Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 379 The 9th level of true immortal, golden talent and wealth divine body! [8k big chapter, p

Chapter 379 The ninth level of true immortal, golden talent and wealth divine body! [8k big chapter please vote monthly]

[In just a short breath, the three-foot-tall Demon General turned into a ten thousand-foot-tall giant! 】

[The black giant ax in his hand is also ten thousand feet long. 】

[The demon general roared angrily, and then drew out an ax...]

[The next moment, the earth cracked, the mountains collapsed, and the entire Little Qingyun Realm... seemed to be in shock. 】

[This blow caused an earthquake in the entire area of ​​100,000 miles around Tianmo City. 】

[All beings with lower cultivation levels will inevitably die...whether they are human monks or aliens! 】

[Of course, under the control of the Demon General, the main casualties were alien races. Millions of alien races were all destroyed at this moment...]

[Those who survived are all beings above the alien gods...]

[You release your magic power, fly thousands of feet high in the air, and look at this terrifying axe...]

However, it is still too far away from the level of Demon General...

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with a hint of worry in his eyes.

[You were shocked after hearing this. Sure enough, even with the Demon General’s courage, he could not guarantee that he could completely annihilate the alien races in this world. 】

[After receiving the message from the Demon General, you did not hesitate and quickly organized the Tianyuan Army to prepare for evacuation. 】

[But, he is the Demon General! 】

[This kind of power makes you feel a little familiar...]

Su Xing believed that he had some insights into the path of killing and entered the second realm.

At this moment, Su Xing finally understood why the Demon General asked him to practice more ways of killing.

[You spent half a day to collect all the Tianyuan Army monks into the Lingtian Cave, and then left the vicinity of Tianmo City. 】

[At that time, the enemy will feed war with war, which will be even worse for the overall situation. 】

[You can still feel the momentum of the battle in the direction of Tianmo City a million miles away. 】

[Just now, the demon general’s ax was integrated into the avenue of killing! 】

[It’s murderous intent! 】

[Once those alien armies are freed, the entire cultivators in the Little Qingyun Realm will definitely become their nourishment...]

[After one strike of the axe, a voice from the divine consciousness suddenly came to your ears. 】

Ability to flexibly use murderous intent in magical powers to enhance power.

[Most of the monks in these cities are panic-stricken. Many monks organize themselves and go to the front line to fight against the aliens. It seems that they all know what is about to happen...]

On the battlefield, the effect of the Avenue of Killing on one enemy against many is unmatched by ordinary avenues.

[Therefore, the demon general will not hesitate to add karma to his body, but also wants to kill the aliens. This kind of domineering power is difficult for others to defeat...]

[This is the Demon General. He is telling you to organize the Tianyuan Army to leave the Little Qingyun Realm as soon as possible... After this battle, the Little Qingyun Realm will cease to exist! 】

[You observed the dead red-eyed alien corpses with your spiritual consciousness...most of the bodies were intact, but their pupils were dilated, and they seemed to be scared to death! 】

"Oh, it's a pity... After all, the incarnation of the Demon General is only a golden immortal... so can he fight against the six golden immortals?"

"I'm afraid that under this axe, no living thing will survive in the entire Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

[After three years of war, the Tianyuan Army has less than 100,000 people left...]

[But this move will hurt Tianhe after all... If it were an ordinary Daluo, he would definitely not dare to do this. 】

[In comparison, the losses on the human side are negligible...]

"Besides, this is just the incarnation of the Demon General...if he uses it..."

In the real world, Su Xing took a breath when he saw this.

"How far has this avenue of killing reached? Is it the fifth or sixth realm?"

[Although you have the intention to save all these people, you know in your heart that this is impossible. 】

[Crush mountains and rivers with one blow, stretching for a hundred thousand miles. With your strength, you can also do it...]

[Tianmo City, thousands of feet high in the sky, you look at the powerful Tianmo General who looks like a god and demon, and you feel a bit of admiration in your heart. 】

[The cultivation of the Dao of Killing is so profound that it can be transformed into its essence and can end life and death! 】

[But these monks are all elite...]

[Therefore, you can only take away some old and young people, as well as high-level monks, to maintain your vitality for the human race as much as possible. 】

[Those with Mahayana cultivation and above account for a full 50%...]

