Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 377: The grudges of the previous generation at the time of awakening and death

Chapter 377: The grudges of the previous generation at the time of awakening and death

In an instant, Su Xing felt like he had been hit hard.

The entire body is quickly being swallowed up by this black energy.

This made Su Xing feel that his own magic power had become extremely disordered.

This feeling reminded Su Xing of the time when he fought against Zong Laogou.

This magical power is very similar to Zong Laogou's magical power, but it is much more powerful!
At this moment, Su Xing only felt that there was no pain anywhere on his body. The black energy greatly inhibited the recovery ability of Su Xing's physical body.

If Su Xing hadn't possessed the Great Witch Body Forging Technique, he would have lost his combat effectiveness in an instant!
Su Xing still maintained his rationality at this time and retreated hundreds of miles in an instant. Mo Bingjian appeared at his feet and fled towards the direction of Tianmo City.

"Humph, where to escape!"

Behind him, the advent monk was chasing after him, and he would catch up to Su Xing in the next moment.

Between life and death, Su Xing's heart was calmer than expected, and he didn't have much fear.

I saw him placing a layer of restrictions around him with a wave of his hand, and erasing the traces of the battle before he woke up, and then said:
"Child, the things involved in Luo Tian's inheritance are too big... You have to know that once someone discovers it, even some Da Luo Jinxian will take action against you!"

The demon general's face was as pale as water. After carefully looking at his awakening, he suddenly said:

After all, Luo Tianzong made too many enemies in the past, this is what Luo Qingniu said personally.

Su Xing seemed to hear a muffled groan in the air. The golden immortal evil cultivator was immediately seriously injured, but he did not dare to resist. He desperately activated the secret method again and escaped tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, only to survive.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He didn't expect that the fluctuations in his battle just now would be discovered by this demon general!
Great Witch Body Training Technique, since the disappearance of the Witch Clan, this technique has been closely linked to the Luo Tian Sect.

After much hesitation, Su Xing still gritted his teeth and said:
"Lord Qi, the technique I am practicing...is exactly the Great Witch's Body Training Technique!"

The insights brought by the immersive simulation could have allowed Su Xing to successfully enter the fourth level of swordsmanship...

But now, the Demon General has discovered this fact, and Su Xingjuan has no possibility of hiding it.

"The grudges of the previous generation should be settled..."

Half a year later, Lingtian Cave Heaven.

At this moment, Su Xing sensed a figure approaching quickly.

The life-and-death crisis was instantly resolved. Su Xing's tense spirit began to relax, and he lay on the ground breathing heavily.

"You are lucky, you were discovered by me... If you were discovered by others, I am afraid that the inheritance will not be guaranteed... and there will be no possibility of your life!"

But the black giant ax in his hand, the bloody energy and blood all over his body, and just one look can make people shudder.

However, at the critical moment, the evil cultivator's face suddenly changed wildly, and then he retreated hundreds of miles without thinking, his figure turned into a black light, and ran away from the Demonic City.

The next moment, Su Xing found the answer.


"I didn't expect that after hundreds of thousands of years... there are still descendants of that lineage left..."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xing was a little resigned to his fate.

In addition, Su Xing had heard that there seemed to be an unknown past between the Demon General and Patriarch Luo Tian.

After taking a closer look, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

The giant ax reached a thousand miles away in the blink of an eye and struck straight at the evil cultivator.

But now I have to wait until next time...

"The body-training technique you practice is a great witch body-training technique?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, feeling no fear in his heart, but a little regretful that he had wasted a simulation opportunity.


He didn't know the past events, so he could only give it a try, the position of the demon general.

Su Xing sensed the advent monk who was already a short distance away from him. The next moment, Su Xing was about to die.

"It seems that you are the descendant of Luo Tianzong in this world..."

I saw a cold snort coming from the air, saying:
"A mere golden immortal evil cultivator also wants to kill the elder of my Heavenly Demon Prison? What a beautiful idea!"

After saying that, the demon in front of him waved his hand and disappeared.

After hearing Su Xing's affirmative reply, the Demon General was silent for a long time and said:

Su Xing felt confused in his heart. He was going to die in just one second at most, so why would the evil cultivator give up such a great opportunity?

After he finished speaking, he woke up and saw a huge black ax coming from the sky, as if it had the momentum to split the world.

The man who appeared in front of Su Xing was dressed in black armor and was several feet tall. His appearance was unclear.

After a pause, the Demon General took a deep look at Su Xing and said:
"If there is a chance in the future, you can go to the Heavenly Demon Prison to find me... I have something to tell you and something to give you..."

"Alas, this simulation is still a bit too far-fetched... Before I have the combat power of the Golden Immortal, my life and death are still in my own hands..."

