Chapter 375: Shocking change, Luo Shuying dies!

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu's eyes finally couldn't help but shed tears.

He bowed directly to Su Xing and said sincerely:
"Senior, thank you!"

"Everything you have done for the human race will be remembered by our Daxia military!"

"Don't worry, from now on, I, Lu Yuanwu, will follow the lead of my senior. If there is anything I can do for you, senior, just say..."

In Lu Yuanwu's view, just this bottle of ninth-level rebirth elixir was already a priceless treasure.

What's more, Su Xing also took out so many fifth-, sixth-, seventh- and eighth-level elixirs.

Lu Yuanwu is confident that with these pills, the overall strength of the human race will be several times stronger!
Presumably the value brought by these elixirs, just different metals are of no use at all!
The human race has so many foreign metals, and for thousands of years, haven’t they still been suppressed and beaten by the foreign races?
In Lu Yuanwu's view, just that bottle of ninth-level rebirth elixir was far more valuable than those foreign metals.

Su Xing looked at Lu Yuanwu in front of him and felt a little moved in his heart.

This veteran Martial Emperor... no, the new legend is really dedicated to the human race!
The sincerity and sincerity in it can be felt by Su Xing.

It's just that the power of the red moon is used to transform those world fragments into different copies.

"Remember, the stronger the human race is, the better!"


He swallowed his saliva and said:
" I need to keep the information you mentioned secret?"

"So, you must improve the overall strength of the human race as soon as possible...explore as many dungeon worlds as possible."

After pondering for a moment, Su Xing said:

"There is not much time left for us... The strength of the human race must be further improved, and these alien metals are useless to you... but they are an important resource for me to fight against the alien races."

"What I can tell you is... there is not only Blue Star in the world, but almost every world, there are aliens!"

"If the stock of exotic metals is exhausted, then go to the dungeon to dig out more exotic metals as soon as possible... Not only the fourth-level and third-level exotic metals, I also need the first- and second-level exotic metals!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu felt a little confused.

Su Xing said some things that Blue Star professionals couldn't touch, but he also kept some things.

Cultivate powerful enough professionals, and then become the nutrients of Red Moon.

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"The aliens are so powerful that they even invaded every world at the same time... That's why Blue Star has been able to persist for so long."

Let Daxia and even Blue Star have a certain sense of urgency and put some pressure on them...

Maybe they will provide more exotic metals to Awakening.

Such shocking news naturally needs to be kept secret.

But Su Xing just shook his head slightly and said:

"From now on, our transactions will remain the same...but I hope you can raise more exotic metals."

"Senior, you mean...aliens are real!?"

"But the threat from aliens is very terrifying!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu's eyes widened, and after a while he asked:

Although he didn't know what the relationship between foreign metals and fighting alien races was, Lu Yuanwu still asked:

"But every professional who is born above the legend can find me, and I will help them avoid the danger of the red moon..."

"As you said before, the alien invasion is becoming more and more powerful, and the human race is almost unable to stop it... That's because the alien race has not used all its strength to invade Blue Star!"

Lu Yuanwu and the entire Daxia human race really need to know something.

"The accumulation of Daxia Kingdom over thousands of years should be more than this, right?"

But for Su Qing, those pills were really of little use, far less valuable than the energy converted from the different metals.

Red Moon used the form of cultivating poison to lure Blue Star professionals into various dungeon worlds.

Su Xing paused and then said:

"What you need is to collect exotic metals from all over Daxia Kingdom, and even from other countries on the entire Blue Star, to me as soon as possible."

"Senior, you said time is running out, what do you mean?"

Now, Su Xing has the power to protect himself in the entire Three Thousand Worlds.

With Su Xing's current vision, he has long known that all copies on Blue Star are fragments of the world that once existed in Luotian Realm.

"You can't even imagine how powerful the foreign race is... If they are willing, they can probably capture the entire Blue Star in one day!"

"There's no need to keep it a secret. If you know these things earlier... you can prepare earlier!"

In Lu Yuanwu's view, the news Su Xing said was undoubtedly shocking.

After hearing Su Xing's explanation again, Lu Yuanwu was shocked.

