Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 373 The simulation is over and the chapter returns to Blue Star!

Chapter 373: The simulation is over, return to Blue Star!
In the real world, Su Xing suddenly thought of something when he saw this.

Bai Xiaoxiao's mother miraculously came back to life after "missing" for a hundred years.

Even his cultivation level broke through from the combined stage to the immortal state in one fell swoop!

Such a huge improvement in cultivation is not so easy to achieve.

But if all of this is related to Adventism...or even to Red Moon, then it would make sense!

Even Su Xing understood why the Tianji Pavilion disciples entered that world...perhaps it was Hong Yue's plan!
Then, Hongyue didn't even kill those disciples directly, but left them to practice in that world.

For what exactly?
"Could it be...to catch bigger fish!?"

Su Xing frowned.

Based on Advent Sect’s plan, there was absolutely no need to send this news to Tianji Pavilion.

But if it is for the purpose of passing it on to Tianji Pavilion, it is definitely to attack the strength of Tianji Pavilion and the human race.

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

It is foreseeable that after a Taiyi statue, several golden immortals, and mysterious immortals are used as blood sacrifice objects, Hongyue will definitely recover quickly!
And once the red moon recovers, the red-eyed aliens come again... and will bring disaster to the Tianji Realm.

"Not only do we need to sacrifice a large number of monks with blood... we also need high-level monks, or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal as the object of blood sacrifice?"

"This blood sacrifice...is probably for the complete resurrection of Red Moon?"

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Fortunately, everything is a simulation, and Su Xing still has enough time to grow.

[But the entire world has been blocked, and the communication slips cannot communicate internally or externally. 】

"However, the gains from this simulation are really not small!"

[Sixth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 90!
[Results of spiritual realm practice]: After selection, the understanding of the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The coverage of the own spiritual realm reaches two thousand feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The understanding of the great road can be used as desired. The price is 13 energy sources.

[Xue Er quickly found you and fought with Xiao Zhanlong. 】

"However, for this simulation, you still have to choose your cultivation level!"

"Although it's just a guess, we still have to tell Xiao Zhanlong about this news!"

[This includes the Bai family siblings! 】

[Although Xiao Zhanlong is very powerful, he is no match for Daluo Jinxian...]

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned.

[After that battle, Xuer Er was seriously injured. Theoretically speaking, it would be difficult to recover within a thousand years... But now he has used some means to completely recover from his injuries. 】

[You can no longer participate in the battles at the Taiyi and Daluo levels. 】

[Based on the information you have obtained, it is speculated that the Advent Sect is to destroy the high-end combat power of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[The originally clear sky turned dark in an instant... Then, endless blood red appeared in the sky of this Little Thousand World, covering the entire Little Thousand World! 】

[Xi Plus One]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

【you are dead! 】

[A group of elders, including you, have all become sacrifices for blood sacrifices...]

[You informed Xiao Zhanlong of the news immediately. Although Xiao Zhanlong felt a little disbelieving and wanted to continue investigating...but he still chose to leave this small world with a few surviving disciples as soon as possible. 】

[Perception of the Way of Space]: Lost in the endless sea, and traveled in the endless sea for a hundred years, gained a lot of insights into the way of space, priced at 7 energy sources.

"and many more……"

"Hongyue, you are still evil-minded!"

[Xiao Zhanlong immediately felt that the situation was not good and wanted to take you all away. 】

[Soon, we were captured alive...]

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Faced with a Da Luo Jinxian in full glory and countless red-eyed aliens encircling and suppressing them, it is almost impossible for you to defeat...]

"I choose to bring out the sixth level of True Immortal cultivation... and the talent of Xi plus one!"

[What shocks you even more is the red moon that appears in the sky... and that black-robed figure, Blood Two! 】

[However, before you can leave, the entire Xiaoqian World suddenly undergoes huge changes...]

Without hesitation, Su Xing silently said:

"Phew...next time we simulate, we must prevent this from happening!"

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

"But the leader of this operation is Xiao Zhanlong... the majestic Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"The Advent Cult really has a big plan..."

Su Xing suddenly thought of something. What if the target of Advent Sect is Taiyi Golden Immortal of Tianji Pavilion?
"It seems that Advent Sect's plan is quite big!"

[All the civilian monks in the whole world seemed to be affected by the red moon, and instantly lost themselves...]

