Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 40 The mystery of the golden elixir stage, the new skill Spirit Explosion

Chapter 40 The mystery of the golden elixir stage, the new skill Spirit Explosion
Wake up and think back to my reaction when I broke through in the simulator, it should be painful and tormented.

After several months of retreat, he finally made a difficult breakthrough to the golden core stage.

But in the reality of awakening, with the help of the simulator, it took less than a minute to easily break through to the Golden Core realm, as if he had obtained it after decades of hard work.

And the awakening in the simulator should have taken a lot of magic pills to break through. The cultivation base should be vain, but at this moment the awakening's cultivation base is extremely stable, with a feeling of handiness.

This means that the simulator can not only bring cultivation feedback to the awakening, but even without any side effects.

Thinking of this, Su Xing slowly put one hand deep, and with a movement in his heart, a three-inch small cyclone appeared in Su Xing's hand. The small cyclone kept spinning like a small tornado, transparent and full of spirituality, this is spirituality. A cyclone formed by gathering forces!
Su Xing tried to continuously compress and solidify the spiritual power cyclone in his hand. A few seconds later, a continuously rotating cyclone was born. Su Xing could feel the powerful power in this cyclone, which might be difficult even for gold-level professionals.

Feeling the continuous vibration of the cyclone, it seemed that it was about to erupt, so Su Xing quickly controlled the cyclone and began to disintegrate.

Tens of seconds later, the cyclone slowly disappeared in Su Xing's hand.

Su Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered:

"Damn, thank goodness it's under control. Otherwise, if the cyclone gets out of control, the entire dormitory building will be flattened, right?"

Su Xing felt his body, and the spiritual power in his body probably lost less than one-tenth.

It seems to be very little, but in the real world, he can't replenish his spiritual energy at all. Apart from using spirit stones to replenish his spiritual energy, he can only replenish it by going to the blessed land of Lingtian.

But at this moment, he is already a golden elixir stage monk, and I am afraid that this [-]% spiritual power will only need a spiritual stone to replenish it.

"Damn, what a prodigal!"

When Su Xing felt distressed, he also felt a little guilty. Fortunately, he controlled it in time, otherwise the entire dormitory building would be blown up, and he might be arrested as a terrorist.

At the same time, there was some excitement in his waking eyes. He hadn't mastered the cultivation spell at the moment, and he was able to possess such destructive power just by relying on his cultivation at the Golden Core Stage.

"Sure enough, cultivating immortals is the right way! Level training or something, it's just a low-level profession!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, and after sorting out his thoughts, he realized that a lot of memories had appeared in his mind at some point. This was the ten years of alchemy experience he had gained in the simulation this time.

It's just that just breaking through the Golden Core stage had too much impact on his awakening, causing him to almost ignore this equally important alchemy experience.

"Hey! Just one simulation, saving 15 years of hard training... I'm also a Golden Core Stage cultivator now!"

Su Xing could not help but feel a little flustered at the moment, but then he immediately became paralyzed when he thought of the catastrophe that would destroy the world more than ten years later.

"Hold on, don't wave!"

"Hold on, don't wave!"

"Hold on, don't wave!"

Su Xing said silently three times in his heart, always being vigilant to himself. Although his cultivation base has greatly increased now, he can be compared to a professional in the golden period, but he is still far away from preventing the disaster that will happen 15 years later!
To put it bluntly, not to mention the disaster 15 years later, even the Adventists couldn't deal with it.

"But speaking of it... I'm already in the Golden Core Realm now. I really should find a way to get the second half of Changchun Kung Fu in the dungeon. Otherwise, even if I cultivate the Nine-Turn Golden Core, I still won't be able to match the Yuanying Patriarch!"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated, and began to think about what choices he should make in the next dungeon.

There are two things that are urgently needed to wake up now. The first is Changchun Kungfu, which is related to whether he can break through to the Nascent Soul Stage or even a higher realm.

The second is the Organ Refining Pill, as long as Su Xing can successfully swallow the Organ Refining Pill, he might become a strong person in the realm of Organ Refining, and his cultivation will double by then!

"But...if you have a stronger talent, maybe you can consider it?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he called out his professional panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator (the only hidden occupation)]

[Cultivation level: Golden Core Stage [-]st level, body refining state is perfect]

[Gongfa: Changchun Gong]

[Talent: wood-fire dual-line spiritual root, death will not rest in peace, Mr. Vigorous, good luck, sudden inspiration, perseverance...]

[Skills: Lihuo (Beginner), Alchemy (Beginner), Spirit Explosion (Beginner)]

[Equipment: Jade Blood Long Sword (Green), Long Spiked Chain Mail (Green), Qingyun Boots (Green)]

After breaking through the golden core stage, Su Xing's strength has obviously improved a lot.

Although the cultivation base of the Great Perfection in the Body Refining Realm is a bit stretched, Su Xing is still waiting to break through to the Bowel Refining Realm with all his strength!
And Su Xing's talents have also come to six. These six talents are very important for Su Xing, and they are the guarantee for him to better simulate.

"Now I have six talents, but I just don't know how many talents I can master?"

Su Xing had a premonition that this talent must not have an upper limit, otherwise, if he carried thousands of talents with him, wouldn't he be invincible?
"Huh... I seem to have an extra skill, Spirit Explosion?"

Su Xing was stunned when he saw his skill bar. He had only mastered the two skills of Lihuo and alchemy before. Obviously, in the professional panel, Lihuo alchemy was divided into two parts.

As for the spiritual explosion technique?Su Xing didn't remember that he had learned this skill at all!
But then Su Xing's heart moved, he reacted, and murmured:
"Could it be that the cyclone I tried to condense before was recognized as a skill by the professional panel?"

Su Xing is thoughtful, which means that although he cannot explode skill scrolls by fighting monsters, opening treasure chests, etc., he can comprehend skills by himself.

It may not seem so convenient, but it has infinite possibilities.

And the professionals in this world are a bit like the online game professionals in the previous life, there is a cooldown time after releasing the skills.

Su Xing remembered that when his good buddy Yu Yan was still a Bronze-level professional, he just released a fireball, and he seemed to be completely wilted. He could only hit the monster's head with a stick.

On the contrary, if you wake up, as long as you have enough aura in your body, you will be able to release spells such as Lihuo and Spirit Explosion all the time.

"It seems that in the subsequent simulations, the mastery of Spiritual Explosion may also be on the agenda?"

Su Xing silently wrote down his plan in his heart.

In the next week, Su Xing continued to refine the beauty elixir.

After breaking through to the golden core stage, the awakened spiritual power is even stronger, and the spiritual energy in the body can almost continuously perform the Lihuo technique for more than an hour, so the speed of alchemy is also several times faster.

It only took one day for Su Xing to successfully refine 200 low-end Yangyan Pills.

"Huh... finally finished refining!"

(End of this chapter)

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