Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 378: The Demon City is broken, and the Demon will take action!

Chapter 378: The Demon City is broken, and the Demon will take action!

After leaving the Nine Heavens Territory, Su Xing spent more than ten years exploring dozens of Luo Tian Sect's inheritance places in the Qingyuan Territory.

After taking away a large amount of inheritance, Su Xing returned to the Xiao Qingyun world.

At this moment, the situation in the Little Qingyun world has become chaotic again...


In Xiao Qingyun Realm, in Tianmo City, Su Xing read the information in front of him, his eyes gradually became serious.

After a long time, Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and frowned:
"This alien attack is really terrifying like never before!"

According to the intelligence, most of the 3,600 human strongholds on the front line of Tianmo City have been invaded.

The number of red-eyed aliens is unprecedented, and the human race can almost only defend the city.

At this moment, it is only about the 150th year of simulation.

"The next step...is a race against time!"

"Things are getting tricky!"

"We must improve our strength as soon as possible... and be fully prepared before the butterfly effect completely breaks out!"

"Now, the only hope...is that the devil will take action!"

Soon, the immersive simulation ends.

"But compared with the power of the red-eyed aliens... just a few mysterious immortals are still far behind!"

"Like a butterfly fanning a typhoon... a single move affects the whole body. As long as Luo Shuying is saved, the alien race will make big moves..."

Su Xing said with a serious face.

In one year, life or death depends on this time!

"It is no exaggeration to say that if the aliens attack with all their strength at all costs... Xiao Qingyun Realm will not be able to defend it at all!"

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes. After using the memory technique, the dust-covered memories were gradually unsealed.

What is the concept of dozens of immortals?
Even the Tianyuan Sect, the second largest sect in the Qingyuan Domain, has only a hundred or so Xuanxian accumulated over millions of years.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

Not to mention, for ordinary human monks, this would be such a shock.

If Su Xing were to encounter him, he would have no choice but to run away immediately, leaving no chance of resistance.

"Because of my influence this time... the Tianyuan Army has absorbed many outside casual cultivators, and there are also two or three Xuanxian..."

It stands to reason that at this time of previous simulations, the human race still had an absolute advantage.

There are even dozens of third-level gods and aliens, comparable to human immortals!

But Hongyue is not a fool. Its true body has been hidden very well. Except for the best chance on Blue Star, there is no way to find it now...

There is not much time left to wake up...


Dozens of third-level gods are extremely terrifying existences even for Su Xing.

"What is Hong Yue's true ability? Is it immortality...the way of killing, summoning these endless red-eyed aliens?"

But this time, the overall strength of the red-eyed alien race has risen by almost three levels!
On the frontline battlefield, alien true gods can be seen everywhere, probably no less than a few hundred in number!

[In the 150th year, the situation in Tianmo City fell into turmoil...]

After a pause, Su Xing looked in a certain direction in the city.

Su Xing knew in his heart that if he wanted to completely annihilate the red-eyed alien race, Hong Yue's true form must be completely wiped out.

"But, if the demon is going to take action... the alien race will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. Hong Yue's true body may not appear, but the Advent Cult will definitely intervene!"

"But this is already the limit... It is not easy to continue to absorb high-level monks..."

Every Xuanxian is a valuable fighting force for the human race!
But with such terrifying combat power, the alien side could actually take out dozens of them!
And...the number is still increasing!
"Hiss... Where did these red-eyed aliens come from?"

[At this critical moment, you return to Tianmo City... Countless casual cultivators began to wait and see, wanting to see if the former Sword Immortal God of War could turn the tide...]

Su Xing kept thinking in his heart.

[However, when you returned to the front line of Tianmo City, you did not immediately launch a massacre against the aliens. You only cooperated with the monks of Tianmo City and commanded the defense of Tianyuan Army...]

[Frontline battles have been losing ground frequently... alien races have invaded in large numbers, making the monks in the Little Qingyun Realm panic...]

[You know that the alien race must still be targeting you... Once you go deep into the front line to carry out beheading operations, you will definitely be targeted by those with golden immortal strength. 】

"I didn't expect that this choice... would cause such a huge change!"

It's just that as the red-eyed alien race gradually increases in strength, the human race will gradually fall...

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Xing said a little tiredly:

Luo Shuying, it’s impossible not to save him!
If we don't save him, the hurdle in Su Xing's heart will never be overcome!
As for the consequences, Su Xing alone must bear the consequences!
"Cultivation...Strength! In the final analysis, it's still these two points!"

