Chapter 372: After eight hundred years of simulation, the red moon reappears!

[However, compared to Bai Xiaoxiao, Bai Yutang’s progress in cultivation is even more terrifying to you! 】

[Bai Yutang has excellent qualifications, and the purity of his spiritual roots is extremely close to the quality of Tianling roots. 】

[You used the art of destiny and relied on a treasure called "Heaven and Earth Spiritual Roots" to successfully condense the heavenly spiritual roots for it. 】

[In addition, you carved a seventh-order miniature spirit gathering array on the two siblings, which greatly increased their cultivation speed. 】

[In just over a hundred years, Bai Yutang's cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage! 】

[After all, the two siblings have been practicing using high-grade spiritual liquid, and they even have the occasional guidance from spiritual dragons. Their cultivation speed is not weaker than that of the so-called saints and saints. 】

[In the 410th year, under your arrangement, the Bai family siblings successfully joined the Tianji Pavilion cabinet and became the cabinet disciples of Tianji Pavilion. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Joining the Tianji Pavilion cabinet will finally repay the kindness of the Bai family siblings for saving their lives!"

[As the days pass, everything seems to be peaceful. 】

"In the future, relying solely on themselves, they should be able to successfully become immortals..."

Su Xing understood that with this miniature spirit gathering array, if Su Xing wanted to form a force in the future, it would definitely allow monks with average qualifications to practice at a terrifying speed.

[In the blink of an eye, another thirty years have passed. 】

[In the same year, you accepted a special mission. Somewhere in the Xiaoqian World in the Tianji Domain, there were traces of the red-eyed alien race! 】

[Although I have doubts in my heart, it is always a good thing that the mother of the Bai family siblings has returned...]

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[It took you about three years to drive the star, sun and moon shuttle and successfully reach this small world. 】

Su Xing really couldn't figure out the strategic goals of the alien race.

[But you found no trace of Red Moon in this world. After staying here for a hundred years, you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[After you heard the news, you were happy for the two siblings at first, but you were very confused in your heart. 】

"But in the Tianji Domain, the number of strong and powerful people is far greater than that in the Qingyuan Domain, and there are even the Master of the Tianji Pavilion and Bai Di sitting in charge..."

"But what is his purpose in coming to the Tianji Realm? Maybe the foreign race wants to use the Tianji Realm as the main battlefield and speed up the invasion?"

[To be cautious, you accepted this mission and prepared to investigate it yourself. 】

[In the 420th year, one day, the Bai family siblings found you. 】

"Sure enough, this red moon is back from the dead... The alien god who is in charge of killing is really difficult to kill!"

[After observing the corpses of several aliens, you are convinced that these are indeed red-eyed aliens, and their strength is not low, close to the strength of immortals. 】

"However, this miniature spirit gathering array is really easy to use!"

[Three years have passed, and the original traces have long since disappeared, but you still found some clues. 】

Whether it is the appearance of Blood II, the emergence of a large number of alien gods, or the red moon coming back from the dead, it shows that the aliens attach great importance to the Tianji Realm.

"At present, everything in Tianji Domain is normal...except for fighting against alien races, most of the time it is relatively stable..."

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...]

[What's more, although no bodies have been seen, the death of the Bai family's parents is almost certain. How can they be resurrected? 】

[The mother of these two siblings was only in the integration stage more than a hundred years ago. How could she break into the immortal realm in a hundred years? 】

[The 480th year is the year when your cultivation level breaks into the late fifth level of True Immortal Realm...]

[The 450th year, this year, your cultivation has successfully broken through to the middle stage of the fifth level of True Immortal. 】

[Although there are not many in number, and they were successfully dealt with by the local monks, you know very well what the red-eyed aliens mean behind them! 】

[In addition to daily practice, you will begin to accept some Tianji Pavilion tasks, and at the same time, you can also inquire about some information about the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[It’s not just you who is confused, even the Bai family siblings are also very surprised. 】

After thinking for a while, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

Su Xing touched his chin and muttered:

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows.

"Forget it, this has not happened yet. Even if there is a large-scale invasion by alien races... there should be no problems in the Tianji Domain."

[Not long after, Bai Mu came to visit you. After meeting you, you secretly used your spiritual sense to spy on him, but found nothing unusual. 】

"Although with my current qualifications, the improvement of the miniature spirit gathering array is limited... but for ordinary monks, it is definitely a formation that can change the fate of others!"

