Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 374 The source of 8 energy, the awakening of sudden wealth!

Chapter 374 The source of eight million energy, the awakening of sudden wealth!
At this time, counting the energy source accumulated in Xiao Qingyun Realm.

The energy in Su Xing's hand once again exceeded two million!

"Huh, the source of energy in my hands is finally not so limited..."

"Besides, apart from the Tarot Society, there is still a large amount of energy that has not been harvested... We need to get that energy back as soon as possible!"

Su Xing made many arrangements before leaving Blue Star.

Including the transactions of the Tarot Society and puppet organizations in the seven countries and twelve regions...as well as the transactions of the Daxia military!

For more than two months, although Su Xing was not at Blue Star, these transactions were still going on.

Especially the accumulation of the Daxia military.

In more than two months, Lu Yuanwu must have accumulated a lot of exotic metal ores.

And Su Xing just had a batch of pills obtained from Xiao Qingyun Realm in his hands!
Among them, the Rebirth Pill refined by Su Xing himself is the best!

It only took half a day for Su Xing to successfully retrieve all the goods of all the puppets from the seven countries and twelve regions in the past two months.

The number of heavenly king-level professionals who used to be so valuable in the past has exploded, and their status is almost the same as that of the master professionals in the past.

"During my absence, the military didn't have any problems, right?"

The next second, Su Xing appeared behind Lu Yuanwu.

Su Xing was not surprised to see Lu Yuanwu so excited, and just asked lightly:

There were more than a dozen notification sounds in a row. Su Xing looked at the skyrocketing energy on the panel and smiled from ear to ear.

"Above Blue Star, the overall strength of the human race is still too weak...it really needs to be further improved!"

If Su Xing is willing, he can even forcibly build a Body Refining Immortal using the Rebirth Pill!
Even the lowest human immortal body is much more powerful than the ordinary so-called "god-level professionals".

It only takes one thought to wake up, and all the puppets can send all the goods and resources.

After all, Taiyi Golden Immortal is not that common in the Three Thousand Worlds...

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing's heart moved, and the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

In the twelve domains, the core of each puppet has the mark of the soul planted by Su Xing.

"Senior has provided us with so many elixirs before. The overall strength of the human race is several times stronger than it was two years ago!"

As for Jinxian's strength, Hongyue cannot easily kill Su Xing.

Lu Yuanwu was a little excited when he said this.

Lu Yuanwu thought of something again, hesitated and said:
"By the way, senior... if you want to talk about the only thing that has changed."

Divine consciousness covered the entire Kyoto city like a tide, and Su Xing quickly found Lu Yuanwu's figure in a room in the military area.

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu thought carefully, shook his head and said:
"It's not a big problem..."

As a series of beeps fell, the awakening energy source surged to an unprecedented number!
476 points!
Nearly five million energy sources!
Su Xing looked at the source of soaring energy and felt an unprecedented sense of security in his heart.

[Ding, detected...18 worth of energy source...absorb it? 】

One step forward, awakening spans thousands of miles, and reaches the twelve realms in just one breath.

"These energy sources are enough for me to refine my Qi into the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and it can even grow further!"

"During your absence...the strength of the foreign races in the Demon Suppressing Pass seems to have improved."

[Ding, a large amount of energy material has been detected, worth 39 energy sources. Do you want to absorb it? 】

With a little hope in his heart, Su Xing calmed down and prepared to look for Lu Yuanwu.

[Ding, detected...]

These goods are enough to fill dozens of storage rings!
After retrieving these goods and resources, Su Xing took out some talismans, elixirs, etc. to replenish the puppet organization to ensure that it would be enough for the next six months of transactions.

However, Lu Yuanwu's own strength is firmly at the legendary level, and he is still the top combat power of the Blue Star human race.

"Especially professionals above the Heavenly King level... I'm afraid hundreds of new ones will be born this year!"

"Nearly five million energy sources... There is also a batch of exotic metals from the Daxia military that have not been obtained, and I don't know how much they are worth..."

Su Xing murmured that he planned to go to the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions first to retrieve all the goods traded during this period.

"After Xuanxian, I am afraid that a million energy sources will be needed to break through the first level... But these are not enough for me to break through to Golden Immortal..."

But when he saw his awakening appearance, Lu Yuanwu's heart suddenly became excited, and he quickly stepped forward and said:
"Senior! You are finally back... During your absence, you missed me so much!"