[You left Tianmo City and began to wander among the various monk cities. 】

[But you are still far away from killing a million aliens with one strike. 】

[This move does not distinguish between friend and foe, but it destroys most of the alien race's viable combat power. 】

[With one axe, millions of aliens were killed, not by sheer power, but by the terrifying killing intent between the axe moves! 】

"Can you kill millions of aliens with just your killing intent? Is this the true strength of the incarnation of the Demon General?"

[Three days later, you arrived near Baidi City, which is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. 】

[Tianji Pavilion left this world dozens of days ago, and the girl in the pavilion is missing. 】

[The monks near Baidi City, those with connections, have long spent a lot of money to leave this world and seek refuge in other worlds. 】

[You have arrived at the place where Daxia Kingdom is...]

[This is where the original Blue Star human race migrated. 】

[Since Blue Star moved here, they have been inherited for more than three hundred years...]

[More than three hundred years have passed, Daxia Kingdom has already been iterated for more than ten generations...]

[The power system of the entire Daxia Kingdom has gradually changed from professionals to monks today. 】

[Although most of your old friends are no longer here, your legend is still circulating in Daxia...]

[Jin Congxue has now broken through to the stage of transcending tribulation...and your good brothers, parents and relatives have also become monks with your help. 】

[You take most of your relatives and friends away and prepare to leave Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a month has passed. 】

[On this day, you took the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and left the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[Outside the Xiao Qingyun world, you have witnessed the destruction of this world...]

[The terrifying momentum has almost penetrated the entire Xiao Qingyun world, making you feel frightened even in the void. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you see the whole world begin to gradually fall apart...]

[In the void, there seemed to be waves of wailing...]

[The world is about to collapse. This may be the sadness of the heaven in this world...]

[In your eyes, this vast world turns into countless star fragments, blooming in the void. 】

[You took one last look, then quickly drove away on the Star Sun Moon Shuttle. 】

[One month later, you went to the Star Realm. 】

[Separated by countless distances, the destruction of Xiao Qingyun Realm does not seem to have affected this place. 】

[The monks from the Star Realm respect you extremely, and have long divided an area for you as a place for the monks from the Little Qingyun Realm who come here to take refuge...]

[Under your arrangement, the Tianyuan Army and some monks from the Little Qingyun Realm successfully found a safe place in the Star Realm. 】

[Although you are temporarily out of danger, you are not relaxed at all. 】

[The destruction of the Little Qingyun Realm is still vivid in my mind. Although this world is far away... but according to the speed of alien invasion, the world near the Little Qingyun Realm will be invaded quickly...]

[In the 335th year, the complete information about Xiao Qingyun Realm was finally transmitted. 】

[The Demon General incarnates and dies in battle...Six Golden Immortals' fighting power, five are killed...Countless red-eyed alien armies are completely destroyed! 】

[In this battle, although the Little Qingyun Realm is destroyed, the Demon will use his own power to at least extend the luck of the Qingyuan Realm for a hundred years! 】

[After the war, you got a temporary respite and began to expand the number of Tianyuan Army. 】

[At the same time, the destruction of the Little Qingyun Realm also made the human race understand the terror of the alien race. Forces such as Baidilou and the Money Chamber of Commerce began to form a human alliance to fight against the alien race...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little complicated when he saw this.

"The incarnation of the Heavenly Demon General... the incarnation of the majestic Daluo Jinxian... actually died in this battle!"

Su Xing knew in his heart that if the demon general wanted to escape, the six golden immortals would not be able to stop him!
However, the original intention of the Demon General was to use the destruction of Xiao Qingyun Realm and his own death to severely damage the alien race!
The death of an incarnation in exchange for a hundred years of peace in the Qingyuan Territory does not seem to be a loss.

"Generally speaking, the situation is still developing in a good direction..."

"Next, I still have enough time to improve my cultivation...but before the five-hundred-year deadline, I may still have to find a way to extend the simulation."

Su Xing thought for a while. In the next hundred years, he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[In the 350th year, in the star realm, you began to plan a breakthrough. 】

[In the more than ten years since the war, you have relied on the Rebirth Pill and the spiritual liquid to continuously improve the strength of the Tianyuan Army. 】

[The 100,000 Tianyuan Army has also expanded to 200,000 people, most of whom are local monks from the Star Realm...]

