Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 370: The shocking sword, suspected to be the Milky Way Falling 1 Heavens!

Chapter 370: A shocking sword, suspected to be the Milky Way falling into the sky!
Su Xing's Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique did not hold back at all.

Nearly one-third of the mana in the body is poured into it.

The blessing of the Five Elements Avenue, the bonus of awakening the spiritual realm...

With various additions, the power of this Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique has reached its extreme!

Enough to kill the enemies in the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

The third-level divine mansion in front of us is no exception...

After taking one of Su Xing's thunder spells, this third-level god was already three points weaker, and was successively bombarded by Su Xing's Five Elements, and was on the verge of death in an instant...

Su Xing looked at the crazily shaking Immortal Boat Restriction, then looked at the third-level alien race in the God's Mansion that had lost its combat effectiveness, and sighed:
"It's a pity that the Way of the Five Elements has not yet entered the fourth realm...otherwise this blow could directly kill it!"

"The ways of the Five Elements are ever-changing... This time I injected the immortal power of Yang Fire, Yang Water, Yang Wood, Yang Earth and Yang Gold... The restraint against the evil spirits of alien races is beyond imagination!"

Overall, Su Xing was quite satisfied with his results.

If it were in the past, Su Xing would still have to spend time looking for these high-level alien gods to kill, but the alien gods here are very dense, which saves Su Xing a lot of effort.

Bai Di forced back the blood with one strike and left several wounds on his body.

Even while Bai Di was fighting, he still had time to observe other battlefields. One can imagine his strength.

Nearly a thousand kilograms of flesh and blood essence!
The vitality is so abundant that even Su Xing feels a little frightened.

After killing this third-level god, Su Xing did not stop. He held the Mo Bing Sword and fought among the alien legions.

Su Xing slowly stretched out his hand and caught a ray of light floating from the body of the god.

At this moment, it was not only Baiyun Sect Leader who was surprised.

"I didn't expect that this elder from Baiyun Sect could hide so deeply. Such strength... even in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, it is considered top notch!"

Although the defense and physical body are slightly weaker, if Bai Emperor is really willing to risk his life and does not care about his own safety, he can be replaced by a saint...

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know where this monster appeared from! It seems to me that this senior is not very old?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

"Tsk, tsk, the flesh and blood essence of this third-level god's mansion... is probably not only an excellent body refining object, but the energy source contained in it is also very amazing!"

At this time, aliens are invading, and the human race will be more hopeful if they have more strength!

After all, Jinxian is already the top combat force in the Three Thousand Worlds...

"Ye...Elder Ye?!"

In the distance, Bai Di, who was fighting, saw Su Xing showing off his power on the immortal boat, with a look of surprise on his face.

After killing this third-level god's residence, Su Xing's heart moved and he suddenly discovered something.

After killing more than a hundred foreign gods, Awakening harvested no less than 100,000 kilograms of flesh and blood essence.

"What a good boy, besides the swordsmanship... I also have such a profound understanding of other avenues!"

The figure flashed, and Su Xing appeared in front of this alien god.

On the immortal boat, Su Xing raised his knife and slashed all the way from the head to the tail of the immortal boat. In just a few moments, no less than a hundred alien gods died in Su Xing's hands.

The destructive power and killing power of the Sword Immortal are truly top notch.

Su Xing thought to himself that it was a pity, so he put away the flesh and blood essence first. He still didn't know the value of this thousand kilograms of flesh and blood essence.

More than ten divine fragments were recovered by Su Xing.

The Baiyun Sect Leader on the fairy boat in the distance opened his eyes wide when he saw this and murmured:
"What kind of strength does this Elder Ye have? Is he a mysterious immortal who has been practicing in our Baiyun Sect for so long?"

"Who says it's not the case? Being able to kill a third-level alien god is comparable to the existence of Xuanxian! It should be noted that the battle between Xuanxian may not be able to determine the winner for several years... and the battle just now started from the beginning. In the end, it’s just a cup of tea!”

All the monks on the immortal boat were shocked when they saw Su Xing take action.

The remaining alien gods, at most, are only in the realm of true gods, and can only revive the enemies of Yihe.

"The path of swordsmanship reaches its end...even among the Great Luo Jinxian, there is no one that the White Emperor cannot kill, right?"

Having one more Golden Immortal is not a small matter for the entire Tianji Realm.

"Tsk tsk, after all, he is the Daluo Sword Immortal who spans three thousand worlds!"