Su Xing's eyes also changed, and he appeared in the cave of Tianmo City.

"Thank you very much, Lord Demon General!"

The Demon General looked at the awakening in front of him, and seemed to think of a certain figure in his mind.

But Su Xing really didn't want others to know about his connection with Luo Tianzong.

Su Xing sat cross-legged under the ancient tree, soaking in the pool of spiritual liquid. Feeling that the injuries in his body were finally fully recovered, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

"Phew, after that battle... my injuries finally fully recovered!"

"The combat power of the Golden Immortal... is so terrifying!"

Su Xing sighed, if the enemy was Xuanxian, no matter how strong he was, Su Xing would not be able to fight back.

But the gap between Jinxian and Su Xing... is still too big!
Golden Immortal, live a million years! It lasts forever, and its background is unimaginable.

"However, what the Demon General originally meant was..."

Su Xing recalled the image of the devil saving him in his mind.

Since the Demon General rescued him, the two of them have not been in contact again.

It seems that the devil will have some taboos...

But Su Xing clearly remembered what the Demon General told him to go to the Demon Prison to look for him.

"The Heavenly Demon Prison! That's a place farther than the Heavenly Secret Realm..."

"With my current strength, it's not enough to get there... maybe the Xuanxian or even the Golden Immortal will be able to go."

Su Xing had some doubts in his heart.

What happened to Luotian Sect back then, and what does Luotian inheritance mean?
Perhaps, the complete answer can only be obtained after waking up and seeing the Demon General himself.

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and murmured:
"We are finally one step closer to revealing the truth..."

"At the same time, there is one more place that I must go to!"

"However, before that, I must improve my cultivation as soon as possible. Only in this way can I uncover all the confusions of the past..."

Su Xing took a deep breath, and then decisively drank a sip of enlightenment tea.

"Right now, swordsmanship must reach the fourth level as soon as possible!"


Taking advantage of the blessing of the Enlightenment Tea, I woke up and felt the sword intent that was about to burst out from my body, and began to understand the way of the sword.

In the blink of an eye, three years passed.

Simulation ninety-fifth year, in Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, with a look of satisfaction on his face:

"The enlightenment of the sword has finally entered the fourth realm!" Su Xing's heart moved, and the sword intention in his body was about to come out. The sharp sword intention was even more terrifying than before!
If we say, the kendo foundation that was awakened before is as thick as a mountain.

Now, this mountain has grown into Mount Tai, and there is a big trend of seeing the small mountains!
"The fourth realm of swordsmanship has finally been achieved!"

"At this moment, it would be no exaggeration to say that I am a swordsman in this world!"

The fourth realm of swordsmanship, this is an existence that only golden immortals can understand!

In other words, only by reaching the fourth realm can we attack and break through the Golden Immortal...

Of course, many golden immortals who have practiced for many years have a profound understanding of the great path, which is far more than the fourth level.

Currently, the avenues of the Fourth Realm that Su Xing controls include:
The way of sword, the way of space, the way of speed, the way of cause and effect and destiny!
These five avenues give Su Xing the ability to fight across levels!
Although his cultivation level is only in the late stage of True Immortal, he possesses the strength of Peak Xuan Immortal!

"Huh... After entering the fourth realm of swordsmanship, you still need to further practice the body-protecting sword and hone your swordsmanship before you can fully exert the power of the fourth realm..."

Su Xing murmured.

There are still about fifty-five years left in this immersive simulation.

Su Xing has no intention of wasting these fifty-five years.

In addition to the way of swordsmanship that needs to be further strengthened, the way of the Five Elements also needs to be improved to a certain extent!
"I am carrying the Holy Body of the Five Elements... I am not far from the fourth realm of the Five Elements Way... I hope we can both break through this simulation!"

The body-protecting sword and the Five Elements are currently the strongest fighting methods for awakening.

If both of them make breakthroughs, Su Xing's overall strength will definitely reach a higher level!
"After these two avenues are broken through, will I be able to face the Golden Immortal?"

Su Xing had some doubts in his heart.

But then Su Xing shook his head.

The gap between Jinxian and him is still too big...

Judging from the process of the previous battle, even if the five elements of awakening and swordsmanship have entered the fourth realm, it may be difficult to fight against the Golden Immortal.

However, after the Dao of Sword and the Five Elements entered the fourth realm, within the Mysterious Immortal Realm, Su Xing could be called the top Mysterious Immortal, not to mention invincible.

"Huh...at present, there is still enough time...it's time to go to the Nine Heavens Realm to understand the great road!"

Su Xing left as soon as he said so.

