Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 371 Arriving at the Tianji Realm, the mysterious Tianji Pavilion Master!

Chapter 371 Arriving at the Tianji Realm, the mysterious Tianji Pavilion Master!
Soon, half a month passed.

When Su Xing opened his eyes, he immediately saw the surprised Baiyun Sect Master beside him.

"Senior Ye, it's so hard for you to hide this from me!" Baiyun Sect Leader looked like he was drooling.

"As a senior Xuanxian, why did you come to my little Baiyun Sect? Are you coveting my position as the leader of the Baiyun Sect? If you are willing... I will give you the position of the leader of the Baiyun Sect!"

"Or...mighty monks like you like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and play games in the world?"


The leader of the Baiyun Sect kept chattering.

After hearing this, Su Xing waved his hand and said:
"Sect Leader Bai! Something happened before, so I went to Baiyun Sect in order to take refuge... Don't think too much about it!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Master Baiyun showed a very understanding look, but his expression was a bit funny.

Su Xing didn't say much when he saw this, and chuckled in his heart. This Baiyun Sect Master is also a wonderful person.

As he spoke, Bai Di took a deep breath, white gas emerged from his body, and the alcoholism was quickly eliminated.

Su Xing looked at the wine bottles and garbage on the ground and complained:

"How old are you, and you have such great enlightenment!"

"By the way, is that old scoundrel your master?"

After Bai Di and Su Xing exchanged pleasantries, they talked about business:

After hearing this, Bai Di nodded slightly and said:
"You look very young, you seem to be less than 10,000 years old!"

"Senior Ye! Sir Bai Di seems to have something to do with you... Why don't you go and have a look?"

After a pause, Bai Di continued:
"You have excellent qualifications, but it's a pity that I haven't accepted a disciple for many years... This time the aliens invaded the Three Thousand Worlds, and the Tianji Domain suffered losses... I want to appoint you as the guest elder of Tianji Pavilion. You can move freely at ordinary times, and only occasionally need to perform tasks. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Sit down, kid! I just have something to ask you..."

After hearing this, Su Xing touched the tip of his nose and said:

What is contained in these wine bottles is probably extremely rare fairy wine!

"Come in kid!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing quickly asked:

"Senior, who is that old scoundrel you are talking about?"

They are both sword cultivators, and as Bai Di is the end of the Three Thousand Worlds of Swordsmanship, Su Xing has long had the idea of ​​talking to him.

"It's a good thing not to know some things... It seems that the inheritance of that line is still there!"

There were many finished wine bottles scattered on the simple wooden bed and floor.

After the two chatted for a while, Sect Leader Baiyun said:

With this thought, Su Xing agreed.

Su Xing felt dizzy after just one sniff.

"I saw that the meteor you used to kill dozens of alien true gods was a magical power from a body refining technique? It looks familiar!"

What's more, with Bai Emperor's guidance, Su Xing's swordsmanship would have improved a lot!

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said, "I know, I just wanted to go there..."

"Expelling the alien races and restoring the stability of the Three Thousand Worlds... it is our duty as monks!"

After a pause, Bai Di continued:
"Although I am casual by nature, if you perform well in your tasks, I am willing to give you some guidance on the way of swordsmanship..."

With that said, Su Xing walked towards a room on the top floor of the fairy boat.

"I almost entered the fourth realm...it's still far worse than my predecessors."

"Where is there room to sit here? Forget it... I'll just stand!"

"If you don't know, forget it..."

When Su Xing heard this, he opened the door and saw Bai Di sleeping in bed.

After Su Xing heard this, his heart moved. Great witch body training technique?
Could it be that in these three thousand worlds, there are still monks who practice the great witch body-forging technique?

Bai Di didn't know what he was thinking of, there was some memory and guilt in his eyes.

"When I was your age, I didn't have such a virtuous attitude!"

In addition, the White Emperor had given him the favor of that sword. Although everyone got what they needed, Su Xing had to repay the favor of the sword!
After a while, Su woke up and walked outside a door. Before he knocked, Bai Di's voice came from inside the room:

Su Xing fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After looking at Su Xing for a while, Bai Di said in surprise:
"Good boy! You seem to have made a lot of progress in this epiphany!"

Bai Di laughed after hearing this, and didn't mind the rudeness in Su Xing's words, and just said:
"Okay, let's just stand and chat! It won't waste much time!"

Isn't the purpose of his coming to Tianji Domain this time just to be safe...and to learn more about the secrets of the Master of Tianji Pavilion and the Three Thousand Worlds?
As for Bai Di, a Taoist monk who claimed to be the master of Tianji Pavilion, Su Xing naturally wanted to know more about him.