"It's actually the divinity of the Way of Killing! Hiss~ Just this divinity is probably enough for me to enter the third realm of the Way of Killing!"

Although Su Xing's current strength is already quite good, there is still a certain gap between him and such powerful people.

He then used the Mo Bing Sword in his hand to strike out swords with murderous intent one after another. It took a lot of effort to finally kill him.

The monks on the immortal boat were talking a lot.

During the entire battle, Bai Di kept rubbing against Xue Er. They were both Da Luo Jinxian, so one can imagine the gap between the two!

Su Xing carefully felt the divinity in his hand, and then his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that our Tianji Domain is going to have another Golden Immortal?"

"This is... divinity! Moreover, the level of this divinity is not low!"

"Tsk, tsk, even I haven't seen many people with this kind of potential...but it's more like my demeanor back then!"

Su Xing felt happy, and then took out the essence of flesh and blood from the body of this third-level god.


On the battlefield at this moment, although in terms of top combat power, the human side has an advantage.

But the aliens were also extremely well prepared. Although 80% to 90% of the more than 10,000 alien gods had been killed, there were still more than a thousand alien gods who broke through the defenses one after another and attacked the fairy boat.

Among these alien gods, there are many who are comparable to true immortals and mysterious immortals.

On top of the Immortal Boat, the overall strength of the human monks was obviously inferior.

Almost relying on Su Xing's own power, he killed these alien gods one after another.

Although the awakening mana is abundant and the body is strong, it is difficult to kill all these more than a thousand alien gods in a short period of time.

Su Xing cut off the head of a foreign true god with a sword, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and saw dozens of foreign true gods arriving one after another.

"Mader, this alien god is really unstoppable!"

Su Xing gritted his teeth, protecting himself firmly with the body-protecting aura, and smashed an alien true god into pulp with his terrifying body.

"Huh...these alien true gods just let me try out my newly learned moves!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, put the Mo Bingjian into his body, then clasped his hands together, and there seemed to be shadows flashing behind him.

That was a witch clan giant ten thousand feet tall!

He stands with his head above the sky, holding a star in his hands...

"Everything... the stars lead!"

Su Xing murmured softly, activating the great witch's body forging technique and activating the endless stars in the sky.

The next moment...

In the originally dark void, a light like a blazing fire came...

No, that seems to be a sun!
I saw an extremely huge star coming from the endless void, its surface red, like the sun!
The extreme high temperature seemed to be able to burn everything in the void.

Boom boom boom!
Finally, the stars fell and hit the dozens of alien true gods!
Just between breaths, there is no needle prick.

The stars came from the horizon, then slid down from the horizon... only staying for a short moment. The result... is that dozens of alien true gods will all be destroyed!

Feeling the death of those alien true gods, Su Xing blinked and murmured:
"It's a pity that all the flesh and blood essence of those alien true gods have been wiped out..."

The flesh and blood essence of dozens of true gods is not a small amount!

Especially, for those who need to practice the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art to awaken.

These flesh and blood essences are excellent supplements.

"However, we finally repelled another wave of attacks!"

Su Xing didn't have a chance to rest for a moment. After killing dozens of alien gods, he took out the Mo Bing Sword and continued to kill the approaching alien gods.

In the distance, Bai Emperor, who was fighting, saw the falling stars, a strange look flashed on his face, and he muttered:

"Good boy, there is something about this move..."

"But why does this move look familiar?"

Bai Di touched his chin and released dozens of sword energy, beating the blood back again and again.


In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

After ten days of intense fighting, even when he woke up he was a little numb.

The number of alien gods who died at the hands of Su Xing was nearly a thousand!

Just the flesh and blood essence of those alien gods is a huge number!

Because of the existence of Awakening, those alien races had no chance of getting close to the fairy boat.

But on the top battlefield, the battle between Da Luo and Taiyi Jinxian... is still going on!
While Su Xing was killing scattered alien gods on the fairy boat, he was watching the battle between Bai Emperor and Xuer Er.

At the level of Daluo Jinxian, with magical powers, he has reached the state of returning to his original nature.

Each move is filled with infinite power.

Fortunately, this kind of battle is in the void. If it were a thousand worlds in one place, I'm afraid the whole world would have fallen apart.

Bai Di was forced to retreat with two swords, and he yawned casually and said:
"The warm-up is almost over!"

"Then the next sword... I want to see if you can catch it!"