Taking advantage of the fact that the situation in Tianmo City was relatively stable recently, Su Xing immediately set off for the Nine Heavens Realm.


In the ninety-sixth year of simulation, Su Xing successfully arrived in the Nine Heavens.

After half a year, Su Xing barely entered the fifth heaven.

Arriving at the secret island where the Witch Clan existed in the fifth heaven, he woke up and led him out to fight.

In the end, Su Xing paid some price and successfully killed him.

After doing all this, Su Xing began to practice in the fifth heaven.

For each immersive simulation, there are three cups of enlightenment tea when you wake up.

Each cup of Enlightenment Tea has effects for eighteen years.

The first cup of Enlightenment Tea was used by Su Xing to practice his previous swordsmanship.

This allowed the awakened Kendo to successfully enter the fourth realm.

During the eighteen years since the second cup of Enlightenment Tea, Su Xing stayed in the secret realm of the fifth heaven to comprehend the Five Elements.

Eighteen years of hard work, coupled with four times the blessing of a late bloomer.

Comparable to three thousand years of understanding!

This makes Su Xing's understanding of the Five Elements only one step away from the fourth realm!
After simulating the 120th year, Su Xing felt the abundant enlightenment of the Five Elements in his body and breathed a long sigh of relief:
"This enlightenment went extremely smoothly... Then let's officially attack the fourth realm of the avenue!"

Having said that, Su Xing took the last cup of Enlightenment Tea without hesitation.


Time flies, and fifteen years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Xing drank six sips of the Enlightenment Tea. After using up most of the effect of this cup of Enlightenment Tea, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Finally, the Way of the Five Elements has entered the fourth realm! The overall strength is much stronger than before!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and a vortex of immortal power appeared in his hand.

This is Su Xing's signature magical power, the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique!
In the past, the power of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique when awakened was too powerful, making it difficult to control the awakening, and there was even the possibility of accidentally injuring oneself.

But now, the stability of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique has been greatly enhanced!
As long as Su Xing is willing, he can even use the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique to hit the target accurately within a certain range without accidentally injuring innocent people.


Su Xing's heart moved, and a green cyclone of immortal power was born. Su Xing looked at the cyclone of wooden immortal power in his hand and murmured:

"The Tao of the Five Elements is endless... The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique is not necessarily the main killing weapon... it can also be used for healing!"

Su Xing looked at the vibrant Immortal Explosion Technique in his hand. As long as he penetrated the Immortal Explosion Technique into the target's body.

Even if the target is terminally ill, he can recover quickly with the help of this Immortal Explosion Technique!
"The Way of the Five Elements...is indeed the top avenue!"

"Cultivation of this Tao to a high level will not only focus on killing, but also enable both offense and defense... The immortal power in the body is endless! It is extremely suitable for protracted battles..."

Su Xing became more and more aware of the benefits of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique.

After careful exploration, Su Xing murmured:

"After the Tao of the Five Elements enters the fourth realm, it seems that the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique can be further studied... and mastered proficiently."

"While the effect of the last cup of Enlightenment Tea has not been exhausted... then use it to understand the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique!"

"As for the body-protecting sword... we can probably wait until the next simulation to practice it."

With this thought, Su Xing began to practice the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique.


Several years passed in the blink of an eye.

The 140th year of simulation, there are still more than ten years left before the end of the awakening immersive simulation.

Wake up and start making some preparations.

First, it is to refine the Wen Dao Pill.

As he wakes up and refines it again and again, the refining skills of Wen Dao Dan continue to improve.

Su Xing refined a total of nine Wen Dao Pills this time, and nine pills were produced, including four of the best Wen Dao Pills!
Four top-quality Hearing Pills, combined with the late bloomer, can save nearly 1,600 years of awakening to enlightenment!
Coupled with five ordinary hearing pills, it can be worth a thousand years of enlightenment...

A total of more than three thousand years of awakening.

"Huh, if all nine Wen Dao Pills are of the highest quality, it would be equivalent to 3,600 years of enlightenment...almost equivalent to the effect of a cup of Enlightenment Tea!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, but he had no intention of taking the pill after hearing it.

But prepare to keep the spiritual realm after enlightenment.

At present, the scope of the awakened spiritual realm has not reached two thousand feet.

The goal of awakening this time is not only to improve the cultivation level, but also need to make full progress in the spiritual realm!

"There is still a chance of inevitable enlightenment, and you can also save it to understand the spiritual realm..."

Su Xing thought so.

"Since there are still ten years left in the immersive simulation, I should also take away the inheritance of Luo Tianzong hidden in various places... to ensure that the Tianyuan Army will need it in the future..."

With this thought, Su Xing prepared to leave the Nine Heavens Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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