Chapter 369 Bai Di’s request, Su Xing takes action!

In the real world, Su Xing was shocked when he saw this.

"White Emperor, majestic White Emperor, is actually on this fairy boat!"

Su Xing is no stranger to Bai Di.

In Xiaoqingyun Realm, there is a statue in Baidi City. The man in the statue is majestic and full of the free and elegant atmosphere of the Sword Immortal.

In addition, there are many labels on Bai Di.

The number one sword cultivator in the Three Thousand Worlds!

The terrifyingly powerful Daluo Jinxian!

The leader of the casual cultivator organization Baidilou!

He likes to travel around mountains and rivers, play in the mortal world, and disappears and disappears in the three thousand worlds...

Just feeling the sword intent on Bai Di's body made Su Xing feel excited.

“Use an immersive simulation… for a month!”

As he said that, the wooden sword in Bai Di's hand was like a goddess scattering flowers, one point three thousand!
Three thousand flying swords shot towards Xue Er, and condensed into one again halfway...

"But... if you really break into the Great Luo Jinxian, you can control three thousand worlds!"

Whether it's the wooden sword in Bai Di's hand or this style of Three Thousand Swordsmanship.

"Tsk, tsk, but Tianji Pavilion's handiwork is really not small!"

"Are you a cadre of the Advent Sect? Blood 2 or Blood 4?"

"The master of Tianji Pavilion must have anticipated the horror of this interception...but Bai Di took action, so he should be safe and sound!"

Su Xing couldn't help but feel some gossip in his heart. This Baidi was known as the most amazing man in the world, and he was also labeled as a libertine among the powerful.

"This person is at least above the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"In order to protect the geniuses of these hundreds of small thousand worlds...not only did we invite Taiyi Golden Immortal to take action, but we also invited Daluo Golden Immortal White Emperor to take action!"

While Su Xing was curious, he couldn't help but want to see the Bai Emperor's grace.

Bai Di yawned lazily, danced the wooden sword in his hand beautifully, and said to the black-robed evil cultivator:
"You're not bad either! The second-in-command of Advent Sect, Second actually took action yourself to rob and kill these low-level monks. If my wife hadn't figured it out earlier, I'm afraid you would have succeeded. !”

Even when I wake up, there is a feeling of powerlessness in my heart...

But unfortunately, there was a bit of cynicism in his expression.

There was a time when the target of the awakening sword was Bai Di!
Now, I didn’t expect that Su Xing would actually see Bai Emperor in the Tianji Domain!

The aura of this black-robed evil cultivator made Su Xing feel extremely terrifying.

Looking further away, he saw Xie Xiu wearing a black robe and red skin stepping on the void, looking at Bai Emperor with a gloomy expression.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in the huge immortal boat.

The three thousand flying swords once again transformed into a giant sword hundreds of feet long, like a space battleship, attacking towards the Blood Ermen Gate!
Su Xing stared at this scene with his eyes wide open, admiring in his heart:
"It's good to transform three thousand with one hand...the sword will be unified!"

There are not many opportunities for Daluo Jinxian to take action.

However, the next second, Bai Di's words let Su Xing know the identity of this black-robed evil cultivator.

If he could observe it, he might be able to take the awakening of the sword a step further!
Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation, which lasted for 30 days, cost 30 energy source points, and left 120 energy source points...]

"Sword cultivator, this is how it is!"

"If you don't cultivate enough, your body and soul will die!"

This man has long flowing hair and exudes a terrifying sword intent.

On top of the fairy boat, a figure was seen holding a wooden sword and wearing a robe, sitting cross-legged casually.

With Su Xing's swordsmanship, he could naturally tell.

As a sword cultivator, Su Xing easily sensed Bai Emperor's sword technique and sword intention. The vast sword intention was like a sun, fiercely impacting Su Xing's heart.

After a pause, Bai Di continued:
"Tsk, tsk, there are rumors that you broke through to the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm ten thousand years ago... Judging from the blow you just blocked from me, it should be true!"

When he said the last sentence, the sword intent and aura on Bai Di's body were condensed, like a true sun that could burn everything in the world, making people dare not look directly at him.

"This White Emperor...seems to be following the invincible sword path!"

In the vast void, this fairy boat with a diameter of dozens of miles was like a drop in the ocean. Su Xing took a few steps and saw clearly the fighting scene outside through the glass window in the room.

"Today, I will let you know that there is also a gap between Da Luo Jinxian!"

Su Xing had some doubts in his heart.

"Tsk tsk, no wonder I've simulated it so many times and never seen the White Emperor in the Qingyuan Domain... It turns out that the Bai Emperor is in another great domain!"

It was as if there were thousands of enemies in the world, but none of them could defeat him.