[So you temporarily suppressed the doubts in your heart and returned to normal practice. 】

"However, when the two Taiyi Golden Immortals surrounded and suppressed her, although Hongyue faked her death and escaped, she must have been seriously injured!"

"Why would a foreign race take the lead in planning the Tianji Domain?"

[Bai Yutang doesn't recognize his mother's appearance at all, but Bai Xiaoxiao, who is slightly older, knows her mother's appearance. 】

[They told you one thing... Their mother does not seem to be dead. She has successfully broken through to the Immortal Realm and is now in the Tianji Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Right now, it's better to focus on improving your strength... Of course, it would be best if you can find out the information along the way!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After completing the investigation of this small world, you return to the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. 】

[The fifth hundredth year, this year has been safe and sound, and your cultivation has steadily improved. 】

[In addition to practicing, your relationship with the Bai family siblings has further deepened. You will occasionally go to the Bai family to have a casual meal. During this period, you will secretly observe Bai Mu, but no accidents happened. 】

[But at the end of this year, you received a piece of information that members of the Advent Cult appeared in the Xiaoqian World near the Tianji Realm. 】

[In that world, a large number of monks and humans were destroyed, and nearly 80% of the monks in the entire small world died! 】

[After receiving the news, you rushed over immediately. 】

[But the Adventists had already fled, leaving only a mess on the ground, and the whole world was silent in grief and killing. 】

[But if you carefully find out, the killings of the Advent Cult are not simply to weaken the strength of the human race, but are like performing some kind of blood sacrifice ritual. 】

[After some secret investigation, you determined that this blood sacrifice ritual is the one you have seen before, to help Hongyue regain her strength! 】

[You report the news to Tianji Pavilion as soon as possible and wait for the news quietly. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed. 】

[In the 520th year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the fifth level peak of the True Immortal Realm! 】

[In the 550th year, you have accumulated a lot of experience, made breakthroughs in seclusion, and successfully promoted to the sixth level of the true fairyland! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this. "Blood sacrifice and killing can quickly restore Hong Yue's power... I don't know how much power Hong Yue has recovered at that time?"

"But the monk who sacrificed his blood to the entire world... I'm afraid I am no longer his opponent!"

"But why is it that the Advent Sect is so murderous in the Tianji Domain, but the Master of the Tianji Pavilion still doesn't take action... Could it be that something happened to him?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, feeling a little worried.

Master Tianji Pavilion, if something happens to such a powerful person, Su Xing will not be able to help him.

"However, the improvement of cultivation level is not slow. It has reached the sixth level of True Immortal Realm... I don't know how long this simulation can last. Can it successfully enter the late stage of True Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the sixth level of the True Immortal Realm, you spent a lot of time to stabilize your cultivation. 】

[In the 560th year, you received information again. In recent years, the Advent Cult has been conducting blood sacrifices in the Xiaoqian World near Tianji Realm. 】

[You have some doubts in your mind, why did they choose such a dangerous location instead of a remote world? 】

[In the past few decades, Tianji Pavilion has continuously sent monks out to search for traces of the Advent Sect. 】

[Finally, in the 600th year, Tianji Pavilion discovered several strongholds of the Advent Sect and prepared to annihilate them in one fell swoop! 】

[You also joined this operation, following a group of outer cabinet elders to encircle and suppress the Adventist Cult. 】

[This battle lasted for three full years. 】

[In this battle, more than ten cadre-level figures from the Advent Sect were killed, including seven monks from the True Immortal Realm! 】

[The elders of Tianji Pavilion also suffered many casualties, and three true immortals were killed in the battle. 】

[In this battle, the red-eyed aliens are the most difficult to deal with. There are tens of thousands of red-eyed aliens, all with strength above the Immortal Realm... These alien legions will let you know that the power of Red Moon has been restored more and more. more. 】

[Although many red-eyed aliens were killed and several strongholds of the Advent Sect were swept away. 】

[But you know that as long as the red moon is not removed, the red-eyed alien races will continue to emerge and continue to consume the strength of the human race. 】

[After this battle, you are more and more eager to improve your strength. 】

[In the 630th year, your cultivation has finally entered the middle stage of the sixth level of True Immortal Realm...]