In this simulation, Su Xing's cultivation level broke through the third level of minor realm in one go, and has already reached the sixth level of True Immortal Realm!
In addition, my understanding of various avenues, especially the avenue of swords, has improved rapidly!
Of course, there is also that unforgettable memory. The cause and effect between him and the Bai family siblings is not shallow. If they go to Tianji Domain again in the future, the Bai family siblings will be a good breakthrough point.

[If you successfully bring out the golden talent, you will be happy by one, spending 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 120 points...]

[You successfully brought out the sixth level of true fairyland, spending 90 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 30 points...]

As the beeps sounded one after another, Su Xing's momentum began to surge.

The peak of the third level of true immortality... the fourth level of true immortality...

The fifth level of true immortality...

In the end, Su Xing's cultivation skyrocketed all the way to the sixth level of True Immortal!

Even, it is not far from the seventh level of true immortality...

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:

"Huh, we are not far from the seventh level of True Immortal... At this speed, with at most two simulations, we can successfully break through to the perfection of True Immortal!"

"At the peak of the sixth level of True Immortal, the magic power in my body is more than twice as strong as before!"

"However, the energy on hand is really not enough..."

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

Three hundred thousand energy sources in his hand, although it sounds like a lot, it is hardly enough to bring out cultivation.

The current plan is to obtain more energy sources as soon as possible!

"Going to the Tianji Domain is still too reluctant at the moment..."

"Perhaps after my Qi refining cultivation reaches the level of Xuanxian, I can go there safely..."

Su Xing thought for a while, then opened his properties panel and took a look.

[Name: Su Xing]

[Age: 23 years old]

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator]

[Cultivation level: Sixth level of True Immortal Realm, entry to the fifth level of Great Witch Body Training]

[Skills: Ruyi Visualization, Luotian Transformation Technique, Zhengyi Qi Subduing Technique, Great Witch Body Forging Technique, Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Technique] [Talents: Late bloomer, no martial ethics, swallowing the sky, natural sword body, unbeatable Xiaoqiang...Born with Jue Pulse, Five Elements Holy Body, Astrology, Good Luck, Happy Plus One]

[Skills: Spiritual Domain (1,800 feet), Lihuo Technique (Dacheng Level), Alchemy Technique (Dacheng Level), Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique (Dacheng Level), Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (Perfection), Divine Consciousness Ten Thousand Miles (Tian) Human Realm), Body Protection Sword Gang (Four Thousand Two Hundred Ways), Bagua fortune telling (Perfection), Formation Dao (Dacheng), Sword Controlling Technique (Perfection), Puppet Way (Dacheng), several Immortal Cultivation Techniques...]

[Origin of the avenue: the avenue of thunder (third realm), the avenue of five elements (third realm), the avenue of swords (third realm), the path of speed (fourth realm), the path of power (second realm), the avenue of destiny (the fourth realm), the avenue of cause and effect (the fourth realm), the path of space (the fourth realm), the avenue of killing (the second realm)]

[Special Physique: Heavenly Thunder Holy Body (Unfinished)]

Compared with before, Su Xing's strength has been greatly improved.

In the entire Three Thousand Worlds, the strength of Su Xingxuan Immortal Realm can be regarded as a strong one.

However, the danger Su Xing faces is too terrifying!
The red moon was like a sharp sword pressing on Su Xing's head.

If Hongyue is not completely resolved, the awakening will not be stable for a day.

"Every immersive simulation is a rapid improvement in my understanding of the great road..."

"Now, I have gained a lot of great insights and successfully entered the fourth realm... These are the foundation for me to fight over the next level!"

Su Xing felt more and more that high-level monks, Xuanxian and Jinxian level battles relied on magical powers and Taoist insights!
Take the sword immortal Baidi as an example. The reason why Baidi is strong is because his understanding of the path of swords has reached the pinnacle of the Three Thousand Worlds!
"Three Thousand Worlds, the situation is getting more and more weird..."

"The Tianji Domain is relatively stable because of the existence of the Tianji Pavilion... But in the Qingyuan Domain, Qingyunzi has no time to take care of himself, and the various worlds may not be able to hold on for long..."

"The only pity is that I didn't see the Master of Tianji Pavilion when I went to Tianji Domain this time, which is a bit regretful..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he still had one simulation time.

But Su Xing didn't plan to use it immediately.