Now that the White Emperor has taken action, he should be able to withstand the invasion of this alien race...

All swords are Bai Emperor's sword intention, not the entity!

However, with Bai Di's swordsmanship, this sword intention is already as real as substance, and even more powerful than an innate treasure!

"Tsk, tsk, how far has Bai Di's swordsmanship reached?"

"Has he reached the rumored sixth realm of the Great Dao, the True Realm, or has he reached the seventh realm of the Great Dao?"

He didn't know how to wake up. He only knew that the swordsmanship he had worked hard on for a long time was still not worth mentioning in front of Bai Emperor...

"Tsk, tsk, just the Tao Yun of this sword is enough for me to comprehend for a thousand years!"

Su Xing blinked and said that this immersive simulation was useless!
"Moreover, this is a battle between Daluo Jinxian!"

"Although Bai Di is strong, the Blood II on the opposite side is also Daluo Jinxian after all... I'm afraid we won't be able to tell the winner in a short time!"

Su Xing took a moment to assess the situation on the battlefield.

Xiao Zhanlong, as the Taiyi Golden Immortal, was entangled by the alien gods opposite him.

Although Bai Di is strong, he will not be able to win the second blood for a while.

From this point of view, the battle is for mid-range combat power!

It is still unclear whether the guardians above the Immortal Zhou Immortal Realm can defeat the alien legion...

"However, even if I can't fight, it won't be a problem for me to escape..."

Su Xing blinked. He didn't try to turn the tide, he just hoped that if the situation went bad, he could escape smoothly.

Just when he was awake and thinking, on the battlefield outside, Bai Di and Xue Er, Xiao Zhanlong and the alien gods had been fighting for many rounds.

At this time, a noisy sound suddenly came from the fairy boat, and then there was a knock on the door of the awakening room.

"Elder Ye! Elder Ye, are you in the room?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but still opened the door.

The person outside the door was none other than the leader of the Baiyun Sect.

Sect Master Baiyun said in a somewhat anxious tone:

"Elder Ye, the situation on the Immortal Boat is not good... The alien gods have torn a protective hole open... Now we are summoning all the monks on the Immortal Boat who are above the Immortal Realm to join the battle!"

"If those alien races break through, the children on the fairy boat may be doomed!"

"So, be sure to invite Elder Ye to participate in this battle!"

Su Xing sighed secretly in his heart when he saw how eager Baiyun Sect Master was. This Baiyun Sect Master can be regarded as one of the few righteous monks.

He is worried about the safety of the Baiyun Sect, but also considers the overall situation. At this moment, he hopes to ensure the safety of the lower-level monks on the Immortal Boat as much as possible.

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"As a member of the Baiyun Sect, I have to participate in the war..."

Seeing this, Master Baiyun looked overjoyed, took Su Xing's hand and walked towards the outside of the fairy boat.

After a while, hundreds of monks above the Immortal Realm gathered together, left the inside of the Immortal Boat, and appeared in front of the protective restrictions outside the Immortal Boat.

With the strength of the Immortal Realm, fighting in the void for a short period of time is not a big problem.

In the distance, hundreds of foreign gods have already come to kill them.

These more than a hundred immortals, including Su Xing, became the last line of defense to protect the immortal boat.

Sect Master Baiyun obviously did not expect that there would be such a large number of alien races.

His face immediately turned pale, and he said a little guiltily:
"Elder Ye... I caused you trouble. If you were in the fairy boat, you might still be able to escape, but right now..."

After hearing this, Su Xing waved his hand and said:
"Whether we can survive the fight or not, we won't know until we fight... Let's try our best to hold him back first!"

While they were talking, hundreds of alien gods had approached, and a battle between the two sides was imminent.

Su Xing picked a foreign god with medium divine power, and while observing the situation on the battlefield, he dealt with it with ease.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Su Xing killed this alien god with medium divine power, but the situation on the battlefield showed that the Xianzhou human race had been completely suppressed!

There are too many alien gods!

There are hundreds of foreign gods with powerful divine power alone!
After several rounds of fighting, the human monks suffered heavy casualties.

Su Xing felt a little hesitant in his heart, whether to take action at this moment.

"On this battlefield, after all, there are two strong men who can kill me easily... If I am targeted by them, I will definitely die!"

"Besides, it's unknown whether there are enemies hidden in the darkness..."

"If I take action, there will be certain risks...but if I conserve my strength and only protect myself, my life should be fine!"

Just when he was awake and thinking, Master Baiyun was attacked by an alien god with medium divine power.

Su Xing had a good impression of him and couldn't bear to see him die, so he slashed out with his sword and killed the alien god.

But this sword was used by Su Xing extremely covertly, and no one on the battlefield noticed it.