[In the 650th year, Bai Yutang successfully entered the tribulation period and began to prepare for a breakthrough in the Immortal Realm. 】

[As a master, you have given him many magic weapons to protect him, ensuring that he can successfully break through to the Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 670th year, Bai Xiaoxiao successfully entered the Mahayana period. 】

[In the 700th year, after more than 70 years of hard training, your cultivation has reached the late stage of the sixth level of True Immortal Realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Starting from the sixth level of the True Immortal Realm, it will take more than seventy years to break through each small level... In other words, if it is an ordinary monk, it will take ten thousand years!"

"However, this is also because my magic power is deep, so the accumulation of magic power is much slower than that of monks in the same realm... For ordinary true immortals, ten or twenty thousand years are enough to break through the first level of minor realm."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"The simulation has reached the 700th century, and it has finally broken the previous record... At present, the situation is quite stable, and the cultivation level should be able to successfully break through to the late stage of True Immortal, right?"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Practice has no time, and in the blink of an eye, another seventy years have passed. 】

[The 770th year is the year when your cultivation has successfully reached the peak of the sixth level of True Immortal Realm. 】

[You begin to prepare resources to break through to the late stage of True Fairyland...]

[In the 800th century, one day, you suddenly received a message. 】

[A team of Tianji Pavilion disciples disappeared while performing a mission three years ago and have not returned yet. 】

[If you were an ordinary disciple, you might not care. 】

[But there are several acquaintances of yours in this team. 】

[Bai Xiaoxiao’s mother, the head of the Baiyun Sect… and the Bai family siblings! 】

[The disappearance of the disciples of Tianji Pavilion quickly attracted the attention of the top management of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Led by Xiao Zhanlong, a heaven-level elder, three human-level elders, including you, set out together to find traces of the disciples...]

[Half a year later, you successfully arrived at this small world and began to look for traces of several disciples. 】

[Based on your investigation, something strange was discovered. 】

[The cultivation of monks in this world was still common a few decades ago, and the strongest ones were only in the Human Immortal Realm... The number of monks above the Mahayana stage was only a dozen, and they were only at the bottom of the Small Thousand World. 】

[But in just a few decades, there have been three more earthly immortals, more than ten human immortals, and more than a hundred Mahayana monks in this world! 】

[The sudden increase in the overall strength of the monks made Tianji Pavilion aware of the abnormality, so Tianji Pavilion disciples were sent to investigate. 】

[Unexpectedly, the disciple disappeared mysteriously. 】

[You wander around this world, investigating the reasons for the surge in strength of monks in this world, and the results are surprisingly unified...]

[According to the monks in this world, this is the favor of heaven, allowing them to gain strength and increase their cultivation by killing monsters...]

[After you heard these familiar words, the first thing you thought of was—Blue Star Professional! 】

[So, you ask them if they have a special attribute panel. 】

[But the monks in this world deny it, saying that they can only increase their strength by killing monsters... and don't know what the attribute panel is. 】

[Even so, you are very sure that this power comes from the red moon! 】

[So, you immediately informed Xiao Zhanlong of the information. 】

[Xiao Zhanlong took it very seriously after hearing this and passed the news to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[At the same time, one of the accompanying elders found news about the disciples of Tianji Pavilion! 】

[Including the Bai family siblings and the Baiyun Sect Master, they are all killing monsters in the monster mountains in this world! 】

[In just a few decades, Bai Yutang even successfully broke through to the fairyland! 】

[And Bai Xiaoxiao’s cultivation has actually entered the stage of transcending tribulation...]

[You used the power of cause and effect, and sure enough, you found that special line of cause and effect on the Bai family siblings. 】

[According to the Bai family siblings, it has never been so easy to acquire their cultivation... As long as they believe in the heavenly way of this world, they can successfully obtain the means to draw strength from killing. 】

[You feel uneasy after hearing this, knowing that the red moon has appeared! 】

[Although I want to ask for support from Tianji Pavilion, this operation already has Taiyi Golden Immortals like Xiao Zhanlong taking charge, so there won’t be too much danger...]

[Even if Hong Yue is resurrected again, it is extremely unrealistic to break into the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm in just a few hundred years...]

[While you were communicating with the Bai family siblings, something suddenly occurred to you... Where is Bai Xiaoxiao's mother at this moment? 】

(End of this chapter)

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