"On the land of Blue Star, sleeping is an extremely terrifying existence... Even I am far from a match."

This approach... is no different from raising Gu!

"Are they aliens? That's okay. After all, they are not on the same planet as us... They are not even in the same world!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu nodded repeatedly and said:

"Senior, don't worry. From now on, exotic metal ores will be national strategic resources. I will raise all exotic metals... for you!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:
"In the future, our transactions will be changed to once a month... By the way, you can take this thing and contact me if there is an emergency!"

Su Xing handed over a sound transmission jade slip, and Lu Yuanwu quickly took it.

Next, Su Xing chatted with Lu Yuanwu for a while before hurried back to Lingtian Cave.

All the newly obtained foreign metals were exchanged for energy sources, and the awakened energy surged again.

Directly reaching the source of 8.5 million energy!


After returning to Lingtian Cave, the Queen of Su Xing had a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"What Lu Yuanwu said just now is that there are some problems within the Advent Sect... Could it be that there is some danger on Luo Shuying's side?"

Su Xing was still a little worried, so without hesitation, Su Xing began to calculate Luo Shuying's situation.

Su Xing divined three hexagrams in a row, and the hexagrams became more and more sinister each time.

"Luo Shuying is currently in the midst of a life-and-death disaster!?"

"How could this happen...I was obviously fine when I left..."

Su Xing calculated three hexagrams in a row, all of which showed that Luo Shuying was extremely dangerous at the moment.

As quickly as an hour or three, as slowly as half a day, Luo Shuying will be gone!

But fortunately, the hexagram shows like this, which means that Luo Shuying is at least alive now!

"So, it must be because of something I did that caused changes in the future... Luo Shuying is in danger!"

Su Xing had encountered similar problems before.

Because every time you simulate, what you do will definitely change in the future.

But this change, whether good or bad, has never been as sudden as it is now.

"We must rescue Luo Shuying as soon as possible and completely destroy the Advent Sect!"

Su Xing's original plan was to completely eliminate the Advent Sect after breaking through the Xuanxian, and loot the Advent Sect's treasure house at the same time.

But now it can't be delayed.

"However, I still have three simulation opportunities left in my hand... I can first see how Luo Shuying is doing!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and started the simulation directly. "Start simulation!"

[The 133th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 856 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4396. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Dragon Affinity... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Dragon Affinity]: Purple talent, you are born with some dragon blood, have a great affinity for the dragons, and can easily gain the favor of the dragons.

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing remembered that he once had a "Dragon Slayer" who also had a purple talent.

It's just that the dragon slayer will make the dragons feel malicious and increase their power against the dragons.

The dragon affinity talent is just the opposite.

"However, no matter what your talent is... you should start the simulation as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Your talent plus one will take effect, please select the talent that needs to take effect...]

"I choose to take effect on the late blooming talent..."

Su Xing muttered silently, for him, what urgently needs to be improved is his cultivation level.

[Lingtian Dongtian, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You didn’t hesitate at all and started looking for Luo Shuying’s whereabouts. 】

[Your consciousness is like a tide, covering the entire Daxia Kingdom. 】

[But no matter how you search, you have never found any trace of Luo Shuying. 】

[You begin to use the causal line between yourself and Luo Shuying to find Luo Shuying's current location. 】

[In the end, you came to the conclusion that Luo Shuying was not on Blue Star at all, but went to another world copy. 】

[You start looking for Luo Shuying’s whereabouts in various world copies. 】

[After searching for two or three dungeons in succession, you went to the spirit world. 】

[This is Luo Shuying's hometown... You suspect that she might flee back to her hometown for refuge at the most dangerous moment. 】

[Your consciousness covered tens of thousands of miles around like a tide, and you quickly began to look for traces of Luo Shuying. 】

[After spending several hours, you finally found the body of Luo Shuying... in the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan! 】

【Luo Shuying is dead! 】

[In front of her body, there is still a crazy old dog sitting! 】

[After all, you are still a step too late... The search in various worlds was delayed for nearly half a day. 】

[Looking at the old dog Long in front of you, without any hesitation, you directly crushed all the bones in his body. 】

[Subsequently, you searched the soul of Old Dog Long...]