After doing all this, Su Xing returned to Daxia Kingdom.

"However, before trading with Lu Yuanwu, I have to go to the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions again..."

After Su Xing heard Lu Yuanwu's words, he pondered for a moment.


Lu Yuanwu was startled when he saw the figure suddenly appearing in the room.

Su Xing sighed, if he could be promoted to Golden Immortal in one go, then Su Xing's safety would be greatly guaranteed!

The awakening figure flashed and disappeared into the Lingtian Cave.

"If the human race hadn't grown tremendously in strength over the past few days... I'm afraid those alien races would have broken through the demon-suppressing barrier..."

The strength of alien races is getting stronger and stronger, this is a trend.

Even now Hong Yue has not shown her power...if Hong Yue is determined to summon the red-eyed alien race.

With the current strength of the Blue Star human race, there is no resistance at all...

However, Hongyue seems to be planning something, and there should be no problems in the next few years.

Su Xing only thought that this was a normal improvement in the strength of the alien race, so he focused on the Advent Cult and asked:

"Where's the Adventist Church...is there any accident?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"There doesn't seem to be any big movement on the Adventist side... It's just that there were some internal mistakes... I don't know the specific situation yet."

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this. There was something wrong internally?

The first time he woke up, he thought of Luo Shuying.

Could it be that something went wrong with Luo Shuying?
But...it was obviously no problem before.

Su Xing temporarily suppressed the bad premonition in his heart, but said to Lu Yuanwu:
"During this period... Daxia's military should have accumulated a lot of exotic metals, right?"

"I have a lot of new gadgets here, the quality is very high... I wonder if you are interested?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu showed a cunning smile, and then said coquettishly:
"Senior~ As you know, our human race has been walking on thin ice these years..."

"Those foreign metals have been accumulated over thousands of years..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xing rolled his eyes and said:
"speak English!"

Lu Yuanwu saw this and said seriously:

"Senior, during this period, I have retrieved exotic metals from the treasury in various parts of the Great Xia Kingdom... and also spent a lot of money to purchase from abroad... I have indeed obtained a lot of exotic metals!"

Speaking of this, Lu Yuanwu asked in a low voice:
"I just don't know, what is the new gadget that senior is talking about?"

Su Xing was not angry after hearing this. He knew that this old boy had a character that would not let go of the rabbit before it caught sight of the rabbit. If he wanted to get a large amount of exotic metals, why not give him some sweeteners?

So, Su Xing took out three bottles of elixirs, handed them over, and said:
"This elixir is called the Rebirth Pill...it is divided into three qualities." "They are the sixth level, the seventh level, and the eighth level..."

"The sixth-level Rebirth Pill can help the Martial Emperor break through to the legendary level; the seventh-level Rebirth Pill can help the legendary level break through to the emperor level; the eighth-level rebirth pill can help emperor-level professionals break through to the saint level!"

"Are you satisfied with the quality?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu immediately suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

Although the success of Su Xing and his transactions in the past was very impressive, they have not yet risen to the level of saints...

Since when have emperors and saint-level professionals become so worthless? Can you get promoted by taking a few bottles of pills?

If it were what others said, Lu Yuanwu would definitely not believe it, but the person in front of him was Su Xing who said this, and he had a hundred trusts!

Lu Yuanwu swallowed and felt that the elixir in his hand was a little hot.

Being able to give birth to a saint-level elixir, even if he sells it, he can't afford to pay for it!

"Senior...are the effects of these pills really as miraculous as you said?" Lu Yuanwu's voice was trembling.

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and explained in detail:
"These elixirs are indeed effective, but there are some restrictions and conditions for taking them..."

"The sixth-level rebirth pill is for Martial Emperor-level professionals. Take one pill a month... In about two to three years, they will have the strength of a powerful Martial Emperor!"

"Seventh and eighth levels can be deduced in the same way..."

"In addition to the slightly longer taking period, the key point is that taking these elixirs for a long time may make professionals a little irritable and out of control."

"But after you stop taking it, these side effects will disappear..."

"Even so, it is best to find some mentally determined professionals to take it. You also need to hire some psychologists to provide regular psychological counseling for these professionals..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Lu Yuanwu didn’t even know what to say if such an amazing elixir had no side effects!
Besides, compared to the huge results it brings... these side effects are nothing!