[You tell a few trusted subordinates that you will go into seclusion and then enter the Lingtian Cave. 】

[In the Lingtian Cave, you take out thousands of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, like a siphon, and all these spiritual liquids merge into the sea of ​​​​qi in your body, turning into pure immortal power...]

[This breakthrough lasted for a full fifteen years...]

[In the 365th year, you successfully escaped from seclusion! 】

[Congratulations on your successful breakthrough to the eighth level of true immortality! 】

[At this moment, you are getting closer and closer to the perfection of the true immortal, but you have not slackened off and still practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue every day. 】

[In the 400th year, your spiritual realm has been successfully increased to 3,400 feet! 】

[In the 420th year, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the eighth level of true immortality...]

[The cultivation of true immortals in the later period is not easy. Unlike ordinary true immortals, you need to constantly search for secret realms, heavenly materials and earthly treasures... There is sufficient spiritual liquid in Luotian to ensure your cultivation. 】

[However, your cultivation speed has still declined to a certain extent. 】

[In these years, the invasion of alien races has never stopped, but it is much weaker than before. 】

[But as time goes by, the red-eyed alien race has a tendency to make a comeback...]

[You feel more and more nervous, seize the time to practice. 】

【Another fifty years have passed...】

[In the 470th year, your cultivation reached the late eighth level of the True Immortal. 】

[This year, intelligence came from the front line. The Yellow Sand Realm and the Black Water Realm were destroyed and invaded by aliens! 】

[At this rate, it will take more than a hundred years at most before the alien race can invade the vicinity of the Star Realm. 】

[Qingyun Sect still has not expressed its position on this, which makes many casual cultivators in Qingyuan Domain feel chilled. 】

[But you know that Patriarch Qingyun has too much time to take care of himself. Under this situation, Qingyun Sect will definitely not be able to spare any effort to help monks from other worlds. 】

[Otherwise, once the Qingyun Sect is empty and aliens invade the Qingyun Realm on a large scale, the situation in the entire Qingyuan Realm will be overturned! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and whispered:
"It's been the 470th year of simulation! Next, Patriarch Qingyun's evil corpse will have the upper hand..."

"In this simulation, there is no need to continue to the Tianji Realm... It was luck to reach the Tianji Realm alive last time."

"However, going to the Nine Heavens Realm can also extend the simulation time to a certain extent..."

The situation in the Qingyuan Domain in the next few hundred years is almost known.

Then the goal of this simulation has been basically achieved, and all you need to do to wake up is to maximize your cultivation.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 470th year, you set off for the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[It took several years, but you reached the secret realm of the fifth heaven and began to practice peacefully in the fifth heaven. 】

[In this way, thirty years have passed. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, your cultivation has successfully reached the peak of the eighth level of true immortal...]

[You begin to prepare to break through to the ninth level of true immortality. 】

[In twenty years, you have spent nearly 100 million high-grade spiritual fluids, and with the help of the Spiritual Vein Dragon, you finally made a successful breakthrough. 】

[Congratulations on your successful breakthrough to the ninth level of true immortality! 】

[In the 520th year, you are getting closer and closer to the perfection of the true immortal. 】

[In the 550th year, your spiritual domain reaches 3,500 feet! 】

[The 590th year...your cultivation has successfully broken through to the middle stage of the ninth level of true immortality...]

[In the 600th century, one day there was an early warning about your talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. 】

[The next day, Qingyunzi found you...]

【you are dead……】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The cultivation of the middle stage of the ninth level of True Immortal...the Sword Avenue and the Five Elements Avenue have both entered the fourth realm, and the spiritual realm has also grown greatly...The goal of this simulation has been successfully achieved!"

While feeling happy, Su Xing was also a little worried about the situation in Three Thousand Worlds.

"But since you have chosen this path... then you must keep going!"

"Next, we must quickly improve our cultivation!"

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Dragon Affinity]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Ninth Level of True Immortal Realm Cultivation]: Survive the three disasters of immortals, become a true immortal, have a promising path, and live as long as Yiyuanhui! The energy source is priced at 90!
[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: After choosing, my understanding of the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. The coverage of my own spiritual realm has reached 15 feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. I can use my understanding of the great road as I wish. The price is The source of energy.