"Next, I should be able to go to Qingyun City again and see if I can pick up some wool from those stalls..."

Su Xing thought this way, he has the talent of good fortune, maybe it would not be difficult to get a million energy in Qingyun City, right?
Thinking like this, it only took half a day for Su Xing to use the method of space to reach Qingyun City from outside Tianmo City.

In the next half month, Su Xing continued to search for some valuable resources in Tianji City.


New Era December 2026, 4.

Su Xing appeared in Baidi City, ready to leave Xiao Qingyun Realm.

He glanced at the energy source on the simulation panel.

A total of 1.2 million points!
For half a month, Su Xing kept purchasing in Qingyun City and spent tens of millions of spirit stones to obtain this energy.

The Qingyun Sect's enrollment ceremony is coming to an end soon. If Su Xing wants to obtain these energies again, he may have to wait for several years.

"Huh, it's time to leave Little Qingyun Realm and return to Blue Star..."

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Having been away from Blue Star for two or three months, Su Xing felt like returning home.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing found a void node, activated the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, and prepared to return to Blue Star.

The stars, sun and moon shuttle turned into a white light and headed towards the direction of the blue star.

The fourth realm of the Avenue of Speed, the fourth realm of the Avenue of Space... plus the power of the Star Sun Moon Shuttle as a middle-grade acquired treasure.

The speed of sailing in the void along the way was countless times faster than when we came here!
Just two days.

On April 19th, Su Xing successfully arrived near Blue Star.

"Sure enough... as stated in the simulation, there is an invisible restriction imposed on this area. If you don't sense it carefully, it may be difficult to find the location of the Blue Star!"

Su Xing's current way of space and the way of cause and effect have reached the fourth realm.

But even so, the awakening sensor Blue Star is a bit blurry.

It took Su Xing half a day to find the slightest weakness in Blue Star's restriction.

Later, Su Xing used the method of cause and effect to temporarily open a temporary passage.

Before entering the passage, Su Xing did some calculations and made sure there would be no danger before entering Blue Star.

Returning to Blue Star, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Phew... finally back!"

"Let's go to Daxia Kingdom first and see Jin Congxue..."

Take one step forward to wake up and appear thousands of miles away.

In the blink of an eye, Su Xing returned to Kyoto smoothly. After gathering his breath in disguise, Su Xing headed to the villa.

In the familiar villa, Su Xing saw the long-lost beautiful figure.

"Sister Xue!" Su Xing shouted.

After Jin Congxue heard the call, she trembled and turned around.

There was already a hint of red in his eyes, and without any hesitation, he jumped directly into Su Xing's arms.

"What have you been doing during this time! Why haven't you come back until now..."

Jin Congxue hugged her tightly. Su Xing said nothing, but gently patted Jin Congxue's back and comforted her in a low voice:

"Fool, am I back now..."

Jin Congxue raised his head, looked at Su Xing, and suddenly said:

"Can you return to your original self?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but he nodded slightly, and his appearance changed for a while, returning to his original appearance.

Seeing this, Jin Congxue no longer concealed her feelings and kissed her directly.

The two kissed passionately for a while, and after lingering for a long time, Su Xing was a little surprised and said:
"Sister Xue, I haven't seen you for more than two months...you have actually broken into the golden elixir stage?"

Jin Congxue raised her chin proudly and said:

"Of course...this young lady's talent..."

"By the way, what have you been doing during this time? Can you tell me?"

After hearing this, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:
"I went to a very far place, farther than you imagined... But after coming back this time, Blue Star should have changed a lot!"

There was a hint of deep meaning in Su Xing's tone, and Jin Congxue nodded in confusion.

Su Xing listened to Jin Congxue talk about the changes in Blue Star over the past two months, and then temporarily returned to the Lingtian Cave.

Returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing took out several storage rings given to him by Jin Congxue.

Every storage ring is filled to the brim.

Different metals, white equipment, various props, stones of the abyss...

Su Xing thought about it and tried to exchange these things into simulated energy.

The beep of the simulator came to my ears.

[Ding, a large amount of energy-containing material has been detected, worth 36 energy sources...]

[Ding... energy source worth 29...]


After a series of beeps, Su Xing did some calculations and nodded with satisfaction:
"Yes, in just over two months, nearly one million energy sources have been accumulated... It seems that the Tarot Society has developed again during this period of time..."

(End of this chapter)

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