[From the information obtained from the soul search, you learned that because Luo Shuying wanted to find out more information about the alien race and the Advent Cult, what he did was a little too obvious, and he was suspected by Long Laogou. 】

[In addition, Long Laogou asked Luo Shuying to investigate the puppet organization before, but there was no result. 】

[Also, various traitors placed by the Adventist Cult within the Daxia military were also eliminated. 】

[With the addition of various factors, Long Laogou became more suspicious of Luo Shuying...]

[Now Long Laogou finally takes action against Luo Shuying, hoping to avoid future troubles. 】

[And Luo Shuying fled all the way, hoping to escape back to the spirit world. 】

[But Long Laogou pursued all the way and finally killed Luo Shuying near the ancestral land of the Spiritual Clan...]

[For this reason, Long Laogou was also seriously injured...]

[Knowing the information you wanted, you didn’t hesitate at all and crushed Old Dog Long’s head with one hand. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"Luo Shuying... alas..."

"Fortunately, this is all just a simulation. It's still too late to save Luo Shuying now. We must go to the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan as soon as possible!"

"It's just that I wasn't strong enough at the seems that the backhand I left on Luo Shuying wasn't enough to kill Long Laogou?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. He knew that Luo Shuying had always been a very independent person.

Although he was chased by Long Laogou, he never thought about being implicated in his awakening.

"Alas, we must go to the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing Long Laogou, you went to the Advent Sect branch...]

[After killing all the senior members of the Adventist Cult, you deceived ordinary Adventist Cult members and asked them to go to the Demon Suppression Pass to fight against the aliens. 】

[Subsequently, you looted the treasure house of Advent Cult and got a fortune that shocked you. 】

[After doing all this, you begin to prepare to migrate to the human race. 】

[You begin to build your own spiritual realm and transfer the civilians and professionals of Great Xia in batches. 】

[It only took two years for you to move the entire human race of the Daxia Kingdom to the Little Qingyun Realm, and some civilians from other countries who were willing to attach themselves to the Daxia Kingdom were also successfully relocated by you. 】

[Subsequently, you informed the Tianji Pavilion in the Little Qingyun Realm about the red moon on the blue star. 】

[Tianji Pavilion needs to investigate the authenticity of the intelligence, so you have been waiting quietly for a while. 】

[During this period, you went to Qingyun City, contacted Fairy Ziling, and went to Qingyun Sect. 】

[On the Three Immortals Peak, you successfully reached a deal with Qingyunzi and got the two cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion investigated the traces of Red Moon on Blue Star. Due to the migration of the entire Blue Star human race... Red Moon was preparing to be resurrected in advance! 】

[At your suggestion, Tianji Pavilion sent two Taiyi Golden Immortals. 】

[In this way, five years passed quickly...]

[In the tenth year, you received news that one of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals was dead and the other injured... the operation failed! 】

[The reason for the failure is that Blood Three took action! 】

[Due to the huge changes on Blue Star, Xue San was forced to give up the task at hand and appear on Blue Star! 】

[Xue San has been in ambush for a long time, and in cooperation with Hong Yue, he killed one Taiyi Golden Immortal in one fell swoop, and another Taiyi Golden Immortal fought to his death to escape...]

[Absorbing the vitality of Taiyi Golden Immortal, Hong Yue's resurrection speed is accelerated, and her strength is even restored to be stronger than before! 】

[Today's Hongyue, even if she doesn't have the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, I'm afraid she's not far away...]

[The humans who stayed on Blue Star all died unsurprisingly. 】

[And you stayed in Xiao Qingyun World, wanting to see the chain reaction caused by yourself this time and the changes in the situation of the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[Next, you stayed in Tianmo City and devoted yourself to cultivating the Tianyuan Army. 】

[In just ten years, the Tianyuan Army expanded to ten thousand people, all of whom were monks above the integration stage! 】

[When you are on the front line every day, your first feeling is that the pace of alien invasion has become faster! 】

[Red-eyed aliens began to appear on the battlefield...]

(End of this chapter)

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