[Perception of the Way of Killing]: Observe the incarnation of the Demon General, gain insights on the Way of Killing, and greatly improve the progress of the Way of Killing. The price is 10 energy sources.

After seeing the rewards for this simulation, Su Xing did not hesitate at all and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the ninth level of true immortal cultivation... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[You successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice, spending 15 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 838 points...]

[You successfully brought out the ninth level of cultivation in the true fairyland, spending 90 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 748 points...]

As the source of Su Xing's energy decreased sharply, two mysterious forces poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the sudden increase in his cultivation!
The peak of the sixth level of True Immortal Realm...the seventh level of True Immortal Realm...the eighth level of True Immortal Realm...

In the end, Su Xing's cultivation successfully entered the ninth level of the True Immortal, and even reached the middle stage of the Ninth Level of the True Immortal!

This improvement in cultivation is a matter of course, without the slightest hint of ambiguity.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, feeling the surge of mana in his body, and nodded with satisfaction.

"From the middle stage of True Immortal...to the ninth level directly, it is close to the peak of True Immortal!"

"The mana in my body has more than doubled!"

While being delighted with the improvement in strength, Su Xing was even more impressed by the mystery of the simulator.

"It takes more than a hundred years for an ordinary true immortal to break through to a small realm... But I gained cultivation through simulation, but I completely ignored this!"

"It's as if...this power belongs to me!"

This was not just the first time Su Xing had such a premonition. When Su Xing was at the bottom of his cultivation before, Su Xing thought it was easy to break through.

But as the awakening cultivation level gets higher and higher, this ability to directly bring out cultivation feedback is obviously beyond expectations.

However, Su Xing did not know the specific reason.

"It can't be possible. When you reach the age of Daluo Jinxian, it will be so easy to improve your cultivation level, right?"

Su Xing chuckled lightly.

After adapting to the surge of mana in his body, Su Xing felt the growth of the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm of 3,500 feet has almost doubled from the previous 2,000 feet!
The increase in the scope of the spiritual realm also means that when awakened within the scope of the spiritual realm, the power of magical powers increases even more terrifyingly.

"However, it seems that there is still a long way to go before the great spiritual realm can be reached!"

Su Xing murmured.

After taking a look at the time, Su Xing counted with his fingers and said:

"Calculating the time, Luo Shuying should have fled to the spirit world by now... Then, it's time for me to set off!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he left the spiritual realm.

After taking a few steps, Su Xing crossed a distance of one hundred thousand miles and reached the previous passage from Blue Star to the spirit world.

Without the help of the Spirit Clan token, Su Xing directly used the method of space and successfully entered the spirit world.

The whole process only takes half an hour.

After entering the spirit world, Su Xing did not immediately go to the ancestral land of the spirit clan.

"Next, it's time to decide the future direction...you have to be careful!"

"Therefore, it is safer to conduct an immersive simulation in advance!"

"A simulation can only take a few minutes..."

"In addition, my cultivation should also successfully reach the peak of true immortality!"

The improvement in strength will make Su Xing feel more secure.

Now he still has two simulation opportunities left in his hands, and he can't waste them.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 134th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 748 points... The remaining number of simulations is 8895. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent and wealth divine body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Wealth Divine Physique]: One of the top 100 divine physiques, it is also the most enviable physique in the three thousand worlds. According to legend, monks with this physique can always easily obtain cultivation resources and have the effect of attracting wealth.

"Huh? Godly body of wealth..."

Su Xing glanced at the talent introduction and felt a little hopeful.

"The effect of this talent seems to overlap with luck?"

"Wait a minute...it seems that the talent effects can be superimposed!"

"Doesn't this mean that... I am more likely to find treasures of heaven and earth!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up and he secretly thought that this was a good talent.

"However, although the talent is good, it still needs to be experienced... Moreover, the more important thing about this simulation is to kill the old dog Long!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the spiritual world, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You release your spiritual consciousness and quickly sense the location of the Spirit Clan's ancestral land, as well as the familiar figure in the ancestral land...]

[At this moment, Luo Shuying is running away frantically, using the formations in the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan to resist the pursuit of Long Laogou...]

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation that lasts a day..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy source is 748 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.

After entering the simulation, Su Xing immediately locked Luo Shuying's position without hesitation.