Bai Di lay on the bed in a daze, yawned, pointed casually and said:

Seeing that Su Xing really didn't know who it was, Bai Di waved his hand and said:

"Is Kendo almost touching the threshold of the fourth realm? Tsk tsk...it's really amazing!"

"This time, I just want to join Tianji Pavilion..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Di nodded slightly and said:
"It's good that you have this intention! Remember... we, the sword cultivators, don't want anything more than a clear conscience. Only when our hearts are free can we go far in the art of swordsmanship."

After giving Su Xing a few more instructions, Bai Di asked Su Xing to go back and digest his thoughts.


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to the real world.

"Huh...the harvest from this immersive simulation is really not small!"

Su Xing blinked. Bai Di's sword, which was like the Milky Way falling, made Su Xing fascinated.

Su Xing's understanding of the way of swordsmanship is only one step away from the fourth realm. He only needs one more immersive simulation to fully enter the fourth realm!

"After entering the fourth level of swordsmanship... my overall strength can rise to another level!"

"But this simulation, now that we have come to the Tianji Realm, should be much safer... I hope I can simulate it for a long enough time to make my Qi refining cultivation further!"

After waking up, his Qi refining and cultivation have reached the third level of the True Immortal Realm.

The goal of this simulation is to reach the middle stage of True Immortal.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[This time Tianji Pavilion’s plan was quite successful. Not only did it severely damage Blood II, it also killed an alien first-level god! 】

[Under the escort of Bai Emperor, the immortal boat rushed steadily towards the direction of Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 320th year, the immortal boat passed through the last void node and finally arrived at the Tianji Realm...]

[The moment the fairy boat arrived at Tianji Realm, you were stunned by the scene in front of you. 】

[The Tianji Realm is the most bizarre world you have ever seen! 】

[The territory here is endless, even several times larger than the Qingyun Realm you have ever seen! 】

[In the Tianji Realm, there are countless fairy cities floating in the sky! 】

[These fairy cities are suspended in the sky thousands of feet high, lifted by fairy power, full of science fiction and beauty. 】

[After the fairy boat arrived in the Tianji Realm, it landed in a city called Ying City. 】【This city is specially designed to receive monks from the outside world. 】

[The monks in this fairy boat are no exception. All monks, including you, need to undergo special inspections by the formation to ensure that they are not spies planted by aliens and Advent Cults. 】

[Among the millions of monks, thousands of evil cultivators were actually found. These evil cultivators were all from the Advent Sect. They were lurking in the fairy boats and wanted to sneak into the Tianji Realm, but they were hunted down. 】

[You successfully passed the formation test and obtained the identity of the elder of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Elder Tianji Pavilion Keqing is the only way for foreign monks to join Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Generally speaking, Tianji Pavilion will not admit monks who are over twenty years old. 】

[Only monks who are under the age of twenty, are talented, intelligent and have a good character can be valued by Tianji Pavilion and accepted as cabinet disciples. 】

[And monks like you who were admitted into Tianji Pavilion because of their outstanding strength are called outer pavilion disciples. 】

[Disciples from the outer pavilion usually deal with some trivial matters of Tianji Pavilion, including collecting intelligence for Tianji Pavilion. 】

[And the outer cabinet disciples with outstanding strength can be rated as elders. 】

[Elders are divided into three classes: heaven, earth and people. 】

[A monk in the Mysterious Immortal Realm can be a human-level elder, enjoy generous resources, and accept human-level tasks at the same time. 】

[Correspondingly, Jinxian and Taiyi monks can become earth-level and Tianji elders, enjoy higher treatment and accept higher-level tasks. 】

[You have become a human-level guest elder and started to operate within Ying City. 】

[After staying in the Tianji Realm for a while, you gradually got to know the mysterious Master of the Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Some people say that the master of Tianji Pavilion is the most beautiful woman in the three thousand worlds...]

[Some people say that the master of Tianji Pavilion has already entered the holy path and is the most powerful person in the three thousand worlds. 】

[Some people also say that the master of Tianji Pavilion, who has a female body and a male body, is a strange man in the three thousand worlds...]

[In short, there are many rumors about the Master of the Tianji Pavilion, but no one has ever seen the face of the Master of the Tianji Pavilion. 】

[You asked Bai Emperor, but it is extremely difficult for Bai Emperor to see the main body of the Master of Tianji Pavilion... Most of the time, Bai Emperor only sees the clone of the Master of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Although you are the elder of Tianji Pavilion, you cannot see the master of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Perhaps, the only way to see her is to be at the top of the list...]