Now, the only problem is...

Lu Yuanwu felt a little embarrassed when he thought about this and asked:
"Senior... these sixth-level elixirs are still too advanced. Are there any fifth-level elixirs that can help heavenly king-level professionals advance to the Martial Emperor?"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, threw another bottle of elixir, and said:

"This is the fifth-level rebirth pill. There are ten pills in a bottle. Taking it for ten months can help the Heavenly King to be promoted to the Martial Emperor..."

"I thought you wanted a higher-level elixir...but I didn't expect you only wanted a fifth-level elixir."

Su Xing sighed.

Lu Yuanwu smiled sarcastically and was about to speak when he suddenly thought of something and swallowed and said:

"Senior...you mean, there are more advanced elixirs!?"

Lu Yuanwu swore that the shock he had received in his life was not as big as today!

Eighth-level elixirs can give birth to saints... What about the more advanced ninth-level elixirs? …

Lu Yuanwu already had a premonition in his heart.

After hearing this, Su Xing threw away a bottle of elixir and said:

"This is the ninth-level rebirth elixir, which can help the saint level to be promoted to the demigod level professional..."

After receiving Su Xing's affirmative reply, Lu Yuanwu was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground, barely holding the batch of ninth-level rebirth pills in his hands.

"This is a pill that can give birth to a demigod-level professional!"

Lu Yuanwu's heart was trembling.

"Human race...how long has it been since a god-level professional was born?"

"Eight thousand years...or ten thousand years?"

"Since when...emperor-level professionals have been the upper limit of the human race..."

Thinking of this, Lu Yuanwu burst into tears for a moment.

"And now...a small bottle of elixir can allow the human race to give birth to a demigod-level professional. That is an existence that can crush everything!"

Lu Yuanwu looked at the batch of pills in his hand, as if he saw the hope of the human race.

I saw the future of the human race!

Therefore, Lu Yuanwu said without any hesitation:
"Senior! This elixir... no matter how much it costs, please sell it to us humans!"

"This is not a pill, this is the future of the human race!"

After hearing this, Su Xing found it difficult to empathize. From the perspective of Lu Yuanwu or the Blue Star human race, the one who could reach the sky might be a god...

But only if you leave this world and go to a wider world... you will understand.

God-level professionals are nothing more than ants...

But when doing business, Su Xing would naturally not say these words, but said:

"You make a price... If I think it's suitable, I'll buy it for you..."

"I have...a lot of this kind of elixir!"

The Rebirth Pill is worthless for Su Xing.

As long as Su Xing is willing to spend one simulation opportunity, he can bring out hundreds of thousands or millions of coins!
Therefore, Su Xing is half sale and half free.

Although it is important to obtain the source of energy... but improving the strength of the human race is also a top priority.

With Su Xing's current strength and status, these pills are nothing more than dust flowing out from between his fingernails.

Although Su Xing said it lightly, Lu Yuanwu did not look down upon it at all, but said:

"Senior, in the past few days, I have collected a total of 100,000 tons of fourth-order exotic metals... 500,000 tons of third-order exotic metals... nearly three million tons of second-order exotic metals."

"With my authority, I can now decide to trade all these exotic metals with my seniors. I wonder how many pills I can get from my seniors?"

Su Xing was surprised after hearing this.

Darling, these foreign metals are not a small amount!

Based on the background of the Daxia human race, I am afraid that this batch of exotic metals is really the best in the world.

If it is after the transaction, it may be difficult to take out a large amount in a short period of time...

Su Xing did some calculations.

One hundred thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals are worth two million energy sources... Five hundred thousand tons of third-level metals are worth one million energy sources.

Three million tons of second-order exotic metals... worth 600,000 energy sources.

The total number of transactions reached 3.6 million energy sources!
This number is indeed quite large.

But it is not an exaggeration to say that the Rebirth Pill is a priceless treasure for the Blue Star human race.

However, considering the development of the human race itself, which will become an important combat force against alien races in the future, the price is not easy to set too high.

So, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"Let's do this. I'll give you one hundred bottles of fifth-level rebirth elixir, fifty bottles of sixth-level elixir... thirty bottles of seventh-level elixir, and ten bottles of eighth-level elixir..."

"As for this bottle of ninth-level rebirth elixir, I'll just give it to you, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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