Then, Su Xing took a few steps, and the mysterious space path flowed under his feet, turning into a golden light, and he arrived at the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan in a moment.

"Wait a minute... I'll be there soon!"

Su Xing thought to himself, and his vision changed.

Soon, Su Xing appeared in the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan.

The sight is filled with mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

If ordinary people come here, they will definitely lose their way.

But for the awakening, this mist array has no effect at all.

In the dense virgin forest, Luo Shuying's figure kept moving back and forth.

Its figure has always been hidden in the black shadows, extremely hidden.

A hundred miles away behind him, a figure was quickly chasing Luo Shuying.

It’s Old Dog Long!

At this moment, Long Laogou said with a ferocious smile on his face:

"Hmph, Shadow Protector... you are so well hidden! With such strength... I'm afraid there aren't many legends who can match your speed, right?"

"However, since you feel betrayed by our religion, you will die today!"

"If you are wise, tell me who is behind you... I will leave your whole body intact!"

As he spoke, Long Laogou quickly approached the Shadow Protector.

Although Luo Shuying is extremely good at speed, in the end his level is much worse than Long Laogou.

Seeing that Long Laogou was about to catch Luo Shuying, a figure appeared in front of Long Laogou.

Long Laogou immediately stopped, looked at Su Xing warily, and said doubtfully:

"who are you?"

Su Xing looked at the old dog Long in front of him indifferently, as if he was already looking at a corpse.

"Aren't you looking for me? Now...I appear in front of you!"

Long Laogou's expression changed when he heard this, and then he sneered and said:

"I want to see what kind of strength you have? You actually feel like resisting my holy religion!"

As he said that, Long Laogou's consciousness struck towards Su Xing.

The next moment, Long Laogou felt as if he had mounted a mountain, and his expression suddenly changed.


At this moment, Long Laogou only had this thought in his mind.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked away. In the blink of an eye, he was dozens of miles away.

However, Su Xing just stood there and stretched out his right hand slightly.

This palm seemed to have traveled through endless space and directly pulled Long Laogou back to the original place.

Later, Su Xing used the soul-searching technique on Long Laogou.

The divine consciousness in the realm of celestial beings can crush the soul of Long Laogou!
In just an instant, Long Laogou lost his mind and became an idiot.

After Su Xing digested Long Laogou's recent memory soul, he conveniently erased Long Laogou's consciousness.

"Oh, sure enough...this old dog still found some clues, so did he report it to Blood Three?"

Su Xing sighed.

Among the information he obtained from his soul search, Long Laogou was suspicious of Luo Shuying a month ago.

It happened that Long Laogou reported the information to Xuesan, so he reported the matter to him.

Xue San's reply was that Luo Shuying might be related to Tianji Pavilion!

Therefore, I hope Long Laogou will report the information after searching Luo Shuying’s soul!
If he wakes up and kills Long Laogou at this time, Xue San will be suspicious if he doesn't get the information!
"Huh... Did Xue San also use the space magic weapon to transfer a few treasures to Long Laogou for self-defense?"

"I see... No wonder Luo Shuying is not Long Laogou's opponent..."

Su Xing looked at the old dog Long who had turned into a living dead in front of him, and casually put it into the Lingtian Cave.

"This old dog dragon's body may have another use for him...it can be refined into a puppet!"

Su Xing thought so.

The whole process went extremely smoothly. Under the overwhelming strength, Long Laogou had no resistance at all.

However, killing Long Laogou is just a foreplay. The real key is how Hong Yue and Xue San respond in the future.

"They come, the security……"

Su Xing's heart moved, and a spiritual consciousness was sent to Luo Shuying in the distance.

A moment later, Luo Shuying appeared in front of Su Xing and carefully explored the surroundings. After seeing Su Xing, she suddenly felt happy and hurriedly stepped forward and said:
"Senior, you are here!"

Speaking, Luo Shuying said doubtfully:
"The Dragon Protector... doesn't seem to be nearby?"

Su Xing chuckled and said:

"Luo Shuying, you are safe...the Dragon Protector has been killed by me..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Shuying breathed a sigh of relief and said sternly to Su Xing:
"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

Su Xing waved his hand and said:
"It's just a little effort... Besides, it's because of me that you suffered this disaster!"

Su Xing downplayed it and did not tell the chain reaction that would happen after he saved Luo Shuying.