After a moment of silence, Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination.

[The previous assassination is still vivid in my mind. 】

[Therefore, you plan to use a defensive strategy to support war with war... improve your cultivation as soon as possible! 】

[You command the Tianyuan Army to kill foreigners on the front line, collect their flesh and blood essence, and bring these flesh and blood essence into the Luotian Mirror. 】

[In the Luotian Realm, the former alchemist of the Luotian Sect will help you refine the Rebirth Pill...]

[You spend a certain amount of mana to bring these rebirth elixirs back to the real world. 】

[In this way, the purpose of supporting war with war can be achieved. 】

[Soon, ten years have passed...]

[In the 160th year, in the past ten years, the alien races have continued to intensify their invasion, but the strength of the Tianyuan Army has also continued to grow! 】

[In just ten years, hundreds of monks with human-immortal bodies have appeared in the Tianyuan Army! 】

[In the past, alien races increased their strength by devouring human monks... The more the human monks fought, the weaker they became. 】

[But now, because of your existence, the human race can also support war with war, and its strength has increased rapidly! 】

[In this way, both sides have reached a delicate balance, and the frontline battle situation can barely be maintained. 】

[In this situation, you should practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue and work hard to improve your own cultivation. 】

[In the 180th year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the middle stage of the seventh level of True Immortal. 】

[Every time you break through the small bottleneck, your mana becomes stronger and stronger. 】

[In the second hundred years, the alien race organized a general attack on Tianmo City. 】

[In this battle, the Tianyuan Army performed outstandingly. Nearly a thousand monks who were comparable to immortals took action to firmly block the alien offensive on the front line. 】

[And you use yourself as bait to lure the powerful aliens to take action. 】

[In the end, the devil killed more than ten alien third-level gods by one person! 】

[After this battle, the alien offensive was slightly weak, and Demonic City got a chance to breathe...]

[But you know, this is only temporary. You don’t know the details of Hongyue yet. How many red-eyed aliens you have is still a problem...]

[But after this battle, your ranking on the Prodigy List has improved again, ranking 63rd on the Earth Ranking...]

In the real world, Su Xing didn't relax at all when he saw this.

"With the Rebirth Pill, the Tianyuan Army will indeed become stronger and stronger..."

"But, I'm afraid it can only serve as a delay..."

"How much strength does the alien race have? Hong Yue is just a god among the alien race, but he has such great power... What about the entire alien race?" The more Su Xing thought about it, the more solemn his expression became.

"But I still have time... How far can my cultivation grow in one year?"

Su Xing actually had no idea in his heart.

When he was a true immortal, it was already so difficult for Su Xing to improve his cultivation.

What's more, the realm of Xuanxian and Goldenxian?
"Right now, I still need to understand the situation in the simulation clearly... Only in the future can I make better preparations in reality!"

Su Xing had a vague premonition, and reality and simulation seemed to be constantly blending.

As time goes by, that catastrophe seems not far from reality...

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[In the 240th year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the late stage of the seventh level of True Immortal...]

[For more than forty years, the battle situation on the front lines of Tianmo City is still tense... Although new people continue to join the Tianyuan Army, the overall strength of Tianmo City is declining...]

[But the strength of the alien side is constantly improving! 】

[You have a hunch that if things continue like this, Xiao Qingyun World may not be able to survive for a hundred years...]

[In the 250th year, your spiritual realm has successfully grown to 2,500 feet...]

[In addition to the improvement of Qi refining cultivation, the improvement of spiritual realm gives you more powerful means to fight against the enemy. 】

[Every ten years, you will take a Wen Dao Pill, and then slowly digest the insights from the Wen Dao Pill, and your spiritual realm will progress rapidly. 】

[In the 270th year, you have finished taking the last Wen Dao Pill, and the spiritual realm has grown to 2,800 feet in this year! 】

[In the 290th year, you used up the inevitable opportunity for enlightenment and tried your best to understand the spiritual realm. 】

[After that, you spent ten years absorbing the growth of the spiritual realm. 】

[In the third hundred years, your spiritual realm has grown to 3,300 feet...]

[At this moment, your spiritual realm can finally be considered to have entered the realm of success...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this slight nod and said with satisfaction:

"Yes, it seems that the spiritual realm is growing faster than I thought!"

"Hearing about the Ten Thousand Zhangs Spiritual Realm, it is the completion of the Spiritual Realm... and there seems to be a higher level above the Spiritual Realm..."

