too long. Not long after, the leader of the foreign race stepped into the void and appeared a hundred miles away from the fairy boat. 】

[Xiao Zhanlong's face became solemn when he saw this, because this is a foreign god comparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[Without any hesitation, the strongest combat powers of both sides fought together...]

[The fight between the Taiyi Golden Immortals, a single gesture is enough to destroy the world. 】

[Once the alien god is allowed to free his hands, the immortal boat will definitely not be able to do so, and millions of monks will die... The entire Tianji Domain may have its cultivation level annihilated in the future. 】

[As for the alien side, the powerful alien god blocked Xiao Zhanlong, while the remaining alien gods rushed towards the immortal boat and started fighting. 】

[But Xiao Zhanlong is not the only protector on the Immortal Boat. 】

[The next second, hundreds of powerful monks jumped out of the fairy boat. These monks all had strength above that of heavenly immortals. The strongest among them were even close to the mysterious fairyland. They flew towards the alien gods, and the two sides fought. On the verge of breaking out. 】

[The entire Immortal Boat fell into panic for a moment, and countless monks had their hearts in their throats. 】

[Once the immortal boat is hit, these millions of monks will not be able to survive in the void at all. 】

[Compared to these monks, you seem much calmer, and your spiritual consciousness has been sensing Xiao Zhanlong's battle. 】

[You know in your heart that only the battle between Xiao Zhanlong and the alien leader will determine the direction of the entire fairy boat! 】

[Once Xiao Zhanlong is defeated, millions of monks will die! 】

[But based on your observations, the battle between the two seems to be inextricable, and this battle may last for several years. 】

[And the immortal boat continued to sail towards the Tianji Realm in the expected direction. 】

[If this speed is followed, the immortal boat may be able to reach the Tianji Realm safely. 】

[However, the development of things still exceeded expectations. 】

[Under the cover of a group of aliens, a group of men in black robes quietly approached the fairy boat...]

[Under the induction of your spiritual consciousness, there are about ten people in this group, and the weakest one even has the cultivation level of a heavenly immortal... And the leader of the group has a cultivation level that even you can't see through! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"The leader of the black-robed man is at least... as powerful as a Golden Immortal or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing suddenly felt troubled.

If you like organizations that wear black robes, your first reaction when you wake up is Adventism!
"So... is the one at the head of the second blood team? Or is he one of the top ten cadres?"

Su Xing felt vaguely worried, if the second blood really took action...

If there wasn't a Taiyi Golden Immortal, I might not be able to stop him!
"It looks like something is going to happen this time! These millions of monks and immortal boats may not be able to survive... I'd better take my two siblings and run away as soon as possible!"

Su Xing felt helpless.

If he is really a blood 2, there is nothing he can do if he wakes up.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the fairy boat, you are secretly wary of that group of people, always ready to run away. 】

[And obviously, it was not only you who discovered that group of people, but also Xiao Zhanlong. 】

[But surprisingly, Xiao Zhanlong did not panic at all, and just concentrated on dealing with the alien god. 】

[You also discovered this, and you were suddenly curious. Could it be that Tianji Pavilion still had a back-up plan? 】

[So you felt a little more at ease and began to look at the group of people. 】

[In a breath, the group of people was less than ten miles away from the fairy boat. 】

[At this speed, maybe the fairy boat will be destroyed in the next second! 】

[However, at this moment, a simple wooden sword flew out from the fairy boat and passed through the group of people in an instant. 】

[The next second, nine of the ten men in black died directly, including one man in black who was at the peak of Xuanxian! 】

[Only the leading man in black barely blocked this one, but his expression became ugly. 】

[You were shocked when you saw this. Could it be that there is another sword cultivator hidden on this immortal boat? ! 】

[And looking at the power of this swordsmanship, he can kill the peak Xuanxian in an instant... This is most likely a swordsman above Taiyi! 】

[Your heart calms down a little, quietly waiting for the outcome of this battle. 】

[And the leading man in black robe, after seeing this wooden sword, sneered: Tianji Pavilion is such a big deal, they actually asked the dignified White Emperor to escort them! 】

(End of this chapter)

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