After saying this, the lazy expression on Bai Di's face instantly faded, his tone was somewhat serious, and then he said loudly:

"Boy! How much you can understand this sword depends on your own destiny!"

As he spoke, Bai Di's body surged with infinite sword intent and aura.

Thousands of miles away, Su Xing could even feel the Mo Bingjian in his body moaning softly.

"So... it's this great gift!"

Su Xing's eyes widened and he took the last top-grade Wen Dao Pill without any hesitation.

His consciousness sensed the figure wearing a white robe thousands of miles away.

Bai Di flicked his finger, and the whole space seemed to freeze...

In the distance, Xuer's movements seemed to slow down.

The wooden sword in Bai Di's hand disappeared without knowing when.

Instead, there was a long sword that was as white as jade.

This sword came out of Bai Emperor's body and was nourished by the sword intention in Bai Emperor's body day and night.

With just one glance, Su Xing felt that this sword was beyond any magical weapon he had ever seen!
This is an innate treasure!
I saw Bai Di let out a soft drink, and the originally dark void instantly emitted a white light like day and night.

This white light stretches endlessly, seemingly penetrating the entire void.

The moment he saw this white light, Su Xing couldn't stop trembling in his heart...

Where is the white light here?

This is clearly Bai Di’s sword intention!
This sword intention turned into a white sword light, falling into the void like the Milky Way.

"This sword is suspected to be the Milky Way Luo Jiutian!"

Su Xing murmured, he had no doubt that this soaring sword intent and pure sword intent could destroy a vast world!
And as Bai Di slashed out the sword in his hand, the white sword intention, which was as broad as the Milky Way, rushed straight towards Xuer.

On the other side, Xue Er, who was also Daluo Jinxian, shrank his pupils suddenly after seeing this move.

There was actually a trace of panic on his face...

This sword was actually enough to make Daluo Jinxian feel scared!
Without any hesitation, Xue Er began to condense the spell, and a blood-red sea of ​​blood appeared in the void.

In this sea of ​​blood, there are countless corpses and remains, as if the entire sea is made of blood!

Terrifying resentment and astonishing murderous intentions floated away from the sea of ​​blood, covering half of the void.

In the void, the white galaxy and the sea of ​​​​blood collide violently, almost destroying everything.

Su Xing opened his eyes wide and activated his consciousness with all his strength, wanting to carefully feel this most crucial battle.

However, it was completely different from what Su Xing imagined!
The Bloody Er only released the long river of blood, but he didn't have the courage to continue fighting. He hurriedly tore open the void and tried to escape far away.

In the void, the white Milky Way was as powerful as a rainbow, turning into a giant sword that seemed to be able to split the heaven and earth.

The Milky Way turned the sea of ​​blood upside down with all its strength.

The bloody light slowly dissipated in the void, but the sword intention was still annihilated, chasing the Xueer along the void.

Vaguely, from an unknown distance in the void, Xue Er's screams seemed to be heard.

Bai Di slashed out with his sword, calmed down the raging momentum in his body, and then transmitted a message:
"Slay the dragon and retreat quickly!"

Tens of thousands of miles away, Xiao Zhanlong, who was fighting, seemed to sense something, and quickly increased his speed to the extreme, and was hundreds of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the Galaxy Sword Intent rushed towards the first-level alien race...

Under the impact of the Galaxy Sword Intent, the life of the alien god's residence, which was comparable to that of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, was rapidly reduced...

A moment later, the alien god died!
With just one sword stroke, Bai Di killed this terrifying alien god!

After one strike of the sword, Bai Di calmed down the raging sword intent in his body, and returned to his usual cynical appearance after a moment.

"This battle has yielded a lot of gains!"

"Sure enough, just like my mother-in-law figured it out..."

Bai Di smacked his lips, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

In this battle, Blood II was severely damaged, a first-level alien god was beheaded, and an army of alien gods numbering ten thousand was annihilated!

The human race's losses were only dozens of immortals...

This time, a big victory!
Bai Di turned into a stream of light and landed on the immortal boat again. At the first sight, he saw Su Xing sitting on the immortal boat.

"What a good boy, you actually fell into an epiphany?" Bai Di stared at the lingering sword intent on Su Xing's body, knowing that Su Xing probably understood a lot from this sword.

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know how much this kid can digest this sword?"

Bai Di looked at the awakening and did not wake him up directly. Instead, he ordered other monks to clean the battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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