Just asked Luo Shuying:

"Does the rest of the Advent Sect know that you were found to be a traitor?"

Luo Shuying shook his head and said:

"Only the Dragon Protector should know... That's why he chased me privately, but I discovered it in advance and fled to this world."

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing Luo Shuying's reply.

Only Long Laogou knows!
Doesn't that mean that Luo Shuying can still stay in the Advent Sect as an internal correspondent?

"No, there is Old Dog Long's corpse... maybe it can be used after being refined into a puppet!"

Su Xing touched his chin.

With his current puppetry skills, after turning Old Dog Long into a puppet, he would look like a living person.

In this way, Long Laogou still controls the Advent Sect, but he can do things for Su Xing!

In this way, Su Xing does not need to massacre the advent sect.

If there is too much movement, the person above you may notice...

"Yes, this plan works!"

Su Xing secretly thought in his heart, and then said to Luo Shuying:
"You will be safe next. The Dragon Protector will be refined into a puppet by me..."

"In a few days, I need you to take me to the Advent Sect's treasure house..."

"As for now, let's go back to Blue Star first..."


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to the real world.

"Phew, this operation went extremely smoothly!"

"Refining Old Dog Long into a puppet...maybe the best way to do it!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing couldn't wait to see how effective his new plan was.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[You brought Luo Shuying back to Blue Star from the spirit world smoothly. 】

[After that, you spent a few days refining Long Laogou into a puppet and let him return to the Advent Cult. 】

[Members of the Advent Cult found no abnormalities... You asked Long Laogou to take Luo Shuying to take out all the treasures from the Advent Cult's treasure house. 】

[You have obtained an amazing treasure...]

[After a period of time, you asked Luo Shuying to follow you, and you began to prepare for the migration of the human race. 】

[Based on the lesson learned last time, you are much more concealed. 】

[But if a large number of human professionals leave Blue Star, they will definitely be noticed by Hong Yue. 】

[So, after you transferred Daxia professionals to Xiao Qingyun Realm in batches, you quickly informed Tianji Pavilion of the information about Hong Yue. 】

[You tell the Master of Tianji Pavilion that Hongyue is already on guard, and Taiyi Golden Immortal from Advent Sect will take action! 】

[Therefore, you hope that Tianji Pavilion can directly send Da Luo Jinxian to kill Hong Yue. 】

[But this is undoubtedly unrealistic. 】

[The majestic Luo Jinxian cannot take action just because of some intelligence... And Tianji Pavilion's influence in Qingyuan Domain is not enough. At most, it can only call on two Taiyi Golden Immortals. 】

[After you found out about this, you let out a long sigh, knowing that the matter was irreversible. 】

[So, you accelerated the move to migrate the Blue Star human race. 】

[In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...]

[In the third year, the Blue Star human race has basically successfully migrated to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[This year, Tianji Pavilion is planning to invite two Taiyi to try to see if they can successfully attack Hongyue...]

[You went to Qingyun Realm and got two cups of Enlightenment Tea from Qingyunzi. 】

[In the eighth year, intelligence came from Tianji Pavilion that the operation failed, and the two Taiyi Golden Immortals were seriously injured and returned! 】

[After hearing this, you felt happy. Although Hong Yue failed to be exterminated, Taiyi Golden Immortal was saved... The power of Hong Yue may not be restored so quickly this time! 】

[However, you still underestimate Hong Yue’s courage...]

[This incident made Hongyue know that she had been exposed. 】

[Therefore, Red Moon quickly sacrificed the entire Blue Star's life... That day, a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun swallowed the entire Blue Star. 】

[In the next few years, several small worlds were swallowed up by the red moon, and the power of the red moon quickly recovered...]

[In the twentieth year, you appeared in Tianmo City and killed some red-eyed aliens to ensure that the Tianyuan Army had enough rebirth pills. 】

[Although the strength of the alien race has increased to a certain extent than before, it is not as terrifying as the last simulation. 】

[You feel a little relieved and continue to practice in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed...]

[In the fiftieth year, the front lines of Tianmo City began to turn around, and a large number of alien true gods appeared, making it difficult for Tianmo City to hold on...]

[But fortunately, the Tianyuan Army took action...]

(8k big chapters are presented here. We will update this month fiercely. Please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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