Su Xing had a hunch that the spiritual realm was far from being as simple as he thought.

In the past, the founder of the Luotian Sect was able to control three thousand worlds with the help of the spiritual realm. This just shows how powerful the spiritual realm is!
Today, if Su Xing wants to reach the top of Three Thousand in the future, he must also work hard in the spiritual realm.

"Three thousand three hundred feet of spiritual realm... is enough for the time being."

"This simulation of the future lacks Wen Dao Dan. I shouldn't be able to improve myself much. The focus should still be on Qi refining and cultivation..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After three thousand three hundred feet of the spiritual realm, you will focus more on improving your cultivation. 】

[In the 330th year, your cultivation has successfully reached the peak of the seventh level of True Immortal. 】

[You start raising money for a breakthrough...]

[However, there are unforeseen circumstances... This year, the aliens launched a general attack on Tianmo City! 】

[This attack came suddenly, and Tianmo City didn’t have much defense at all. 】

[The alien side can be said to have come out in full force...]

[Countless red-eyed aliens turn into black dots on the horizon, thousands of alien true gods... dozens of third-level gods, which will scare you. 】

[You hold the Mo Bing Sword and keep fighting on the front line... The terrifying killing intent makes the guards on the side dare not approach. 】

[There are soft moans from the Mo Bingjian in your hand, and the refreshing coolness makes you regain your composure. 】

[When you raise and lower your sword, it is just the simplest sword move and sword intention, but with every sword strike, a foreign god will surely die. 】

[In this way, you have been fighting without sleep for a full month...]

[However, one person’s power is not enough after all...]

[When you come to your senses again, the Tianyuan Army that followed you and charged behind you has long been defeated, leaving only dozens of personal guards who can barely keep up with you...]

[On the battlefield, the corpses of aliens piled up like mountains, and the smelly blood gathered into a river, blocking the front of the Demon City...]

[Looking at this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, you were just stunned for a moment, and then continued to wait for your personal guards to kill you. 】

[This battle lasted for three full years! 】

[The 600,000 Tianyuan Army was killed in the end with less than 200,000 people... And more than 80% of the monks in Tianmo City were killed! 】

[In this situation, you know... Tianmo City is no longer able to defend it. 】

[So, you start preparing to move the battlefield. 】

[In the 333rd year, you took more than a month to visit the Star Realm and successfully reached an agreement with the Star Realm monks. 】

[If the aliens continue to attack on a large scale, the main battlefield in the future will be moved from the Little Qingyun Realm to the Star Realm. 】

[After doing all this, you continue to return to the Demon City to fight. 】

[In constant battles, your swordsmanship and body refining skills improve rapidly...]

[In the 335th year, finally, the Demonic City was broken! 】

[At this time, a terrifying aura is staring at you. This is the second-level alien god's mansion! Possessing strength comparable to that of a Golden Immortal! 】

[You just resisted for a moment, but then you were seriously injured and could only fight and retreat. 】

[At the moment of life and death, a huge black ax came from the horizon, cutting through the world like a chasm. 】

[This ax directly cut off the vitality of this foreign god's mansion! 】

[A foreign god's mansion comparable to a golden immortal died! 】

[Following the direction of the giant axe’s return, you see the demon general wearing black armor, who looks like a god or demon! 】

[Every time the ax is struck, a foreign god will die! 】

[At this moment, you realize the power of Daluo Jinxian! 】

[Although it is just a transformed god with only the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal...but it is far from what ordinary Golden Immortals can match! 】

[The Demon City is broken, and the Demon General finally takes action at the most critical moment! 】

[In just a few moments, more than ten alien gods died in his hands. 】

[Just when you thought the demon was about to turn the tide...several figures appeared on the battlefield! 】

[There are six existences comparable to the Golden Immortal! 】

[Three hereditary evil cultivators...three alien second-level gods! 】

[Among them, there is a figure that you are very familiar with. It is the Adventist cadre who was chasing you...]

[At this moment, with a ferocious smile in his eyes, the combat power of the six Golden Immortals are attacking the Demon General together! 】

[If it were an ordinary golden immortal, this incarnation of the Demon General might still be able to fight...]

[However, the combat power of two of these six golden immortals is clearly comparable to Taiyi. 】

[In this case...the Demon General showed no fear at all! 】

[I saw him throwing the giant ax in his hand and shouting loudly...]

[The next moment, the demon general’s body continues to grow in size under your gaze...]

(End of this chapter)

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