Chapter 39 Breakthrough, golden elixir stage monk!

[You wanted to ask something more, but suddenly there was a shaking between the sky and the earth, and a giant beast covering the sky and the sun appeared in the distant sky. 】

[After Lu Yuanwu saw the giant beast, a flash of carefreeness flashed in his eyes, he patted you on the shoulder, and flew straight to the giant beast in the distance. 】

[At the same time, top strong men flew out from all over the Great Xia Kingdom one after another. They are the last strength of the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[However, the gap in strength is too terrifying, and that giant beast easily wiped out all the top powerhouses in the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[You were silent for a moment, and chose to enter the blessed land of Lingtian. 】

Su Xing saw this movement in his heart, maybe, in the blessed land of Lingtian, could he escape the catastrophe?
But the simulation results that followed completely made Su Xing despair.

【You have entered the blessed land of Lingtian, which is different from the purgatory on earth, it looks peaceful. 】

【Just when you thought you had escaped a catastrophe, the entire blessed land of Lingtian began to shake like a sky-shattering earth-shattering, and a shroud of darkness gradually enveloped the entire blessed land. 】

[You were caught in the turbulent flow of space, and you were torn into pieces. 】

【You are dead, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing saw this and took a deep breath, unable to recover for a long time.

He gained so much from this simulation!
In addition to cultivating to the Golden Core Realm, he knew more top-secret information about the human race, and the first thing to bear the brunt was the coordinates of the three copies of the cultivation direction!
Now as long as Su Xing is willing, he can go to that dungeon to find out.

"Don't current strength is too low, even at the Jindan stage, there is still a slight risk of falling."

Su Xing seemed very cautious. He knew that although the strongest npc in the dungeon information was said to be a master-level npc, if there were any hidden masters, such as a master-level or a king-level, then he would be gg ?
Therefore, Su Xing decided to take a stab at it first.

"After I become a Nascent Soul, or even a cultivator in the Transformation Realm, I should be fine when I go to that dungeon, right?"

Su Xing thought, the dungeon named Luotian Conference would disappear in less than three years, and he would definitely be able to go to that dungeon to find out before it disappeared completely.

"But why, even if I hide in the blessed land of Lingtian, I still can't escape the attack and killing of the giant beast?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. He tried his best to delay the demise of the human race for a month in this dungeon simulation. This was a good attempt. Not only did the human race survive, he was able to simulate it for a longer time.

At the last moment, Su Xing chose to enter the blessed land of Lingtian.

But the cause of death this time was that he was torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of space...

Su Xing was thoughtful and murmured:
"According to Qingyunzi's description, this copy of Lingtian Blessed Land should be considered half of the Blessed Land, or half of the small world...but maybe the small world exists nestled against the big world?"

Su Xing's eyes brightened, and he continued to analyze:
"So, when the big world is destroyed, the small world will also be broken?"

Su Xing thought this, touched his chin and murmured:
"So, maybe those dungeons are all small worlds that can be explored at any time?"

"Or maybe... those dungeons also have a big world like Earth?"

Su Xing shook his head and murmured:

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Let's choose the reward first!"

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward selection below.

[Qiyuxuanang]: Green talent, priced at 10000 energy points.

[Bone Forging Dzogchen]: Cultivation, priced at 11000 points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: After ten years of hard work, your alchemy skills have gone a step further. You are able to refine a perfect level of healing pill, and you have mastered the method of refining the Yangyuan Pill. At the same time, your mastery of the Fu-Refining Pill has been improved. to Dacheng level.The price is 10w energy.

[Golden Elixir Level 11]: Cultivation, swallowing a golden elixir, my life is up to me.Young man, choose it, as long as you choose it, you will be able to become a superior Jindan stage monk, possessing stronger aura and mana.But pay attention, your golden elixir is only a middle-grade elixir, and it needs to be continuously polished and refined before it can become a top-grade elixir, or even a nine-rank elixir!The selling price is [-] energy.

Su Xing first eliminated the talent of Qi Yuxuanang. He now has the spiritual roots of wood and fire, which can be regarded as a powerful weapon, and there is no need for it to be bigger.

"Cultivation of the first level of the golden elixir stage is a must! This can greatly improve my strength, and even the spiritual energy in my body... But what the hell is the high-grade golden elixir mentioned later, the nine-turn golden elixir?"

Su Xing rolled his eyes, as if he had seen a big hole waiting for him to fill it.

As for the other option, Su Xing hesitated for a moment, but chose the one with ten years of alchemy experience. After all, this alchemy experience gave him a Dacheng-level internal organs refining pill.

As long as he wakes up and brings it back, he might be able to directly improve his body training to the state of organ refining in the next simulation!

"I choose to bring back my Golden Core stage cultivation base and ten years of alchemy experience!"

A reminder sound came from the awakened ear.

[Ding, you chose to bring out ten years of alchemy experience, spent 10 points of energy, and the remaining energy is 30 points. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the Golden Core Stage 11 cultivation base, spending 19 energy points, and the remaining energy is 7000 points. 】

In his waking mind, it was as if a thunderstorm struck the ground, but his temperament and body still underwent tremendous changes.

A steady stream of spiritual energy appeared in Su Xing's body out of thin air, and the awakening seemed to be a matter of course. His cultivation had doubled in just a few tens of seconds, and his mana had become more than ten times stronger.

If the spiritual energy in Su Xing's body was originally like a spring, then the spiritual energy in his body now will stretch endlessly, like a stream.

Condensation, compression... Finally, it explodes!
Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, and felt that the spiritual power began to undergo further changes, the stream-like spiritual power began to gather continuously, and finally merged into a deep pool in the body—the dantian.

The spiritual power in the body is like a small seed, which slowly begins to sprout, then grows young leaves, and then blossoms and bears fruit.Su Xing felt the existence of this fruit, like a small golden elixir, relaxing in his dantian.

The strength of the awakened body has become stronger than before, as if every cell in the body is cheering, and at the same time, the spiritual power of the awakened has also been improved in the process, the awakened consciousness is more acute, and it seems that even the Lingtai is clearer .

There was no pain in this process, but it was as easy as a spring breeze.

Finally, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a golden light seemed to flash through his eyes.

"Is this...the feeling of the Golden Core Stage?"

(End of this chapter)

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