Chapter 38 The human race will be destroyed!

[But you did not choose to directly break through the Golden Core Realm, but chose to continue to suppress your cultivation because you felt that the quality of the spiritual energy in your body could be further improved. 】

【No. In 13 years, the primordial grass you planted before has matured again, continue to refine the primordial pill. 】

【It took you three months to refine more than 100 Yangyuan Pills. 】

【You gave Lu Yuanwu all the extra [-] Organ Refining Pills you accumulated over the years, and then you told anyone not to bother you. 】

[After all the preparations are done, you enter the blessed land of Lingtian. 】

[No. 14 years, it has been a full six months since your retreat.You are sitting in the thatched hut, and your body is filled with rich aura, which flows into your body continuously like a trickle. 】

[Your body is filled with aura that stretches like a trickling stream. These auras travel through your meridians, and every time you pass through, you feel as comfortable as the sun shining. 】

[The aura in your body keeps compressing and condensing, day after day, month after month, you sit there quietly like a stone, as if the whole world has nothing to do with him, and all your thoughts are stretching there Absolute spiritual energy washed away. 】

【You understand that this is an important step from foundation building to golden core, and this is the moment when your hard work will be rewarded. 】

[At this time, you have been in seclusion for several months. You have not eaten or drank for several months. Although your body is exhausted, your spirit has become more and more energetic. Flush through the meridians and practice. 】

【Finally, on a sunny morning, you, Fu Lingxin, had a premonition that you were about to break through. 】

【Then, a faint golden light burst out from your body and shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire blessed land of Lingtian. 】

[As if the spring thunder was exploding in your heart, and as if the spring bamboo shoots were sprouting sharply, suddenly a mysterious feeling burst out and rushed straight to your spiritual platform. It is the power of the golden core. After more than ten years of hard work, Finally achieved the Golden Core Realm. 】

Su Xing saw this clenched fist, like a dream bubble, and murmured:

"This is... the golden core realm?"

There is a saying, if you swallow a golden elixir, your life is up to you!

As long as this simulation ends and Su Xing pays enough resources, he will be able to achieve the Golden Elixir stage immediately!
Su Xing suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued the simulation.

[You have become a glorious golden core stage monk, and your strength has greatly improved. 】

【Your retreat is over and you have returned to the real world.The high-level military of Daxia was very excited when they heard the news of your exit, and they found you immediately. 】

[The person who comes to meet you is still Jin Congxue's grandfather Lu Yuanwu. He seems to be in a heavy mood. 】

[You were shocked and quickly asked why. 】

[Lu Yuanwu tells you that the battle on the front line is tight, and the Zhenyao Pass may be breached at any time. Even Jin Congxue has been seriously injured, and the healing potions produced in the dungeon are getting less and less, and the soldiers on the front line are no longer enough. 】

[You fell silent when you heard the words. You know that it has been less than a year since the giant beast attacked and the entire Great Xia Kingdom was destroyed, but you still want to try whether you can delay the giant beast from breaking through with your efforts. The time of Zhenyao Pass. 】

[Because according to the previous simulation experience, in No. 14, Zhenyao Pass should have been breached, and the reason why the front line can last for a year and a half this time may be because you The Terrans provided a lot of pill support. 】

[In the past ten years, you have refined tens of thousands of internal organs refining pills and brought nearly two thousand master-level professionals to the entire human race.Although the master-level professionals are not the top combat power, they are definitely the mainstay on the front line of Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You know, with your strength, it is basically impossible to defeat those powerful monster races. Even if you have broken through the golden core stage, there is still a world of difference. 】

[So you decided to find another way to refine more pills and create more powerful people for the human race! 】

Su Xing saw this slight nod, his goal in this simulation has basically been achieved.

Although the body refining cultivation level has not been able to break through to the organ refining stage, it is an unexpected surprise to be able to break through to the golden elixir stage.

And the remaining year and a half is not enough for him to try to continue to break through his cultivation, or to learn new pills.

On the contrary, it would be a good try to see if we can change or delay the demise of the human race through our own efforts.

Su Xing made a decision and continued the simulation.

[You first listed a batch of herbal medicines to Lu Yuanwu, and told him how much to give to yourself. You told him that you can refine a healing medicine called Healing Pill, which can quickly treat serious injuries of master-level professionals. Even the injuries of master-level professionals can slowly heal. 】

[Lu Yuanwu was shocked when he heard this. He bluntly said that although the healing potions in the dungeon could instantly restore injuries, they would only be effective for those low-level professionals. At the master level, the effects of those healing potions would be greatly reduced.As for master-level professionals, unless they use precious high-level healing potions, it is difficult to recover. 】

[Your words rekindled Lu Yuanwu’s hope. He strongly supported you and quickly arranged for his men to provide you with mountains of medicinal materials. 】

【You watch the medicinal materials begin to show their talents. Since you are already a monk at the golden elixir stage, and you have already grasped the way of alchemy, you can refine the unqualified elixir such as healing pills by hand. 】

[You found a special metal produced by a copy that can withstand the high temperature of the fire, and hired a forging master to customize a dozen alchemy furnaces. 】

[You start refining healing pills, your alchemy speed is extremely fast, and you can multi-task, you can refine five furnaces of healing pills in an hour. 】

【It took you a month to refine tens of thousands of healing pills, and these healing pills poured into the front line, greatly relieving the pressure on the frontline professionals. 】

[No. 15 years, through your unremitting efforts, the defeat of Zhenyao Pass was delayed for more than a month, but in the end due to the disparity, the professional casualties of Zhenyao Pass became more and more serious, and the entire Zhenyao Pass After all, it was breached. 】

[One day, Lu Yuanwu found you. He had lost an arm in the Demon Suppression Pass, and he looked more than ten years older. 】

【He told you that the time of human extinction is not far away, and this is not only because of the fall of Zhenyao Pass, but also because of the successive deaths of the top combat forces of the human race. 】

[You fell silent, looking at the vicissitudes of life, Lu Yuanwu felt a little complicated. You asked Lu Yuanwu if there was a way to defeat those monsters. 】

【Lu Yuanwu smiled weakly when he heard the words, and he said: Unless there is a miracle, no, unless the human race gives birth to a true god-level powerhouse. 】

(End of this chapter)

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