[So, you concentrate on practicing in the Tianji Realm, occasionally accepting tasks and guiding two disciples in their practice. In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...]

[Three hundred and twenty-fifth year, this year you were on the Earth Ranking, ranking 68th on the Earth Ranking! 】

[This achievement comes from the battle ten years ago. You used your own strength to defend the fairy boat and kill countless alien gods...]

[But even so, it still hasn’t entered the top fifty on the list...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this and murmured:

"On the list of geniuses...is it only number 68?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and the strength he showed in that battle should be between the late stage of Xuanxian and its peak.

Su Xing barely held back at all, but even so, he failed to break into the top fifty.

"Looking at it this way... the top 50 on the earth rankings need at least the strength of the peak Xuanxian!"

"Perhaps, after my understanding of swordsmanship reaches the fourth level and I successfully understand more body-protecting swords, I can reach the top fifty on the Earth Ranking?"

"As for the top thirty...maybe you need the Golden Immortal cultivation level to enter?"

Su Xing smacked his lips and sighed more and more at the value of the land list.

The top thirty spots are so difficult. How much fighting power is needed to reach the top spot on the list?
"However... I still have a lot of room for improvement in my current strength... I also need to further improve my Qi refining skills! The resources in hand should be barely enough, right?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and the purpose of this simulation was to break through Qi refining cultivation as soon as possible.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You are practicing steadily in the Tianji Realm. The tasks you occasionally take on are not very difficult, but the rewards are very generous. 】

[Or a large amount of spiritual liquid, spiritual stones and other urgently needed resources...or magic weapon materials, elixirs, immortal grass, etc...]

[In the blink of an eye, twenty-five years have passed...]

[The 350th year, this year, your cultivation has successfully entered the late stage of the fourth level of True Immortal. 】

[With the blessing of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue, your cultivation speed is very fast. 】

[And the late bloomer talent has been strengthened, making your cultivation speed twice as fast as before. 】

[One year of your practice is equivalent to two hundred years of hard work for a monk of the same level! 】

[But in contrast, the resources you need for practice are also terrifying...]

[Every year, you consume more than 20 million high-grade spiritual liquids! 】

[Even if you are rich, it is difficult to maintain this kind of cultivation expenditure. 】

[But fortunately, you have Luo Tianjing, and there are 129,600 spirit-gathering flowers planted in Luo Tianjing. 】

[You even entrusted Shennong Arita to plant more spirit-gathering flowers for you and collect spiritual liquid for you. 】

[The Luotian Mirror alone will bring you no less than 40,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid every day...]

[It takes a certain amount of mana to bring out the spiritual liquid from Luotian Mirror. 】

[Coupled with the spiritual liquid production in your own spiritual field cave, the annual production of spiritual liquid is close to 30 million... making your worth even more generous than that of ordinary golden immortals. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The land of the wealthy couple... I do have a lot of resources for cultivating immortals."

With such precious resources as Gathering Flowers, Su Xing could have as many as he wanted.

And as long as there are enough Spirit Gathering Flowers, it is not impossible to have high-grade spiritual liquid, or even the best spiritual liquid!
"Thirty million high-grade spiritual fluids every year...is indeed enough for my cultivation in the True Immortal Stage. Even my practice after the Mysterious Immortal Stage can be guaranteed to a certain extent."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"However, this simulation has been carried out for more than 350 years, and it is currently extremely safe."

"I wonder how long this simulation can last?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

He had spent a lot of effort to come to this heavenly world. If he couldn't simulate it for eight hundred years, Su Xing would feel like he was at a disadvantage.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You stay in Ying City and occasionally guide your disciples in their practice, and your own strength will grow steadily. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed...]

[The 400th year, this year your cultivation has successfully entered the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm! 】

[After entering the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm, you obviously feel that it takes more time to practice and you need to accumulate deeper mana, so the speed of your practice has slowed down slightly. 】

[In the same year, your disciple Bai Xiaoxiao successfully entered the integration stage! 】

[In just over a hundred years, Bai Xiaoxiao went from a Qi-refining monk to a Fusion monk. This speed of cultivation is naturally impossible with his talent...]

[But you, using the power of cause and effect, gathered the true spiritual roots for Bai Xiaoxiao! 】

[At the same time, the Xuanyin Divine Body was given to Bai Xiaoxiao... to greatly increase her cultivation speed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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