Then he woke up and continued paddling to preserve his strength.

While fighting, Su Xing could even watch the battle between Daluo Jinxian and gain a lot of insights from it.

So, about half an hour later.

Bai Di, who was in the middle of the battle, slashed out with his sword. The sword energy was endless and he temporarily forced Xu Er back.

Then he looked in the direction of Xianzhou and said loudly:
"Hey, on the fairy boat, that little kid in the third level of swordsmanship!"

"You little brat, stop retaining your strength, I can hardly stand it anymore!"

"This young master is entrusted by my mother-in-law to protect the monks on this immortal boat. If things go wrong, don't blame me for taking my anger out on you!"

Bai Di's voice was not loud, but it easily penetrated the void and fell on the ears of every monk on the immortal boat.

Most of the monks fighting on the immortal boat and the monks inside the immortal boat were wondering, do they still have hidden power?

Only the one who woke up during the battle had a wry smile in his eyes.

"Damn it, the White Emperor really saw through it!"

Su Xing felt helpless.

His method of cause and effect has only been cultivated to the fourth level, and he was able to resist Xiao Zhanlong's detection because he was not proficient in this method.

But Bai Di was a very powerful man, and he was a sword cultivator like Su Xing. It would be a lie if he couldn't see through Su Xing's cultivation.

"Damn it, are you actually being targeted by Bai Emperor?"

While Su Xing complained, he was also a little curious.

"This Bai Di said he was entrusted by his mother-in-law?"

"Could it be that the Master of Tianji Pavilion and Bai Emperor are Taoist couples?"

Su Xing was a little surprised. The most mysterious Master of the Tianji Pavilion in the Three Thousand Worlds was actually a woman?
And the master of Tianji Pavilion and Bai Di are actually Taoist couples?
But why did I never know this before I woke up?
Just as he was awakening from the Eight Diagrams, Bai Di in the distance came out again and said:
"That handsome little baby! Yes, it's you!"

"Please help me keep an eye on the monks on the fairy boat... I will give you a big gift!"

Xing Xing, who was on the immortal boat, immediately stopped hesitating after hearing Bai Emperor's words.

The dignified Luo Jinxian asked Su Xing again and again to sell.

If you wake up and still turn a blind eye, it would be a bit ignorant.

As a result, Su Xing no longer hid his own strength. With a thought in his heart, his hidden cultivation level was unsealed, and his aura instantly increased by more than a hundred times!
Strong Yuanli adheres to the surface of the awakened body, and the layers of sword intent condense into Jian Gang.

Four thousand two hundred body-protecting swords first firmly protected Su Xing.

The sword intention in his body hummed softly, and the Mo Bing sword was unsheathed and appeared in Su Xing's hand.

The Five Elements Avenue, Space, Cause and Effect, Destiny and other avenues were fully activated, forming a spiritual realm within two thousand feet of Su Xing's body, further improving Su Xing's strength!
"Then, this junior is looking forward to the great gift from Senior Baidi!"

Su Xing no longer hid and responded loudly.

Then, a sword slashed out!
I saw a white sword light piercing the void and flying directly to a powerful alien god in the distance.

In just a moment of contact, this powerful alien with divine power was killed directly.

Su Xing didn't hold back, and while breathing, he slashed out dozens of sword energy in succession.

Every sword energy must yield something.

In less than a moment, dozens of powerful alien gods died at the hands of Su Xing.

After killing these alien gods, Su Xing looked at a black shadow alien in the distance.

In the entire vicinity of the fairy boat, only this alien god seemed to threaten Su Xing...

This is the strength of a foreign god, which has reached the level of a third-level god!
Comparable to Xuanxian!

"I haven't done anything for a long's time to stretch my muscles!"

Su Xing held the sword in one hand and exerted slight force on his feet. His figure flashed and appeared behind the third-level god in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, purple light shone on Su Xing's right hand, and layers of thunder poured into Su Xing's palm.

This thunder light turned into a sword light and slashed towards this third-level god!

The sword shines brightly, and the sound of thunder roars in the air!

With the blessing of the Awakening Spirit Realm, this thunder directly severely damaged it!

The power of thunder and its destructive power against the sneaky aliens cannot be underestimated!
One blow severely damaged the third-level god's residence, and Su Xing did not hold back.

The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique quickly gathered in his hand, and the whirlpool of the Immortal Explosion Technique took shape in the blink of an eye.

The third-level god's residence roared, black light flashed across his body, and he launched a counterattack towards Su Xing.

Su Xing didn't stop and threw the Immortal Explosion Technique Cyclone over with a slight throw...

Boom boom boom!
The next moment, the entire immortal boat heard a movement that destroyed the heaven and earth!

(End of this chapter)

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